Fine>.> I'd take a majestic bird anyways. That I have plans in the making to get.

Vincent will soon enter into the scene *.*
It's called taking advantage of players that don't know any better, while at the same time looking like you aren't
Sizniche Sizniche well he got 6 pieces of Iron ore, 2 pieces of silver, one gold ore, one adamant(which if max makes into a dagger or something could probably cover the cost of buying 3 pieces of mithril ore or maybe four if max sells it well enough) and the two pieces of mithril ore from Loki.
Sizniche Sizniche well he got 6 pieces of Iron ore, 2 pieces of silver, one gold ore, one adamant(which if max makes into a dagger or something could probably cover the cost of buying 3 pieces of mithril ore or maybe four if max sells it well enough) and the two pieces of mithril ore from Loki.
Max is probably going to pocket the Adamant for himself for later. For now, let's try for three more mithril and one or two gold.
Okz, well there's one more deposit I mentioned in my post that wasn't used. If max wants to have a go at it, he's welcomed too.
Okz, well there's one more deposit I mentioned in my post that wasn't used. If max wants to have a go at it, he's welcomed too.
Max has no mining skill, or knowledge of how RNGsus works in this world.
Alright, but if that Adamant isn't going into the cost for the scythe, then I'm hoping it has some nice stats in exchange plz>.< rng actually pretty annoying. Kinda wishing I didn't make a system for rng now lol
Alright, but if that Adamant isn't going into the cost for the scythe, then I'm hoping it has some nice stats in exchange plz>.< rng actually pretty annoying. Kinda wishing I didn't make a system for rng now lol
How would you feel about Max slashing you with your own scythe?
Besides, Loki did give that piece of adamant to max to cover the cost of her scythe. If he isn't going to count it towards the cost, then there's not much point in her giving it to him right? I mean she could just sell it herself then then use it to buy the extra mithril needed to cover the cost. >.>
Besides, Loki did give that piece of adamant to max to cover the cost of her scythe. If he isn't going to count it towards the cost, then there's not much point in her giving it to him right? I mean she could just sell it herself then then use it to buy the extra mithril needed to cover the cost. >.>
Oh, no, this is going to be more than enough to cover the cost. Him slashing you with the scythe is going to be part of the forging process.
I don't understand how that works but okz. As long as he tell her that before he does it. Unless he death is also about of the process. I don't know how magic smithing works, so I'll leave those details up to you. Though I guess it would be a fun prank to not tell her, I don't see it ending well >.<

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