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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

comes with a character s a c r i f i c e. Lol

I shall direct you to the past 45 pages of OOC where this very same person was preaching "everyone is safe."


Y'all, don't trust nobody TT_TT


Also, you guys are going to get a peek as to how much Karin cares for her friends to the point where it's unhealthy in some cases.... I feel a little bad just writing it ahah...

Good luck in the audition <3

Also Kat and Karin are sisterhood goals.

Like... This is them.



Wow no one is even c l o s e and I <3 it. Also, I am glad that no one chose the dirt path because if someone did, it'll provide more clues as to what they'll all be dealing with, but it comes with a character s a c r i f i c e. Lol
Wow... I am s h a k e n up. I am so excited. Will we ever find out what might have been on that path?

Also... I have a post half written that I now have time to continue. Wish me luck, my friends.

And good luck Corgi Corgi !!
she saw her sister sitting with a man she had come to know back in high school.

Running as fast as she could, she wrapped her arms around her skinny friend, frantically spouting out nonsense words, "Oh, my god- are you okay, Kat? I am so, so sorry that it took me this long I woke up late and if I didn't then I would've been here and everything would've been fine butImesseditallupbycomingherelateandit'salmyfault-" Running out of breath, she realized she needed ot pull herself together, she took in plenty of oxygen before kneeling in front of her friend, "Are you going to be okay?"

So precious TT_TT <3
The first step to fixing a problem is acceptance. Denial is never the answer.

Emmie is a lost cause.

*hums louder, desperately clings to denial - it's all I have left*

Also, I keep reading through your last post cus it's s o good. I just thought you should know. I love the part about birds goodbye
Also, I keep reading through your last post cus it's s o good. I just thought you should know. I love the part about birds goodbye

OMG staaaaaaph TT_TT

Thank you so much, that means a lot <3

I'm not even going to mention your writing because.... Like... W O W.

I just want to get my hands on yer poems and drool over 'em in peace.
OMG staaaaaaph TT_TT

Thank you so much, that means a lot <3

I'm not even going to mention your writing because.... Like... W O W.

I just want to get my hands on yer poems and drool over 'em in peace.
You k i l l me. Thank you, darling. Ahhh I just assembled a new poetry book together today for editing.
Hey, guys... Sorry to be a pain and ask another question...
I was considering making a post, due to Lilly's nature it would likely be mostly inner thoughts and that kind of stuff, so nothing hugely helpful or... disruptive? I guess... maybe?
I was just wondering if you guys think I should, or if it's just better if I leave it?

Quick question- Do you guys think I should spice up my writing a bit? My writing for books and stuff seems to be a lot better than my writing for roleplays because of the fact that I' not sure if you guys want the continuous amount of flowery details??
You write books? Would there be a place one could read said books?

You k i l l me. Thank you, darling. Ahhh I just assembled a new poetry book together today for editing.
You write poetry? Would there be a place where one could read said poetry?

Ok, I just realised how creepy I made this all sound... sorry!
I'm just curious and interested and words like that...
Hey, guys... Sorry to be a pain and ask another question...
I was considering making a post, due to Lilly's nature it would likely be mostly inner thoughts and that kind of stuff, so nothing hugely helpful or... disruptive? I guess... maybe?
I was just wondering if you guys think I should, or if it's just better if I leave it?

Go ahead!

I can't see how you'd disrupt anyone :P

And I second all of those questions, because I'm creepy too :)

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