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Fandom Sword Art Online [Always Open]

Omega Type

Head Chef
{Not the most original of ideas, but a fun and interesting setting none the less. If you want to sign up, simply post a character CS and you can start posting when accepted.

For those familiar with the story, this one loosely follows it, but should stray far enough to stand as its own story.

Only major events and content will blend from the original to here, the rest is a different universe entirely.

Keep in mind:

A minimum of three lines of text (assuming the text is size 4) should exist in each post (even then, posting just three lines should be avoided), one-two liners really hinder any character/plot development and whole roleplays begin to fall apart because of it.}


Virtual reality technology has reached groundbreaking levels, a device known as the 'Nerve Gear' is able to absorb a user's conscience into a computer program, essentially allowing them to interact with digital worlds as if it were physical.

Very few games were used with the Nerve Gear, until the most notable, a Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Role Playing Game known as Sword Art Online was launched as mankind's furthest step into the digital world of virtual reality. In mere days, shelfs stocked with the final product of the game sold out, only 10,000 copies exist in the world.

Little did the customers know that many of them had just purchased their deaths.
Kona begun to walk towards his home singing. He always liked to sing hell he joined the Drama club at his school, he was rehearsing for there performance of a wonderful play he discovered. He was looking forward to playing the game Sword art online again he was level 31 if he remembered. He met loads of people and they were good friends "Get out your feathers, your patent leathers. Your beads and buckles and bows. For there's no blue monday in your sunday...No monday in your sunday...No monday in your sunday clothes!" He said finally entering his room. Greeting his mother and farther his life was finally happy nothing can go wrong right. He put his Nurve gear on and put the game in "Link Start!"
Melody, running home after she finished making homework at a friends house, she gives them a quickly hug and her brother's a high five, something that was normal to them, she puts on the Nerve Gear, already prepared and she says "Link Start!", in a flash she's where she last was, in the open field, she wondered if anyone else was only, so she check, not seeing anyone from her friend list she frowns before heading to the guild 'Blue Moon' she created, it was small, but it was just starting.
{Long start is long but I may as well kick this thing off}

"Insert plug into wall." Kamien read the manual to himself in one hand and held the cable firmly in the other. "Well, no sh-" His profanity was cut off by the sharp sparking noise the cable screeched as he stabbed the plug into the wall, followed closely by the whirring of the helmet. Kamien switched back to the manual, raising it up to his eyes in both hands. "…That's it?" The manual said little else except health and safety warnings in fine print that he'd need a microscope to see.

"Huh." He tossed the manual to the floor and sprawled himself out onto the sofa, resting his head on the slightly raised arm rest. With a long breath, Kamien slid on the helmet and muttered the only other meaningful words on the manual.

"Link start!"

He passed out.


Character select:

Kamien whizzed past the character creation screens, assigned his first few levelled points to stealth and agility skills before being dropped into the game.

He'd never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

A rolling field, topped with swaying grass and roaming animals that looked too real to conceive. The sky shone sapphire blue, and, floating in the distance, was the giant floating castle. Aincrad.

Now wasn't the time to be frolicking in the scenery, he reminded himself, he may as well start levelling his character.

He spotted a girl with flowing white hair checking her menu a fair distance away, deciding it was probably a good idea to start making links with other players, he jogged over. The motion felt strange, but in a way natural as he moved his legs.
Something to get used to, he thought. Eventually he reached her, it was strange to jog a distance without feeling even slightly winded, but he dealt with it none the less.

"Hi," He started. "I'm sort of… new, I guess. I saw you navigating the menu like you did it before, could you perhaps show me the ropes?"

@Flame Demon

Lana moved across her neat room as her father had sent a friend whose daughter wanted the game to to get it for her so she didn't have to go herself. She brushed her black hair out her face and put the nerve gear on. "link start." She said enthusiastically. The customisation option was awaiting her as she choose her character and named her Lana after herself. She then spawned in the town of beginnings and stared in surprise at how realistic everything was.
The girl looks at him "Yeah, because I used it before, but most should still be at school" she says and looks at him "I could help you level up the first 5 levels or so" she says and adds "You can call me Silver Rhythm by the way, or Silver or Rhythm", she thinks for a while "But I think you should explore the town first" she says mentioning to it as her menu disappears, maybe her guild would get new member with all the new people, she takes out her scythe and cuts a boar before switching to her sword again "You should also save up some money, I think there's a request board in the town" she explains to him.

@Omega Type
Kona walked threw the town of beginning's ahh he missed this place when he was playing the beta. He saw a girl pop in "Hi there" He said waving at her. He then continued to walk towards her "You new to the game my name's Kona Hanazawa it's very nice to meet you" He said lending his hand to her for a hand shake. Soon after he begun to analyse her she seemed to be leval 1. "I was wondering maybe since your new to the game i could show you the ropes" He said showing her his level number. It was 29, well he was close but no cigar he guessed.

"Um, sure I suppose I need some directions here, I feel so lost right now, this is all so new to me." Lana replied shaking his out stretched hand as he shook it gently. "my names Lana If you can't tell by the username." She pointed to it in her menu as she searched trough her menu looking at all the options.

"Request board, huh?" Kamien turned his view downhill towards the humble yet bustling settlement. "I'll check that out, thanks." He nodded in appreciation and took off downhill, his hooded robe fluttering in the wind.

Once he arrived, he brought his jog to a casual walk as he wandered down the streets. His vision flared green, "SAFE ZONE" a marker read in front of him before flickering back to his normal viewpoint. "Guess I don't have to worry full time about getting chewed up then." He remarked under his breath as he continued down the street. Vendors wailed deals, NPCs strode around like actual players, each and every building was unique. "Just how damn long did it take to make this game, the makers treat it as if they were designing the real world."

Just as the thought trailed around his head, he noticed an NPC wave at him. He sauntered over.

"You look like you need some experience, friend." The man was dressed like some sort of pirate. "I got some jobs for ya, you interested?"

Kamien pondered this a moment. "What sort of jobs?"

And before he knew it, Kamien was absorbed into the gameplay.
Silver makes her way to the town, it would be a good idea to do some jobs for her as well, her guild was low on members and so far her still offline friends were still not online, man it would be lonely, she walks to an older lady and asks "Do you have some jobs for me? I heard you have an amazing bow here, but I'm also fine with money", she lady nods and says "I can't go out to pick some mushrooms for the stew, can you can some?" "Right back" she says and runs of, she loved taking requests from the old wise lady, who was like a grandmother to her, she leaves the city and starts looking around near the forest for the mushrooms "If I'm lucky she might even give me some of that stew" she mumbles and smiles at the thought, quickyl finding enough and she heads back, she requests she did were simple, not that she minded, she sees a few other players and she walks up "Yo" she says and sees one of them is new, the other most likely a beta player.
"well nice to meet you im glad you came to sao. Anyway if you want some xp go towards the npc's over there thay will help you anyway you can. Also when sao says it has the most skill's in any game it means it." he said smiling showing her the skills "Fishing rowing swordfighting anything can be increased. Anyway i have to go since im meeting with a group of friends Hope to see you later okay" He said smieling as he then walked towards the center of town. He wondered if anyone would be there, he saw a couple of his friends and choose to hang out with them for a while. "Hay Kona have you joined a guild yet?" His friend said smiling at him "No can't be bothered to be honest" He said eating. "Oh come on i know a good guild here it is just sen a request to join" His friend said sending him a guild ad and request option. "*sigh* fine i'll request to join" He said as he pressed the request button to join The Blue Moon guild.
Silver blinks as the message pops up and she smiles slightly, checking the profile first, she was walking back to the house while looking through it "Beta player? Can't say no to that can I?" she asks and pressed the accept button, humming happily as she screen disappears and she arrive at the house "I got the mushrooms" she says handing them to the old lady "I can help you cook if you want to" she says and the old lady say "No need my dear, here's the money", Silver smiles and takes it "Call me if I can do something else" she says and walks of wandering around.
Lana didn't even get to say bye to Kona as he walked off leaving her alone as she wandered around aimlessly. Bumping into a lot of people occasionally until she saw a notification that said leaving the safe zone. She ignored it wondering out to see a wild boar whose eyes glowed red in the light. Lana went into her equipment and equipped her training sword which she then got in a stance to attack, she ran quickly slicing the side of the boar who squealed in pain, however this was not enough as it still came charging back at her grunting as she gave a finishing stab to kill it. Lana got a decent amount of exp and decided to keep doing it as her level was already on 2.
"Level 5" Kamien said at last, glancing at his HUD level indicator. He recalled the girl he'd met earlier who said she'd show him the ropes after he explored town a bit, which seemed like a good idea at this point. Most quests were errands or persuasions with the new NPC dialogue system that responded to whatever players said, but none had actually involved any combat. Conducting a brief scan of his inventory, Kamien came across something odd in one of the slots.

"Light 'hood' armor", "Apple", "Flask", "Hidden blades"

Briefly, he remembered 'hidden blades" show up in his 'added to inventory' screen at start-up, but wasn't really focused on it. Curious, he equipped them into his weapon slot.

Nothing happened.

"Hey, how do I equip 'hidden blades'?" Kamien turned to the pirate NPC, fiddling with his menu.

"Hidden blades, eh?" The pirate crooned. "Can't say I've ever heard of them from the blacksmiths."

A weapon an NPC doesn't recognise? "Thanks anyway." Kamien waved and turned away. He realised he was talking to a computer program, but something about that old pirate felt unusually human, like all the NPCs bustling around town.
Lana hadn't stopped until she reached a level of 6 as she walked back into the city you purchases a better weapon to equip as her training sword was very weak. She wondered into a Npc shop asking what weapons they had, the Npc replied by showing her the range of weapons, but only one caught her eye in particular, it was a katana. The katana seemed special and as she reached to grab it the Npc told her, "you need to pay before you take it." Embarrassed, Lana got her gold out and paid for it before equipping and swinging the King blade around before being told to get out.

Annoyed she walked out with her chin in the air. She was not one to be bossed around.
Silver looks around, she was bored, she goes through her menu and smiles seeing one of the friend come online, so she runs to the place they normally meet, not really expecting Lana to come out of the shop she bumps into her "Oh... sorry" she says managing to keep her balance "You're new right?" she asks looking at the girl, already level 6, well at least she got a good start.

"It's ok, but anyway, I guess I'm new. I've only been playing for an hour or something like that so far." Lana says holding her hand out. "The names Lana, what's yours?" She asks the girl I didn't of her who seemed to be looking for someone.
"I'm known as Silver Rhythm in the game" the white haired girl says and she shakes her hand "I really gotta run, catch ya later" she says and runs of, at the meeting place she's tackled into a hug "Really?" she asks and he friend laughs getting of "How's the guild doing?" the other girl asks and Silver nods "Someone requested to join, he was a beta player, so I thought 'why not?', but not many people have joined yet" she says and the starts wandering around "The others sure are late" she mumbles checking her menu, she really needed to stock up some stuff, but that could wait, she wasn't really looking for a house since there were rooms at the guild, she obviously has the biggest one "Should I put a requirement for joining the guild?" she asks, but her friend shakes her head.
Kamien stumbled around through the square with his hands in his pockets. He supposed if the weapon he spawned with didn't work, he should buy himself something that does. It was during this thought he looked up, spotting the girl he spoke to earlier in a conversation with another girl that had a rather extraordinary oriental sword mounted on her back. Buying weapons could wait, but he didn't feel too great going unarmed for much longer.

The girl he was familiar with turned tail and ran back through the streets, the other stayed put.

Walking up, he decided to talk to her. The more people he knew, the better.

"Do you know that girl?" He asked, indicating with a nudge of the head to the direction she'd run off in.

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"Not really, I just bumped into her while coming out of that shop," Lana pointed to the beginner black smith shop, "she was meeting her friend, she was in a rush. She must mean a lot to her." She sighed. Back at home Lana didn't have many friends and those who she did weren't real.

@Omega Type
Kamien noticed the sad look flicker across the girl's face and bowed his head slightly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up old memories."

He rested upon switching subjects. "Did you catch the announcement notification? Apparently there's going to be a massive update for the game pretty soon, and the creator of the game says everybody should be online when it happens. Apparently something it's going to be something big."

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Silver sighs "I wish you could stay longer, but... I know how your parents are, tell the others to come if you can contact them" she says and her friends nods before logging off "Well, back alone I guess" she mumbles and decided to head to the guild, she made a teleport button so you could get in and out easier, though that was only for members, she pressed the teleport button and she disappears, appearing at a large midnight blue mansion, well small mansion, she smiles and sits on one of the benches outside, wonder if the new member would show up, she remembers the name of the person who she met at the open field and she types it in, sending him a friend request, so that if he had questions he could find her instantly.


@Omega Type
"I heard about it, apparently everyone's going to meet at the centre of this place to hear it. It must be really important if everyone has to go." She replied while wondering what it was. There was no news about what it was about strangely because no one knew what it was.
"Yeah, but I still wonder what could be so important that-" He was cut off by a notification flashing on his screen, after a moment, he briskly opened it and read its contents.




Kamien pressed the 'Accept' bar hovering in front of him before the notification disappeared in tune with a positive "beep!".

"I should get going, there's some things I'd like to take care of before I head out the safe zone. Nice to meet you.." Kamien squinted at the display bar hovering above the girl's head. "…Lana. I'll send you a friend request, see you later" He offered a warm smile before completing the request and turning around, zig zagging back through the crowds.

@Flame Demon


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