Take Back the Crown

Death. So much death. Bo observed in solemn silence, finding there were no words he had to say in witnessing the horrible aftermath of such a tragedy. So he just... took it all in. He breathed deeply, letting the stale and chilly air fill his lungs, but at the same time, the overall scene deeply disturbed him. The devastation and destruction that took place here was so extreme that it only lent itself to abandonment. It seemed that the place of Valer was rendered completely lifeless and unlivable for all but a few foraging creatures of the ground - so, insects, and maybe rats, mostly.

He didn't object to Hjalmar and Oceana going out to scout the area before they moved forward. The two were very capable, and he thought it to be wisdom (perhaps disguised as caution, but rooted in fear) on the princess's part for her to do so. Although, it was Svetlana's idea in the first place (but never mind, the princess deserved credit too).

It seemed that he wasn't the only one unsettled by the foreboding and grim Valer either. Everyone else seemed to be disturbed to some extent, or at the very least, silenced. Things like this were always -

AND SUDDENLY, A BIRD. As the bird crashed in front of them, his hands instinctively reached for his bow, but as he was about to draw an arrow the creature shifted into one of the people that was with them before. It was Tetra, if he remembered correctly. She looked wounded, and hurt. Where did she go? What did she do? How...? He stashed his bow away, looking to the healers of their group, since he knew he wouldn't really be able to help much in this situation. What the woman - er, shapeshifter - needed was medical attention. Questions would be answered later.
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There was a sharp clang echoing off of the dusty halls. From the room they had entered from.

Oceana's head whipped around and she stopped Hjalmar by grabbing his wrist.

"What was that?!" She hissed at him, listening hard for any other noises.

@Lo Alyssa
Valeiah jumped at the sight of the bird crashing into the wall. And then the girl, who looked extremely wounded. This was what she was here for. "Watch out everyone! Don't crowd her!" She warned and rushed over, kneeling by the shapeshifter.


Svetlana also rushed to her side, having grown quite attached to her during the wagon ride. "Valeiah." She said looking up at the young healer, "I know you could probably handle this on your own, but we should reserve our energy for emergencies." She said, "Let's heal her together." Svetlana's hand glowed slightly as she placed her gentle worn hand on Tetra's wound.

@Danika @Abberakelaran @soundofmind

Hjalmar hushed, and listened just as intently. It must have been a solitary noise though, because he couldn't hear anything else after that. "It sounded like it came from the hall we came through." He said in a whisper, "I hope no one followed us."

The two agile fighters sprinted up the flight of stairs, stopping at the the window came through. Hjalmar knelt to the ground and picked up the rope of the trap. "Someone triggered it." He said, he dropped the sliced rope to the leaf covered floor and saw a pool of thick black liquid. He touched it with two of his fingers, rubbing the substance together. He didn't need to bring it up to his nose to smell it, the putrid aroma was evident before they reached the last step, and he didn't need to think hard to figure out what it was. "This is imp blood." He said, recognizing it from the battlefield he had passed earlier. What didn't make sense was why they weren't attacked yet. "It must be alone." He said trying to wipe the blood off on his cloak, "If there was a swarm here, they would have attacked already. They're quite stupid... Think we should hunt it down?" He asked, glancing up at Oceana for her opinion.

@L1d1ja @OlKaJa77 @RP Marshall
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Dorian had followed the two, still acting as a silent watcher. He was truly curious about what an imp would be doing here alone, he was also rather thankful for his stupid antics and traps for giving them a warning.

@Lo Alyssa @OlKaJa77 @RP Marshall
Oceana shook her head

"It's alone and wounded. If we're watchful it shouldnae be too much trouble. Our best bet is getting back to the others and retrieving the crown as quickly as possible."

The elf sighed, for once a little unsure of her judgement.

"Although I will defer to you on this matter, Hjalmar."

@RP Marshall @Lo Alyssa (I don't really know what's going on with gore exactly so I'll leave this a bit open ended)
Tetra's eyes snapped open, her eyes glowing just below blindingly. Claws jerked from her fingers and metal ran over her hands for a moment. Then she looked around, seeing where she was, and her arms went back to normal. She coughed slightly, and then, assessing her surroundings said, "Ah thank you. I appreciate it but don't use anything long lasting, magical effects cannot latch on to me long term." Then she closed her eyes and worked on empowering her own regeneration against the magic.

(How that works is that curses and healing effects cannot stay in place longer than 30 sec and often less depending on power. However wounds caused by magic are the only things that can significantly impact her mentally, and persist through shifting.) @Lo Alyssa @Danika
Ru Lin had been walking for miles now and was quite sure she was lost. Every tree and rock had started to look the same, and even the clouds looked as if they hadn't moved at all in the past few hours. She had just finished her last job in tracking down a criminal who had hidden out in a small, rather run down village in hopes he wouldn't be tracked there. He had thought wrong and Ru Lin had taken care of him quickly. Now she was off to collect her bounty from the guild that ordered the end of the criminal's career but as fate would have it, Ru Lin was lost. She trudged onward and her thoughts drifted back to the monastery. How long had it been since she had been exiled? 5 months, or 7 Ru Lin didn't know. She sighed and looked off to the horizon in hopes of seeing a mountain's peak but instead saw nothing but leaves.

(I hope this is alright ^^ )

"Well, at least let us help you to the wagon." Svetlana sighed, "I would ask you what happened, but for now, I'll leave you be." She added, impressively suppressing all her questions.

@Danika @Abberakelaran

"You're probably right." He said, "Let's just hope it dies from its wound before it can cause any trouble."

Hjalmar made his way back to the throne room, "One of us should stay here just in case." He looked up at Oceana as he reached the end of the steps, "Do you trust me enough to stay here or go back and get them? It's your call." He said with a side smile. He found it funny that she was agreeable at the moment, and yet yesterday she threatened to skin him alive.


Phaedra was uncharacteristically anxious, fidgeting from side to side, her features visibly marked with concern. Though she was already quite fair skinned, she still managed to pale three shades. It wasn't just their companion, Tetra, crash landing into the ground nearby after her noticeable disappearance that put her on edge. It was everything. Something felt completely off. There was a light breeze, and yet she felt like she couldn't breathe - like she was suffocating. Though she wasn't attuned to the earth like the Dryad or Elf would be, Phaedra was still technically a magical creature of this realm and thus, in tune with the world. Phaedra could sense the pain, the terror, the evil...

Even with her excitement for this journey, she couldn't ignore this overpowering feeling of dread being here. A feeling like something precious had been lost. Flickers of past memories began to dance before her eyes - shadows of the past - screaming in terror, blood, and death, and even a sick sort of pleasure. Phaedra was experiencing a form of magic that some more powerful magic users could tap into, and that was to see into the past by touching an object, or being in a place filled with powerful memories - positive or negative. Even those without the ability to tap into this magic could see it if the emotions deposited were strong enough. Either way, if one was caught off-guard with the ability, they could easily be overwhelmed.

The air around her that kept her afloat dispersed and she collapsed, being brought down her knees. Phaedra grasped on to her staff for balance, managing only to choke out a few words.

"How horrible. I'm sorry, Princess."

(I hope it's okay that I just threw some sort of magic lore there. -dies-)
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Oceana bristled at the thought of letting him be on his own, especially to go retrieve the princess. But if he stayed he could lay traps for them to fall into...

Her memory flashed back to a human woman, charming and fair haired, laughing as Oceana struggled from where a trap had whipped around her ankle and pulled her aloft, upside down.

Oceana had laughed too, eyes alight with happiness.

Her treacherous heart fluttered at the thought of her. She shook her head angrily, looking at Hjalmar with unknowingly pained eyes.

"You remind me so much of her" she whispered, almost inaudibly. Reflex.

She caught herself and slammed her mouth shut.

Gritting her teeth, she decided she wouldn't trust Hjalmar. Not if he was anything like her.

Suddenly her memory flashed again, to a few moments before when Hjalmar had set to hiding the bodies for the Princess's sake, when he shared words about his mother and magic.

Forgive me, mother... Father... Once again I will...

She nodded to the human thief, betraying nothing.

"I'll wait for you here. You go on and get the others"

... Trust one of them.

@Lo Alyssa @RP Marshall
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Tetra smiled oddly and then nodded saying, "Thank you." She let them place her in the wagon and then said, "I am somewhat poisoned along with everything else. I would advise not looking in here for a while." Then she lay down flat in the wagon and closed her eyes. Her flesh suddenly boiled grotesquely for about thirty seconds before it suddenly stopped and jerked back into place. (This is a nasty nasty thing to look at, as she's is essentially constantly shifting her bodies material and shape for the time period to shift away the wounds and poison.) She sat up and said "So what is happening here?" (Whoever responds your character does not have to actually say if you can just put the word recap in parentheses or something)
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"...We're here for the crown." Bo said slowly, unable to shake the weight of their surroundings. He looked over to Phaedra in concern, as she seemed to be heavily affected by the evil in this place. He hopped off his horse, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He honestly couldn't tell, but it looked like she was having trouble breathing, but it could have something to do with her being magical. It seemed magic users were more sensitive to these sorts of things. Thing was, though, that he could use magic, but his situation was somewhat unique. He wasn't technically a magical person, and he didn't sense things in the realm of magic as other magic users did. He knew Phaedra was different.


@Abberakelaran They've arrived at the kingdom of Valer, where the king and queen lived and were killed. They are going to try and find the crown, which is rumored to be hidden somewhere in the now crumbling palace.)

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She was snapped out of the suffocating grasp of the past as Bo placed his hand on her shoulder. Phaedra took a sharp gasp of air, coughing and sputtering, as if suddenly being able to breathe. The phantoms of the past disappeared into thin air, as if they had never been there at all, adding to Phaedra's shock. Soon, she gained a little control, slowly able to take deep breaths and calm down.

Phaedra, feeling weak in her legs, used her staff to pull herself up, and turned to give Bo a thankful, though tired, smile.

"A little better now. Sorry for that." She cleared her throat. "Something terrible happened here. I will be even better once we leave. I hope they come back soon."

She was somewhat embarrassed to have been caught in a vulnerable state, but Phaedra was far more thankful that she had been pulled out of that nightmare. No - not a nightmare. It was a reality at one point in time. A horrible scar left behind.

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Valeiah walked away from Tetra, since whatever was happening was quite gruesome. As she walked and looked at the bodies on the ground, her hand found its way to the rock around her neck and clenched it.

Hjalmar raised an eyebrow as she muttered something, he didn't quite understand. When she told him to go back, he mustered a smile, "Be careful. There might not be an army waiting for us, or a horde of imps... But something is seriously wrong with this place." He said before leaving the throne room through the castle doors. He didn't mind being out in the open now that he had investigated the surroundings, "I'll try to hurry them up!" He called behind him, not really liking the idea of leaving her behind. But someone had to get the rest of the group, and he didn't want to brush Oceana the wrong way. Letting her decide seemed like the best option. He burst out onto the street, the pats of his soft boots echoing off the tall walls surrounding the once beautiful city of Valer. The echoes made the place seem even more empty, if that was even possible.

@OlKaJa77 @L1d1ja @RP Marshall


Svetlana didn't turn away. Not really out of disrespect, but more so out of curiosity. She didn't even squirm at the sight, having seen gruesome things before, although not quite like this. She was fascinated by Tetra, she was unlike any creature she had ever come across. Which was saying something considering Svetlana had been all over Algoran and had seen quite an assortment of creatures, she probably could have written her own bestiary. When Tetra was done with the process and asked about what was happening, Bo had beat Svetlana to the explanation. She was about to add on, as she usually needed to give some sort of comment, but then she spotted something in the corner of her eye. It was Hjalmar, waiting at the gates waving his hand. Svetlana was relieved to see he was okay, but alarm rose inside of her to see that Oceana was not with him.

The group finally reached his location, "Where is Oceana?" Yaroslav asked accusingly, as if he suspected Hjalmar for foul play. "We thought it would be best for someone to stay behind in the throne room while the other brings the company there." He said, dismissing the accusation. "Follow me." He said turning on his heal and leading them to the castle. If outside the walls was overwhelming, the inside was even more so.

"The magic used here was so potent and dark..." Svetlana started, feeling the air around her, "It left remnants, like scars on a body. It seeped into the earth, into the very air. Even those without magic can feel it, it is so strong." It sounded depressing, and some of the companions lowered their heads, feeling defeated even though they were so close to their objective. "But," she quickly added, as she was not finished quite yet, "It is said that once the Crown is awake, it emanates a magic so pure and powerful, it inspires hope in even the most broken of people." It was the truth, a person's mood and heart could be changed just by being in the presence of the crown. Not even Kvacht and his dark forces could take that away.

@Abberakelaran @soundofmind @Danika @TeeKay

They finally reached the keep, the tall doors still open. Everyone rushed inside behind the princess who took the first steps. It would be hard to imagine the overwhelming emotions in her head, seeing the floors she once played in, the throne her father sat upon. It was true that her parents treated her poorly, but they were still her family, and this broken place was still her home. The throne had been cracked in the middle as if a sword cleaved it apart. Which is exactly what happened. Svetlana's eyes widened as she stepped closer to the throne, "Upon Kvacht's entering, he found the crown was gone, and in his anger, he hewed the throne in two... To think, the crown was hiding underneath his nose the whole time." Svetlana said with a laugh. At one time, she also walked these halls. Over 250 years ago, she served under the king. "It is sad..." She said as she put her hand through the crack of the throne, "Kvacht was not always this way. At one time, he actually assisted the king. Syrk was once our ally, not our enemy."

(Sorry, my writing is kind of crappy right now, it's late and I am uninspired so bear with me!)
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Valeiah had to resist the urge to run off and throw up, glancing at all the skeletal remains. But she didn't, she just had to look straight and clench the rock harder.
Oceana heard the rest of the group shuffle into the keep, just a room away.

She closed her eyes and listened. Really listened.

The footsteps echoed in several different patterns. As a way of training to keep her senses sharp, she tried to pick them out individually.

Sure, light strides


Loud clunking steps. One angry, the other unsure.

Yaroslav and Bo

Slow, mournful shuffling

The princess

Steady but slow footfalls


Jerking and jagged but light


Another three sets: heavy but even, just plain uneven, if only a little, and somewhat uneven but strong


The girl with the scar...

And...? Tetra but... Injured??

And finally, two soft patters, one halting and uncertain and the other, fragile

Thora and...

Oceana's head snapped up.

"That makes no sen..."


The Bás of this place is horrid... And it would surely make fae such as Thora and Phaedra quite uneasy if not sick.

Oceana sorely wished for her pack, sympathy churning in her stomach.

For Phaedra to be walking, it must be taxing...

The elf jogged to the short balcony and jumped off of it. She trotted across the room over to Phaedra, who was looking quite pale, a concerned Bo at her side.

Trying to sound calm but urgent she asked,

"What sense do you detect energies with?"

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Tetra walked with the rest of the group into the throne room. She had seen many centuries and during that time had died many times, and killed many many more, but the aura within this room still perturbed her. As she stepped through the door she twitched slightly and stood still for a moment. When she moved again her skin had a slight metallic sheen, and there was an oddity in the bone structure of her hand(claws). She moved off to the side of the room and leaned against a shadowed wall, observing the proceedings as Svetlana walked to the throne. She extended her senses outwards listening carefully for any sign of trouble. In her experience things were never this easy.
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Phaedra found herself barely registering what was around her, following slowly alongside the group. She was relying on her companions around her for any indication of danger and, if they were able to walk casually through this graveyard, then she could save her energy to focus elsewhere other than the conversations taking place - even the wonderful observations of Svetlana that she enjoyed so much.

Her staff was far too nice to be used as a walking stick but, to her disappointment, it was necessary as she now used it to keep her balance as she walked. Though she had been brought out of that vision of the past, her senses still felt significantly dulled. It was as though somebody had plugged her ears with cotton and pulled a sack over her head.

She hardly seemed to notice Oceana's hastened approach until the last second, to which she shook her head groggily. The world was moving a little too fast for her and she gently cradled her head with her other hand in response.

"You must forgive me if I misunderstand, I'm feeling a little ill."

Phaedra frowned, staring at Oceana as though trying to understand what she was saying. She was having some difficulties, but did not wish to draw attention to herself. After all, it was the princess who was truly suffering here, not her. Phaedra was merely experiencing the echoes of the tragedy that occurred.

"Are you asking if I can see magic?"

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Oceana's trepidation rose as she noticed how far Phaedra had drifted into the energy of the crumbling ruins. The past was obviously throwing her energy systems out of order. If Phaedra was attacked like this, she'd be done for.

She shook her head at the half-sylph's response.

"Which. sensory. organ. do. you. use. to. sense. magic?" She asked softly, trying her best to avoid a scene.

Thora, close to Phaedra's side silently listened with interest. As a being that only sensed and heard magic, energies, she was curious about users that could detect it with other senses. She couldn't imagine seeing magic; it had to be overwhelming. But it appeared that maybe the two women before could. . . how awful it must be to be in this place then.

She felt sick to her stomach the farther she went into the castle and a silence drowned her ears. The few moments of pure silence she had found in her life were only in places of great loss, of death. But to see it. . . especially in a place so burdened with darkness, she couldn't imagine what it was like to see magic.

@OlKaJa77 @TeeKay (sorry if it's really repetitive and choppy, I just got off work and it's really late haha)
Bo listened in as well, as he followed behind Phaedra and Thora. He was eager to find out what was burdening Phaedra so intensely so that perhaps, they could help her. Even though Oceana and Hjalmar had gone ahead and said they could go deeper into the city of Valer, and into the palace, if there was any sort of ambush or attack, Phaedra was an easy target as she shuffled along. Of course he hoped beyond hope that no one would jump out of nowhere and attack, but it happened yesterday, and it could happen today.

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"These tunnels are endless," Organ said as she lifted herself up after see had accidentally tripped over an uneven surface.

Gore fervently sniffed for the scent of the two royal children who had escaped the Castle of Valer. Rank smelling air, greatly hindering their search, permeated throughout the tunnels. Gore, pointing her spear in an intimidating stance, grunted at her sister in agitation.

"The Princess @Queen of Fantasy and the Prince @A Simple Egg may not even be here. We should probably head back to Lord Kvacht... Gore? Please, just talk to me."

"I ain't talking! Just do your job. The master told us to look for them and this secret cavern is a good place for them to have run off to. Finding them two royal bloods will make Kvacht happy with us. So shut up and help me!"

"...Pip and I are not in a relationship."


"We talk to each other, that's it! There is no need to be angry with me Gore."

"Ya- ya telling me the truth?"


"...Well you could have just said so!" Gore said in relief. "I'm sorry Organ. I got pretty angry at you didn't I? Well since there ain't nothing between you two then I'll just-"

"Gore!" interrupted organ while rubbing her forehead, as if suffering from a head injury. "Pip is not interested in having any relationships. He- his heart was not made to feel emotions, including love. His heart is made of stone, can't you see!"

"Then I'll just show him how to love!"

"You cannot do that to him sister! He- *sigh* that is not love! You must not make someone love you by force. Pip does n- cannot love you."

Gore paused in her tracks. With a puzzled look, she turned to her sister intently looking for an answer.

Organ, lowering her head in regret for what she was about to tell her sister, continued,
"Pip- Pip said he does not like you... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry my dear Gore."

"He- he don't- l- like me? What? ...But... Why?! I- I... thought-"

A single tear fell from the heartbroken imp's eyes. She shivered her wings and dropped to her knees. Her spear fell to her side, echoing around the winding tunnels.

"I'm sorry Gore," Organ said as she comforted her sister, bending down to hug her tenderly. "I know you liked him... It does feel terrible when you love someone who does not love you in return. I wish I could have changed his mind. Please Gore. Don't be said! You do not have to face this pain alone. We can go through it together. Just the two of us!"

Organ wiped her sister's eyes and gave her a sympathetic smiled, hoping to cheer her up.

Looking at the floor in gloom, the imp captain said in a mundane tone,
"He hates me, don't he?"

"...Yes... He did say that..."

Gore nodded her head, sadly accepting Pip's decision. "*sniff* Well... I ain't gonna cry over nothing. If Pip don't like me then oh well! It's his loss! I- I think I'm alright now Organ... Let's get back. These tunnels ain't nice."

Holding her sister tightly, Gore left the dark tunnels, ending their search for the two young fugitives. Organ looked at the lighthearted grin which appeared on her sister's lips...

...From underneath a rusty shield, the telepathic powers of Gore search for the location of Pip's mind.

Pip! the frail mind of Gore pleaded. Help me!

The imp captain's torso had not yet stopped bleeding as the rest of the group entered the castle. Their feet were inches away from the imps hiding place.

Please Pip listen to me!
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