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Take My Breath Away

"no you dont" she said trying to make a serious face. "but what if i like it" she smiled scanning his face blushing.
"whale then" she said laughing pulling out a lollipop from her pocket and shoving it in her mouth smiling "no you shall not have my candy!" she adds squinting her eyes.
Aaron sticks her tongue at him then throws a piece a marshmallow at him smiling "here, take the marshmellow" she said walking up to him shoving one in his mouth then some chocolate and crackers. "there you smore...dont question my mentally retarded problems okay?" she said laughing.
"there you go" she said smiling petting his head "god your hair soft" she said smelling it "mmm smells good too" she adds looking up at him smiling.
"cause its amazing, you have freaking hair okay" she mutters laughing running a hand through it "your lucky it's so soft" she laughed looking up at him smiling.
Aaron smiled covering her cheeks "your making it worse" she said looking up at him as her cheeks turned cherry red.
"yeah i get nervous and shy quickly...when people complement me, people like you" she mutters quietly smiling looking up at him.
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She laughs then looks up at him "you sure like getting compliments dont you" she said smiling at him blushing.
"aha, of course you do" she laughs poking his cheek "i declare war" she said looking up at him squinting her eyes "a poking war" she muttered.
"are you being cereal right now?" she laughs looking up at him poking him in the stomach then his eye "aha" she said running climbing up in a tree looking down at him.

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