Tainted Ways


The Overseer
The cold prison walls smelled of moss and decay. Dwindling lights only brightened the area enough to see. Such darkness clouded the hallways, keeping what may lurk in the shadows a mystery. The guards that patrolled the area illuminated their path with lanterns and and flash lights. In such a year of 2062, not many changes were made to lighting technology, it seemed.

The skittering of rats became apparent off in the distance, followed by the sound of a startled prisoner. In mere moments, the trotting of feet could be heard somewhere far off, quickly followed by the sound of gun shots. Did they shoot the rats? Or was the man killed because of his fear of rats? It was hard to tell. All that could be heard from then on was silence. Bitter silence.

* * * *

Kenneth cleared his throat, trying to discover who accompanied him in this infernal cell. Two... no, three. Three others were in the room as well, probably receiving the same sentence of execution as everyone else had received.
"Good evening, or morning... or night, depending on what time it truly is." Kenneth stated, trying to start simple conversation to kill the time. "My name is Kenneth Steward, male, twenty-nine. I figure that, perhaps three other gentleman accompany me in this horrible cell. If this is truly the case, I would enjoy hearing about you."

A man with red hair, a patch of it being black and covering his right eye turned to Kenneth with a dull reaction but smiled realizing he had company for the time. "I am known by only one name. Resmion. Fleur Blanc," He replied, looking Kenneth dead in his way. "It is a real shame, is it not?" "We are to die as are many for something we have no control over." Resmion was about to tell them all his story, but stopped himself and decided to wait, giving everyone a chance to tell their tales.
Saeko leaned against the wall with a blank expression, though she turned her head at the sound of Kenneth walking in and introducing himself. She slightly grimaced at the gentleman part, but decided not to go off of it in case she caused a brawl of some sort. Awaiting her turn to speak she gave the three other inhabitants of the cell a small, forced, smile and then spoke, "Name's Saeko Avimaatz de Marē. Female actually. Age, well I should be..." taking a moment to calculate before speaking again, "Twenty years old." Her back slid down the wall as she took up a sitting position, her legs crossed beneath her rump and her hands sitting idling in her lap, "Indeed, It is a shame. A shame indeed."

She agreed with Resmion and then let out a small sigh. If they needed to know more about her then they could simply ask, but at this moment she was too mentally drained to tell the story of her upbringing.
"Dear Lord, you're a woman." Kenneth stated, squinting in the darkness. Though it was difficult to see her in such faint light, he could tell what shapely features she had. And thus it was clear that she was a woman. "I apologize. I did not realize that they would mix genders within these cells. It's nice to meet you; both of you, though the former is not a woman as well. Resmion, Saeko, it is an honor to remain imprisoned with you." He muttered with a laugh. Looking around, he tried to discern who had spoken and who had not; matching voices with the shadows that he saw before him. However, to his left, there was another, who has had yet to speak...
((outofcutlasses;; My apologizes to the fullest! I was stricken with sickness, I feel slightly better and less ill now.))

The youngest one of all, Liberta, was the last to have outspoken his voice. "
Ciao— Kenneth, Saeko, and Resmion. I'm Liberta, Liberta Matto." His rather weak [looking] build let out a wave and a meek grin. The 'jester' always seemed to bring up the pratical pranks and mischief during times of somber and doelence. But, that was all part of the plan! He was trying to make people smile, not let out a frown!

Even though the male looked
ever so unstable, this for a fact, was false. His currently-pallor tone was due to the small amount of food he had recieved before getting thrown in this hell hole to wither. The Italian boy mustered a nod of his had before shaking his wrists and letting the shackles jingle with the rust.

Is anyone aware of the reason for our comings here?" Just because Liberta did not know, did not mean the others weren't aware. So, the male had spoken up to see if there was a solution to this prision.
"They couldn't even provide some light in this dreadful cage," Resmion said with a sigh. "Now I know how animals at the zoo feel. That beast must have felt the same way," Resmion said, making a connection. "And to answer your question, Liberta, we are here to later be executed as many others have. The superiors either have a fetish for death, blood and fear and this is their idea of a sick joke or there is something that frightens them. Like someone with power which someone could use against them," Resmion said, getting ahead of himself, but it was much better than panicing on how their lives might be over.
Saeko waved off Kenneth's apology with a smile. She was too exhausted to say anything more although she was intrigued by what both Liberta and Resmion were saying. Execution huh? Rambling her shackles lightly out of boredom, the young woman said only something simple, "The fear of death follows the dear of life. A man who fears fully is prepared to die at any time." She had quoted something her father would always say to her and her brother. Basically, it taught Saeko to not fear death, which she of course tried to do, but lately she could feel death's cold fingers slip down her spine.

A sick joke or a frightened lie?​ She began to think about Resmion's exact words.
Kenneth nodded at the three, enjoying their conversation. The three others which accompanied this room were definitely good people. For some strange reason, Kenneth felt a bit more at ease about the execution knowing that he would be by the side of these fine folk. He was about to say something concerning his thoughts, though something abruptly occurred. Or, rather, someone had abruptly appeared.

In the shadows of the night, it would be impossible to see the man beyond the cell door, just outside of our prison. Though there he stood, as clear as day, glowing with the mysterious light of the moon. On his face he bore a white mask, with nothing but a clear face and two holes for eyes. Though no eyes peered through; or rather, if they did, they could not be seen. The rest of his body was cloaked, nothing but robes of black falling from his shoulder and chest. Though he said nothing, he seemed to glare at the four, with his emotionless mask.

With a wave of his hand, a dark shroud covered the lock of the prison. And, with a click, it opened, swinging inward perhaps and inch or two. With that, he pulled something out of his robe; a box, containing whatever secrets it may hold. Opening the door just enough he slid it inside, allowing the four inside to do with it what they will. With another brush of his hand, he pulled out a sheath, of what appeared to adorn a sword. Merely tossing it towards the Italian, he presumed that the man would have the instincts to catch it.

The entire event happened so fast, the flick of his hand, the sliding of the box, the toss of the sword. Without a word, he stepped away from the cell, waving his hand with a flourish. In an instant, he disappeared, the four alone once again.
The rising and falling of the Italian's chest had succeed to a halt. Rubbing his now-pallor visage, the youngest had let out a small murmur, inaudible to the others' delicate ears. "...Why me? All I did... I did cover it up." The word 'execution' echoed in the felony's ears. He had beat his brother, but not to death, right? H-Ha! No one knows, it's alright! They aren't taking me here for this reason anyways! That's what the simpleton told himself as he pressed a hand to his shrouded expression and let out a small sigh.

He listened to... Saeko? That was her name... like the word psycho? Liberta did not try to dwell on the musing as much as the fear of death, or the fear of him dying for the very least, was aroused in the small hovel. But, then as he was about to speak, he was interjected by the opening of the door. The fool, he stared quite focused, afraid if it was time to die already. Inhaling and trying to not speak and or argue with the course of events flowing, he watched as the silent, shrouded figure had entered and exited, throwing something to him!

What is that?!" The youngest figure screeched, as he rose to his instincts to grasp such a material.

Then, he caught it, luckily he had caught it by the grip, or his fingers would be non-existing at this moment. It barely shown, but through a crack of the prison, he saw that this was a cutlass indeed. "
Look, look now! That... that thing threw me a sword!" Even though he had the capability to... kill someone with the weapon, he had no 'smarts' to know what to do with it. He looked towards the elderlings for the guidance.

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