Sword Art Online


Clean Sock
Character Sheet Template


Real Name:

Age: (I think you could choose any human age considering there were old men fishing on floor 22)

Skill(s): ( Skill list here [http://swordartonline.wikia.com/wiki/Skills] [YOU MAY ADD YOUR OWN SKILLS IF THEY MATCH TO YOUR WEAPON AND STAY ON AN EVEN LEVEL WITH THE SWORD SKILLS] What skill(s) does your character train the most. You can make this long or very brief.)


Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: (You can make this simple or complex and explain how your character got the spot he or she is in right now)

Level:(I believe after 1 year Kirito was still under level 50 so try to match this level to your characters Personality, Skills, and SAO Biography as well as you can!)

Appearance: (Anime only of course!popular[/u](With popular I mean real big hit such as Naruto, Bleach, etc.) try to avoid taking characters from that, and if you are drawing this character YOU'RE GREAT!])

Weapon class: (What has your character been training with this past year the most?)

Weapon and Appearance:

My Sheet



Real Name:

Alphonse Warriv





-Heavy Metal Equipment (Experienced 390/1000 on the magical scale [He got his armor late])

Meditation (Advanced 550/1000 on the magical scale)

Battle Healing (Adept 600/1000 on the magical scale)


  • -One-handed Assault Spear (
    Strong 400/1000)


-Medicine Mixing (
Advanced 550/1000 on the magical horse)

Tools Appraisal (Strong 430/1000)

Equipment Appraisal (Experienced 350/1000 on the school bus)


From the beginning of SAO Alphonse was enveloped by a sense of adventure and the permanent death didn't stop him either. Alphonse has quite the mountain of strange habits (Which will be shown in role play). He is quite graphic whilst speaking and will oft apologize for nothing when someone is agitated or even depressed. His friendly behavior is real for the most part he is just trying to enjoy himself, but when it comes to battle he can be unforgiving. Alphonse hates plenty of things, but he really hates attention.

His love for plants and chemicals is shown by his skills Medicine Mixing and other Misc.

He enjoys taking a hit, but he isn't a masochist. He will often have a yellow cursor due to his guild job.
Girls/Women are his Kryptonite too an extent (He won't back off from a fight because she wacks out her mhms... but he is easily persuaded by them and usually can't even speak to them.

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography

In the past year Alphonse has taken part in most of the raids on the bosses scoring minimal loot including his weapons. He has joined a guild called "Vile's end" that hunts player killers and watches over most of the civilized floors (The guild is small, but has a moderate influence on the world.). (If you want to join this guild with your character just add your rank(not council and a maximum of the numbers set [disregarding the first ones due to their boring placement])

Vile's end(Info)

Stationed in level 11 <<Taft>>

  • Observers(12) are the newest recruits and only have the objective to report crimes.
  • Peacekeepers(8) are adept members who help Observers first.
  • Guardians (4) are those who seek out threats to any players and attack them bringing them or an item back (Dead or Alive)
  • Seekers (2) are practically head hunters who are there to kill the more dangerous pkers and only to kill!
  • Council (3) Handle the more frustrating Player killer situations by organizing our engages (They give objectives)
  • ??? (?) Manages Council and recruits people. No one knows him/her or maybe even them besides the council.

Currently Alphonse is one of four 3rd rank(there are 6) "Guardians". Alphonse still hasn't met the person who requested him to be invited (???), but he has blind faith in him. He currently has the task of mixing in with possible pker threats as "friends" and then striking them when they are in the act of a crime. He owns a small home in Taft funded by the guild leader for his deeds.




No armor




Weapon class

Spearman [Tank]

Weapon and Appearance: Spear(Thurnba) and Shield(Rezial's binding)

Shield (Fun editing :D )

Spear...(Not fun and looks crap)

Read more about this role play...
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Real Name:

Chiyuu Onto




One-handed straight sword: <<Lightning Switch>>




Night vision


(Got from the wiki ^.^)


Yuchi may look small and cute with her height and adorable pink braids, and that is true. Her personality is hyper, sweet and loving to other people and she often comes off as trusting too easily. Yuchi is actually a dark person on the inside, one who always thinks about death. She is an Occultist and believes strongly in anything that has to do with such Occult things. Yes she is always smiling and happy, though when she is alone she constantly debates things on the future as well as the people around her. Sometimes if it's a bad enough situation she can be serious and cold to anyone around her.

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography:

In the past year, Yuchi has stirred up quite the pot of trouble. She had started a guild only 3 months into the game and invited basically anyone who wanted to join. Though she purposefully led her whole entire guild, full of 31 people, into a boss room. The people in her guild were just a bunch of people who stayed behind in the town of beginnings, who were still all level one's, so they of course didn't stand a chance against a level 15 monster. Needless to say, she led them to a massacre, claiming to people who saw, that it was a "sacrifice" for the "almighty one." Whatever that meant.

9 months into the game, she bought a small house and filled it with things that she made and or forged herself. These items all had something or another, to do with the Occult. She spends most of her time here meditating in her candle room.

Now, after a full year Yuchi has begun developing her special sword skill. For her, the skill shows up to be; <<Lightning Switch>>

Lightning switch is when she switches her sword from one hand to another and continuously fights, using the help of the <<Sprint>> skill. Hence the name Lightning, and Switch.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/YUCHI.jpg.45e146d0ec89050f423d0c172a5746ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/YUCHI.jpg.45e146d0ec89050f423d0c172a5746ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon class:


Weapon and Appearance:

The Isslick sword.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef5b8704_SAOSWORD.jpg.26f5e38f02e4d859e99a87f81748c65d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bef5b8704_SAOSWORD.jpg.26f5e38f02e4d859e99a87f81748c65d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Forgot to mention, she is a Beta Tester)



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Username: BlackRose

Real Name: Kasumi Tachibana

Age: Early 20s


-One-handed Straight Sword: 747/1000

-Parry: 475/1000

Battle Healing: 400/1000

-Searching: 450/1000

-Listening: 375/1000

-Detection: 425/1000

-Acrobatics: 400/1000

-Night Vision: 350/1000

-Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill): 400/1000

-Extended Weight Limit: 450/1000

-Equipment Appraisal: 575/1000

-Tools Appraisal: 247/1000

-Medicine Mixing: 226/1000

Personality: As in the real world, BlackRose is also very reserved and has few friends. In Sword Art Online, she blurs the line between Hero and Villain, as she is that of an arch-typical Antiheroine, while she is not very arrogant, she can be selfish. It is not often she goes out of her way to help others, unless it is in her best interest. Despite her cold and harsh personality, she still has morals, as she is against Player-Killing, Stealing, Lying and other Deceitful Actions.

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: While most players were in guilds and parties, BlackRose herself is a solo player. Over the past year, she spent it on training her Combat Skills as well as others that will help her survive within the game long enough to return to the real world. As she has past Experience with other MMORPGs, BlackRose would not be your average newbie. A very committed person, her days were filled with intense and deadly training exercises, her nights with study and recreation. Around the time she reached level 40, she had purchased a small house on the 22nd Floor, where she can have a place to sleep and relax if she is not up at Front Lines. She has no interest in joining guilds and parties, as she feels that they will hold her back. However, there are times where she opens up momentarily and perform acts of kindness, but covers them up with sarcasm or denies them if asked. With the exception of Boss fights, she will not party up with other players. If there is anything she hates more then a Boss, it is Player-Killers. Most of them are intimidated by her, however, due to her high level and skill.

Level: 48



Weapon class: Swordsman

Weapon and Appearance: Bloodheart


Communication is sleeping with someone in SAO for the PSvita
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Communication is sleeping with someone in SAO for the PSvita

Username: Roth

Real Name: Aaron Drake

Age: 20


Picking 400/1000

Acrobatics 575/1000

Listening 400/1000

One-handed Dagger 750/1000

Extended Weight Limit 400/1000

Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill)

Musical Instrument 350/1000

Parry 475/1000

Leather Equipment 450/1000

Night Vision 450/1000

X-Ray Vision 425/1000

Personality: He is a survivor doing whatever he needs to do to make sure he gets out of this world alive. He is a sarcastic smart-mouth who always speaks his mind. He does not like to lead prefers to fallow.

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: They say in order to hunt a monster you first have to become a monster. For the first month he was a PKer not by choice but out of necessity to survive. He’s did something that he’s not proud of in that group. Stuff that gave him a orange cursor what he did is still not entirely known, but what is known is that he has three strikes. Though it’s green now he can never forget what he did he was contacted by by the unknown leader of 'Vile's end'. He now hunts what he once was with extreme prejudiced as a Seeker mostly known as Head hunters. He manged to purchase a small house on the 22 floor using the trees to better his acrobatics skill.




Weapon class: Small Bladesmen

Weapon and Appearance: Sword Breaker (one of the daggers in the picture)
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Communication is sleeping with someone on the PSvita (yes...yes it is...)

Username: (Can I use Ravita? Looks like a Ravita... If not, FlamingoQueen because god forbid my characters take their usernames seriously)

Real Name: Adara Haus

Age: 16


  • Sewing (Pretty good at it as she made it a hobby for pass-time)
  • Listening (her general hearing makes up for her lack of smell and sight)
  • Acrobatics
  • Familiar Communication
  • Familiar Recovery (that is of course, if I'm allowed to be a beast tamer)
  • X Ray vision (to a degree, her general vision is bad)
  • Night Vision (to a degree, her general vision is bad)
  • Sprint
  • Battle Healing (only small amounts however)
  • Sales Negotiation (if she's not too intimidated by the merchant)
  • Parry

Personality: (I'mma just make tabs here...)

  • extremely independent-- will not be pinned down by anyone or any rules.Freedom is essential to her mental being. However this does not mean that she likes to be alone. Infact loneliness is more painful to her than anything.
  • -Forgetful
  • -Mood swings
  • -Multiple mannerisms, attitudes and beliefs (needless to say she's quite the hypocrite)
  • -Suffers from Paranoia and anxiety
  • -Can get bored easily with people.
  • -Loves to learn things when the topic interests her.
  • -If there's a superstition that involves making a wish, she believes in it.
  • -Tweaks around her personality for different people
  • -Smart but can be rather slow at times and can't stand puzzles.
  • -Prone to hesitation
  • -Clumsy
  • -Curious, adaptable, superficial, indecisive, anxious, fickle, and adventurous
  • -Sees her glass as 'half full of air'
  • -Can be deep and loves metaphors
  • -Not good with her money
  • -Can't cook
  • -Blushes easily though her personality comes off as rather shameless
  • -Creative and full of imagination. However, she tends to either A) bite off more than she can chew or B) Come up with so many ideas at once that she can't stick to one.
  • -Prefers strategizing rather than going into a situation blindly
  • -Doesn't like to get angry, won't do confrontation and can't stay mad at a person.
  • -Full of advice, love, interesting conversations and strange nicknames.
  • -Can't take weather. If it's too hot she has more of a short temper and if it's too cold she's too whiny.
  • -Can't multi-task
  • -Left eye is worse than her right (which is why her bangs tend to cover her left eye anyways.) Her right eye is most certainly dominant. However, she has generally bad vision and can only make out words and detail within 20 feet away from her.
  • -Has a tendency to over apologize

Bio: Adara isn't really the kind of person who can survive by herself. The only reason why she's probably still alive is all thanks to the man she's partnered up with early in the game, Shadowlegend. Shadow had been one of the few beta testers in the game and he tends to have many characteristics and abilities Adara lacks in order to survive but then again it's vice versa with him as well. So teaming together was a good plan, as their personalities tended to balance each other out. They aren't part of a guild and they tag along during most boss fights only because they want to help be a part of the game and refuse to waste away in the town of beginnings. Sure, it's scary but they learned to endure like everybody else trying to beat the game has. They own a small house (it's small...it's enough to be shelter. Cheapskates) in um... can I get back to you on what floor that is?

Level: 35



(my god dat pink...that's ok right? I'm not good with designs and I was like 'I'm going to draw this!' Also forget that random hand photobombing...it's part of a full base I haven't yet completed xD ;)

Weapon class: swordsman...I think? Yeah. (also can she be a beast tamer? Not a strong one but.... ;u; beast tamers...)

Weapon Appearance:

Rapiers are pretty sexy.



Name: Luminitsa

Attention Hog

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Username: Tekkan Faerwen

Real Name: James Wilson

Age: 15








Night vision



Light metal equipment


Personality: He's a little bit cowardly. He'd never even dare to do a high-level dungeon run alone, and would be reluctant in a small party, and all this despite his fairly high level. He doesn't really associate with other players much, preferring to simply grind in the wilderness, although at a lower level than he could probably manage. He can be fairly friendly when simply interacting with others, just he doesn't like working with with.

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: He was actually an unofficial beta tester, because his father was fairly high up in the company, although not high up enough to know Akihiko Kayaba's plans. He's been in the game for about one year, and he's now level 50, because he simply grinds so much, despite the relatively low levels he does it at.

Level: 50


Weapon class: katana

Weapon and Appearance:
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Username: Ara

Real Name: Arashi Ito

Age: 17


Light Metal Armor Forging 530/1000

Slash Weapon Forging 526/1000

Metal Refining 487/1000

Metal Equipment Repairing 387/1000

Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill) 356/1000

Battle Healing 650/1000

Light Metal Equipment 457/1000

Katana 473/1000

Personality: Arashi's father is a blacksmith, that's why Arashi loves anything that has to do with crafting weapons or armor. He is honest, hardworking and cheerful, but doesn't like being with people he barely knows. All he wants is to have true friends, who would not hesitate to help him in his hour of need.

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: Arashi never expected that the game would become a survival test. He was shocked at first, but it didn't take long for him to understand that he can't sit around doing nothing. Just like he had originally planned, he fought using scimitars. After a while, a new weapon skill, Katana, appeared in his skill menu. Since then he started using katanas. Arashi always admired his father, so he invested a lot of time into leveling up his blacksmithing skills. Because of it, he lost precious leveling time, so he had to take risks. Arashi nearly died 3 times, but it resulted in battle healing being very high. A self-proclaimed samurai, he continues to slay enemies with his trusty katana, doing whatever he can to move forward.

Level: 39


Weapon class: Katana

Weapon and Appearance: The Crimson Edge
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Username: Urune ( Oo-ru-ne)

Real Name: Tagika Rashiro

Age: 16


Skills that Urune focuses on Acrobatics, Detection, and Tracking.

Personality: Urune is very quiet and is focused on staying alive. This is why she is only level 45. She is so scared about death which she does not reveal that she takes her time making sure she never drops below yellow.

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography:

In SAO, any player may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing - strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Urune strove to greatness. She showed early potential as a soldier, forcing herself to master the weight of a long sword when she was barely its height. She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. Urune became a leader amongst her peers. So exceptional was her passion that the High Command recognized her and her partner each with their best weapons, split amongst the two the poi style blades were forged and enchanted with crystal sorcery. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad - perfectly suited to her tastes. Soon after, Urune would fall for the girl. Keeping her safe from every attack and killing every monster that came between them. After some time, Urune would make the older girl stay in their house where they both lived in floor 34, because she feared of losing her. Arachne, which was the username the girl picked, would sneak out one night from Urune's arms in the bed to a dungeon. . .

-- More will be revealed throughout the rp x3 --

Level: 45



Weapon class: Two - handed Poi styled blades

Weapon and Appearance:

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Username: Mortem -of- life

Real Name: Kaigen Fang

Age: 19

Skill(s): Medicine Mixing, Picking, Searching, Tracking, Night Vision, Battle Healing, One-handed Straight Sword, Martial Arts, Heavy Metal Equipment

Personality: Is friedly but can be cold in battle, likes to joke and play around but can be serious when needed. Cares for his friends and try's to protect them.(rest will be revieled in rp)

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: Has bin in a guld but was mostly solo does help others on occassion. Is not a stranger to death as he has seen many die befor him including companions.

Level:(I believe after 1 year Kirito was still under level 50 so try to match this level to your characters Personality, Skills, and SAO Biography as well as you can!) lv. 48


Weapon class: (What has your character been training with this past year the most?)One-handed Straight Sword kilgorin

Weapon and Appearance: 
Username: Mortem -of- life

Real Name: Kaigen Fang

Age: 19

Skill(s): Medicine Mixing, Picking, Searching, Tracking, Night Vision, Battle Healing, One-handed Straight Sword, Martial Arts, Heavy Metal Equipment

Personality: Is friedly but can be cold in battle, likes to joke and play around but can be serious when needed. Cares for his friends and try's to protect them.(rest will be revieled in rp)

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: Has bin in a guld but was mostly solo does help others on occassion. Is not a stranger to death as he has seen many die befor him including companions.

Level:(I believe after 1 year Kirito was still under level 50 so try to match this level to your characters Personality, Skills, and SAO Biography as well as you can!) lv. 48


Weapon class: (What has your character been training with this past year the most?)One-handed Straight Sword kilgorin

Weapon and Appearance: 
Username: Mortem -of- life

Real Name: Kaigen Fang

Age: 19

Skill(s): Medicine Mixing, Picking, Searching, Tracking, Night Vision, Battle Healing, One-handed Straight Sword, Martial Arts, Heavy Metal Equipment

Personality: Is friedly but can be cold in battle, likes to joke and play around but can be serious when needed. Cares for his friends and try's to protect them.(rest will be revieled in rp)

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: Has bin in a guld but was mostly solo does help others on occassion. Is not a stranger to death as he has seen many die befor him including companions.

Level:(I believe after 1 year Kirito was still under level 50 so try to match this level to your characters Personality, Skills, and SAO Biography as well as you can!) lv. 48


Weapon class: (What has your character been training with this past year the most?)One-handed Straight Sword kilgorin

Weapon and Appearance: 
Username: Mortem -of- life

Real Name: Kaigen Fang

Age: 19

Skill(s): Medicine Mixing, Picking, Searching, Tracking, Night Vision, Battle Healing, One-handed Straight Sword, Martial Arts, Heavy Metal Equipment

Personality: Is friedly but can be cold in battle, likes to joke and play around but can be serious when needed. Cares for his friends and try's to protect them.(rest will be revieled in rp)

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: Has bin in a guld but was mostly solo does help others on occassion. Is not a stranger to death as he has seen many die befor him including companions.

Level:(I believe after 1 year Kirito was still under level 50 so try to match this level to your characters Personality, Skills, and SAO Biography as well as you can!) lv. 48


Weapon class: (What has your character been training with this past year the most?)One-handed Straight Sword kilgorin

Weapon and Appearance:
Username: Hiyori

Real Name: Hiyoko Yatsuri

Age: 16


Non-Combat: Cooking,Picking

Passive: Searching, Tracking, Detection, Hiding, Acrobatics, Night Vision, Sprint

Combat: Parry, Battle Healing, Light Metal Equip

Personality: Hiyoko is the tsunshun/himedere type, who loves when people listen to her, and do exactly as she says, which makes her quite childish when she is defied. She is very blunt and cold upon meeting new people, which drives them away. It happens unintentionally, as she very much likes companionship, but is too proud to admit her fault. When she considers you a close friend, she’s more careful in choosing her words, still has quite a short fuse, but will jump to your aid, even when she’s unsure of the chance of survival. Hiyoko is brave and adventurous, standing up easily when it is revealed that she was trapped within the game, and hastily leveled and trained to protect herself. She has difficulty keeping calm in intense situations, and usually lets her emotions get the best of her.

In the past year..: Hiyoko has mostly soloed due to her glare and personality warding off the few others which actually approached her, instead of running off the save their own hide. She mostly goes clearing dungeons to gain gil, and retires to a normal house on floor 22. Hiyoko does not clear boss rooms, or help in the front lines.

Level: 39

Appearance: Long black hair, brown eyes, about 5’4,

Weapon Class: One handed long sword

Weapon and Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd8aac3_HiyokoHerself.jpg.7890ce120db0fdbb4fd9bf52d36d30e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15628" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd8aac3_HiyokoHerself.jpg.7890ce120db0fdbb4fd9bf52d36d30e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd8f9e3_HiyokoArmor.jpg.3e28b9341408f6afec62ec77fae7ea70.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd8f9e3_HiyokoArmor.jpg.3e28b9341408f6afec62ec77fae7ea70.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd92f18_HiyokoWeapon.jpg.1d7afef8b3b1978743bba62a0d234ce3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befd92f18_HiyokoWeapon.jpg.1d7afef8b3b1978743bba62a0d234ce3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Username: Terron

Real Name: Nicholas Swanson

Age: 17


Weapon skills:

Blade Throwing 500/1000

Passive skills:

-Hiding: 500/1000

-Night vision: 500/1000

-Hearing: 500/1000

-picking: 600/1000

Non-combat skills

-Musical Instrument: 300/1000


Nick comes off as a mischievous, arrogant, shellfish person, who often pushes others away when he feels they're getting too close to him personally.

Once his get passed that exterior, he's a caring person, who cares about the well being of his friends, and will do almost anything to make them happy.


On his first couple months, Nick had been in a guild dedicated to looting, scamming, and betraying new players, usually leading to the deaths of their victims.

Over time he began to realize that he had became a murderer, not in reality, but in the game, which actually kills the person hooker up to the nerve gear, he began to see past his leader's reason of: "Who never knew them." And the classical: "You won't get caught."

One day he had simply had enough, he ran away from his old guild, forever.

Lately he's been spending time with the lower experienced, and is trying to help them to annul his past, and he's been stealing supplies from some of the front line guilds

Level: 41


Weapon appearance:


Beta Tester: yes

"Communication is sleeping with someone in SAO for the PSvita"
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Username: Robin_Man

Real Name: Jepitha Walters

Age: 23

General Skills: Musical Instrument (Plays the lute) 1000/1000

Familiar Recovery 450/1000

Familiar Communication 500/1000

Passive Skills: Tracking 610/1000

Listening 500/1000

Night vision 579/1000

Sprint 468/1000

Extended Weight limit 630/1000

Combat Skills: Meditation 475/1000

Heavy metal Equipment 700/1000

Weapon Skill: One-handed Curved Blade 800/1000

Martial arts 680/1000

Personality: Jepitha is calm, quiet, kind to everyone (except the people who murder others), it's kinda hard for Jepitha to make friends wit people, if he considers you a friend he will watch your back, but he suffers from depression, most days he seems fine (on the outside),

Your character in the past year/History/SAO Biography: Jepitha was surprised about the gaming keeping them in the game. That's where he started. He was always on the front lines. He was slowly became one of the best warriors around. When he was level 25 he joined a clan. There was one member that caught his attention. A girl name Kelly. She was a master at playing the lute. But her combat skills were iffy. So he he offered to teach her how to improve her combat skill. In return she teaches him how to play the lute. Two months later now these two became friends. Another four months they became more then friends. In fact they loved each other so much that they were gonna get married when they get out of the game. For the time being they bought a house on the 25th floor.

Life was good until one day. The couple were in the front lines during a boss fight. Kelly got hit. It wasn't till the boss died that Jepitha got a chance to look at her injuries. But it was too late for her. She was able to him three things. 1. Tell my parents about us. 2. Keep moving 3. I love you. Then she died in his arms. Afterwards Jepitha took a vacation. He stayed at the house for three months. During that time he gained a new friend. A familiar that he named Tyrone. Now Jepitha is back and ready to fight on with his new friend.


Jepitha and his familiar

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.da6b23ba3d00a933186ea00f297404c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.da6b23ba3d00a933186ea00f297404c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon class: One-Handed curved sword

Weapon and Appearance: His Sword and shield<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.e9e0997fc1fa8d6a546470cf156ed926.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.e9e0997fc1fa8d6a546470cf156ed926.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.feed71b202dba393a60ed0f81476b984.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.feed71b202dba393a60ed0f81476b984.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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