Take Me Home (Captain Caramel & Panther_Queen)

Take Me Home

A Roleplay Between Captain Caramel and Panther_Queen

Player: Captain Caramel

Name: Angelica Morgan

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: Angelica is a woman of average height with a curvy figure. She has light skin, rare violet eyes, and long golden-blonde hair that she usually keeps tied up. In public, she wears blouses with jeans or slacks (depending on the formality of the occasion), but at home she will often wander around her house in her pajamas or bathrobe.


Personality: Good-tempered and kind, Angelica loves people because she believes humans are inherently good. Unfortunately, people do not always act good, so she prefers to live somewhat secluded, in the peace of nature. When writing, especially, she enjoys peace and quiet.

History: Angelica began writing when young, and one of her stories was picked up by a publisher as she was in college. She publishes her fiction works under the pseudonym Galen Lisear, but her linguistic research during college was published with her real name. Besides her publisher, no one else knows who Galen Lisear is, and no one knows Angelica is anything more than a linguist. The works of Galen Lisear had become popular, so Angelica quit college after receiving her Bachelor's degree, and has been a full-time writer for the past few years. She lives just within a large forest, renting her parents' old cabin for a very good price.

Player: Panther_Queen

Name: Dark Scoundrel

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Dark Scoundrel has milky white skin with wispy black hair. He has golden cat-like eyes, furry black cat ears & sleek black tail. His nails are long & sharp like a cat's claws. He usually wears dark long sleeved hoodies, dark pants, boots, & black gloves. He covers up most of his body as his body is riddled with scars.


Personality: Being true to his name, Dark Scoundrel can be mischievous & sneaky. He prefers to be alone & keep to the shadows. He enjoys piece & quiet but the occasional bout of noise can be just as soothing depending on his situation. Though he does take baths regularly & can swim, he's still not that fond of water. Despite looking more human, he can sometimes take on a bit of a cat personality.

History: Dark Scoundrel was born on the streets as a normal human boy. He has been alone & homeless for as long as he can remember. By the age of three he was found half dead in an alley usually populated with the homeless by a group of scientists. Seeing no parents around to claim the boy & no one willing to step forward they decided to take the boy in. Upon no news reports for missing boys they eventually started testing on the boy & doing experiments on him, calling him only by the name 'Test Subject 7522'.

When he turned six, one such experiment involving stray cats went wrong. Instead of their intended result they had created a human/cat hybrid. Realizing their mistake they dumped him back onto the streets, thinking he would surly die in a gutter somewhere & no one would be none the wiser & able to connect the strange boy to their lab. But the boy survived, doing what he could in order to do so.

The world had not been kind to the strange cat boy & he quickly learned to keep to the shadows. Those that he came across would usually call him a scoundrel. Upon the age of fourteen he came across a twenty-one year old male who had decided that this strange boy was his ticket to riches. He lured the boy in with kindness like no one had shown him before. Given what the boy had told him about his life he named the boy Dark Scoundrel. He clothed, fed, & taught the boy. But instead of making the boy a friend he made him a pet, sometimes showing him kindness other times beating him near death.

At the age of sixteen he was already suffering from Stockholm's Syndrome. That made it easier for the man to force his pet to do horrible things. He started out making the boy steal & do B&E's, seeing as how the boy was already experienced in such things already. Soon he began molesting & raping his pet, forcing him into prostitution shortly after. He even forced the boy to do murder for hire.

Things went good for the man until his pet turned twenty-four. A scratch to the face sent the man into a rage & he beat Dark Scoundrel so bad he thought he had killed him. His owner stripped him down & dumped the bloody lifeless body in the forest for the animals to ravage. Unbeknownst to him, Dark Scoundrel was alive, albeit barely.
Out for her morning walk through the forest, Angelica spotted something unusual. Something... pale, like human flesh. She hurried over towards the strange spot and moved the tall surrounding grass away to reveal a fully naked male curled up and lying on his side. Angelica's first aid training kicked in quickly. Ignoring his nudity, she rolled the man onto his back and put her cheek above his lips and her fingers to his throat. She could feel his pulse and see his chest rise and fall, but barely felt his weak breath on her cheek. 'Oh good, he's alive!' she thought as she pulled out her phone to call 911. "Damn!" the normally good-tempered woman swore as she recalled that she did not get cell service out this far in the woods. In fact, she had to use her landline because her house was just out of range of the nearest cell tower. She would have to return home to make the call, but first she would check for any serious damage.

Turning back to the guy on the ground, Angelica noted he was covered in bruises as well as old scars. She frowned as she wondered where this young man had come from and what he had been through. 'This is terrible, he's probably got all sorts of internal bleeding.' Pulling off her hoodie, Angelica placed it over his waist to preserve his dignity. Then she began feeling his body for any breaks that would prevent her from moving him. She started with his head, and it was then that she felt the soft, triangular ears that had been hidden by his hair. "What is this?!" she asked herself incredulously, noticing the matching tail. They seemed to be attached, so she continued to feel his spine, chest, and limbs. Satisfied that nothing was broken and she could move him, Angelica got up and began running home.

Instead of calling for an ambulance, the solitary woman got in her car and drove around to a road that would lead her close to the unconscious man. "I don't know what he is, but it might not be a good idea to call for anyone else..." she told herself, throwing the car into park and retrieving a blanket out of the backseat. She wrapped the beaten man in the blanket, carried him to the car, and drove him home. When she got there, she got him into her bed and cleaned and bandaged some of the worst wounds that were bleeding. Next, Angelica picked out a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants that were a few sizes too big for her and left them and a glass of water neatly on the nightstand. Exhausted from carrying the larger man, she dropped on the couch to take a short nap, figuring she would begin to tend to his remaining wounds as best she could when she woke up.
Dark Scoundrel awoke. His whole body was sore & ached. He remembered Master beating him again. It was his own fault. He shouldn't have scratched him. Slowly he sat up & looked around. This did not appear to be his room Master had for him at home. Maybe Master had moved him here for some reason. He also noticed he was bandaged. There was clothes & water for him on the nightstand.

He stretched & licked an un-bandaged wound before slowly getting up. He felt dizzy & sick to his stomach, much like every beating, only this time a bit worse. He sipped the water to calm his nausea. After looking at the t-shirt, he put it on. It seemed odd to him. Not his usual style, but if that's what Master wanted him to wear. The pants were even more strange as there was no hole for his tail. Was he supposed to hide it? Master had never requested it hid before. He groaned, not sure what to do. He decided to keep his tail out. With one sharp claw-like fingernail he cut a small slit in the back of the pants just big enough to pull his tail through.

He began to head for the door of the room, holding on to whatever he could to brace himself & keep himself from falling over. He groaned again. It hurt to even walk. Slowly he made his way out of the room. "M-Master?! I-I'm up M-Master! I-I'm awake!" He called out for his Master, not sure of where the man would be in this strange house. Why had Master brought him here? & where was here?

He came to what looked like a living room. There was someone lying on the couch. It didn't appear to be his Master. Master was big, muscular, dark & the scent he gave off was musky & manly. The person on the couch appeared to be smaller & thinner than Master & was pale like he was. The scent was flowery & feminine. He was always wary of new people. Most thought he was a freak. Others thought they could bully him. He may have been short, standing at only 5'3", but he was quick & had his claws to protect him. Slowly & quietly he approached the couch, staying just enough away. "M-M-Master?" He knew it wasn't but he had to have hope.

(Sorry, I forgot to put his height in the description so I stuck it in there.)
Angelica woke with a start at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. Sitting up quickly, she matched the voice to the wounded man supporting himself on a table. 'Oh, so that wasn't a dream,' Angelica concluded as she moved and her aching muscles lent credence to what she was seeing.

The first thing Angelica noticed about the man was his golden eyes. Then his strange cat ears and tail. He liked wild, but was so bruised and stooped that he didn't seem intimidating at all.

She want sure what the strange man had called out - 'Was it "Master"?' - but thought it wise to introduce herself and make sure he knew he was safe. After a beating like his, Angelica was afraid he might be volatile. And she still had no idea what to make of his cat-like features. Ignoring that matter for the moment, she stood slowly, raiding her hands in front of her, palms facing forward, in a gesture to show him she meant no harm. "My name is Angelica. I can help you find whoever you're looking for, but you're injured. Let me help you first."
As the woman rose he his eyes narrowed. Something wasn't right about this situation. Where was his Master? Who was she? He let out a low cat-like growl as he slowly backed away. He was prepared to defend himself if need be.

She stood slowly, palms raised. She introduced herself & told him she meant no harm. But he's heard that before. He cocked his head to the side a bit in a curious manner. Help him find Master? Why would he need to find him? Wasn't he here? Where was here? & if Master wasn't here why was he? How did he get here? He had so many questions & no answers. But the woman had introduced herself. It would be rude of him not to do likewise. Maybe she could give him the answers he needed.

He stood up as straight as he could for as much pain as he was in. He had to show he wasn't afraid, but he still kept his distance from her. "My name is Dark Scoundrel. I'm looking for my Master. Why am I here?"
Angels steeled herself as the stranger growled and took a step back. She didn't want him to know she was afraid. As she introduced herself, he looked curious, his head tilted slightly exactly like a cat. When he straightened up to introduce himself back, Angelica winced slightly. 'This is one hell of a bluffing game,' she thought; luckily for her, she wasn't too bad at bluffing when the person didn't know her well.

The cat-man had said Master. Reasons for this started popping up in the woman's creative mind, but she quickly pushed them away. Noticing her guest's claws, Angelica didn't want to lose focus. She didn't really know how to answer his question, and knew she ought to read carefully in this situation. "You were hurt, so I took you in to help you. Please let me do so," she pleaded.
Dark Scoundrel pondered her response for a moment. It wasn't unusual for him to be hurt. But what was unusual was for him to wake up in a strange place. Of course he hadn't been hurt so bad before. Was she someone Master had hired? If so then why had Master let her take him? Why couldn't she treat him at home?

He let out a soft, unsure mewl before slowly inching a bit closer to Angelica but stopping to leave a good bit of distance between them. If Master had hired her then it was best he let her treat him or he may be worse off. He had learned from experience it was wise not to make Master angry. Master could be kind & loving but also hateful & mean as well. Better to stay on the man's good side. "Very well. You can treat me." He agreed, assuming she must be hired by Master. What else could explain the reason for him being here?
Though the stranger seemed unsure about her, he moved somewhat closer to Angelica. The worn woman breathed a soft sigh of relief as he agreed to let her tend to his wounds; she wasn't sure if it was more because he would get help, or she was able to be less afraid of him. "Okay, how about you take a seat?" Angelica asked, gesturing towards the couch. Before he could move, she recalled that he was dirty from lying on the ground, and she had to clean his worst wounds before bandaging them. "Ah, wait! You're covered in dirt, how about you take a shower or bath and wash that off?" As the words exited her mouth, she realized that he may not like water if he's really a cat. But she was going to continue avoiding that subject.

Slowly, so as not to startle the man, Angelica moved towards a closet and pulled out a towel. She held it toward him and gestured with her other hand at a door out in the hall, "The bathroom's over there. I'll get you a set of clean clothes while you're in there. Take as much time as you need." In her head, she laughed at herself, offering first her bed and then her bathroom to a strange cat-man! But explanations could wait until after she had treated him, since she didn't want to scare him off with questions before
Dark Scoundrel was going to sit, but Angelica changed her mind. He grumbled a bit at the mention of a bath, but he knew it must be done. He was pretty dirty. He slowly reached out & took the towel from her before making his way to where she had said the bathroom was.

Looking at the shower/tub combo he opted for a bath. Normally he wouldn't have as showers were much quicker, but standing seemed to make the pain worse. He stripped down but left on the few bandages the woman had already put on him for some of his worst wounds. He figured it was best not to get soap or anything in them. Getting in the tub he rinsed most of the dirt & dried blood off of himself before plugging the tub. As much as he disliked the water, the warmth still felt nice on his aching body. He grabbed the shampoo & started to lather up his hair as well as the fur on his ears & tail.
Angelica smiled gently when the man took the towel and headed towards the bathroom. As she came back into her room, she heard the bathtub filling up. 'That will be good for him,' she thought as she took the now-dirty sheets off the bed, and put a clean set on. When she went to grab another set of clothing, she made sure to pick a pair of pants that she wasn't too attached to - the man's creation of a hole for his tail did not go unnoticed by the astute woman.

Next, Angelica started rummaging through the same closet the towel came from. After a few minutes she found the unmarked jar she was looking for. It was an herbal salve made by a friend who went through an "all-natural" phase. Supposedly, it worked wonders on bruises and muscular aches and pains, but the reclusive writer didn't tend to go out and get herself hurt very often, so she had forgotten about it. That is, until she was thinking of what she could possibly do to make someone so badly bruised comfortable. Angelica unscrewed the lid of the plastic jar and sniffed the contents: it reeked, just as it had the first day she got it. Just to double-check that it hadn't gone bad, Angelica rubbed a bit on her wrist to see if something would happen. She returned to the couch and began re-organizing her first aid kit while waiting.
Dark scoundrel scrubbed up the rest of himself & rinsed off. When he was finished he let out the tub water & dried off, removing the wet bandages. He knew from experience it was not a good idea to keep them on wet. When he was finished drying he wrapped the towel around his waist & made his way to the bedroom he'd woken up in originally. He mewled softly, wondering why Master had not yet come to at least check on him. Was he supposed to stay here overnight?

He put on the clothes she picked out for him, once again making a spot for his tail. Slowly & quietly he crept back into the living room & up to the couch. Angelica was fiddling with something. He recognized it as a first aid kit. He stood over her & watched her.
At first, Angelica had not noticed the silent stranger approach. In fact, she hadn't even registered the sound of the tub draining. So when she saw a tall figure standing over her out of the corner of her eye, she jumped more than a little. "Oh, you're done?" she nearly squeaked in surprise. 'Obviously,' she told herself, feeling silly for asking it like a question.

Looking at the man, she immediately noticed his arms were bare of the few bandages she had put on before. 'Good,' she thought, 'I'll redo those first. and then see about the rest...' She moved over a foot to leave more space on the other side of the couch, "Um, have a seat, and if you'll take off your shirt I can re-dress those deeper wounds."
Dark Scoundrel flinched a bit when Angelica jumped, unsure of what was coming next. It was out of habit. He never knew what was coming. He just had to take it in stride was all. The only times he didn't flinch when he scared people was when he was already ordered to kill them.

He looked at her in curiosity, his head slightly tilted to the side. Normally when dealing with people who asked him to take off clothes it meant Master was getting paid & it was his job to please the clients. Was she a client then? He didn't recall Master mentioning he'd have to turn a trick with a woman whose fantasy was playing doctor with a human cat. He was sure it would have at least been mentioned.

If she was a trick, it was best to please her. He sat on the couch & removed his shirt. He wasn't sure what she had planned for him, but until he found out who she really was & where Master was at he'd go along with it. Right now she was his only link.
When the stranger sat down and took off the shirt, Angelica immediately checked the wounds she had previously bandaged, applying antibiotic ointment where necessary, and then wrapping them again. As she worked, she apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just didn't realize you were there and I'm not used to having anyone else here." She spoke softly, and treated his injuries gently, trying to put him at ease.

When she was done with the worst injuries, Angelica paused a moment to recall whether he had any on his legs. She didn't want to make him feel awkward by asking him to undress completely. While thinking, she had begun massaging the herbal salve into all his bruises - which covered much of his skin. She tried to rub it in as gently as possible, knowing that touching the bruises was likely causing him pain. "Sorry if this hurts," she apologized again, "But this should help you heal faster."
He winced a bit, but he was used to having bruises & the like so it was nothing really new to him. He licked his tail that was across his lap. He figured now was as good a time as any to try to get some answers.

"So who are you anyway? I know your name, but I mean who are you? Did Master hire you to treat me? If so, then why couldn't you do it from my home? Or are you a trick? I mean I did wake up naked in a bed. Why? Why am I here? Where is Master? How did I get here? & what happened to my clothes?"

He knew it was a lot to bombard Angelica with, but he needed to get at least some answers.
Angelica listened through all of his questions, trying to keep track of them so she could answer each. Her cheeks colored slightly as he mentioned how he woke up, she had been trying not to think of it. The naive woman didn't know what he meant by trick; she thought he was talking about someone tricking him. 'That would be a cruel joke...'

"Um..." it was difficult to organize all the information, so Angelica decided not to answer the questions in the order he asked them. "Let me start at the beginning: I was taking a walk through the woods and found you unconscious beaten, and stripped. I have experience with first aid, so I treated you on scene, then took you back to my house, since I didn't think calling an ambulance was wise..." she gestured at the tail he was grooming, as if it wasn't obvious. "I don't know who your 'Master' is, but he didn't care for you well," she said, a bit of what might be anger in her voice. To the kind woman, there was no excuse for someone to get this hurt - if he did have a Master, that person should have protected him better. And the scars she saw were just more indicators that something was amiss with this man.
Dark Scoundrel's ears went flat against his skull as he heard the woman speak of how he ended up here. Was this a joke? Surely master would not have just dumped him in the woods like that. Why would he? He was Master's 'golden ticket' after all. The man has said as much himself.

He let out a low growl as she accused his Master of not caring for him. "Master does care for me!" He snapped at her. "He took me off the street. He clothed me. He fed me. He gave me a name. He only beats me when I deserve it. But he always feels bad & apologizes afterwards. He gives me everything I could ever want & in turn I give him what he wants. That's the way it's been for a while."

He put his head down. Now Angelica was doing the same things Master had done at first. Did this mean she was his new Master? He needed to find his Master & straighten this out. He remembered being beat & what led to it, but after blacking out he didn't remember anything after.
Angelica paused when his ears flattened against his had. Though she owned no pets herself, she had some experience with them and knew warning signs. When he growled and snapped at her, she recoiled away from him towards the other end of the couch. Her usually calm face showed fear, and then disgust as he mentioned his Master beating him.

He - he said his name was Dark Scoundrel? It sounded like a name for a pet rather than a person - put his head down, and Angelica instinctively reached towards him, "I'm sorry." She touched the back of his shoulder with one hand, and noticed for the first time how warm he felt. "Dark? Did he give you these scars?" she asked, tracing one gently with her finger tips.
Dark Scoundrel flinched a bit when Angelic touched him. but her touch was so gentle. He couldn't stop himself as he started to purr like a cat. "Yes. Some of them he gave to me. Others were gotten from my time on the streets & still others were from tests done when I was a child. I don't remember much from then. All I remember were people in white coats & blue face masks. There were always pets to play with, but they never stayed long. I vaguely remember being human like you then. Back then my name was Test Subject 7522. Then one day they turned me into this & put me back on the streets. But I was young & adjusted quickly. I learned how to steal to survive & live out of the alleys like the rest of the stray cats. I tried to make friends, but most people didn't take to kindly to me. I was called names like scoundrel, heathen, thief, & some more unpleasant ones, usually starting with f."

He grinned at her. "But Master found me & taught me things. He taught me how to read & write, how to do math & other basic things. He also taught me how to please him & others in a more, um, sexual nature. That's how we supported ourselves. Master was paid for me turning tricks. He also taught me how to hunt & kill others as well. Sometimes he would get paid for that as well. All that plus the burglaries, we did quite well for ourselves."
Angelica smilsd softly as the cat-man began to purr. 'That's a good sign,' she thought. She listened to his story with a mixture of horror, disgust, and a sick feeling in her stomach and ache in her chest. When he was done speaking, Angelica sat still and quiet for a few minutes. Then, she stood, handed the jar of ointment to Dark Scoundrel. "Put that on the rest of your bruises and scrapes," she ordered.

The writer needed to think, and the place for thinking was her studio. Leaving her guest on the couch, she walked across the house and entered her private black hole. She locked the door behind her and - shoving piles of papers around to make room - collapsed on the floor, her head and chest landing on a large plushie bean-bag chair. It was a lot to take in, and Angelica started by replaying the conversation in her head. After that, she grabbed a pen and paper and tried to organize her thoughts.
He looked at her with curiosity. Was it something he had said? It all seemed so normal to him. Maybe it wasn't as normal for her? As she handed him the ointment he sniffed it. It smelled repulsive. He set it down. He would heal just fine without it. He always had.

As he was putting the shirt back on something outside caught his attention. He went to the window & saw a little blue bird chirping away. His stomach started to growl. He wasn't sure if she would give him access to her kitchen or not, but birds were fair game.

He made his way out of the house, sneaking around in the shadows. He pounced! But the he missed & the bird started to fly. In true cat nature he chased it around the yard trying to catch it. As it flew into a tree, forgetting about his injuries he climbed up but it still flew away.

He mewled & jumped from the tree to her roof. He made it but lost his footing & fell from the roof. Before he hit the ground he spun himself around & landed in a crouched position on all fours. It reminded him of how sore he was.

The thought soon faded as a fat little bunny wandered to close. A grin spread across his face & in an instant he had all five of his claws on one hand dug into it. It squirmed & kicked, blood staining the white fur as well as his own milky white skin. With the other hand he ran a claw across it's throat to kill it. He looked around seeing if he could find some loose branches & logs to make a fire to cook his kill. After all, he wasn't that uncivilized.
Angelica had calmed down, and decided that she would allow the poor man to stay with her. The way his eyes had sparkled when talking about his "Master" - the man who had done such horrible things to him and made him do such terrible things - unsettled the girl. As she was thinking, a loud something banged in the roof. Jumping up, Angelica ran to the window just in time to see Dark Scoundrel soon mid-fall and land on the ground on his hands and feet. She had gasped softly, surprised every time he did something so animal-like.

The next moment was worse. He snatched a small animal - a bunny, she realized - and killed it. The dark blood of the cute, innocent animal marring it's pale fur. Shocked, Angelica ran from her studio to empty the contents of her stomach in the bathroom. After she fished the toilet and wiped her face off, she went outside to find Dark Scoundrel trying to start a fire. 'I need to set some rules if he'll be staying here,' she thought. Putting her hands on her hips and clearing her throat, she tried to speak confidently, "You can cook that inside, if you know how to use the stove. But please do the messy work out here." She didn't want an innocent rabbit to be skinned in her house!
Dark Scoundrel grinned at her as she came out. "Of course I know how to use a stove. What do you take me for? An animal?" He winked at her, then proceeded to skin, gut. & debone the animal with his claws. It was fairly simple seeing as how he was used to such things.

Once inside, he began to cook his kill. He figured now was a good time to learn something about her since she knew things about him already. "So why haven't you told me anything about yourself? Other than finding me in the woods, you haven't said anything really about you." He looked at her curiously, his head slightly cocked to the side like a cat.
Angelica blushed at his reply, she hadn't meant it like that, for she knew regular people who didn't know how to cook. But she quickly realized how rude she sounded, and apologized softly. When Dark began skinning the rabbit, she had to retreat inside, reminding herself to tell him to not kill anything more. But when he came inside and asked about her, she forgot. Sitting at the table and watching him cook, she tried to think of what to tell him.

"Um, I don't have much to tell. This is my parents vacation home, but I live here because I'm a writer and I like the peacefulness of the forest. The city distracts me and it's hard to concentrate on writing. Also, some of what I write is anonymous, and it's easier to hide my identity out here in the middle of nowhere."
He chuckled a bit at her apology. It wasn't necessary. He was used to things like that. He wasn't so used to apologies.

He looked at her a bit curiously. A writer? He'd wondered if he'd ever read anything she wrote. Books were a bit of an escape for him from his life every once in a while. He grinned at her. "The forest can be peaceful, but too much quite & thoughts overrun. Too many questions arise with no one but the whisper in the tress to answer them. Sometimes the noise of the city is a break from one's own mind & can appear quieter."

As the rabbit was cooked he sat down at the table to eat. "Would you like some?" It couldn't hurt to offer, could it?

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