One Thousand Club
Syo Biel
Name: Syo Biel
Age: 14-16 (Depends on roleplay)
Ethnicity/Nationality: She's English, but her mother is German.
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi, although she prefers girls
Occupation: Highschool Student
Name: Syo Biel
Age: 14-16 (Depends on roleplay)
Ethnicity/Nationality: She's English, but her mother is German.
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bi, although she prefers girls
Occupation: Highschool Student
- Appearance
Height: 4'6
Weight: 39 kg
Hair: Silvery-grey, most likely dyed. Most of it is let down, bar her right bang, which is tied in a plait with a thin red ribbon.
Eyes: Watery grey.
Body: Small n' Skinny
Attire: She's known for wearing tshirts with bizarre designs.
Picture (Anime/Unrealistic) -
- Personality
She's got a reputation as a bit of a weirdo, since she seems to have no problem in starting up conversations with complete strangers, and has a tendency to wander off at times, and re-appear in strange places. (Several people have found her in cupboards or hiding under desks) When you actually speak to her, she's not as strange as she seems, although she does have the tendency to say the odd thing here and there, and often is over-dramatic about things.
She's generally cheerful, with a positive outlook on life, and is fairly hard to rile up or upset, but she's also very stubborn. If she has a idea in her head, it's pretty difficult to convince her otherwise, and that can often lead her into trouble. Syo is reaaaaally uncooperative if asked to do something she doesn't want to do, even if it's for the good of someone else.
Despite this, and her aforementioned weirdness, she has a fair few friends. Although it doesn't seem like it, she's pretty realistic, and a decent advice giver. Her closer friends know she's surprisingly good at reading other peoples characters, figuring out what their intentions are or what's bothering them. In fact, despite her over-dramatic personality at times, she can come across as a very down-to-earth person at times.
- History
She doesn't have a very dramatic background, but I'll put in some relevant points.
Her father played a pretty important role in her life - he's one of her biggest influences, and probably the source of her positive outlook on life. She even says, ''Even if I wasn't, y'know, related to him, and he was just this random person I happened to meet, I'd still have mad respect for him. It's not just 'cause he was my dad.'' See, her dad, while not being a full-blown optimist, didn't like to let things get to him, even if they got bad..Which they did. He didn't let getting diagnosed with pancreatic cancer keep him down, even if he was under the impression it was terminal. He told Syo that, heck, it made him feel even more alive. He felt weird, but despite the situation, he didn't feel bad. It came to light that he had a more treatable form of it, and had radical surgery to treat it, coming out of it alive.
Syo deeply respects her father, and pretty much thinks he's one of the coolest people on Earth.
(I know that people are probably like, ''Uup, and there's the obligitory dramatic thing in her childhood to make us feel sorry for her'' - it's not really the intention, it's more because it's one of the main things that made her respect her dad)
- Skills
She knows a fair bit when it comes to playing guitar, most of which she's picked up from her dad.
This sound silly (As do a few of her other skills) but she is reaaaally good at tongue twisters. Seriously, it's something she takes great pride in.
Another weird thing she takes great pride in? She can eat extremely spicy foods easily.
She's also fairly athletic despite her figure, but it's not something she really utilizes often.
However, on the other side of things, she is terrible at drawing, as well as hopeless when it comes to dancing, and cooking is something she often outright refuses to do, mostly due to the fact that things have a habit of exploding or otherwise going wrong whenever she tries.
- Stupid Facts
- She absolutely loves frogs
- She hates ' xD ' and '' and actually cringes whenever she receives them in messages.
- Forests are her absolute favorite place to be. Not 'cause she's this dark, edgy character who is one with nature.. more just 'cause it's fun and easy to get lost.
- She also loves rain. Not just for puddles, but because just walking around outside while it's raining is just appealing to her, for some strange reason.
- ''I can sneak like, 3 dogs into a movie theatre.''
''I got some ground rules, though. First, whenever we watch a sad movie, you gotta wear mascara so we can see if you cry.''
''Thi- Thist- Thlis-Tif- Thistle.'' (Syo, attempting to pronounce 'Thistle')
''I would say 'Don't be a wise guy' but then again..I'm not sure you're in much danger of that.''
''Playing hide n' seek~'' (In response to ''What.. are you doing in a cupboard?'')
(Is shown a photograph of a woman) ''God help that tiny woman! She's trapped in a square!'' (Long silence) ''Don't look at me like that, it was a joke. I'm not that dumb.'' (Another silence) ''..You really had that little faith in me?''
(Holds up sandwich) ''It has 4 different types of cheese, and 8 types of meat. Man, I don't even KNOW that many types of meat!''
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