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Sword Art Online(DxD & Dsgnaktiv

Field Marshall

Eight Thousand Club
After Alicization Online fell, Mr, Yuki Asuna's dad had a brand new idea to replace it. But to start the true research he need money. Apparently, a brand new VRMMO called Alfhiem 2 is coming out. Some bored millionaire put up millions of dollars to the Top 9 Guilds. A Month after it's launch Mr, Yuki went to Kirito to ask him to win atleast a million dollars for him. Kirito failed to say no and so it begins.


Standard RPN Rules

Boss minions are worth 50xlv exp and 180xlv for col

Bosses are worth 4200xlv exp and 1080xlv for col

Regular minions are worth 24xlv exp and 30xlv col

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SekiryuuteiDxD updated Sword Art Online(DxD & Dsgnaktiv with a new update entry:

Character Skelly(For In game)

Name: Kazuto Kirigaya
Age: 17

Username: Kirito

Imported Character yes



Exp: 0


Slotted Skills(He has 12 skill slots, make sure to check the wiki)

One Handed Straight Sword 1000/1000

Dual Blades 1000/1000

Blade Throwing 950/1000

Sprint 870/1000

Battle Healing 940/1000

Parry 1000/1000

Transfomation Magic 0/1000

Extended Weight Limit 940/1000

Hiding 1000/1000

Night Vision 900/1000

Fishing 800/1000

Tracking 800/1000

Equipped Items


Black Wyrm Coat

Throwing Pick...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Name: Yūki Asuna

Age: 18

Username: Asuna

Imported Character: Yes

HP:17800 (I guessed HP and MP because I couldn't find it in the wiki)


Exp: 0


Slotted Skills

One Handed Rapier: 1000/1000

Two Handed Assault Spear: 590/1000

Light Metal Equipment: 1000/1000

Heavy Metal Equipment: 678/1000

Parry: 917/1000

Battle Healing: 877/1000

Emergency Recovery: 968/1000

Acrobatics: 909/1000

Sprint: 852/1000

Cooking: 1000/1000

Sewing: 211/1000

One-Handed Rapier Skills:


Shooting Star

Star Splash

Flashing Penetrator

Equipped Items

Wind Flueret (One Handed Rapier)

Lambent Light (One Handed Rapier)

Erika Outfit (Imported from ALF)

Hair Colour: Red (Imported from Sao)

Eye Colour: Brown (Imported from Sao)
Kirito's mind was on last night, he remembered and thought about.

Last night, Kirito stood in Agil's bar speaking to his friends. Each one he called here tonight for a very important matter. They all listened while deep in thought. Kirito said "Mr.Yuki said he only need one million. So think what we'll do if we get 2 million. Also, think of it as an investment. Also your my friends and i can't do this without you guys." It was Klein who stood and walked over to Kirito he placed his hand on his shoulder and said "Sure why not I'm in especially now that there's that sleep function in the Full Dive system. So i can kick ass and sleep at the same time." The others in the bar raised their drinks with mighty cheer. Kirito said "Thank you!"

Now Kiriro held his Nerve Gear Rig in his hands. He put in and layed down on his bed. He then took it off, he was so anxious but he's supposed to wait for Asuna's arrival. He wondered just how much change Alfhiem 2 is and if they'll be able to close that one month gap. He'd better use his SAO avatar this time instead, he has to get up in the ranks fast. He had to succeed. Looks like VRMMORPG's has become his official job, that brought a chuckle.
It hadnt been that long. Why do you have to go back so soon?

That was the current question Asuna was thonking back on as she readied herself to once again enter the vrmmorpg world. Her brother was clearly not particularly happy she was going back after her last bout with Sao and Alf, but her father meanwhile, supported wholeheartedly. She hated to dissapoint her sibling, but this new venture raised by her fathers company was truly a winners game. With no knowledgable death penalty for dying in game, money was raised based on land appropriated in vr. Then, money was owed to the players who commanded the most earth. If her guild raised enough money, her family inside Alf 2 could prosper and live happily.

Asuna sighed as she regarded the hopefully new and happy lives they could win. Kirito, herself and Yui, in a small house in the forest, just like before..

With that, Asuna's courage returned and she snapped on her helmet, laying down on her bed. It was time to play.

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Kirito's clock went off showing it's time to start. Kirito put on his helmet and dived after the "Link Start" message.

He opened his eyes to a room similar to the one he saw entering Alfhiem 1. It asked if he wanted to import an avatar and he pressed yes- He selected his SAO avatar. Then a message flashed by saying "Alfhiem 2 doesn't feature a 9 race system. Everyone is one race called Alfs though you have a freedom of wing choice"

Kirito selected black feather wings instead of Fairy Wings. He was suddenly inside his blackwyrm jacket and assumed the look of his SAO avatar. The floor gave way and he fell down. He was in complete free fall, he saw Aincrad in the sky in a moon like position and below he saw a town. A message played "Welcome to Yggdrasil City would you like a tutorial?" Kirito pressed no. The town however was getting close fast and Kirito suddenly remembered the wing trick. He summoned his black wings and landed not too hard in the town square. He checked his skills menu and decided to slot Transformation Magic on to it. He also unequipped the blue sword he wields with Elucidator. This time around he want to use a true dual wield and was hoping he could get a second Elucidator made. 
Yui decided to make herself known coming out of Kirito's jacket pocket, She said "Daddy, you're here. I know you declined the tutorial so i'll just give you the important bit." Yui went on to explain some of the major differences from Alfhiem as he walked to a real estate store. He checked and noticed he had old credits from ALO1 and SAO. He spent all of those on a guild castle in the middle of a lake. It was fully equipped including npc monsters guards. The armory was empty. Kirito then named his guild the Beaters. "Isn't that a bad name that everyone in SAO called you." Yui asked. "Yeah but i thought it was catchy."Kirito replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

"But-" Yuo was cut off by Kirito poking her back into his pocket. He walked out the shop and visited several others for various services.
After choosing to import her character into Alf 2, Asuna chose the rest of her options, including cute light blue fairy wings to match her Erika outfit from Alf 1. The welcome message appeared on screen and Asuna could feel her stomach do an anxious flip. So this is what it was like for Kirito, coming into Alfheim online.

Suddenly, Asuna's character was falling fast from the sky; soaring downwards through clouds and to the streets below. Having had Kirito teach her the ropes of flying, she kicked in her skills easily and banked ahead, no longer falling but gliding above the markets and bustling streets. She noticed Aincrad floating above then glanced downwards, across the forests and among the towns.

Deciding to land in one of the markets, Asuna touched down softly and immediately began examining her inventory menu and skills. All the same.

"Now, to find Kirito." The brown haired girl set off in any direction, searching for her lover.

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"You know mommy is looking for you." Yui exclaimed

"Wait how would you know that?"Kirito asked

"It's a new feature, I can keep track of all you friends."Yui said

"Well that's quite the growth spurt!" Kirito joked looking at his map

and indeed Asuna was running around Yggdrasil City. He sent her a party invite since he guessed she didn't have show friends on her map, she probably forgot to switch it on but Party members are always shown. He walked and sent guild invites to his friends. He also sent a message in the guild text chat with the location of the guild hall. He wondered how Lisbeth would appreciate being the Guild's master blacksmith and how Ashley would enjoy being the master Taylor of the guild.Then his mind went to other guild problems, what the guild needs to do is immediately level up and as fast as possible. Maybe they could if they completed the beginner's dungeon which no one has ever completed.

In the realworld, Suguha peaked in on Kirito. She left after a minute. Even if she had just come back from Kendo Practice she still didn't want to miss the first day of the Guild. She put on her rig and dove in.
Asuna continued to wander around, glancing at gleaming, dazzling weapons and unable to ignore the jewlery shop who was offering earrings at discount prices. Most of her bank of col was still in alf 2, imported from alf 1, but the girl decided against purchasing silly and unecessary items. However, it was nice to look.

Ding! Asuna glanced infront of her as a info screen popped infront of her eyes.

"Kirito requests a party invite. Accept? Decline?"

The former choice in green, and latter in red, Asuna grinned. She hadn't been here five minutes but she'd already been found.

She tapped accept and watched the window dissapear, before viewing the party map to find her family. He was just beyond in the next town.

Asuna also noticed a party headquarters, a huge castle beyond the town borders, into the countryside.

"Uwa!! Kirito!"

Asuna called to herself as she realised what Kirito had spent all his col on. Just joining the game and he was already spending his col. She understood his need for the castle but wow.. so extravagant!

Asuna smiled, gave a light shake of her head, then touched off and flew into the sky. She'd soon land in the next town to meet with Kirito and, hopefully Yui.


Lisbeth, so focused on grinding the steel of her newest bladework, didn't notice the chiming of her personal message system as it binged at her for the fourth time.

"Almost... there!" She grinned to herself, loosening her grip on the blade and slowing the iron wheel that chiseled her newest creation into a smooth, lightweight weapon.

Lisbeth smiled and pulled up her protective mask, before waving her right hand and checking her message. She read aloud:

"Kirito...party...invite..." she blinked curiously for a moment, then smiled.

"Hai!" Her fingers tapped the accept button and the message disappeared.

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Kirito flew up into the air and wondered why Asuna didn't land in Yggdrasil City she must've banked massively and hard, that's skill so she did pick up on those flight sessions. Kirito checked his Guild list and saw it growing. Kirito did a weird jump cheer in the air forgetting he wasn't on solid ground. He decided he wanted to see if Asuna could handle some speed. He began to fly towards the guild castle at a fast speed but he made sure Asuna would catch up on the way. He riskily opened his player menu and placed some of his unused and old equipment in the guild armory. He was planning on giving that Broadsword he used in ALO 1 to Leafa's friend who's name he can't remember presently. He then saw Leafa race right by him and decided this was one challenge he can't lose. He got a new burst of speed and raced Leafa at top speed. He managed to pull ahead of her, signifying his win. Then he remembered the first time he did this and he crashed. He pulled to a stop with the guild castle just in sight. It had a fog around it, Kirito had that fog placed there to hid a little something on the other side of the lake. Asuna would never guess what it is.

Asuna glided over the next town and, not seeing Kirito, looked over her map again. Leafa and other guild members as well as Kirito were all racing at top speeds towards they're headquarters.

She grinned.

At seconds notice, she jolted forward with a speed boost and began speeding quickly towards the castle, attempting to beat anyone she could see rushing there. After a few moments she noticed Kirito and Leafa upahead and sped faster, pushing her wings harder and harder until ahe just managed to pass them. She smirked in her win before glancing forward. Fog!?

"Uwaaa!!" The brown haired woman squealed and leant backwards, attempting to stop; just passing through the fog to narrowly miss the stone castle wall. Once finally getting her bearings, Asuna stared, wide eyed at the monumental castle before her.



Lisbeth descended upon the castle from the opposite side, clearing some of the fog with her wings as she took in the beautiful sight of the structure. She ran a finger or two along one of the walls, admiring the beauty of the age old structure.

"Beautiful..." she grinned, before hearing an Asuna like squeal. She beat her wings and rounded the castle, looking up to the group just arriving with a smile.

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"Yeah everyone this is our guild castle and be careful the water is full of monsters if you didn't accept the Guild request." Kirirto annouced. He whispered to Asuna "Come with me real quick." He took her hand and flew up guiding her through the fog. They landed after a few minutes on the other end of the lake. Kirito crushed the fog crystal he was using as it was now out of juice anyway. He said "Asuna remember this!" He showed her the house they used to own in SAO on their getaway before SAO's end. He hoped she would like.

Klein and the others entered the castle and began exploring the place. Leafa however wondered where Kirito and Asuna went, the thoughts that came to her mind made her sigh with depression. Klein tapped her on the shoulder startling her. He said "Well that's just how it is." He flew off with a smile.

Meanwhile, a group was on their way to the castle. It was the leaders of the Sylph and Cait Sith along with the general of the Salamander from ALO1. They seemed determined to see Kirito, that and they were riding on a bright yellow feathery dragon. Passeby couldn't reall keep from laughing after a look at the sigjht or maybe questioning if they were seeing things.
Asuna felt Kirito brush past her and blinked, barely being able to realise he was taking her somewhere until after the fact.

She flew with him through the fog until he dispersed it witr his crystals power. There, she sae they're beautiful little cottage; an extension to the detailed and expensive castle.

"Its perfect! " she grinned and hugged tightly onto Kirito.

"Just what I hoped. But..if only, Yui..." The elf suddenly frowned, looking away from Kirito in dissapointment.

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"I'm here mommy,"Yui said in her pitch voice climbing out of Kirito's jacket pocket. She flew over to Asuna and gave her a kind of hug. Kirito smiled and said "Let's go inside, I have an hour to finish assigning ranks and positions." Kirito summoned his player menu and got to work:

Agil assigned as Head Merchant

Lisbeth assigned as Head Blacksmith

Silica assigned as Head Taylor

Klein assigned as a General

Asuna assigned Second In Command

Kirito then decided he'd do more later. Right now they have a moment of relaxation and Kirito was going to spoil that. He opened the front door and turned around to hand Asuna a key to the cabin. Kirito also unequipped his weapon and coat. He brought out his fishing pole and said "Asuna I've longed for your ingame cooking again." With that he cast his line into the water. He was concetrated and had to get at least three fish, he knew that. He got a bite on the end of his line and began to reel it in. But the fish pulled and Kirito wondered just what is it. He reeled and pulled, finally he managed to yank the gargantuan fish out of the water. Nevermind i don't three but one oversized fish. Kirito said "Hey Asuna, Yui remember this."
At the site of Yui, Asuna was so relieved. She welcomly hugged her daughter then followed inside.

By the time Asuna got inside and got settled, she could already see Kirito outside their room fishing. Low and behold he was still trying to catch that fish. And just as she begsn preparing food she heard a large splash and looked over. The woman immediately deadpanned. He'd caught it.

"Wow, Kirito..!"

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Kirito sat at the table in the cabin now mentally exhausted from catching that fish. He still turned his mind to his message board and sent Lisbeth a message requesting a second Elucidator. He leaned his head on the table and sighed. After this meal they'd have to get back on track. But it's atleast for a good cause.

Kirito sent a notice of a meeting within the top room of the castle. All generals and heads must attend. Kirito's mind then turned to the food Asuna would whip up.
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As Asuna prepared food, she noticed Kirito sit at the table looking tired and focused on something. No matter Kirito's mood, he always seemed to be thinking deeply. She could never quite pinpoint exactly what was occupying his mind, but he was just always deep in thought. She smiled lightly; the poor boy cared so much.

"Kirito.." She spoke, walking towards him after putting down her chopping knife. She stood beside and gazed down at him quizzically.

"Could there be..something more dangerous to this game? After all, there is lots of money involved in this.."
Kirito was snapped out his utterly deep thoughts when Asuna called his name. He considered her question for a moment and said "No, there shouldn't be any greater dangers, that was seen too with the new rigs your dad provided everyone. But, what is on my mind is that we started 1 month late. The current top 9 guilds must've found a wealth of epic and legendary equipment and items. It'd be hard to compete against that plus extremely skilled players. I guese our edge is that we're using the more powerful of our avatars for this. Anyway no need for this kind of talk. Let's save it after we eat and when we assemble in the meeting tower."
Asuna sighed lightly and turned back to her dinner. She couldn't help but wonder if some kind of edge could come to Alf 2. After all, Death gun of Gun Gale Online slipped so easily into the game, it made the virtual world a deadly place once again.

With their virtual characters accumulating such wealth, the possibility of slipping a death component into the game probably wasn't as uncommon as you'd think.

Kirito was right though. The fact that they had to catch up to the other guilds was much more of a priority right now.

"With our higher levels, we could start on the more expert dungeons and acquire the rarer items faster. Once we have the meeting we can send teams of us out to cover more ground."

With a few more chops of her knife she popped the rest of the vegetables in the pot with the fish and then placed it in the oven. In 10 minutes it was ready.

"Done." Asuna smiled, proud of her dinner as she put plates of it on the table infront of Kirito and herself.

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Kirito face lit up with glee as he was about to dig in,then paused and said "Thanks for the food!" Then he and Yui(somehow normal sized) dug into the food. Kirito said "Well there's one dungeon that hasn't been beaten yet, it's been converted from the main one in Alf 1, i was thinking we'd start by beating that." He went right back to eating, if there was one thing he liked about the great sensitivity in VRMMO's it's Asuna's ingame cooking. He was done in 30 minutes, no matter how hard he tried to savor it. He stood and brought the dishes to the sink. He decided he'd do them later, now it's time for the meeting. Kirito said "Asuna it's time."

He sent out the message that it's time to assemble. Yui hopped into his pocket as he flung open the door unfurled his wings and took to the sky. He landed out infront of the castle, the guild's large and grand castle. He was actually hovering just above the water. Then Kirito seemed to notice the approaching beast carrying three familiar players. They were the leaders of the Sylph, Cat Sith, and Salamander on a dragon like thing. The former salamander leader said "I've left my brother to run the salamander guild in favor of joining you. Afterall the three of us did attend those meetings the bar. I was lucky the game even let me keep Gram."

"Yeah i was expecting you guys after you accepted my guild invite, i promoted you guys to general, Rue has been named head beast master. We're assembling right now." Kirito explained. Kirito rushed inside using his speed and acrobatics skill to make it to the meeting room. Others were already there including Klein, but not everyone yet. Kirito took his seat at the head chair and thought of how best to do this.

(ooc: i've never been good at playing females, sadly i think you should play the majority of them. Yui is no problem for me. Will you please play the most of the females????????????)
[Lol I love all the question marks. Yes yes I will. Can you play all the guy characters? I'll be swamped with posts since there's sooo many girls in SAO :P ]

The guild castle was becoming a buzz of friends and family all rushing around, getting acquainted with eachother and assembling into the guild meeting room. Lisbeth and Silica had arrived just after one another, and had readily equipped some items in their rooms before meeting in the hall. Lisbeth had already seen Kirito's message for a second Elucidator and accepted with a hearty laugh. Her top customer was sure picky, and also only looking for the best. It would be a new challenge to recreate the boss dropped item, but she was ready.

Lisbeth and Silica sat down next to eachother in the room. Rue and Sakuya also sauntered in and formed in a group of seats with their associative clans. Asuna was the next to sit, in her Erika outfit from Alf 1, equipped with her two rapiers. She'd quickly changed out of her regular outfit and was now battle ready.

In the midst of all the talking, just as the meeting was about to start, Leafa rushed in and hopped a chair, Recon following silently after her.

"Gomen!" She apologized with an apologetic smile.

Asuna nudged Kirito in the arm and smiled.

"We're ready, Kirito-kun."
(I'll play all the guys and thank yoooooooooouuuuuuu!)

Kirito cleared his throat and began.

"Welcome friends, there's no need for introductions as we already know each other. Those present in this room are either generals or heads of their trades. You'll be the council and will vote on most matters. I want you all to know even if we started one month late we're all ace players with lots of past experience. On to the first matter of assessing our opponents. The current top 9 guilds are named after the 9 races of Alfhiem 1, with Salamander as number 1. Also may I take this moment to recognize former leaders of those races in ALO 1, present at the moment!"

A small round of applause was given to the three.

Eugene said "Well, thanks for the applause even if i wasn't the actual leader. That would be my brother and funny enough he's still the leader of the Salamanders. He didn't seem as mad as i thought he'd be when i teamed up with you Kirito."

Kirito continued "But another thing is that those guilds possess a number of legendary and epic players. Those terms refer to player in possession of epic and legendary equipment. Legendary equipment is stuff adapted from myth but epic are original or nonmythical for the most part. Players can even craft them with the right materials. Also Lisbeth don't forget to post list of what materials you and the blacksmiths want, wouldn't want you guys to be empty on supplies. So I've talked a little too much, anyone want to say anything before we move off the topic of the top 9 Guilds."
The women watched and listened intently, all forming strategic plans on their next moves to acquire land from the guilds. Lisbeth already had a makeshift list of items in her head that she assumed she'd be making soon.

"If anyone is looking for a new item, please see me after the meeting." She stood quickly to announce, before sitting back down silently and nodding at Kirito. Despite Asuna and his proclaimed dating status, she still had a soft spot for the boy.

"So... how do we move up the ranks, above the top guilds?" Silica was first to ask putting up her hand.

"In some kind of one on one duel? Or a party duel against certain members of the guild?"
Kirito decided to answer Silica's question as it's probably in everyone's minds. "Ordinarily we would have to annhilate every enemy player in the zone or drive them off. If it's a fortress or the like we'd have to take over the building and with territories only marked by a flag we have to remove their flag someway and place our flag their and keep it there for 3 hours. The flag thing also goes for newly claimed territory marked with only a flag. The flag is surround by a large pillar of light which is all too noticiable once the terriory controlled is entered." 
Kirito then added "There's more to it though. Such as main buildings have a flag but it doesn't have a pillar of light within the boundries of the fort or castle."
Silica, along with the other women in the room, all came to light on the strategy to win the game. They'd have to submerge themselves in teams, or into a large army and pick off guilds to attain land.

"We will have to train as a team or even as a guild in that case." Asuna chimed in, arms crossed as she was coordinating battle strategies in her head while listening to the meeting.

"We will have to time our switch outs and form teams to beat through players and get into their lands."

Silica nodded in understanding and kept quiet to continue the meeting. Leafa and Recon were already thinking of possible team attacks to use.

"Go ahead, Kirito." Asuna nodded to him with a warm smile.

[Lets run through the meeting fast so we can get to the action. I'm looking forward to the battles :] ]

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