Sword Art Online: Flight to the Top of the Castle

Also, before I forget, if you guys want to include current stats, something like this:

HP: 1015

MP: 1015

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 7

Agility: 7

Constitution: 5

Intelligence: 5

One Handed Curved Blade: 2/1000

?????: 1/1000

on your CS so people can see, that's fine. It's also fine not to. About Unique skills, well I don't, I don't think he should since no unique skill was discovered floor 1. If you, @SekiryuuteiDxD, that means you too.
Ok*thumbs up, now goes to thw drawing board of how he got his skill*

Can it be something from events prior to the lock in I guess
No, since entering the Castle in the first place will reset any skills taken from Alfheim. Going out will restore it though, as well as add whatever you got from the Aincrad to your original stats, inventory, etc.

Are you going to edit your earlier post? It sorta looks like you already have your unique skill.
I was wondering about that. I'm not even sure what race Kotarou is... I guess he can be an Undine since he's got that blue thing going for him.
If the skills are leveled then why don't we just use player levels all together, make stats and everything less confusing 
The monsters make sense but skill level costs and stat level ups don't make much sense
Well, I never really wanted to keep track of levels so accurately anyway, you guys juts suggested we employ some sort of system, so that's fine. Just so we're clear then, normal leveling, equation for next level is 1000+1600x, x being current level. The bonus stats each mastery of a skill will give you is dependent on you then.
Level up for both, stats come with mostly player level ups but can also come with skill level ups, say every 5 levels or so.
Yeah, though only applicable through combat, non-combat skills, you guys can just make them vague. No instant mastery though :smiled:
When someone really dies and it gets reported in the town, since I kind of weakened the first floor mobs, that would take a while. Someone could also notice that the resurrection room is gone, again and the memorial is somehow filled with the names of current players. If someone was do die too early then the mass hysteria would be just a repeat to the first. When everyone knows about the perma-death, then that could trigger quite a few things, from the repeat of the first indecent, or people actually getting smarter and trying to clear the game with the least amount of deaths. The proof of weak mobs is how I kill quite easily and how DXD can SOLO a freaking SECRET DUNGEON. That's just so the deaths will hit so much harder later on.

Planning has recently become a specialty of mine, but I don't do weddings lol
If you knew that all other secret dungeons were generally more difficult than the current level, you would be so, well, alive either.
Okay, for the last time, NO CRYSTALS UNTIL FLOOR 5! In the rules, explicitely stated, well the 'no crystals' not the 'until floor 5 part'. Yeah I'm looking at you @SekiryuuteiDxD

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