Take Back the Crown


Nameen felt her cheeks heat up as she felt everyone's eager eyes trained on her.  

"I-I -Umm.."  She stuttered, trying to speak without really knowing what she wanted to say.  

Nameen enjoyed music, but she barely even sung to herself, nevermind in front of others.  Besides that she couldn't even think of a single song to sing.  

Staring at the ground, a completely random tune suddenly popped into her head.  A old child's song she used to sing with her uncle.  

With an exasperated sigh, she lifted her head.  Might as well get this over with.  

She opened her mouth, singing one verse of the tune in a soft voice.  

Now listen well,

I have a tale to tell 

One of magic, journey and strife

So gather round!

Sit on down! 

And here I shall begin... 

Nameen then stopped, though the next part continued to play throughout her head.  She looked around st the circle, realizing she'd cut off before anything interesting had happened in the song, but hoping it was enough to pay off this dare.

@/everyone  (someone can request more of the song, only if they want to) 
Oceana had delighted in Aggie daring the quiet warrior to sing. She loved music and singing especially when it was someone new. She sat back to listen, eyes closed in consideration of her comrade. She knew the woman disliked being stared at.

As the reticent albino's voice whispered into existence, the tune soft and wavering, Oceana gave a tiny smile. 

Brave girl, she thought, despite the fact that they were all together on a mostly dangerous and futile quest.

But the singing stopped after only a verse, somewhat startling the elf out of her reverie. She unintentionally let out a small grunt of displeasure and opened her eyes.

Aquamarine eyes fixed Nameen with a curious gaze, question and slight disappointment, and a strange beseeching, evident on her face. 

Kacel'la was curious about what song Nameen would pick. Even if the tune cut out barely after being started, she couldn't help but smirk.

"That does count as a little tune." The elf pointed out, and was glad that she did when she saw the dissapointed expression Oceana wore.

"You can spin the bottle to see who goes next." She told Nameen.

@Rydellius @OlKaJa77
Aggie listened to the little tune with a pleased smile on her face. She had a lovely voice and was glad to hear even the smallest of ballots. 

Looking down to her drink, she finished it off and yawned,"Hmm." placing down her tankart, she leaned back on her hands and tipped her head back, closing her eyes and exhaling before sitting back up and taking off the black sweater top she had ontop of another black tanktop like garment. Rubbing her scarred arms up and down, she stood up and gave a stretch. 

/Ill stretch my legs. Maybe take a walk and get some actual food in me other than a biscut and mead. Yea good idea./ Tying her sweater around her waist she trotted over to the large table and made herself a plate, humming quite quietly to herself.

Nameen breathed a silent sigh of relief.  Singing a simple children's tune in front of a large group of warriors and mages was on its own level of strangeness.  

She leant forward, reaching out to the bottle in the centre and spun it.  It whirled around for a few seconds before finally stopping on a certain theif.  

Nameen stared at Hjalmar with a plain expression, though with a certain hint of mischief in her eye.

"Truth or dare Hjalmar?"

@Lo Alyssa
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   Hjalmar had been silently spectating as the group exchanged truths and dares. He couldn't recall the last time he had just sat down and played a fun game in good spirit before, he certainly couldn't do such things with the thieves he was used to working with.

   When the bottle spun to him, he flashed his white teeth in a smile. What should he pick? Certainly not truth. He wasn't sure what kind of question the warrior would ask him, and he would be compelled to answer whatever was asked. He had been doing a good job concealing his past for the most part, and not always out of sheer desire. But that left one option;

   "Dare!" He said, "And make it a good one." He added with a glint in his eye. Bring it on!

Nameen didn't think of herself to be one that was very good at making up dares.  She shifted in her spot, peering around the room to try and get an idea for a challenge she could give Hjalmar.  

Getting an idea, a small smirk broke out on her face.  Nameen rose from her seat and strode over to one of the tables.  She grabbed a mug of ale and returned to the circle with it before sliding it across the floor to the theif.  

"I dare you to down that," she gave a look at the mug, "while the rest of us try really hard to make you laugh."  

She folded her arms, waiting for his response.

@Lo Alyssa
   Hjalmar snatched the mug with a smirk adorned on his face. He raised an eyebrow, "Chug this and try not to choke? Easy." Without hesitation, hoping that his swiftness would delay others from attempting to make him laugh, he began to gulp down the mead with uncanny speed. Perhaps he'd choke from drinking too fast instead of a chortle.

   A bead of sweat rolled down his head as he realized there was no no-touching rules. He was ticklish. This would not end well for him if somebody got any ideas.

@Rydellius @ anyone
Kacel'la smirked. Make someone laugh? Easy. And when she realised there was no no-touching rule, that smirk grew into a smile of pure delight and mischief.

The second that Hjalmar started drinking, she quickly crept up and started tickling him.

Meanwhile Dorian just decided to prolong Hjalmar's suffering by teleporting mead from a jug on the table to the younger thief's cup sneakily, doing so less and less, making it look like the cup was just really hard to empty.

@Lo Alyssa
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Digging into a all too much large plate of honey smoked ham, the elf woman shuffled through her bag and brought out a small notebook. In this book she took snippits of her day and wrote them down including on how she felt through the day. It was more than halfway full and there was another full black leather one in her bag. The past few months had been event filled and provided plenty for her writing. 

Pausing as she wrote down briefly about the truth or dare game, she tapped her charcoal pencil against the moleskin paper and exhaled slowly, thinking on how to describe her night. Closing her eyes she pressed the back of her hand against her lips and exhaled slowly, her cheeks going dark with a blush as she toyed the kiss in her mind. Putting her chin and mouth in one hand, she wrote down carefully at that lovely event, even putting a little blushing drawing of herself with a heart or two. Staring down at her page she smiled and reached for her drink.

Tipping it up, she saw that the liquid was slowly receding down towards empty. Looking towards the other she lifted it up,"Aye I know the mead is good but don't take a ladies drink." downing the rest she stood up and threw a piece of ham towards Hjalmar in attempt to break his focus. 

@Lo Alyssa

Oceana grinned as Nameen announced Hjalmar's dare and she immediately threw all of her brain power into contemplating the best way to make the thief laugh.

Except Kacel'la and Dorian, mischief makers that they were, already had set to making the dare  hilariously difficult. 

Silently sulking Oceana glanced over at Aggie to see her writing in a book. Getting excited at the idea that the dark elf was writing poetry or the like, she crept up behind her and looked over her shoulder at the charcoal neatly scrawled across the page. 

She read a few lines.

The nimble huntress felt her face heat up and she took a hasty step backwards only to lose her footing and fall flat on her ass with a soft yelp.

She vainly hoped that the other elf hadn't heard her. And if she had that she would be merciful.

Oh all the elven gods named and unnamed please forgive me my trespassing! And let me escape this horrible situation! I didn't know it was a bloody journal!

Face flushed with guilt and apprehension, the forest elf awaited her judgment, behind still planted on the cold stone floor. 

Turning to look back at Oceana, she gasped and stood up, putting down her pencil and the tankard,"You alright?" she couldn't help but snicker a little as she helped pull her up. 

Now looking up at the other woman, she smiled and tipped her head,"You know, if you wanted to read it you could just ask. I have no issues in sharing it. I planned on publishing it anyway. " she offered a smile in hopes of assuring the other 

As soon as Hjalmar took a sip of his drink, Bo was on his feet, squatting, ready to go. He puffed out his cheeks and pulled his ears out. Then held his arms at his side, moving them up and down, his hands at his armpits, and he gave an impressively accurate monkey cry, going "HOO HOO HEE AAAH AAAAH!" 

@Lo Alyssa @ anybody who wants to respond idk haha
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Oceana took Aggie's hand and let herself be pulled up.

"Y-you'd publish something like that?" She muttered incredulously.

"But doesnae it have some personal material in it?"

Oceana tried to imagine reading something that told about someone's day and how they felt during it and started shaking her head.

"Personally I would keep it private but it's yours so do as you like I guess." The huntress said mildly.

She let go of the mage's warm hand.

And blinked, subconsciously leaning forward.

Up close she noticed many things about the dark elf.

Her ashen skin was in fact tinged with a pretty lavender tone that set off her stormy grey eyes. The hair that framed her face seemed soft and she was sure that if she were to touch it it would glide through her fingers. The rest of her face boasted a proud nose and full lips that were appealing despite the chapping from the dry desert air.

Oceana felt an irrational flare of jealousy towards Ashlar who had stolen a kiss from the dark elf earlier. Then she remembered the words in the journal and mentally slapped herself.

Don't be a fool! She silently chided herself,  It never works out.

Realizing she was still staring at Aggie, Oceana turned to go back to her seat in the circle.

"I donnae have any interest in your journaling." She said somewhat dismissively.

Wincing at her own poor manners she tried again.

"But if you ever write poetry or the like I... would be glad to read it."

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   Try as he might, more mead sputtered out of his mouth instead of in. With the combination of Bo pretending to be... a monkey? It looked like? Aggie throwing a piece of ham at his face, and Kacel'la having the brass to tickle him and somehow manage to find all his weak spots, he did nearly choke a few times. Mead dribbled down his chin, staining his shirt which he had just washed not too long ago. He drank and drank, but the cup wouldn't seem to empty all the way. It was taking ages! He had a cup of the same size before, but it did not take this long. Someone was tampering with his dare. Without hesitation, finally getting to the last swig of mead, he shot a glare at Dorian having heard Aggie make a suspicious comment behind him. "Nice try." He muttered under his breath, but the glare was broken with a smile as he burst out laughing. Kacel'la continued to tickle him despite the fact that the dare was over, "Alright, alright! Enough already!" He weakly swatted at her.

   He then sighed, finally catching his breath, and then tried to wipe away the spilled mead on his face. Someone kindly tossed a cloth to him. He scooted a little closer to the center of the ring the group formed and then spun the bottle. It slowly came to a stop and pointed at Bo!

   "What will it be, thunder man?" Hjalmar glanced up with a devious grin, "Truth or Dare?"

"It's lightning man." Come one, get it right. Bo corrected him playfully, not being serious in the slightest with a smile on his face. He'd taken the time observing the other's turns enough to have already decided whether or not he wanted to do a truth or a dare, and although the dares seemed fun, and a bit of a challenge, he was curious as to what Hjalmar would ask him given the opportunity. He didn't feel he had much to hide when it came to the things people were typically embarrassed about. Everyone already knew he was afraid of the ocean, which seemed the only subject of possible ridicule he could imagine (although deep inside him he knew there were probably more things he didn't think of and would regret not considering later). That, and the monkey impression really winded him, you know. Man's gotta rest after putting their heart and soul into a performance.

Of course, in reality, Bo didn't think that much through his answer when he found himself saying, "Truth." As if his subconscious had perhaps predetermined the answer for him without his knowledge. As such, he awaited the question with equal parts anticipation and excitement (and a bit of nervousness he didn't let show).

@Lo Alyssa
   "Hmm, alright then... lightning man." Hjalmar sat back and put his hand to his chin, pondering on a good prodding question to ask.

   It took him a moment or two, but eventually, he thought of something he didn't know about the man. And now that the question had been planted in his mind, he was truly curious of the answer. Before he could think of whether it was a good thing to ask or not, his mouth already opened and the words started flowing, "Have you ever killed someone?" He almost asked nonchalantly, like it was a casual thing to say. Then he realized what kind of question he had asked and quickly added on, "N-no gory details or anything, just a simple 'yes' or 'no' would be fine." He chuckled nervously, was that too much of an invasive question to ask?

Bo had not seen that one coming. At all. He stared at Hjalmar blanky for a second before mentally scrambling to rescue the situation from awkwardness by combatting it with casual level headedness paired with an understanding smile (although inside, he was panicky).

He nodded at Hjalmar's addendum before responding. "Yes." He was going to say something along the lines of 'of course/in my line of work/in the heat of a fight' but justification meant him likely stumbling over any explanation, so he left it at that. He gave a small shrug, and a small weak grin. "Maybe I can give you details another time. Not in a group setting."

And with that, he reached forward for the bottle in front of him, and spun. It landed on Garrett! He looked over to the soldier and gave him a goofy smile. "So! What'll it be? Truth or dare?"


@Lo Alyssa
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After seeing the previous truths and dares, when the bottle landed on him, Garrett kind off regretted ever joining the game. Public embarrassment was not something he truly enjoyed. He was ready to pick truth, the easier way out, but there was a constant chant of 'pick dare, live a little' in his mind coming from the familiar at his side,  so he changed his mind.

"Dare." He stated as he shot back a smile to Bo, and instantly felt like he should regret his decision.

His hand briefly went to his beard and rested on his chin as Bo took a second to think of a solidified dare. "Hmm..." 

"Do 15 push ups with the person of your choice sitting on your back. And every time you come up and complete a push up make a farting sound or scream! You choose!"

He grinned happily at the ridiculousness of his dare, feeling generally quite pleased with himself.

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The absolutely unimpressed look Garrett cast Bo could probably make someone reevaluate every single decision they made in their life, though it was rather ruined by his amused smile. The soldier had perfected the glare as he helped raise his siblings. Luckily this kind of dare he had already done once, except it was way more push-ups and his oldest brother on his back. The screaming or making farting noises part would be embarrassing, but he had no choice but to do it.

"You know I could just curl up as a snake on your back. Still counts as a person." Dorian joked.

"I'm not cheating." Garrett stated.

"It's called technicalities, Sunshine." Dorian chuckled.

Garrett looked around to see who he could pick, then went for someone average.

He dropped to the position to do push-ups.

"Kacel’la, if you could." He asked and soon had an elf trying to sit on his back.

Then it didn't take long to complete the dare, the last push-up completed on one hand as Garrett used the other to show a middle finger to Dorian who was giggling besides him.

When he sat back up, he instantly went to spin the bottlr and pick the other player.

"Valeiah. Truth or dare?"

@Danika @soundofmind
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Valeiah looked up from her small stone necklace which she was messing with. "Me? Uh..." She looked around. It seemed like mostly everybody had chosen dare, so she decided to choose the opposite. "Truth, I guess." She couldn't get something too bad if it was just a truth, she supposed.

Garrett thought for a second, then instantly went with the first question that came to mind.

" [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]What is the one thing you have ever done, which you never ever want to be caught doing?[/SIZE] "

Valeiah's cheeks turned a little bit red. There were a few things, luckily, so she could choose from them. "I don't know. Following around this boy I liked? Thankfully I'm good and sneaking around." She shrugged. "Or maybe being caught by my dad being with that boy. That would be a nightmare." She laughed a bit.


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