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Fantasy T.D.G | F.A.Qs

The Regal Rper

Mad Scientist


The Basics

This thread was designed with the purpose to summarize most of the Lore up in a succinct manner. It will not cover everything in detail like Lore will. In fact by reading through this, you can skip, half of the stuff in Lore and read more about stuff that will be relevant to creating a character.

To get a basic understanding of the universe you only need to read the first 15 questions. The rest are there for future purposes in case you have something specific you want an answer to.

General Information
Welcome to Sigma.

  • 1.What is Sigma?
    Sigma is an alternate version of Earth and the name of the planet your characters will inhabit.

    2.How many countries does Sigma have?
    It has 5 nations each of which will be covered in brief detail on the Lore page. These 5 nations are:
    • Rasporia
    • Vale
    • Vacuo
    • Mistral
    • Atlas

    Each of these nations have a unique entity that exists, known as the Obelisk Academies. For every nation, there exists only one Academy. These Academies exist to protect each nation and the world, from Grimm and any other outside forces.

    3.Who are the inhabitants of Sigma?
    There are a total of 7 species, 6 of which are playable. Three main species and four subspecies in this world. These 3 main are:

    Humans | Grimm | Faunus​

    Both Humans and Faunus have two subspecies.

    • Elfs
    • Giants

    • Chimera
    • Mystic

    Lore page goes into more detail on each of these species and their natural powers. Only Grimm are unplayable.

    Species Questions
    4. Any changes for humans?
    Humans the most durable and fast healing of the human species in this universe. They have twice the durability and speed recovery that we do due to their connection to Aura, however given technology and the ability of other species it doesn't amount as much you think.

    4.5What are Elfs?
    Elfs are a subspecies of Humans. They have slightly different features in terms of ears (and occasionally) skin tone, due to their connection to Aura. They also tend to have heightened senses that exceeds their Human and Giant counterparts.

    5.What are Giants?
    Giants are a subspecies of Humans and aren't literally giants. Giants are just humans who have the natural power to alter their sizes ranging from 8ft - 12ft of their own free will. Altering one's size increases strength but not durability.

    6.What are Faunus?
    Faunus are a part of the Faunik species and are beings who are human in appearance but have one physical animal trait related to a real animal. Could be claws, fangs, tail, horns etc.

    7.What are Chimera?
    Chimera are a subspecies of Faunik. Chimera are a sort of hybrid in that what makes a Chimera a chimera is the ability for them to be able to shift into a more primal feral state of their Faunus or Mythic heritage. It's heavily advised you read the lore up on them as this is just a rough summary of what a Chimera is.

    8.What are Mystics?
    Mystics are a subspecies of Faunik and are beings who resemble humans in appearance yet share features or traits akin to mystical or magical beings. Examples of mystics are: Vampires, Lamia, Satyrs, Banshees, Fairy, Dullahan, Yokai like Oni and Kitsune, and more.

    9.What are Grimm?
    Grimm are demonic entities that either take humanoid forms or the forms of mythical creatures and seem to be attracted by negative energy / emotions. Not all mythical creatures are Grimm as Grimm tend to have monstrous appearances, but they are the sworn enemy of all the other species of this world and are the only ones players are not allowed to play.

    9.5 Are the Faunik and Human race biologically compatible?
    They can all bear children, regardless of species.

    9.6 Do any of the species live longer than any of the others?
    No. All species age at the same rate with the exclusion of Grimm. Doesn't matter if your character is a Kitsune, a Fairy, an Elf or whatever, they will age the exact same way as a human would. Same for Giants, Elfs, Faunus, and Chimera. They all age at the same rate so there's no such thing as a 400 year old something or other.

    9.7 What specie can I play?
    You can play anything except Grimm.

    9.8 Hybrids?
    Check the Races Tab and go to the Hybrids section on the Lore page for more information. If you still have questions, message me.

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