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Fandom Sword Art Online


Pursuer of Nightmares
It's just a game, but to the people playing it, it is anything but.

Trapped in a madman's world, thousands of people are forced to become part of Sword Art Online, an MMORPG where suddenly everything is at stake. You die in the game, you die in real life. You reach the top floor, you escape. It's simple.

Or is it?

The game has only just begun, and everything is to play for.



I'm expecting this RP to go on to great things. The way this works is that we're all new players in the game, just starting out. Myself, and probably Atom, will be Quest-Givers, and so, OOC occasionally before a post we will post info about a quest. These should come up every few days, and when giving them, we will state the number of players that can take part in them. Then, when posting, a character simply has to Quest Claim, which is done by typing:


at the start of a post. I will look out for who is claiming most often and try to make sure that everyone has a fair chance of getting a quest, so if someone is claiming every single quest, I will make sure that someone else has a chance.

I will also be posting a weekly event, which will start on Friday and end on Wednesday. This could be anything, from a dueling tournament to a treasure hunt to a murder mystery. Everyone can take part in the event, but there will be only one winner, as decided by myself sometime from Wed-Fri before the next event starts.

And this brings me on to my favorite part, the ability system.

I've been thinking about this a lot, and I've come to a decision. The ability system is a reward system of sorts that rewards players with abilities, either passive, aggressive, or defensive. When an event is completed, there will be only one winner, and they will be given a choice of three abilities, one from each category. The ability is then permanently added to their character. I will be creating and deciding on abilities, so that there is nothing overpowered or overused like Dual Wield.

There will also be a second RP tab. Note that this is for me to post in only, and all RP'ing will take place in this tab. The second tab will be a weekly newsletter, written on Friday, detailing the previous event winner, the next event, and a summary of everything that has happened in the roleplay in the past week.

That's all for now! Once I've approved your character you're free to go ahead and start posting!

Edit: I forgot to mention, any NPC's can be controlled by anyone, as long as they act rationally and don't do anything completely out of character.
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Welcome to Sword Art Online! A massive VRMMORPG! Journey through Aincrad defeating monsters and leveling up as you play through the world of Sword Art Online!

Release Day

All around the world thousands of players were logging in, wasting no time after purchasing the game. Inside the game thousands of players were all logging into the main server, starting in the Town of Beginnings. The sun shined brightly over the Town of Beginnings

as new players all rushed forth, beginning what was expected to be the greatest game of the current time. The first VRMMO, an immersive gaming experience. The players could even feel the kiss of the wind along their players face and the heat of the sun in the air. It was truly an epic experience.

Players wasted no time in rushing forth to hunt the monsters in the fields outside of the town, some embarking on starter quests, earning the currency of the world, or linking up with friends to embark on harder quests early on. It truly had the outlook of an amazing game that would revolutionize the game industry.

At least it seemed that way, until the sun began to set on the first day, and players slowly began to realize their logout button was missing...
Ciaran laughed as Emily slipped and fell from the tree, landing softly in the grass. On the horizon the sun was just beginning to set, a beautiful auburn like he had never seen before. Sometimes Ciaran had to remind himself that it was just a game. He walked over to Emily, who was lying there staring at the sky, and sat down next to her.

"I bet you're glad I made you buy it now." He said, a smile on his face.

"Hell yeah. I never thought stabbing things in the back could be so fun."

"I highly doubt that."

She laughed. "Okay, you got me. But still. This is way better than I thought it would be."

"Yeah. Yeah."

He stared out into the sunset, the sound of the Town of Beginnings distant but still there, the hustle and bustle of excited new players. It was truly exhilarating. Whoever had made this, they'd made something wonderful, something magnificent.

"I think I'm gonna call it a day." Emily said. "I need sleep, and if I don't come off soon, my mum's gonna kill me."

"Okay, I'll message you tomorrow."

"Don't do too much without me."

Ciaran smiled. "No promises."

Emily pulled up her menu, and Ciaran looked back at the sun. The sky was just starting to turn red as evening set in. He sighed happily.

"Wait, how do you log out?"

He turned back to Emily, frowning. "There's a button on the main menu."

"I'm...not seeing anything."

He pulled up his own menu, scrolling to the bottom, but the button was gone. He'd already been on twice today, so he knew it was supposed to be there. He'd used it himself earlier. There were two possibilities, the first being that it was some sort of glitch or bug. But a glitch of that scale, on launch day? It didn't seem right. They'd be more prepared than that. Besides, they'd had the Beta to iron out all the bugs. That led to the second possibility, which was that it had been manually removed by the creator? But why? Was he trying to prove a point, make a statement? Or was it simply a mistake?

"Give it a few minutes." He told Emily. "Perhaps it's just an error."

But as he sat there, watching the sunset, he didn't think it was an error. Something was going on, and it didn't look good.
Sierra frowned. Where was it? She scrolled through the menu and when she reached the bottom she groaned. "Did they already mess the game up?", she asked herself with annoyance. Her new friend Lena came up behind her and asked, "Sierra what's wrong?" Sierra sighed and closed the menu. She turned to her new group of friends and answered, "The gamemakers forgot to add the logout button. Dang it! And I have a book report due in two days!" Lena smiled weakly and touched Sierra's shoulder. "Hey I'm sure they are trying to fix it right this minute.", Lena said calmly. Sierra nodded and sat down. She looked at the sunset and said, "Even though its virtual, it seems so real." Lena sat beside her and said, "Yea." Sierra sighed and closed her eyes. She really hoped the problem would be fixed soon.

(Was it alright that I posted? I thought since we were accepted, that we could reply.)
"Haha this is fun" said Daisuke as he was running in the fields "I better go fast my music classes start in less than an hour" he opened his menu and.."what no logout button is this an bug well they better fix it know" he started scrolling up and down hoping that the bug would fix."Seriously the first day and no logout button!" Daisuke thought to himself while he walked towards the starting area.Daisuke started walking upon hearing music "hmmm hmmm" he hummed to himself while the npc started playing the violin "I could get used to this" said Daisuke.Daisuke reached the starting area where every player was hoping to make friends.
Sierra and her friends were having a great time till one of her friends, Jeremy, disappeared. Sierra stood up and walked to where he was once at. "Did he find a way to log out?", Sierra asked. "If he did then he should of told us. We want to get out too.", Lenna complained. Mitsy walked up to Sierra and Lena. "I'm sure he will come....", but she was interrupted. Suddenly before Mitsy could finish talking, she disappeared too. Sierra stepped back and said, "Woah what on earth is going on?!" Lena looked around and said, "Another glitch? Maybe they got logged out?" Sierra looked around. Suddenly Johnathan, another friend, disappeared. Sierra stepped back and tripped. "Ok what in the world is going on!", she yelled. Lena looked around with scared eyes. Now there was only three of them left, Sierra, Lena, and their other friend Andrew.

(For those of you who are confused: The three players who disappeared died in the real world from their family taking the game off. Which fried their brains.)
This day had been great! The game was very realistic, more than anyone could expect. Everything you saw looked real, everything you touched feeled real, there were even tastes and smells! Alexander spent the entire day killing enemes and leveling up, but now was time to go... Wait. Waaaaait. Where is the Log out button? Was this a bug? It had to be! It can't be possible that they did this on prupose... At least he hoped so. He figured out that he had to wait for this to be fixed. In while waiting he tought that he might ad well go to the central part of the starting city, where most of the other players were.
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Mai scrolled through the menu, up and down, trying to find the log out button. "Where is it?" She muttered it her self. My best friend Kalissa came into my veiw. "What's wrong Mai?" She says quietly, obviously seeing the annoyed expression.

"There's no log out button!" I shout in anger. I search through it one more time, but hit no luck.

Guess I need to wait for the bug to be fixed.

I kept walking until I reached the starting place. I saw people chatting about the bug/glitch.

Looks like I'm not then only one.
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Storm was walking in the field. He just reached exp level 4 from killing hogs.

Storm: "I think it's about time I got off..."

He opened the menu.

He went to the bottom.

Storm: "hey where's the log out button..?"

He repeatedly opened the menus checking to see if it was a glitch.

Storm: "ok... Not a glitch... Probably just a bug... They'll fix it soon... Hopefully."

He looked around and saw another player.

Storm: "hey you! Do you have a log out button!?"

Player: "no... You have the same proble-"

An arrow shot through the players chest and they faded out of existence.

Storm thinking: that was rather a high level monster or a player... Wouldn't think that there would be any high level monsters so close to town... Probably just a troll...or a noob.

Storm started running to the town of beginnings where he knew there wouldn't be any trolls.

He checks his menu again.

Storm thinking: Ugh... still no logout.
Noiz frowns, the logout button being missing doesn't particularly bother him, it's just strange. He wishes he could try and check the code to see what's going on, but obviously he can't do that from inside the game, which is hugely frustrating for someone so computer obsessed. He's fought a few creatures so far, but stopped when he noticed the missing button, so isn't fought anything very hard. When he came in he had wanted to test if he could feel pain, but he hadn't taken any damage, and he definitely wasn't going to deliberately take damage, so he didn't know that yet. He expects they'll be told what's going on soon, why the logout button isn't there, but he would much prefer to know now, he hates not having answers.
The day had come. Sword Art Online was finally live. Kain wasted no time logging in once he got home, he had waited in line for literally days at a local mall. He lowered the Nerve Gear onto his head, and took the dive.

"Link Start!"

Kain spent the next few hours out in the field, killing boars and other low level mobs. He didn't really talk to any other players, he was sure there would be time for that later. He cleared level six, which took longer than he had hoped, and decided maybe it was time to log out and go eat dinner, although he had to admit he didn't really feel hungry. The Nerve Gear really did immerse you into the world...he could feel the wind blowing, the sun beating down on him. It was truly impressive.

Kain pulled up his menu and scrolled down to the bottom...but there wasn't a log out button. Strange. He figured maybe he could only log out from town or something so he headed back to the Town of Beginnings, but he still couldn't log out. He spoke to a few other players who all seemed to be having the same problem. Kain assumed it was some kind of server load error or something and that the admins would have it sorted shortly. He found a tree to sit under and kicked back, enjoying the sunset and the light breeze.

Glancing at his clock, Luhan stared back at his computer screen. Taking a sip of his coffee, he let the creamy texture run through his tongue as he focused on homework. Sighing, he stood up, stretching, and reaching down to pet his Border Collie puppy, before perching on his bed. Sliding on his NerveGear, he laid down, plugging in the machine. It brought a slight smile on his face, thinking of the newbies that would be diving for the first time today.

"Link Start!" He called, before logging in, the artificial world engulfing him.

As he logged on, he could feel his body taking over his avatar, and soon, he opened his eyes, completely submerged in his new environment. Luhan could hear the happy chatter of newbies, and he wandered around aimlessly, enjoying the weather.
Noiz has managed to absentmindedly make his way to the middle, finding himself near many people. He doesn't want to be here, but if he wants a team, which he is sure will be necessary, he has to be around people. He bites at his lip, trying to catch his snakebite piercings, which normally calms him down a bit, but they aren't there. He's slightly confused for a second, but soon remembers how much he'd changed his appearance to look approachable, very sure this game would be team based, and even if it isn't, having people hate him wouldn't be helpful. He'd tried to make himself look like the kid of his parents business partner, they are always smiling, and everyone seems to be so comfortable around them, so it seemed like a smart idea. Of course now he's cursing himself for it, his piercings being gone extremely bothering him, although he manages to keep a small smile on his face, mainly focused on the fact that he's in here, away from his rubbish family. The person he's based his character on is probably slightly older than him, and is definitely not German, but that doesn't matter, people from all around the world are playing, so it's not a problem. He thinks he might have accidentally bumped into someone whilst thinking, but he wasn't really paying attention so isn't sure, but he knows they'll either get over it or come complain if he did, so it's really nothing to worry about.


Storm: "um... Sorry... I think I bumped into you... I was looking for this player that should have re spawned around here... Have you seen anyone?"

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