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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

N i c e ?

H O N E S T.

Your writing is magnificient - if you ever write a book, please do tell. TT_TT
UGH thank you, darling.

I recently finished a book of poetry that I need to revisit and rewrite/edit, but I've been working on an actual novel lately and ... eeee I have too many ideas my focus is s p l i t so many different ways
UGH thank you, darling.

I recently finished a book of poetry that I need to revisit and rewrite/edit, but I've been working on an actual novel lately and ... eeee I have too many ideas my focus is s p l i t so many different ways

That's amazing, and I should've known you've written some poems. :P

What's the novel about, if you don't mind me asking.

And saaaame, literally too many ideas fluttering about in my mind at the moment.
Am literally surrounded by awesomeness! That's great! :O

Aww gee, I'm tickled pink
That's amazing, and I should've known you've written some poems. :P

What's the novel about, if you don't mind me asking.

And saaaame, literally too many ideas fluttering about in my mind at the moment.
I don't mind, of course! It's about loss, sort of ... more so the affect it has on us and also it's about how our perception of ourselves can be harmfully different from reality - basically a man is confronted with his child self after the death of his father. Ahhhh it's weird to explain ha
I don't mind, of course! It's about loss, sort of ... more so the affect it has on us and also it's about how our perception of ourselves can be harmfully different from reality - basically a man is confronted with his child self after the death of his father. Ahhhh it's weird to explain ha

I get the gist of it, sounds like a journey, really. :o
I'll post tomorrow if serendipity isn't back by then because I don't want to hold everyone up ;/////////;
unrelated but I'm trying to show my friend a very large WIP drawing and it's too big for discord and imgur turns it into a jpeg I'm very sad
Novels, poetry, webcomics, drawings, memes....

Ahhhhh you guys are all so talented and w o n d e r f u l , it just makes my heart smile! <3

It just makes me go


I also have a couple of novels I'm trying to write , and I do looooove to draw as well! <3

Anyways, I'm back from out of town, and I can finally read everyone's posts! Unfortunately my mobile couldn't handle the awesome coding, making the posts unreadable. :'(

Oh and I will be posting as soon as I read everything. Don't worry, this won't be the 'over the gate scene' yet! This will be about the 'special scenes' I mentioned for MIA characters, plus some interaction from Alex. :-)

EDIT : You guys should just share the awesome stuff you make here (if you want) so we can all m a r v e l at everyone's amazingness. <3
Whenever I'm confined to mobile and can't fully read posts I just tap reply and read it in the post box haha it's super ghetto but it gets the job done until I can get to my PC
Thank you so much you have no idea.

Note: Diminium will be my hero for approximately the next five hours. :'D
Novels, poetry, webcomics, drawings, memes....

Ahhhhh you guys are all so talented and w o n d e r f u l , it just makes my heart smile! <3

It just makes me go


I also have a couple of novels I'm trying to write , and I do looooove to draw as well! <3

Anyways, I'm back from out of town, and I can finally read everyone's posts! Unfortunately my mobile couldn't handle the awesome coding, making the posts unreadable. :'(

Oh and I will be posting as soon as I read everything. Don't worry, this won't be the 'over the gate scene' yet! This will be about the 'special scenes' I mentioned for MIA characters, plus some interaction from Alex. :-)

EDIT : You guys should just share the awesome stuff you make here (if you want) so we can all m a r v e l at everyone's amazingness. <3

Edit: Found le perfection.

Edit: Found le perfection.


I am a n g e r y because I want to put a gif of Jon Snow in the cave saying: "The enemy is real. It has always been real." But instead of 'enemy' I'll edit and replace it with 'hype.' Unfortunately I'm no editmaster9000 so I can't do it and it makes me unsatisfied and a n g e r y lol I should really go to bed
Here's the large, offending, WIP photo. it's 3500 x 7000 px and about 6 feet tall!

EDIT: I guess some sort of explanation is called for! This is a scene from my fan part for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (i feel like a cringelord just saying it) where one of the key characters, Eddie LaForge is killed by his Brother in law, Saul "Slash" Rutherford. The white top hat the man on the left (Joey Joestar) is holding was Eddie's and the last thing on his person that wasn't burnt alive with him. The beat-up guy on the left is a chill dude named Juniper Hendrix who killed Saul in retaliation. The weird red guy thing is the series' magic superpower called a stand. (The stand is Joey's) The stand's name is Paint it Black, and the feather it's reaching out for is a representation of Eddie's stand, White Wedding. (Eddie was a father figure to Joey and when a stand user dies, the stand disappears)


  • whenmoraleislow.png
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I am a n g e r y because I want to put a gif of Jon Snow in the cave saying: "The enemy is real. It has always been real." But instead of 'enemy' I'll edit and replace it with 'hype.' Unfortunately I'm no editmaster9000 so I can't do it and it makes me unsatisfied and a n g e r y lol I should really go to bed

I tried my best. :P


Here's the large, offending, WIP photo. it's 3500 x 7000 px and about 6 feet tall!

EDIT: I guess some sort of explanation is called for! This is a scene from my fan part for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (i feel like a cringelord just saying it) where one of the key characters, Eddie LaForge is killed by his Brother in law, Saul "Slash" Rutherford. The white top hat the man on the left (Joey Joestar) is holding was Eddie's and the last thing on his person that wasn't burnt alive with him. The beat-up guy on the left is a chill dude named Juniper Hendrix who killed Saul in retaliation. The weird red guy thing is the series' magic superpower called a stand. (The stand is Joey's) The stand's name is Paint it Black, and the feather it's reaching out for is a representation of Eddie's stand, White Wedding. (Eddie was a father figure to Joey and when a stand user dies, the stand disappears)

You, my friend, are A M A Z I N G.

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