Take Back the Crown

Valeiah reached out for the bottle, giving it a spin. She'd never played a game like this before, she was used to just throwing knives at and punching trees. The bottle twirled for a few seconds, then landed on...

"Foxy! Truth or dare?"

"Oh." Was all that came from his mouth at first, surprised the bottle had actually landed on him. "Oh." He repeated again as the realization sank in that Valeiah of all people would be giving him his sentence. He figured she would be just as good at dares as the two who started this mess were. But truth was just no fun... "dare!" He grinned back at her, awaiting whatever she would throw at him....hopefully not in a literal sense. 

Watching the woman's face as she seemed to inspect her own. Smiling quietly, her ears went hot and she held her journal close to her chest,"I don't do much poetry but ill make sure to share it with you if I do ever come to it." dipping her head as Oceana excused herself.

Valeiah grinned a bit. Oh, what could she do? It seemed like now that it was her turn to give a dare, her mind had been wiped. "Ummm...." She looked at everyone else in the group, even the ones not playing. "Alright. I dare you to do whatever anyone wants you to do for a whole day." She said finally.

Slowly he nodded as he also looked at their other companions. "Anything for anyone. Got it." He stated as if he were confident about it. But during this game? It made him a victim for whoever saw fit and he had a sinking feeling that someone would push just how far he would actually go to upkeep this dare. Which he was etermined to keep it no matter the extent he was pushed. one day. he thought. I got this. Just one. Whole. Day. 

Oceana stared blankly at the center of the circle where the bottle spun, looking but not seeing.

She was too busy trying not to think about how cute Aggie looked when she blushed. 

The bottle stopped and Valeiah spoke.

Her eyes suddenly snapped to Foxrun and she shook her head, a disappointed frown on her face.

"You're so dead, laddie." The elf mumbled. With nimble fingers, she plucked a now-cold meat pie from her plate and bit into it. 

The huntress wondered who was the next victim in their funny little game.

@Tater @GalacticRam
"Wait. You all do realize this means we basically have infinite dares to annoy Foxy with?" Kacel'la pointed out with a smirk. "I'm very tempted to tell him to cluck like a chicken anytime someone says his name or something equally embarrassing." She giggled.

"I see that smirk and I don't like it. Don't start another blood feud like last time I saw you grin that way." Dorian mumbled.

"I did not know the curse on amulet was that bad." Kacel'la stated in a tone of a petulant child and rolled her eyes. "Foxrun, pick the next player, please"

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Feeling somewhat grateful for the aversion, no matter how short it may end up being, he nodded "gladly!" Giving the bottle a twist, almost too eagerly awaiting who it would land on. "Ah," he grinned slightly as it halted right on the elder mage. "Svetlana, truth or dare, if you would be so kind?" 

@Lo Alyssa
  "Ooh!" The old woman exclaimed with glee, excited for finally being chosen. It was a very tough question though; truth or dare? Oh, how she wanted to do both. After pondering on it for a moment or too, intensely staring at the floor in thought, she finally let out a sigh and decided, "Truth!" She gave a wide smile.

"I see" he muttered as he thought of what to ask. What did one inquire from someone who, without a doubt, had very many interesting answers to give! Finally, with a small huff, "So, out of all the beasts you have encountered, which has been the most intriguing?" Surely she had seen many types of beings and creatures within her life, and this was something he truly enjoyed himself, so why not ask for this little game?

@Lo Alyssa
The question Foxrun asked instantly drew Kacel’la's attention. She loved learning about any kind of unusual creature, this proved by how many orphans of said creatures she had taken in through her travels. Among said creatures had been anything from a rock bird named Riri, to a cockatrice which was actually quite a bad decision on the elf's part, from a gryphon to Snowball and Fluffy, two giant black wyrms she actually missed quite dearly. For a second she let herself wonder how the two were doing in the jungles she had last seen them. She quickly shook her head to be ready to listen to what Svetlana's answer would be, absentmindedly petting the little wyvern currently curled up in her lap.
Watching the rest of the group, she held slight interest to them, placing her chin into her propped hand. Yawning quietly, she took her free hand and tucked her notebook into her side satchel and stood up. Giving a stretch, she slipped her black top over her undershirt and straightened it out, smoothing it quietly against her abdomen with small hands.

Grabbing a piece of bread, she took her notebook out and stuck her nose into it, turned on her heel and started to write and walk with the bread in her teeth. It had gotten too loud for her to focus on her writings.

It took her a moment after she left through a large arch leading outside the mess hall, she turned off to the right and wrote into her pages. Looking up occasionally in checking in making sure  she wasn't going to run into anyone.

Eventually finding a small nook with a small chalice with a lit candle, she tucked herself into the wall and pulled her knees to her chest, laying her notebook on her knees and writing down feverishly into the notebook. Lines about the Sphinx, the canyon before and just slightly before that. Her cheeks went dark for a moment and she touched her forehead to the pages,"Hmm." 

Peeking from her nook, she heard a laugh coming from the mess hall not 10 feet away from where she sat, she smiled quietly. Aggie was greatful for her newfound friends. 

Leaning her head back she exhaled quietly and let her feet swing like a small child sitting in an all too large chair.
   "Oh dear, that is a hard one, young Fox. Hmmm," she pondered to herself, "The gulper? Ah no, that was more of a close call than bizarre encounter... the baoqu? No, no, no, strange but not the strangest." The woman leaned back in frustration, there were so many memories to look back on! But finally her eyes shot open as she found it, "When I traveled to the realm of Bathelzar, a place not quite of this world," she started, "I encountered the strangest entity I had ever seen! It was a floating eye ball, with a rainbow iris. It had tentacles jutting out from all over it, and its glossy eye seemed to reflect the cosmos itself! I could see stars, moons and suns, even other worlds beyond our own! When I tried to communicate to it with my mind, I had to withdraw it was so full of immense knowledge- knowledge that even I could not handle! Bathelzar is not a well traveled road, and very few have ever managed to get there, even less have managed to leave. I'll not be revealing my secrets, but suffice to say, it was the most bizarre creature I had ever seen in my travels. To this day, I don't even know what it is called, or if it even has a name. There are no books you can find which hold any record of this creature, even though there are thousands of them in Bathelzar." With that she cast her hand at the fire to create an image, as she had done before while telling stories, so she could show them what the creature looked like.

   With that she ended her story, as that was one place no one in their group could have traveled. It took her fifty years of fasting and meditating in the same spot before she could cast her soul into the other world, and it took far longer for others. She folded her arms and the image dissipated, hoping to have given them an intriguing story to think about.

@GalacticRam (and everyone else!)
At the mention of each creature, his eyes grew wider. She would certainly have to tell more about these other creatures at another time! "That sounds thrilling! Although I find it hard to believe there was too much knowledge for you to handle!" He watched as the flames took shape to reveal the eye. He immediately felt the urge to reach out to it, then let out a laugh. It was fire, that definitely wouldn't be a wise thing to do! "The best storytelling around, as always, thank you for sharing!" He then motioned to the bottle "after you?" 

@Lo Alyssa(and all)
   Svetlana gave Foxrun a wink before giving the bottle a spin. It slowly came to a stop and landed on... Lucasta!

   "It looks like it is your turn now, princess!" Svetlana rubbed her hands together, "Truth or Dare?"

Lucasta watched as the bottle spinned with anticipation. She was already having so much fun, and it hasn't even landed on her yet!

The bottle came to a stop, pointed directly at her! She grinned widely as Svetlana asked her the thrilling question. "Dare!" She blurted out. She took no thought into whether or not she wanted a dare or truth. But after saying 'dare' she knew she was in for it, and she couldn't take it back.

@Lo Alyssa
   Svetlana held her hand to her chin yet again as she was presented with another problem. Answering her Truth question was hard enough, but now she had to pick a dare for the princess!? She stared intently at the floor as several ideas flashed through her mind. Eventually, after a few minutes of considering, her mouth shot open, "Ah!" She exclaimed, breaking the silence and startling some who had lulled away while waiting, "I've got it!"

   She gave out a chuckle before continuing, "I challenge you to do the chulk chulk dance with your brother!" Svetlana said clapping her hands in delight. The chulk was a bizarre bird indigenous to the valleys Lucasta and Lucas were born in. The dance was quite popular for children, as it looked ridiculously funny and you had to make the obnoxious clucking noises a chulk chulk would make while you danced! The old hag was looking forward to this show.

   Lucas, who had been drawing in a journal of his, whipped his head up at the mention of his name, "B-but... I'm not apart of this silly game!" He protested, scooting farther away from the circle.

   "Nonsense!" Svetlana grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him closer, "This is a dare, your sister must follow through. It is a question of honor!" She shouted, holding back her laughter, "Do it for the good of Algoran, young Prince!" The witch then shoved him towards his sister who he made eye contact with, his gaze pleading for her to deny the dare. The chulk chulk dance of all things!? His face reddened at the thought, and now it matched the same hue as Yaroslav's fiery hair.

Oceana grinned a little at the thought of her new apprentice dancing some ridiculous bird dance. She helped Svetlana drag the boy closer.

"Come now, lad. How could you be a brave hunter if you cannae even do a wee child's jig?" Came the cajoling murmur. She kept her face a reassuring emotionless mask as she teased him.

Inside however, the elven huntress was holding back a torrent of wicked giggles.

"Cannae leave Her majesty hanging out to dry now can you? Go on now."

She patted him on the back and then sat back to enjoy the show.

@Lo Alyssa
Lucasta's mouth dropped. "You've got to me joking." She giggled. "After all of these dares, that's the best you could come up with?" She laughed, and grabbed her brother's hands, pulling him to dance with her. As she started dancing with her brother, she started clucking to the tune.

Spinning around with her brother, she went form jumping around to making the embarrassing arm movements while clucking. She held one hand with her brother, and they both balanced on one leg, while flapping their arms around. But they both tripped and fell. Lucasta laughed while Lucas's face was as red as ever.

"Oh gosh, I haven't danced to that song in awhile." She patted her brother on the shoulder and wiped tears from her eyes.

@Lo Alyssa
   Lucas retreated to his small corner of solitude with a steaming face after finishing the dance with his sister. Whilst the princess had seemed to enjoy herself quite thoroughly, the prince was feeling no small amount of embarrassment. Some day he would be King! What king ever danced in such a goofy way? He continued drawing in his red leather journal while the group persisted with their silly game. Loud mirth filled the dwarven halls as they were forced to speak unspeakable truths, and commit such ridiculous dares. The group probably felt as if they could go on all night, as laughter was hard to come by during such hard times where the world seemed to suck all the reserves you had dry. Eventually, Svetlana was forced to tuck them all in as the sun had set hours ago, and they would all need any rest they could get before the long journey they'd have to take at dawn. Sleep came easy for most, their bellies full and warm, and their cots cozily inviting. Hjalmar was one of the spare few who couldn't seem to find sleep, no matter how much they wanted it. And it showed, as with every new morning, the bags under his eyes appeared darker.

   The group was awakened fairly early, almost as soon as the sun was rising. It painted the skies in a red hue, casting long shadows over the canyons and the deserts beyond. The crevices were quiet, not a creature stirred. The only echoes to be heard bouncing off the dusty walls were the footsteps of the companions as they groggily trudged through sand towards their horses and supplies. Svetlana was surprised to see that the horses were gone, as was their supplies. When she and the group sought out Sverrir, they found him waiting near the archway that led out of their encampment.

   "Are you that ready to be rid of us, Sverrir?" Svetlana called out with an amused smile.

   "Aye, that I am! The days you and your companions have spent mooching off of us have been the most dreadful days of my life!" He joked, ending his sentence with a chuckle. He waved for them to come closer. The caravans were still covered in tarp, but when Svetlana got close enough, he dramatically pulled them off- a cloud of smoke puffed up from the ground as the tarp dropped.

   Svetlana silently gasped at the sight. The caravans seemed wider and longer, re-enforced with dwarf-make metals that gleamed an orange glow in the sun. She caressed the intricate patterns carved to the sides, nearly speechless at the generosity the old dwarf displayed, "I knew you were going to fix a wheel or two, maybe patch up the wood- but never did I expect this! Sverrir, this is beautiful. The wheels are more than fixed, you even attached extras for emergencies!" She exclaimed rushing over to the latches the spares hung from, "And they're built to work in all kinds of terrain! And oh- look at the benches!" She hopped up onto the front of the caravan, taking a seat on the soft wooden bench. It was almost as if the dwarf got started, and decided to take it apart- not keeping a single piece of the original. He practically made two new caravans!

   "You think that's good?" He smiled widely, "Then why don't you take a look inside!" He pointed towards the little closed entrances he added to the backs, finished with small steps that led up to them. Svetlana slowly opened the door, taking note that the dwarves had organized her supplies, adding new stocks for the journey ahead. There were shelves, drawers and even little counters to sit at! The ceilings had a place for folded tents and cots so they would be easier to put up and take down. "There are more compartments under the floorboards." He added pointing at the small latches on the floor, "I also added a small stove in both so in case your journey gets cold, you can find warmth in these caravans! The walls are insulated, so they should stay generally cool in the beating sun, and warm in the freezing winds! And you're probably thinking that these caravans are much heavier than the last, but they're actually lighter believe it or not! We chose a sturdy metal that is both durable and light. It's lighter than the wooden frame you had once before!" He said quite proudly.

   Svetlana looked at him with glistening eyes, a tear rolled down her cheek as she sat in the doorway, "Sverrir..." She started, unable to find the words, "This must have taken you endless hours of no food and no rest." She said quietly, "I would thank you, but no words can describe how much this means to me..."

   "For Algoran." The dwarf stated bluntly and then paused, "Svetlana, this is the least I can do. You and these fine folk are on a mission to free this good world. If anyone is making sacrifices, it is you, it is them." He gestured at the others, "This? This is nothing. Since I can not come with you, I will send what aid I can... and wish you the greatest luck." With this, the dwarf hugged the woman's thin waist, as he was too short to give her a proper one. Svetlana returned the gesture.

   Wiping a tear away, the dwarf cleared his throat, "Now, now, it's time for you to head out. I shan't keep you! You have a crown to finish, and hot plains to travel." He quickly waddled away to fetch the last of the supplies. Svetlana laughed, he was never fond of goodbyes.

   After the last of the supplies was tucked away, Svetlana checked both caravans to be sure they were well equipped for their trek ahead. Considering the plains lacked streams or rivers of any kind, Sverrir had strapped two large barrels on top of both caravans full of fresh clean water so no one would tragically die of thirst. The caravans themselves were stuffed full of preserved foods, herbs, cots, tents, clothes, weapons, and all manner of supplies. There was even room for some impractical things such as books and trinkets. With a bittersweet farewell, the group departed from Sverrir and the dwarves who gathered at the archway to see them off. "May the Dayar protect you!" He had shouted at them as they faded from sight.

   It took them nearly four days to navigate their way out of the canyons, and nearly two more before they saw any change of scenery. One of their barrels was already half empty, and Svetlana took advantage of any water they could get theirs hands on- trying to reserve their water as the plains were almost just as merciless as the desert. After reaching the border between the shifting sands of Kebrun and the flat grasslands of Tárfella's domain, the group pressed on through the plains. Though the sun was hot, the cool breeze which blew across the landscape brought much needed relief, and the companions weren't too intolerably uncomfortable- at least, not as they were in the canyons. The grass danced with the wind. The green color was refreshing from the constant yellows, reds, and oranges of the desert. There was no shade of tree, but only the occasional shrub and strange rock formations that were long and positioned in such an unnatural fashion, it seemed someone had picked them up and placed them upright like a pillar. They would often make camps around these sparsely placed rocks, positioning themselves in the shade it would offer when the sun would rise the next morning. They traveled this way for nearly two weeks, and finally they spotted a change of scenery. Since the evening was upon them, the clouds a bright pink contrasting the darker hues of blue behind them, the stars twinkled faintly, and the crescent moon found its place in the sky, they could spot the bright lights of the massive city ahead of them. It was still a fair distance away, but a welcoming sight nonetheless as they had been traveling for many days, and not a soul passed them as they traveled. The group couldn't help but smile and sigh in relief at the sight, soon they would be able to restock their food and water reserves and they wouldn't need to ration for a night or two! They all took a moment to marvel at the city. Though it was still a day away, the white marble stonework of the city stood out against the landscape, reflecting the sun setting behind them which gave it a pinkish color. It's walls were thick, but the contents within seemed to be bustling with noise and energy. This was no small village, nor a small dwarvish encampment- this was a well fortified city with a large diverse population, gathering all sorts of folk far and wide. Farms and crops were scattered across the land outside the walls, a winding river cut through the city from one direction, and exited the other. Dirt roads could be seen stretching out every which way, well used from trade and commerce. Though they were still in the wilds and hadn't found a road to travel on just yet, they were so close!

   After drinking in the sights, Svetlana pulled their attention away from the city and towards another high rock a little ways from them, "We'll make camp here for tonight," she said flicking the reigns and pulling in closer to the site.

   One good thing about the plains was that they didn't need to feed the horses. All they needed to do was unsaddle them, provide them with water, and let them graze wherever they liked until they were content. The group unpacked their tents and cots, setting them in the predicted shade spot by the stone. They pitched a fire, pulling out some nifty benches to set around it that the dwarves had ingeniously attached to the outside of the caravans somehow. After preparing the food and drinking their rations of water, the group discussed plans of travel, sang songs, Svetlana even told a story or two, and before they went to bed, they planned out the night watches and who would go for each shift that night.

   Lucas was awakened by Garrett for his shift- the second to last, and the prince sleepily picked up his feet to set himself down by the crackling fire. This night in particular was illuminated with magic lights in the sky that morphed from green, to blue, to pink. He had to snap his gaze away from them at any noise, forgetting that it wasn't light watching, but night watching. He had to keep the group safe! This was no minor task. He held his sword close to his chest, his hand gripped on the hilt. With the uneventful nights they had the past two weeks, he doubted anything bad would happen, but he shouldn't let his guard down- or at least, that's what Yaroslav always reprimanded him for whenever the warrior found him asleep during his shift. He yawned, breathing in the crisp chilly air and exhaling a wisp of vapor. He clung to his cloak a little tighter, the air was especially cold tonight.

   For fifteen minutes the prince scanned the horizon for trouble. Because of the lights in the sky, he could see farther than on your average night, he could make out the stone formations in the distance, and even the city- the thriving city that was awake and alive even at this late hour of the night. He then began to imagine what it must be like behind those walls. He had heard Svetlana describe it before. There were watch towers, and high marble buildings. Most streets were neatly kept, littered with only shops and lights. He dreamed of sleeping in a warm fluffy bed in an inn instead of a hard cot under the stars. This in turn, made the young prince sleepier than he was before, and his eye lids began to feel heavy, shutting against his will. Sleep would have overtaken him as it had all the nights before, but the sudden sound of rustling in the grass to his right sent a rush of adrenaline through his body, and the boy partially pulled out his sword in surprise.

   "Who's there!?" He whispered harshly in the direction the noise came from. But there was no reply. He squinted his eyes, and could make out the faint dark silhouette of a figure approaching him, "Who-" He started again, but stopped as the figure stepped into the light of the fire. It was a woman- a beautiful woman at that, her eyes almost seemed to glow. Lucas cautiously approached to get a better look, but soon regretted it. This was not just any woman. She was a daemon! The dead giveaway was her pair of curved horns, and he wondered how he had not seen them before. He tried to back away, but the daemon was swifter. Her arm thrashed out and hit Lucas in the chest, sprawling him back towards center of the camp. His head thumped against the dirt, and he turned to see he was mere inches from the fire pit! That was close, he thought to himself with a gulp, "We're under attack!" He shouted to alert everyone of the danger, and promptly shot up from the ground to take a fighting stance. More silhouettes formed behind the female daemon... she was't alone.

   They began charging towards the camp just as Yaroslav dashed out of his tent, his dual axes ready in hand. Without hesitation nor surprise, he quickly brought one of the axes down on the thick skull of a daemon within range. Hjalmar, Svetlana, Ashlar, and the others weren't too far behind. Everyone seemed to spring into action, prepared, after such a long break of hostilities, for a heated battle. Lucas was so distracted with making sure the others were awake, he didn't notice one of the daemons heading right towards him! He turned his head a little too late, and found himself being knocked into a tent. It crumbled under his weight, and he found himself tangled in the web of cloth. He could hear the sounds of steel clashing with steel and the bellows of battle- a battle that came upon them all too suddenly. He managed to get his head uncovered and looked up just in time to see the female daemon. She was just standing there... calmly watching the chaos unfold around them, her black hair tussled by the wind kicked up as the daemons flew past her towards the battle with uncanny speed.

   These weren't imps.

   These were full fledged and well trained daemons.

   And they were here to kill.
Sleep did not come for Aggie as she lay in her comfortable tent, on her stomach and scribbling away at her notebook about the caravan's travels. Tapping her charcoal stick against her lip, a smudge of black slipped onto the skin, making her sputter quietly,"Ppffftttptptptptttt." wiping at her face she rolled onto her back and closed her book. "Maybe I can sleep...now." going to close her eyes, the sound of scuffling caught he attention. 

Sitting up slowly, she grabbed her dagger from the side of her cot and crept towards the entrance of her tent. Peeling away the flap of it, she peered out, seeing a pair of feet kicking about and paired with a yell ,she dashed out in a slight panic. Whispering a profanity she hissed and rushed out with kniife in hand, a plume of fire exploding from her left hand. Looking towards where the prince was, she spotted the Daemon woman standing over him threateningly. Running towards the woman and Lucas, she yelled,"Lucas!" wheeling her left hand back ,she did an underthrow like motion and stomped her foot. Sand swept up from her foot and the fire collided with it, creating a small wall of glass between the woman and Lucas,"MOVE."

@Lo Alyssa
Bo sprung out of his tent with his dagger in his hand, and his heart beating quickly. He had been anticipating an attack on the group after almost two weeks of silence and peace (but then again, he tended to always anticipate such things and still be surprised by them, but he figured if he made it far enough into the journey without dying, the surprise would wear off). He'd already made note when they camped that they didn't really have the advantage of being higher ground, so there weren't many places he could go to pick daemons off from a distance. So instead he charged ahead with his dagger in hand, immediately coming into contact with a daemon's sword as he leapt out of his tent. Fortunately, he also blasted a shot of lightning in their face with his other hand. 

He began to similarly engage in combat with the other daemons incoming, trying to tastefully (and carefully) use his magic so that he didn't end up blasting any of his own group.
Sea-green eyes snapped open at the sound of the Prince's panicked cry. In a whirl of dark hair, the huntress sprung from her tent, long daggers in hand. They glinted wickedly in the colorful light from the sky.

With a glance, her keen eyes took in the scene before her; their camp was being overrun by large, snarling demons similar to the ones from their battle on the ship. Lucas was already being backed up by Aggie and the huntress left her to it.

Nearby, Bo was engaging several more daemons by shooting lightning from his fingertips. A daemon fell to the man's feet, sizzling.

She turned to see Yaroslav bury his ax into the collar of a daemon and wretch it free with a sickening crunch. 

Slamming into action, the wood elf leapt at a daemon lunging at her. With a flick of her wrist blood spurted from the thing's neck and it collapsed into a twitching heap upon the ground.

Diving back into her tent, the raven haired woman retrieved her bow and arrows and hastily crawled back out.

Stabbing her daggers into the ground at her feet, she snapped back up and notched an arrow. She sent shot after shot into the daemons flying down at them, trying her best to pick them off from afar.

@ anyone 
Kacel'la was quick to awaken, her sleep fitful at the best of times, even more so while surrounded by a big group of people. So when a call of danger came, she was quick to jump into the fray.

She twisted her blunt wooden staff, a soft click resounding before she pulled the two ends apart, revealing wicked blades which had been hidden beneath. Stabbing someone was way easier than shattering bones after all. The elf fought as she did everything: grinning, attracting attention, and as unpredictable as ever.

She made sure to make her opponents turn towards her and then suddenly appeared just behind them, or above them, steel blades finding themselves piercing hearts and spines.

It didn't take long for Kacel'la to notice Oceana, and she was quickly next to the raven-haired elf, slitting the throat of a demon which had threatened to sneak up on her.

"You pick them off with arrows, and I make sure they don't get too close to bother you, alright luv?" Kacel'la quickly quipped before she was back to running into danger.


Dorian and Garrett were also quick to join the fight. The close quarters of the battle being too cramped for Garrett to use his usual wild and uncontrolled magic, he chose his sword and shield to do the job, and the silver steel was soon running red. Dorian used Garrett as a distraction, and once demons were turned towards the loud fighting of the paladin, he was quick to either use his throwing blades or swords to finish them off.
The cry of the Prince cut through Nameen's sleep, bringing her to consciousness in an instant.  Hearing the sounds of battle quickly escalating outside she scrambled for her long blade before launching herself out of her tent and into the unknown. 

She was offered barely a glance of their overrun camp before a shadow lunged at her from her right.  With lightning speed Nameen brought her sword up just in time to deflect another crude looking blade, a loud clang sounding as they clashed.  She pushed back before jumping to the left and thrusting, impaling her assailant through their side.  Nameen drew the sword out, now stained crimson, and spared only an instant to survey the area as best as she could. 

Horned and normal figures alike flitted in between what tents were left standing.  The darkness, occasionally lit up by strikes of magic, made it somewhat difficult to tell friend from foe.  Nameen darted in between the carnage, head on a constant swivel, fighting her way through daemon after daemon while keeping her eye out for her companions. 

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