• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Tʜᴇ Rᴇɴᴇɢᴀᴅᴇ's Wᴀʟᴛᴢ ͏🇴🇴🇨


Undercover OwO
hiya~! i thought we might start chatting here since there's already a good amount of interest owo
i thought we might start by setting up teams, relationships, and the sort even though we don't have a cs up yet~
if you have any ideas, feel free to share!!
Cestius Cestius explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons Narcolepsy_and_Cartoons Matreats Matreats Coriander Coriander

Mousou you pillock you should have tagged everyone that you made an OOC thread, fool.
Well, fortunately enough it seems like everyone found it, at least most have.
Salutations, everyone! Hopefully around here we can try and arrange teams and such and maybe get things running. I'll let the interest check simmer for maybe a day or two before abusing asking Mousou to help get a CS thread up. I'm not sure how threadmarking works yet, so I'll try and connect everything once I can!

If anyone's open to talk about their characters a tad before the actual CS feel free: I know I've spoken to Cestius and Narcolepsy about some stuff before too involving their characters and potential prior roleplay relations.
Mousou you pillock you should have tagged everyone that you made an OOC thread, fool.
Well, fortunately enough it seems like everyone found it, at least most have.
oh... whooops! ahahah well at least the gang's here now :D

Everyone has so many claims it almost seems as if im the weird one.
it's ok coriander!! i just have no sense of self control, and neither does rion. uwu dont fall down into the deep depths of

*holds up Nikki like the Lion King* YEEEEEAHHHH GIJINKA

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