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Fandom Sword Art Online Semi-Dice RP

Ryzer watched as the girl fell flat on her face, Metsu was her name. Thank goodness for Ryzer's helm, or else the the giant smirk on his face would be noticeable, though he wasn't able to keep from chuckling. He couldn't help it, it was funny.

'Either she's a very clumsy PKer, or she's just looking for a partner. I guess I don't have anything to worry about.' Ryzer thought as Metsu got herself off the ground. Ryzer offered her a handshake, "My name is Ryzer, nice to meet you. I was looking for someone to team up with too, so I guess we're both in luck huh?"

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Metsu noticed the chuckle. She saw Ryzer reaching out his hand to her. Metsu was never educated about the handshake. Her whole life she had to do curtsies to some other nobles. That was the way of a 'lady'. Guys had to bow in return. Since Metsu was used to that way, she did a curtsy and ignored the hand.

"Nice to meet you too." she said, waiting for a bow in return. She thought about the chances of him being a harm to her, but she didn't care about that much. Metsu was sure she could defeat him at PvP at any given moment. "Indeed. We both are at luck."
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Ryzer tilted his head at Metsu as she bowed instead of shaking his hand. 'Uh ok? I'm no royalty....am I?.....no that was a stupid thought. Maybe she is? Or she's just polite, in an old fashioned way?' Ryzer shrugged at his thoughts, it wasn't worth rattling his brain over. Ryzer turned around and proceeded down the path, "Well then what are we waiting for? The dungeon isn't going to clear itself!" Ryzer still wasn't completely sure about Metsu, there's always a possibility she's a foe.

Ryzer decided he's going to keep his guard up, until they part ways or he knows he can trust her. Ryzer may not be good at PvP, that doesn't mean he won't put up a fight. If she does attack him, Ryzer's going to make sure he gives her a tough fight, he wasn't going to die today.

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The guy didn't bow back. Metsu wasn't bothered by it that much, because she knew that outside of the royal families not many people greeted that way. She felt like Ryzer was being cautious about her. She thought about it for a little and then realized it. She had just ran up to a complete stranger and asked to team up. She herself would have been suspicious about the person too.

"Yeah, but first I'll need to add you to my party." Metsu said opening her Main Menu window. She went under Friends/Guild and three options popped up - Party, Friend and Guild. "Uhh.. I guess I'll have to friend you first." she said. Metsu chose 'send friend request' and typed in Ryzer. An option immediately popped up and she sent him the request.

To be honest, that was the first time Metsu had ever sent a friend request. She had solo'd all the other dungeons, but at the 20th floor they started to get more difficult. Even at boss fights she never formed a party with anyone. She just tagged along and followed her own plan of defeating it. It often caused a lot of trouble, but Metsu didn't care about it that much. People had sent her requests before, but she had always denied them. There was only one contact in her friends list which was 'Hikazu'.

@Joey Winchester
Ryzer looked as a message popped up in front of him. <<Metsu has sent you a friend request. Accept? Yes or No>>. Ryzer wasn't sure, it has been a while since he last friended someone, but in order to form a party, he had to accept it. 'Maybe she won't be a bad player, well....I guess I shouldn't be rude,' Ryzer thought as he pressed the accept button. Ryzer knew he had to, at least, give Metsu a chance. After all, if she wanted to do something bad, she would've already.

Ryzer decided he had to make an effort to show Metsu he didn't mean to be rude, so once the system went thru, he sent Metsu a party request.
Perfect, a speed character with a defense character. Nearly an unstoppable duo. "I did guess from your sword. Most speed characters use rapiers to boost their speed." He says. "That or an Estoc." He glances down at his Estoc of Leaves. He may be a defense character, but it was still important to have speed to block or dodge. Suddenly, his eyes lit up as he noticed something. "Look at me, already making conversation without introducing myself. I'm Saroku." He says with a nervous smile. "Sorry for not telling you earlier, I get really caught up in other things sometimes."

"Well, you know who I am, right? I think you said my name before." Ravenna shrugged. "I'm Ravenna, anyways. What are you? You have an Estoc, but looking at your armour, I wouldn't think that you're a speed character" Saroku was wearing a suit of light grey armour, and it didn't seem as light as Ravenna's was.Though you couldn't really base everything off of what a person was wearing, anyways.
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Saroku lightly knocked on his Brute Body Armor chest plate and spoke. "Yeah, I'm a defense character. The reason I use an Estoc is because it's fast and lightweight, so I can block much faster and hit multiple strikes against anyone with more defense than me." He explains. "I was planning on becoming a speed/defense character but I might just become an all out defense character and join a guild were I can be of use on the front lines."

An NPC walks to the table and a menu pops up for both Ravenna and Saroku. "What would you like to eat?" She asks. Saroku slides up and down the menu until he finds water, then clicks the small blue circle next to the menu after selecting it. "I'll lend you some Cor if you're running a bit short. I've got a little more than I know what to do with." He says.

A defense, huh... Defense and speed is good together. Ravenna glanced at the menu, and decided to get water, as well. "No, it's fine. I should have enough for myself," she said, declining Saroku's offer to buy her water. "It's way easier to earn Cor here than in real life. Especially if this game is based off of fighting and questing."
He smiles. "Alright, if you say so." Although water didn't have much of a taste, it was refreshing and it didn't cost any Cor. The NPC waitress walks back with our drinks, then returns to the kitchen. "So, I was thinking we could do a formation of some sort with you in the front and myself in the back. With you up front, you can easily kill weak enemies coming our way. If an enemy with too much strength comes up, then you can dodge and I'll block the blow, then parry." He explains. The idea seemed pretty solid in his mind. "What do ya say? Sound good?" He asked before taking a long sip of his water.
"Sure. I mean, the formation would probably work either way. If you were in front, you could block the blows, and then I could jump up from behind to attack while the enemy is preparing to attack again." Ravenna said, sipping her water. "Though that wouldn't work against a fast enemy... Anyways, we only have two people, so you can't really have such a great formation in the first place. I don't mind your idea."
Saroku grew a tad strong hearted when he heard her reply. He hadn't really been too keen on buddying up since he lost his last friend. This Ravenna could be a huge mistake to get close to, bit Saroku didn't care. He was happy to find someone to share his friendship with someone else other than the remaining thoughts of his allies. "We'll make it work. We'll just have to do our part: don't let the other die." His face turns somewhat serious when he speaks. He was determined to keep an ally alive, but he wasn't sure she'd do the same. He sure hoped so.

"Right," Ravenna said, smiling a bit. "But the dying part's a bit obvious. Especially here." It seemed like Saroku would be a helpful ally, and he probably wouldn't let her die. Being a speed character meant that she was risking her life a lot, since she didn't really have much health. That forced Ravenna to join a team in order to fight really anything. Most of the time, that worked out well, but sometimes, it just didn't. Although Ravenna wasn't the sort of person who wanted to risk her life, she had wanted to play as a speed character for a very long time. She hoped that teaming with Saroku would be a good choice.
"Well, now that that's settled, I say we get out if here and hut that dungeon." He says, taking the last gulps of his water before setting it down. The crave for adventure could wait to be soothed no longer. "I've got everything I need, if you want to stop at a few stores before we go, then that's ok." He said. Although he was just aching to see the dungeon, going with someone who isn't equiped to their liking could get the both of them killed.

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"I should be fine," Ravenna said, placing her water down. She always wanted to be ready to explore, and that applied to the current moment. "Let's go. If we could find someone else when we get there, that'd be nice, too. It's better to have more people, right?" She was ready to go and fight some monsters, but was also nervous. I hope I don't die today... she thought to herself. She swallowed the fear. She would be fine. Especially with a defense character beside her.
"Meh, I think the best team consists of three or four people, five at the most. You just can't get crowded with players, that's what gets ya killed." He says, walking through the door. "The dungeon is in Sunshine Forest, so lets get going, I don't like being outside of safe zones at night."

"Right." Ravenna nodded. She followed Saroku out of the door, quickening her pace so that she could catch up to him. "If we find people in the dungeon, will we team up with them?" Through that question, Ravenna would be able to find out how much Saroku really trusted people, or how much he valued his own safety.

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He looks back at her as he walks through the streets. "Maybe. It depends on what they're like. As long as they carry their own wait and then some, then they can tag along." He says.

He enters Sunshine Forest and checks his map for dungeon location. "Alright, its just up ahead." He says, running in the direction of the dungeon. Excitement chanelled through his body as he drew closer to the dungeon.


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