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Realistic or Modern T R U S T: The Game [ OOC ]

...also, I may be just a tad confused about the timeline now. Are Karin and Kenji arriving at the cable car station after Mick, Tori, and Gregory have already gone up? Or did it change??
...also, I may be just a tad confused about the timeline now. Are Karin and Kenji arriving at the cable car station after Mick, Tori, and Gregory have already gone up? Or did it change??

So, the thing is, Gregory went up on an empty car cable, which means he either went before Karin, and after Mick/Tori, who are getting on the car cable, OR he went after Karin+Kenji, who then will get on once Mick and Tori are at the top.

It's all really confusing but essentially: Mick, Tori, and the gang up on the mountain are on the same timeline.

Gregory, Kenji and Karin are on a slightly later timeline.
So, the thing is, Gregory went up on an empty car cable, which means he either went before Karin, and after Mick/Tori, who are getting on the car cable, OR he went after Karin+Kenji, who then will get on once Mick and Tori are at the top.

It's all really confusing but essentially: Mick, Tori, and the gang up on the mountain are on the same timeline.

Gregory, Kenji and Karin are on a slightly later timeline.

TFW I want to post so badly but it would retcon previous ideas
TFW I want to post so badly but it would retcon previous ideas

Until Gregory's course has been set, I'm assuming that Karin+Kenji are the ones getting on after Mick and Tori.

Y'all, we need to sync up ASAP.

AAAAAND, poooost. :P

Ohhhhh that's right okay - Mick and Tori's convo/trip is taking place at the same time as the gang up on the mountain is talking - I was just confused that Karin and Kenji might've joined that timeline??? Before Gregory?

lol before gregory like BC (before christ) - "no no mick and tori went up in the cable car 2017 BG (before gregory)"
Ohhhhh that's right okay - Mick and Tori's convo/trip is taking place at the same time as the gang up on the mountain is talking - I was just confused that Karin and Kenji might've joined that timeline??? Before Gregory?

lol before gregory like BC (before christ) - "no no mick and tori went up in the cable car BG (before gregory)"

And I'm the history teacher :o
A-ah but what should I do? quick someone edit their message

I don't see how things would get retconed TT-TT

The one continuity issue was that initially Karin's at-a-later-point post indicated that everyone moved on to the gate/Kat was waiting on her alone buuuut since that's been changed, all is good?

Or am I missing something, in my desperate hope to get action? >.<
*mick gets on the cable car right as Kenji/Karin approach* *his dad/buddy senses tingle*

Mick trying to convince Kenji to leap onto the cable car with him as its climbing away:

Y'all, we've been approaching Yuneli the wrong way all along, they are not a ship. They're constantly under the surface, people wonder how they can survive.... I have the answer. They're a submarine.


Shitpost Master {UNLOCKED}
Sorry for taking a while to post. Today was pretty busy, getting my schedule and going supply shopping. I'll try to get a post up soon.

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