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Looking for Partner(s)

All I am is an X

New Member
I'm up for a lot of different things, and romance isn't an issue for me (I can do MxF, FxF, MxM, or simply none at all). Realistic, 'realistic, and modern fantasy kinds of things are typically what I do, but something set in either the future or past could work as well, provided you don't mind mistakes here and there. I can be descriptive, just a fair warning, and I will try my best to match what you write. Just no one liners please! So, any takers that I can throw ideas at until something sticks?
Great! What kind of fantasy by the way? Something with dragons, elves, and the like? I've done one thing in an older setting with fantasy elements, but that was just a story and it was about a healer-type of girl.
I would love to

do a MXM or FXF with you.

Please pm me for

further details and discussion.
Do you have any ideas for something like that, because if not then I could probably think up something in a bit. I'm not promising it'll be good, but it could at least be something to work off of.
I can't actually PM yet so I'll do it here.

The plots a pretty simple, both our characters were childhood friends, for some reason one of them (Or both, that could make it more interesting.) Left their hometown at [insert a decent age here.] for reasons of there own (Could be for adventure, wealth, power anything really.) And then they end up meeting again after a few years. Then this could lead into an event that changes them or something along those lines (Could be a quest or something.). I know its not the best.
Ashman74 said:
I can't actually PM yet so I'll do it here.
The plots a pretty simple, both our characters were childhood friends, for some reason one of them (Or both, that could make it more interesting.) Left their hometown at [insert a decent age here.] for reasons of there own (Could be for adventure, wealth, power anything really.) And then they end up meeting again after a few years. Then this could lead into an event that changes them or something along those lines (Could be a quest or something.). I know its not the best.
I like it actually! I'd be up for it, since it seems pretty open for character creation and all.
[QUOTE="All I am is an X]Sounds good to me. What kind though, like realistic or fantasy and more plot or pairing to work from?

Maybe a Fantasy and do pairing?
Heather said:
Maybe a Fantasy and do pairing?
Sure, is there any you have in mind? I have done a werewolf x human pairing before, though the werewolf was along the lines of The Howling and tended to be a bit gory on transformation nights, and something with vampires would probably be just about the same (except like the manga Hellsing), and preferred not be paired with a human. Any other ideas would be appreciated though!


Ashman74 said:
I'm up for it so I guess we will.
Alrighty then, is there a certain age range you'd like to stick to, and would our OCs be human and run into certain fantasy-type elements or be another race, unless there's something else you had in mind for that?
I think any (Humanoid) fantasy race would work for our characters, maybe the age range could be...20-30?
Ashman74 said:
I think any (Humanoid) fantasy race would work for our characters, maybe the age range could be...20-30?
I can think over what race I could play as, and the age race sounds good to me since I prefer older characters anyway. Would this be MxM, MxF, or FxF by the way?

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