Sword Art Online: Heroes of Order

Something Cool

Last FartBender
Here is the CS, it will close after 5 characters are accepted.

Name(Can be a username):


Appearance:(use a pic if you would like not IRL)

Bio:(must be at least 10 sentences)



Defense(uses 5 points to upgrade):

Vitality(increases life):

Dexterity(the speed of a character):

Intelligence(Since there is no magic, this increases your knowhow of monsters and their weaknesses):

you can allocate 20 points into these skills.

thank you for joining!
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Name: Narzuan Kroatai

Personality: He is a shy but brave, he does not speak often unless it is with someone he truly knows the person, he is loyal however but tends to lie to protect the ones he loves even if it may hurt someone else.


Bio: Narzuan was born into a quiet but humble life. His parents weren't that rich but they wasn't poor. He attended school like a regular kid, he played in the swing parks with other kids. That all changed on one night when he was the tender age of 7, when a gang of house robbers murdered his parents. He was spared as the robbers could not deal with the guilt of harming a child.

From that point on he was a changed boy always drawing pictures of the robbers laying at his feet all stabbed multiple times. As he went through puberty he questioned what he could have done, what if he had tried to do something, could his parents be alive. He began to drive himself insane with the questions. His only savior was video games which he eventually completely lost himself in, playing from the point he returned home from school until he had to go to his bed, only having small intervals to eat and to use the toilet. He jumped around all the genres from first-person shooters to the hack and slash. Though none caught his heart like Fantasy RPG games. When Sword art online was announced he could barely contain his excitement. And dove straight into the game as soon it was released. Though when it was announced that he and all the other gamers where now trapped within this game, he found himself upset. He wouldn't be able to thank his grandparents for caring for him, he wouldn't be able to see his classmates. It was at that moment that he vowed to set aside his stubbornness and began to search for a group to help get through the floors to finally escape this game.


Attack: 4


Vitality(increases life):3


Intelligence(Since there is no magic, this increases your know how of monsters and their weaknesses): 2
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Name(Can be a username): Teros

Personality: Very carefree and honest, he does not care much about other people in general unless one peaks his interest. Although Tero can be reckless at times, in truth he is one who values speed and intelligence over everything else. Quick with both planning and fighting, it is very rare for him not to use such a play style. Neither solo or being in large raids does he mind, in fact in most cases Tero lets other's decide only warning them of the advantages and disadvantages. Most of the time not considering himself part of a team or group, he does not usually care about what others think of him unless he truly needs to.


Bio: Born in southern USA, he had a pretty regular childhood however did not make many friends in the real world. The only thing he really showed any interest in was reading and games. When he played his first MMO at the age of 8, it was as if he had gone to heaven. Jumping from game to game over the years, his skill with adapting to different environments and understanding how the gaming world worked increased however his social life grew smaller. Worried about his health, his parents asked his teachers to hold him back a year to bring him back to reality. The teachers stated if he failed the yearly exam, then they could hold him back however he quickly noticed something was off when his parents stopped yelling at him for staying up late on his computer. Deciding they must have given up, he continued polishing his skills as a gamer until the exam came, of which he got the 7th highest score on out of his entire school. Shocked and upset, his father ended up breaking his son's jaw out of frustration when they came to pick him up from school. Alarmed, he was taken out of custody from his family and put into a foster home by the authorities until his aunt which lived in japan asked to adopt him. Never knowing his mother even had a sister, he immediately agreed to behave himself when she stated she designed games for a living. Moving into his aunt's home, he continued playing games, while also learning Japanese from his aunt when she came home. When she came home and told him there were rumors of a virtual reality game called SAO in the works, they saved up the money for the hardware. Luckily they were able to snag a store bought copy before they ran out, however since the money saved up could only afford one Nerve Gear, his aunt let him try the game out first while she went to work. Being the happiest moment in his life, this quickly changed into his worse. After learning that they cannot logout without beating the game, he felt so scared that he felt himself nearly throw-up. Once he was able to calm down and think, the realization came to him that it would be best to find a decent group of players as playing solo was more risky.


Attack: 3

Defense(uses 5 points to upgrade): 1

Vitality(increases life): 2

Dexterity(the speed of a character): 7

Intelligence(Since there is no magic, this increases your knowhow of monsters and their weaknesses): 7
Name: Reyst Cromwell/ ReystCAR (I know. It's pretty bad.)

Personality: Like a usual solo gamer, he is not good at socializing with people personally. Despite this, he can easily interact online. In person, he will seem to be a shy person, usually keeping silent and doing simple gestures most of the time. Online, he would be exactly the opposite. Some would even say he fits to be a good leader, only if he would act in person how he does online. According to most, he is kind, friendly and his words are very persuasive.


Bio: Ever since he was a kid, he had always been playing various games. One would even say, that he played too much. If one would visit his home right now, one would see the many cabinets and cases filled with games and their consoles.

Due to his "hobby", he had gained quite the recognition online. He was not the best, but he sure was quite skilled. He would always try to finish or reach a high rank in a game, then proceed to another. There are some games that he enjoy so much, that he even plays it up to this day.

Then, he heard of the new VR MMO. Usually, he doesn't go for VRs since their qualities were not always stable and sometimes even crashes all the time. But this one was different, it seemed very well done and coded with perfection. This was the first VR he ever played and enjoyed in the process. This VR game is no other than Sword Art Online.


Attack: 2

Defense: 1

Vitality: 3

Dexterity: 8

Intelligence: 6

Sent from my GT-S5830
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Oh, I would like to pull out of this RP as I was in another one, however did not know whether or not my character would have been accepted. Since it was, I will not be able to participate in this and I hope you can find someone to fill my spot. I apologize and am glad you accepted my character ^~^''
Name: Celeste Haywood/MusicGoddess

Personality: Offline, Celeste is a shy girl with a love of music. She reads and writes down song lyrics in her free time. She does have a few friends and plays quite a few games with them. Online, she is a clever player. She uses her knowledge and skills to defeat a foe. Regardless of her shyness, her friends have called her a kind girl with a big heart. She'd never leave someone behind, no matter the situation.




Celeste's life, for the most part, was normal. She lived with her parents and siblings in a semi-large house. She spent her time writing songs and other things, reading books and playing games with her friends after school. She had played a few VRMMOs before but mostly focused on other games and her songs. If you went into her room, you would find books, games, musical instruments surrounding her bed and computer.

When she heard about a new VRRMO coming out, she found herself growing excited. This one actually looked fun and looked like it had thought put into it. She eagerly purchased the game and waited for it to come in. During the time she waited, she found the inspiration for a new song she hoped to possibly play in the game, if it was at all possible. The game in question was none other than Sword Art Online.


Attack: 3

Defense: 4

Vitality: 4

Dexterity: 4

Intelligence: 5
Name: Alice Frost/Kára

Personality: Head strong and stubborn Alice Frost is a firm believer in whats right is right with no exceptions. She is quick to scold those she believes are making a grave mistake and she would rather eat her own shield than admit she is wrong in her righteous indignation. Though she is blunt and abrasive she is one hundred percent loyal to those she calls her allies, she would willing give up her own life in the protection of the ones she respects and cares for.



Bio: Born to the wealthy Alexander and Olivia Frost, Alice was destine for success. Alice was raised to truly believe that she was a cut above the rest. Alice has spent her life trying to achieve the perfection in everything she does. Though she is not a genius she has an amazing drive causing her to get top marks in her private school. Alice's attitude towards others led her to become a social pariah from a young age, alienating her peers due to her constant criticism and expectations. With few friends Alice found her self turning to video games as a way to escape into a world were she was respected for her drive for perfection. She loved most games but she found that MMOs were her favorite, especially the pvp aspect of them, there she could climb to the top of the leader boards and prove without a doubt that she was the best. Regardless of her drive and determination Alice found that she wasn't the best in most MMO's she played, in fact she was quite average. This only drove her to play them more and more to the point that her studies began to fall by the wayside and her grades began to slip. The Frost became concerned with their daughters grades and banned video games from their house. Alice was infuriated and it only drove her to play them in secret anyway she could. When she heard of SAO she was determined to become the top player and be the first to reach the top. Skipping school and stealing her fathers credit card she bought the game on the day it came out. Returning home she logged on not knowing of the adventure that truly awaited her.






Everyone accepted!!!!


Oh yeah, to see your stats, go to Neutral Characters, I have a list of the "Party" there
At this start point, have we already been notified that once we die in game, we die in real life? Or does that happen later?
It's just beginning send in your character sign up quickly and I'm sure you'll be accepted because we need another player anyways!

Name: Udo Takeuchi

Personality: Udo is loud and speaks his mind when he has an opinion. Likes to have fun but can be serious when he needs to be.


Bio: Udo was not someone you would typically think of when you thought of a stereotypical gamer. He was athletic and popular at school. No one would have thought he enjoyed getting lost in RPG’s and spending countless hours playing all sorts of games. He kept that life separate from his personal life. He was charming with teachers and well liked by his friends, but he always seemed a little distant. Always dreaming of some other world he could escape to, just to be someone else. When he heard of Sword Art Online, he realized that that dream had become a reality. Udo preordered the game with excitement. He had never been so excited for a game before. Everything about it seemed perfect! He jumped right in and his affable personality soon found him a group of friends in the game he knew he could rely on.



Defense(uses 5 points to upgrade):5

Vitality(increases life):3


Intelligence(Since there is no magic, this increases your knowhow of monsters and their weaknesses):3
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