Taipei Rendezvous (PicaPirate x Jen) [Inactive]

"I'm from the United Kingdom. Boring place, rains a lot, lots of silly capitalist politicians. Lots of banks. Pretty much it to be honest.

My family are an oddball, one teaches psychology at a high school and my dad designs websites, though has an archaeology masters degree. Not sure how it happened exactly.

The school advertised for a scholarship scheme to study english taught courses internationally. I was bored of rainy england so I decided it was an opportunity ready to grab. My grades were pretty decent so I managed it. So now I'm here, in a land full of new opportunities and so much new to learn."

David chuckled at her latter statement. He then responded: "Well then clearly I chose well, for you seem to love this place a great deal. I find myself already falling for what I see too." his last statement was purposefully ambiguous.
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