Sword Art Online OC [dsgnaktiv & Sandra] [Inactive]

Aki fixed her black soft hooded cloak, her hood does not reveal her face. She walks in a small road that only people who would be very curious could find. On floor two. She sighed, ever since the day she was told that she could actually Die in this game and You couldn't get out did not help out at all, she was so depressed. She could not see her family probably ever again. She kicked a fake pebble.
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Haijin leaned against the alley wall, just on the outskirts of the second floor town; puffing a makeshift cigarette. One would think a mmorpg didn't supply such things, but Haijin had stumbled upon a crooked merchant with some pretty unordinary wares. His first friend sincr joining this death game happened to be a sketchy peddler. Heh, sounded like Haijin's luck.

Puffing the item like he would in real life, the curly blonde haired man smirked and scanned the area, glancing fast with his neon emerald eyes about the fields and roads outside the town. His tracking senses caught nothing in particular, rabbits, wolves, an occasional fox. Until he set eyes on a cloaked figure about 20 metres away to the north east, on a hidden road just beyond the forest.

"Well well, your not a rabbit..." The man muttered in amusement, before throwing up the hood on his midnight, ankle length coat, tossing his stogey to the ground and disappearing into the darkness of the alley.

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Aki saw the small street get darker, she didn't want to bump into anything so she used her detection senses and used her hiding skills in the dark. What a surprise, another player roaming the same street as her. She hoped the player will just walk by without a word anyways she is using her hiding skills so they can't see her. She used her hearing also, paying attention to her steps and their steps as well.
Activating his heightened tracking system with a flick of his wrist, Haijin took in a slow breath and closed his eyes. He walked silently through the road, keeping a slow pace as to not be detected within the shadows, but also allowing his strengthened sense of smell to lead him near.

He began analyzing the oncoming figure with every step closer.

"Definitely a woman. Small in stature.."

His thoughts wound around an imagined ideal of the figure he was approaching. He could hear the steps, light on their feet, and cautious. Haijin could bet the woman was already aware of him.

With a smirk, he gave a slow breath outwards before hopping up to meet the tops of the tree's about the road, landing softly and hiding behind a near tree trunk shrouded in darkness. Effectively, he ceased his footsteps and listened for the woman as she approached. This was going to be fun.
She was still hiding but it seemed the player has detected her. Great. She was very carefully and tiptoed her way. But, she just let out a sigh, "Alright, if you want to kill me, just kill me!" She said shouting and she got out from hiding. "I already tried killing myself but couldn't do it.." She said muttering under her breath.
Well that was unexpected.

Haijin was careful. He stood a moment, gauging the woman coming up before letting himself be seen. You could never be too careful in this game, especially when player killers often faked their weakness to bring trust before they struck.

He closed his eyes a moment, taking in a deep breath and allowing his mind to clear; his body engulfing in a faint blue glow before subsiding. His heart beat began to quicken to a faster pace, activating his speed skill. Just incase.

"For a little thing, you sure have a lot to say." Haijin spoke with a tinge of witty sarcasm in his voice, walking out from behind the tree and standing tall infront of the woman as she approached.

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She glared at the man walking to her, "So, answer me, are you going to kill me or not?" She said plainly. "Also, I am not that small!" Her last comment sounded like she was a little girl, she put her hands on her hips and cocked her head. Her inner voice began to ring in her head.

Aki~ You know you don't want anyone killing you. You want to see your family and friends. You want to live a life. Aki.. Please listen.

"No! He will choose," she said grumbling. It was all up to the stranger that was mysteriously lurking in the shadows.
Haijin took a moment to take in her reaction. She sounded like she was talking to herself. He wondered if maybe the shock of being trapped in a death game was still new to her. He leaned down to look her straight in the eyes, gazing underneath her hood to see her face.

"If I was going to kill you, I would have done it already." Haijin muttered blandly.

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"Well. Good day then." She said and she walked away shrugging, not caring anymore. Aki turned around and used her hiding skills to hide back in the dark. "Just another player.." She whispered.
Haijin stood silent for a moment, then hopped over her, landing infront and blocking her path.

"You know, your going to get killed with that atittude." He smirked and put his hands on his hips.

"And no, I'm not just another player."

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"...A beater then?" She said plainly again. She looked him in the eyes.

She looked ahead of him. "May i go, beater, or whatever you are."

Aki furrowed her brows,
"You are correct." He nodded, not embarassed or shamed at all by the name.

" And I bet your a solo player. Correct?" He ignored her request blatantly.

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She scowled, "Yes, I am a solo player." She stepped aside and started walking forward, avoiding the man who was talking to her. "I have nothing against beaters by the way." She said, while fixing her hood as she walked, her magnificent hair fell from her hood and it fell all the way to her chest. Her yellowish-green eyes seemed to glow in the dark.
Haijin didn't chase her. He was not one to follow women.

"Next time you offer your life to another player, they will kill you. Then you'll just be another number." Haijin called to her back, before turning around and making his leave.

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"Like I care." She grumbled. She turned around to see him walking away. She just stood there, her thoughts.. Her actions.. Stopped. He didn't know what was happening but she was uncertain if she would let him walk away.

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