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Fandom Sword Art Online Semi-Dice RP


Scary Lady
Hey everyone. As stated in the the name, this is a Sword Art Online RP. There's a few things that will be different from the RP so please read everything so you are not confused during the RP. If you haven't seen SAO yet, I'd suggest you watch it now, it's great.

It is November 6th, 2022, and the game of Sword Art Online has sold out on it's first day and is populated with about 50,000 players. The first few hours of gameplay seemed normal, until players realized they couldn't log out. Some shrugged it off, then the creator of the game, Kayaba, appeared in the center of The Town of Beginnings, and informed everyone that they would not be released from the game until they beat every floor, all 100 of them.

It is now June 21st, 2023, seven months later after the incident. 10,000 players have died, and only 15 floors have been cleared. The duty of finishing the game rests on the 40,000 survivors left. You are one of those 40,000.

Now that that's out of the way, I can start explaining how this'll all work. I don't want things to get too long and dreary, so I'm only going to have each player do 3-6 lines per reply. There will be a leveling up system, but it won't be calculated. It will just be estimated. Killing a floor boss is almost always a level up. Since the level max is 100, and there are 100 floors, I've decided that you are only allowed to level up once per floor without killing the boss; so I guess 2 levels per floor. You can level up by killing enemies, completing quests, etc.

When you level up, you will be given skill points, which you can use to improve your character. The are four skills, Strength, Defense, Health, and Speed. The more skill points you have in a skill, the more lenient you can be with it. You earn one skill point per level, and two skill points per every other level. The max for each skill is 100.

There will be PvP and PvE. When in battle with a player, your damage input will be determined by the defense of the other player, vise versa; so be mindful of your opponent's stats. As for health, it will be depleted by percentage, so when referring to the amount of damage taken, use percentages to describe your health. Speed will be determined by the player with the highest speed. That player gets an offensive defense speed boost, which means the player is faster at blocking, and countering. As for PvE, I will determine all the stats of the enemy. This will only be needed when fighting bosses though.

Sword skills are used, but you're not allowed to use them back to back. You're allowed to make up your own sword skill and use it after clearing it with me. Your sword skill is allowed to be whatever it wants, double damage, limb severing, weapon takedown, etc. Only one player will have Duel Wielding, I will chose randomly among the players interested in having the Sword Skill.

That's all for now folks, there's a character sheet below that I'll need you to fill out before you can participate. I will be accepting 2-5 other players other than myself. If you have any questions, suggestions, or you're interested, please let me know below in the comments. Thanks and have a great day.




Physical appearance: (Picture allowed)

Game Username:

Virtual Appearance: (Picture Allowed)

Weapon of choice: (This will effect the starting equipment I give you)

Skill Stats (You will all start at level 15, so you have 22 starting skill points, spend them as you please.) When you're finished, post your OC in the character creation/submission chat please and thank you




20 floors cleared, 4 months passed, and 10,000 players sadly dead. Players have been brave enough to make it this far, but there's still a long way to go before clearing the game.

(Hey everyone, before typing my little intro for the rp, let me give you some additional info. About the main characters of the game; they won't be here. That means that their is no one with the appointed skill Deul Wielding. I've decided to give the skill to a random player via RNG. I'll give each player a number, then which ever number gets picked by the RNG machine will receive the skill. That same person will also make the decision between fighting Kayaba in a 100% Duel or not. If they chose to accept, they can either win and finish the game, or end up dying. If you are to die from Kayaba, you can either make a new character, or watch.

I've also decided to do something a bit different with the health. Since health will be determined by percentages and not actual numbers, I've decided to make health into regeneration. You will regenerate health by turns. For example: if you have 9 health, you'll regenerate 0.9% health every turn until you reach your 100% max health.

That's it for now, Time to start.)

Saroku walks the streets of Amaruoki, a large city on the twentieth floor, with his sword sheathed on his side. He wears a light suit of light gray leather body armor. He has been looking for some players to go explore the newly discovered dungeon with. He surly couldn't do it alone. Players flooded though the streets, so it couldn't be too hard to find some experienced players, right? He soon stumbled upon a circle of players, surrounding two players in a 50% Duel. Me made room for himself to see.

One player wearing blue warrior armor, wielded a large silver war hammer, and the other, a smaller fellow, wearing a suit of light armor. He wields a skinny rapier; the battle's outcome was easily predictable, well, at least that's what he thought before he saw the fight. One second, they stood still across from each other, the next, the beast of a player was on the ground, sobbing in his losses. The boy's speed was impeccable. As soon as the battle started, he dashed from side to side, and made his way behind the large man, and cut him down before he could even react. From there he finished his health off as if it were nothing. The crowd applauded him as the large man left in sorrow. The crowd chanted, "Go Akami, Go Akami!" Saroku couldn't wait to see the next sorry sap to take on this guy.
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Ravenna was ambling down the streets of the 20th floor, hoping to find something interesting to see before she went to try the new dungeon. Of course, she would have loved to go alone, but in a world like SAO, that wasn't really a good choice. Especially if dying meant, well, dying. She was planning on looking for anyone experienced to go and adventure with her, but she didn't really want to make a request of her own. It was better to follow someone else who was leader, than be a leader herself. She didn't want to be blamed for the deaths of people, anyways.

It seemed that there was an event of some sort happening in a wide and open area in the streets. Ravenna decided to go and check it out, since a large crowd would most likely have someone who wants to go and explore the new dungeon. She stood as tall as she could, and tried to see into the centre of the circle, so that she could figure out what was happening. After a few moments of trying, she gave up and tried to move further into the crowd. At that moment, the crowd began to applaud. Must be some sort of duel, then she thought as she heard the chanting of the crowd. Akami... That name seems familiar, but... Ah well. It could just be her imagination.
Ryzer sighed as the dire wolf went down. He had been up since the early morning, getting used to his new sword. The usual screen popped up were the beast once stood, showing how much EXP, Col, and items Ryzer had obtained. Ryzer was getting tired, and the EXP from that wolf wasn't worth hunting down more. ' Maybe I could tame one of these wolves, they would come in handy for scouting....nah, it would too much work,' Ryzer thought. So with that Ryzer decided to go back into town. He has been working on his blacksmith skills, though it wasn't high enough to talk about, he needs to focus more on it. ' First thing's first, it's brunch time,' Ryzer thought as he entered Amarouki.

He noticed a large crowd surrounding two players having a duel. Ryzer was going to stay and watch, but his grumbling stomach decided that food had the top priority at this moment. Ryzer decided after brunch he would head towards the newly discovered dungeon, maybe even be the first one to enter it! Well, maybe not enter it completely, but just go in and scout it out a bit. Ryzer was a bit reckless, but he wasn't that eager to die.
Arak was walking around streets of 20th floor,as he waited for another party to tag along for a dungeon,he knewh going alone would be a suicide by the standarts of SAO and he was not really planning on dieing anytime soon.'I need some decent food...' he thought to himself as his stomach grumbled.Food in SAO is...wel it is decent most of the time but Arak pretty much lived with only Bread to keep his hunger away since it's cheap,but people tend to get sick of eating the same thing all the time plus even though he was kinda impirisoned in a Viritual Reality he still had a life to live,so Arak had promised himself that he would buy himself a good meal eventhough that would cost a bit by his standarts.

While looking for a restaurant,he heard people cheering some one,''Probably another Duel...' he yet again thought to himself,he was not quite a fan of PvP it seemed just wrong to him that people fought with eachother...and even killed one another,but duels were atleast good for practice so he tolarated them,even fought in bunch too,but still he prefered PvE over PvP.''Food can wait.'' he said to himself,as he walked to where all the voice was comming from with curiosity and heard that they were chanting the name 'Akami' he was not sure who that was but learning now would not hurt.so he tried to find a way into the crowd where he could watch what was going to happen or was happening.
Another player stepped into the large circle; a young girl. Really young, or just short. She wore a bulky metal chest plate and some clothes beneathe it. She wore her dark brown hair in pig tails. In her hand lay a dagger, short, but deadly sharp. The knife had designs cut into it, giving it sharp points all around the blade. "My name'challenge you!" She shouted with confidence. A long smirk spread across her face as she received and accepted the Deul invitation. The countdown started; 3...2...1...

The two of them dashed at each other as nearly sonic speeds, and their weapons clashing sent a piercing ring through the town. They both skidded to a stop and lunged back at each other. Akami pressed his sword against her, but she blocked with her blade, and with her other hand, she pressed the blade against the sword, pushed it off to the side and slashed furiously at Akami, cutting his health down a large portion.

The crowd cheered Chomi on as Akami regained himself. He stood in a defensive position, keeping his feet sturdy against the concrete beneathe him. Chomi, still smirking, suddenly charged at him and ducked under his blade as he swung it through the air. She then pressed her knife into his stomach, and cut up through his chest and pulled out her blade. The match was over.

'Congratulations' could be seen above the girl's head. She stood tall and proud. The crowd wooed and shouted her name, entertained by the exciting fight. Saroku couldn't help but do the same.
Ravenna sighed, watching the next two duel each other. So fast... And that's what I was hoping to build up to... She watched the other players, noting that she actually didn't know Akami. How long is this string of duelers going to go on? Ravenna wondered as she watched Chomi revel in the crowd's applause. She quietly joined the applause, but her face showed no extra emotion, except for an encouraging smile.

She swiped open the menu, wanting to check the time. 12:24. I'd better go get something to eat. She thought, trying to see through the crowd yet again. I wonder if there's any interesting foods on the 20th floor... Anything other than that boring bread would be nice... And I can go to that dungeon after eating. She began to wander over to the edge of the crowd, and stopped for a moment, seeing if she could spot any places to get food.
"Sunshine Forest.. " Metsu said to herself with a sigh. She thought of finding some people to clear the named dungeon that took place at the 20th floor with, but she was not very good at communicating.

Ever since Megumi was young, she was not allowed to talk to many children. Megumi was born in a rich, noble family. Talking with lowborns was out of question. There weren´t many other highborn children like her. Most of them were well-mannered robots that were made to act exactly like they were told. Megumi wasn´t like them and didn´t find any fun in living like that. She started shutting herself in her room more and more to escape. She started talking with people online and became quite known under the username ´
Metsu´. Soon she rarely even came out. She often set conditions like "I´ll come to the ball only if you´ll get me a NerveGear and BETA Sword Art Online." Her family wasn´t able to get it in the beginning, but 2 days later they bought it from a simpleton for 6.6 million yen. Megumi spent all her free time playing the game. Soon later the non-BETA version came out and Megumi was once again able to bribe with her servants. If they knew that the noble Megumi Tsukino would get stuck in that game with her life on the line, they would have never let her get the game.

Metsu took a deep breath and decided to look for a few teammates to party with after all. She noticed quite a big commotion nearby. It was a must that she´d investigate.

Slowly prancing towards the large crowd she took out a sandwich, because she hadn´t eaten anything since morning. She had trained her cooking skill quite a bit, but she was still not very good at cooking. The sandwich itself was hand-made, because collecting food from monsters is cheaper than buying it. Being just a few meters away from the crowd, she saw the message 'Congratulations' pop up. She knew what it meant. A PvP fight had taken place. A girl with brown pigtails had won the fight. Metsu didn´t care for PvP fights much.
"Why would people be wasting time on fighting each other, while they could be trying to escape this hellhole?" she whispered to herself. She ignored the fight itself and searched for a potential teammate in the crowd spectating.

No one really looked very approachable teammate material to her, except a tall guy who pretty obviously stood out of the crowd catching Metsu´s eye. She tried to move through the crowd not causing too much commotion.
"Sorry, let me pass please." she repeated. Finally making it to her destination she stood right in front of him. Metsu has never been very tall, but she

didn´t like when people looked down on her either. She stood on her tiptoes and looked the guy in the eye. His eyes were a nice trustworthy shade of light brown.

"Would you like to be my teammate?" Metsu asked trying her best to balance on her toes.
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Suddenly while cheering, Sorachi heard the voice of woman next to him. He turned to see her beautiful complexion. He could barely hold in the thought of her. 'Hello beautiful, of course I'll... Wait, what did she say?' He couldn't remember what she'd said, probably because he couldn't of heard it over the screaming crowd. His face grew red. "Uhm, sorry can you repeate that? I couldn't hear you over the crowd, sorry." He said after the crowd had settled down.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/07d06c58cceed623bde268ae2769c906-d1uh4yp.jpg.db77ca470a26c6f984a72d8044925271.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="84078" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/07d06c58cceed623bde268ae2769c906-d1uh4yp.jpg.db77ca470a26c6f984a72d8044925271.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ryzer heard the crowd suddenly get louder and start to cheer a different name as he walked away. He raised an eyebrow looking back at the crowd, and saw the 'Congratulations' message above the crowd. 'It seems I missed something exciting. Oh well, it's time to eat,' Ryzer thought as he arrived at the door of the tavern. The HushBerry Tavern. While Ryzer didn't find the name very creative, he heard the food was good and priced decently. He walked in and quickly found an empty booth, 'I guess everyone wants to save their money for more important things, but damn it I'm tired of eating bread every day. Besides, I practically have this tavern to myself right now, might as well take advantage of the quiet and relax before heading off to the dungeon. Geez my equipment is heavy,' Ryzer thought as he sat down and unequipped his helm. Ryzer preferred to wear his armor on all the time, he needed to get used to the weight. He figured since his speed stat is so low, he would have to push himself to become faster than what the game would let him be, or at least, Ryzer thinks that's how it could work.

An NPC waitress quickly greeted Ryzer and the menu screen of the Tavern's food popped up in front of his face. After taking a few moments, Ryzer selected his meal and drink, a Giant Lizard's Tail with a side of Rabbit Soup and a glass of Toad's Slime, with a total of 600 Col. Ryzer cringed at the bill, but he's come to learn the weirder the name, the better the taste. Ryzer gave the tavern a quick scan while he waited for his meal, he could still hear commotion from the crowd, the HushBerry wasn't that far away from it, Other than that, nothing else seemed to be happening. Ryzer decided to close his eyes for a while.



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Metsu had quite much trouble standing on her tiptoes, because she never had very good balance. She didn´t do a single sport in her life, if you count out e-sport. Because at that sport she was quite the master at. She even took part in a few tournaments. When she was around 14 she got first place in many tournaments, but she was never allowed to leave her room to take part in them, so the ones she could enter were limited. She only played games that she could solo, because she had a bad experience with a team in the past.

"Would- you- eaah-!" Metsu tried to repeat, but after wavering for a while, she ended up falling over and pushing the guy over too. The fall was quite loud and many of the surrounding people noticed it. The PvP fight was now yesterday and the tall guy on the ground with a girl on top of him were the centre of commotion. Metsu lifted her head up with her hair being quite messy and one of her braids losing shape.

"Would you like to be my teammate?" she repeated like she had never fell on the guy. Metsu was the type of person to never feel shame. That being one of the strange attributes about her. Her whole life she had been taught that she had to feel shame, but she didn´t like to listen what she was told to do. She didn´t want to become a robot like every other noble she knew and in her mind not obeying was one of the best ways. But at that situation she should have cared and even apologized, because her armor was quite heavy and probably squished the guy under her.
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Arak chereed along with the others halfheartedly,not really interested in cheering for violance but not doing so would be rude.as he was going to leave the place to find a place to ear a meal,he heard a crashing sound,turning around he saw that a man had fallen to ground with a girl on top of her,he started laughing as soon as he saw that scene,but after hearing that the girl asked to form a team with that man,he grined and started to walk towards there 'Finally some people to tag along!' he thought to himself.as he got near them he said ''Hey! I heard you say the word 'team' and I was looking for a party to go to dungeons...so may I come along with you people? ahhh I almost forgot my name is Arak by the way!'' it was easy for him to talk without a care,he was a friendly person,some even called him Over,Firendly,and he lived up to that name.
While Ravenna was wandering the edge of the crowd, looking for a nice tavern, it seemed like the crowd's focus had shifted. Wait, what? she thought, turning around to see what was in the middle of the crowd. This time, it seemed to be a group of people, and Ravenna was only able to catch one word, "team".

Ravenna dashed into the crowd, ducking and weaving between people, using her high speed to get past very quickly. In no time, she was in the centre of the crowd, with the three other people who were there. "Did you say team?" she asked, panting slightly. She forcefully made the panting sound like it was her normal breathing, so that it would seem like the run through the crowd was nothing. "Sorry for randomly intruding, but if you plan on exploring that new dungeon, then I'd love to join up with you guys." Ravenna hoped that she was right in the thought that these people were planning on exploring the new dungeon. It would suck if she made that sort of mistake. "I'm Ravenna, by the way."
Saroku lay beneathe the girl. Embarrassed, his face shot up with blush. When he looked back up at her, her expression showed no shame, not the slightest. 'That's odd.' He thought. When she spoke her next few words, his face formed an expression of surprisement. "Team? With me?"

Suddenly he was surrounded by people asking to join in. Granted, he loved the fact that all these people wanted to join in on exploring the dungeon, but the sudden change in mass spotlight made him feel extreamly uncomfortable. He'd never really handled things like this without embarrassing himself. "Uhm, sure. You're all welcome to come along, but can we please go somewhere that isn't so crowded with people?" He asked.
Arak looked to the guy,while chuckling a bit,''No need to be embrassed now! but sure,I was trying to find a restaurant or tavern to eat any way! come on tabs on me!''he said as he clapped the guy's back grinning.''I dont knowh about you people but I am dieing out of Hunger!'' he added ''So...your name is Ravenna'' he said turning towards the younger girl ''What about you two? you guys do have names right?'' he asked,turning towards the other two.
"Meg-- Metsu. My name´s Metsu.. I´m not looking for a team, but just a teammate. Someone I could duo with. I´m not good with teams." she said with a quiet shy voice still sitting on the guy she had fallen on. She then looked in the eyes of her victim once again and asked: "Why should we? Aren´t we just fine he-" she didn´t complete her sentence because she finally noticed the crowd that had gathered around her. She hated being in the centre of attention, so she quickly stood up grabbing his hand and pulling him up. She started apologizing to the people surrounding them and soon the crowd faded away.
Ryzer let out a sigh that was followed by a rather loud burp. His wallet might be hurting, but man was the meal worth it! 'Aww man, now I don't want to do anything....no! Snap out of it man you have to go to the dungeon,' Ryzer thought. After a few minutes, Ryzer finally got up and began to exit the HushBerry Tavern. As he exited, he noticed a couple walking rather fast, an uncomfortable look on both their faces, they looked as if they were running away from the crowd. Ryzer raised a brow as they walked past him, but it was none of his business, so he began to walk towards the exit of the town, towards the direction of were the new dungeon is. However, Ryzer suddenly stopped and face palmed himself, "Awww man! How could I forget? I can't go solo into the dungeon." Ryzer looked around, what were the odds of him finding someone he could tag along with? Everybody knows it's safer in parties, or at least one other person with you, no one hardly solos anymore. The only reason Ryzer is by himself is because the party he was with decided they weren't cut out for this death game, so they stayed behind on the 16th floor. Ryzer isn't good enough to be a frontline player, but he couldn't just wait around on his ass and wait for others to clear the game, so parted ways with them.

Ryzer has thought about joining the frontlines despite his lack of experience, but he's afraid he would just become dead weight. He's already slow as it is, plus he doesn't hit as hard as he would like, so he's decided to just advance on his own and help out anyone he comes across, if they need it. Ryzer snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed the crowd beginning to disperse,
'Guess the duels are over,' He thought. Then Ryzer had another idea, one that he wasn't comfortable doing, but the crowd had quickly left, leaving only a handful of people left.

So with as much gusto Ryzer could muster up, he unsheathed his sword and raised above his head, pointing it to the sky. "Fellow players! Please hear me out! I'm looking for anyone who would like to tackle the Sunshine Forest dungeon!"
Sarochi stood up and dusted himself off. "Well, I'm not the fondest of big teams, but we'll make it work." He says, smiling. He looked around at all the strangers looking at the group. "Let's get going guys." He says and leads the group to the tavern. He takes a seat in a six seater booth. The tavern was practically empty. Sarochi opened his menu to check the time as he waited for the others to take their seats. Here, they could discuss plans on how to explore the dungeon. They'd need to form some sort of formation for maximum safety. He'd develope on the idea more once he learned everyone's strong points in combat.
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Ravenna followed the rest of the people over to the tavern. "I really hope that there's something good to eat here..." she sighed. Plain bread was getting boring. "Well, anyways, how are we going to do this? We have to have some sort of plan before we go, right?" She hoped that this was going to go well. Exploring a new dungeon was always a risk. It was probably easier just to open your own shop, but that isn't the point of playing a game about fighting.
Ryzer slumped down, he was completely ignored. What was left of the crowd had already dispersed, Ryzer didn't think anyone even looked at him. 'This is why I never try to stand out.....well now what do I do?' Ryzer didn't know what his next step should be. Maybe he should go ahead and just go into the dungeon, perhaps it won't be that bad. It's been discovered for a while, so there's a chance the frontline players are already clearing it, Ryzer could just peek in and check out what they've already cleared. Ryzer didn't want to waste the day away, he needs to do something productive. Taking a deep breath, Ryzer reequipped his helm and decided to head towards the dungeon.

'The hell with everyone else! I've made it four floors by myself! I don't need anyone else!' Ryzer thought as he left the town's safety zone and entered the field. A <<Dire Wolf>> spawned in front of Ryzer and immediately charged at him, it's large claws aimed straight for his chest. Ryzer drew his sword, the <<QuickSilver Longsword>>, and held it above his left shoulder. The sword began to glow a light blue, indicating that it was preparing the skill <<Slant>>. It was a simple sword skill, but Ryzer found that it does a huge amount of damage if the skill connects to an vital body part. Once Ryzer felt the sword skill was ready, he let the system take over his bod, Ryzer dashed straight for the <<Dire Wolf>> and aimed right at the head. He made contact, and slashed the beast diagonally from left to right, making sure the middle of the slash connect straight with the wolf's face. Ryzer landed a critical hit, the slash hit where the brain would be located, and the <<Dire Wolff>> quickly exploded into polygon shaped shards. The <<Congratulations>> message popped up where the monster once was, and Ryzer saw that he got an item he's never seen before. 'Hmmm it's called <<Dire fang>>. It must be a crafting material,' Ryzer thought as he noticed his Hp bar.

Even though he took down the wolf in one hit, the wolf also did damage to him. It only took 6% of his health, but Ryzer forgot to stock up on health potions. Realizing he's going to have to be more careful, Ryzer equips his <<Root Shield>>. There was nothing special about the wooded shield, but the defense stat was decent for Ryzer's level. Ryzer continues to make his way towards the dungeon, making sure to keep an eye out for mobs along the way.
When Metsu noticed all of the others teaming up, she decided to leave them. No matter how hard it would be, she always had success at soloing. She knew she would have a rough time on clearing the dungeon, but she didn´t want a team. Metsu would have been fine with just a single duo partner. "Before entering the dungeon I should probably go buy some Potions..." Metsu said to herself walking towards the nearby brewery.

She entered an old raggy shop with a sign with Brewery written on it. The seller was a NPC that was an old man with a long white beard.
"Hello! I´d like to buy some potions!" Metsu asked. "Yes.. Yes.... Right away," the old man muttered. A menu soon popped up in front of Metsu. It had all kinds of potions she could choose from. There were potions for taking down curses, poisonous potions, paralyzing potions, health potions, etc. Metsu thought that she probably would need an Anti-Poison potion and a few health potions that would regenerate atleast 30% HP. The forest was quite deadly after all. She went with 1 anti-poison potion and with 3 +30% HP potions. "Young lady, this will cost you 510 cor. Each of the HP potions will cost 120 cor and the anti-poison potion will cost you 150 cor," the old man said. Metsu was okay with that, because killing a Killer Mantis gives you about 180 cor, so she could make it back in no time. "Thank you!" she said nodding to the old man and leaving the Brewery. [Metsu + 3 +30% HP potions, + 1 Anti-Poison potion] [Metsu -510 cor]

Her next goal was to pack some food with her. You can never know how long you must stay in the dungeon, so always have to pack some food with you. She could had cooked some herself, but she didn´t have time to gather vegetables and meat. She went to the market and bought 2 loafs of bread. Each loaf cost her 50 cor (it was quality bread after all). It was about time she head to the dungeon.
[Metsu +2 Bread Loafs] [Metsu -100 Cor]

Metsu took a deep breath and entered the woods where the trees would reach several meters tall, though one can easily see through its canopy for the reason of it not being a very thick forest.
"Let´s do this!" she said. Metsu readied her large two-handed <<Great Sword of Stars>>. Prancing through the woods, she soon encountered a <<Killer Mantis>>. She instantly went to direct combat with it. The monster was quite fast, so Metsu had a hard time hitting it. She missed several times taking slightly damage. [Metsu -10%HP] When she finally hit it, she practically one-shot it [Killer Mantis -80% HP]. Metsu´s fighting style is slow, but strong. She had to only hit it once more and it´d die. Metsu was able to avoid taking any more damage, but still finish off the monster she had been fighting with. [Killer Mantis DEAD] [Metsu +180 cor, 352 EXP]

Metsu was determined to find other monsters, but at the same time head towards the dungeon. She was jogging to move faster. She soon noticed a guy with a shield up ahead. Metsu added speed to her pace and soon caught up. "Hel-... lo-... Do you want-.. to duo?" the girl asked panting from exhaustion. She took out her two-handed sword, stuck it in the ground and rested her body against it.

@Joey Winchester
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Ryzer placed the his hand on his sword when he heard footsteps behind him. But when he turned to look at where they were coming from, he saw a young girl with unusually white hair. She slowed down as she got closer to him and then stuck her sword in the ground to lean on it. She asked Ryzer if he wanted to team up with her.

"Team up? Well how about quarter name first?" Ryzer didn't mean to sound rude, but this was a complete stranger. She could be a PKer, granted her color wasn't red, Ryzer couldn't take that chance. Ryzer wasn't good at PvP, he lost pretty much every duel he engaged in. They were out in the open, no one else on the path to the dungeon, and she had a huge ass sword. Ryzer scanned the area, his helm hiding his suspicious eyes, he didn't notice anyone else hiding in the nearby woods.

'Could I take her? She's alone too, so I guess we're at even grounds. Still....' Ryzer was trying to come up with a plan. But what if she wasn't a foe, would he still take her up on her offer?

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Saroku looked around to see that the others hadn't seemed to want to tag along. 'Whatever, they probably just went to go get stuff or scout out the dungeon entrance.' He looked at Ravenna, admiring her attire. "Judging by that sheathed rapier, you're a speed character right?" He asked. Having a speed character would be covienent for a defense character like himself. A formation was already forming in his head. If she was indeed a speed character, she'd do great with parrying, and if a monster had too much strength to block, she could quickly run and he could block the blow instead. She'd also be helpful in the event of an ambush or a trap. This was looking well.
"I'm Met-" she tried to say, but her sword wasn't stuck in the ground hard enough. She tripped over with her face covered in mud. "Tsu.." she finished her sentence lying on the ground.

"I sure am tripping over a lot today.." she said to herself sighing. She got up and brushed the dirt off her armor.

Metsu hates failing under the eyes of other people. It makes her insecure and uncomfortable. Even when she was younger she didn't allow herself to lose a single game. She didn't believe in the whole ˇlearning from mistakesˇ thing. Every time she did something wrong, she would regret it deeply. If it was either losing a game or anything overall. It's not like she felt ashamed of herself, but she felt like she could have had avoided the mistakes.

She asked once again with her face still covered with dirt.
"Will you duo with me then or not? If no, I'll continue alone." She knew she'd have a difficult time clearing camps and killing monsters, but if a person didn't want to co-operate, she wouldn't have a choice. People quite often avoided her because of her hair, so she thought it was going to happen this time too. Even the servants of Metsu didn't want to deal with her and hoped that they would be assigned to Metsu's little sister Mayumi.

@Joey Winchester
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"Uh, yeah, I'm a speed character" Ravenna said, seeing that her question was basically ignored. "It's more fun to be a speed character in a VRMMO, in other games, they aren't as fun. And they usually suck." As an afterthought, as added, "You guessed from my rapier, right?" She had kept her armour on, as being a speed character meant that she had pretty light armour. It was useful when you were a lazy person, like Ravenna was. The armour didn't weigh much, so you didn't really have to worry about lugging around giant plate mail or something.

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