Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay




Welcome to Sword Art Online!

| Appearance |


| Name |

Her name is Yuuko Itami.

| IGN |

In-game, she's known as Criscellia.

| Age |

She's about 15 years old.

| Gender |

She's obviously a female.

| Sexual Orientation |

She's pansexual, though nobody knows that.

She probably doesn't even know it, too.

| Occupation |

She's a student--a junior, to be precise.

| Personality |

A very good and potential leader, she is.

However, she chooses to be lone at times.

This girl is unpredictable, most of the time.

But a great fellow when you get to know her.

Criscellia may be really unpredictable sometimes.

She can be amiable, slightly sweet, calm or cool.

All that depend on her mood and the people she's with.

There's a sense of responsibility and reliability in her.

Anyone right in their minds would notice these.

She may get ahead many players and people.

That's because of her determination and hardwork.

But she never takes advantage of what she has.

She'd prefer to help everyone else, too.

Quite understand and modest, she can be.

She can push herself to her limit,

even though she'd regret it in the end.

She'll do anything, and I mean anything

just to protect everyone she loves.

She's not all good, just like every one else.

There's a reason why nobody has seen her bad side.

I'd suggest you don't even try.

| History |

Shall be stated in the role play~

| Weapon/s |

She's not a fan of the heavy weapons. Light is her style.

Knives and daggers (that she could throw) are her favorite.

(The following will be for future purposes:)

| Skills in-game |


Picking, Medicine Mixing, Sewing, Cooking, Musical Instrument, Purchase/ Sales Negotiation, Familiar Recovery/ Communication


Hiding, Tracking, Listening, Detection, Acrobatics, Sprint, Extended Weight Limit


Parry, Battle Healing, Meditation, Light Metal/ Leather Equipment


One-handed dagger, Blade Throwing, Martial Arts

*Italic = mastered

*bold = extra skill

| Occupation/s in-game |

Occasionally, she battles for the front lines, even though she's kind of a solo player.

She's a travelling trader of all things in-game, and she's very well-known for that.

| Pet in-game |


"That's Flare. Don't worry, she doesn't bite."

* * *

Feel free to copy the character form for the characters you're going to make, but just make sure that all essential information are stated. Remember, our characters are still in the first floor! Don't make them the god of all, for Pete's sake. They're not Kirito. They're not Asuna. They can be at least like them, or they can share similarities, but that will be processed as the roleplay progresses.

* * *

Basic character skeleton would be like this:


In-game Name:



Occupation: (in real life, of course)

Weapon: (of choice?)



Then add a few details for the future/ as you see fit.
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• • [Appearance] • •

A boy with spiky brown hair. He has bright blue eyes that both appear to be crystal-like from the inside. He has fair skin. He has average height; not too short and not too tall.

• • [Name] • •

His name is Peter Lavasque.

• • [i.G.N.] • •

His in-game name is Gordon.

• • [Age] • •

Peter/Gordon is sixteen (16) years old.

• • [Gender] • •

Peter/Gordon is a male.

• • [Orientation] • •

Peter/Gordon is only interested in females, so he’s heterosexual.

• • [Personality] • •

Peter/Gordon’s personality differs depending on the work he’s doing and on the person he’s talking to. He heavily dislikes working in group works since he prefers to work alone—but he’s contented enough to work in a group if it’s really needed. He acts really awkward when it comes to girls aside from his mother since he never had a girlfriend before. Whenever he acquires something strange, he’s more than willing to go back to his team and let them examine it. He heavily dislikes going alone in dangerous places, and even if he hates being commanded by higher-ups, he’ll do everything just to survive.

Oh, and he might have the capability of abandoning his teammates if it’s for the sake of his survival.

• • [History] • •

There’s not much of Peter/Gordon’s history. He’s a regular boy who likes games, and when he discovered Sword Art Online, he was more than happy to get the game and play it. That’s all.

• • [Weapon/s] • •

Peter/Gordon fancies both sword and ax, but he prefers swords more, especially the light ones.

• • [skill/s] • •

Aside from being a prodigy in Chess, none.

• • [Occupation/s] • •

Peter/Gordon is still a student.

Name | Ilik

IGN | Kuze

Appearance | (look at my dp)

Age | 18

Gender | Male

Orientation | Only interested in girls and potatoes

Personality | Quiet type but likes to help people and never gives up

History | Was an NEET back in the real world. Likes to play games. Beta tester of SAO before

Weapon | A katana

Skill | Can listen to music with mapping its beats

Occupation | HS graduate

I suck at forums.
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Name: Luca

In-game Name: Zed

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Occupation: Private butler, A student in the kinkou order (a clan specializing ancient forbidden techniques)

Weapon: A katana.

Personality: perverted, lolicon, charming, witty, despicable, friendly, mischievous, unpredictable.

History: A simple 16 year old teenager. Some people consider him mysterious. Knowing that most of the female who would meet him will likely fall to his charms. His illegal participation in the kinkou order forced him to be a private butler to his Female master . Though perverted. The butler is very skilled in combat. having specialty in guns and meelee weapons. He is likely to survive in the death game. He has the special skill called ''Ace In The Hole''. will shoot any target from any distance with a lethal shot WITHOUT missing it.

Apperance: Average teenager apperance. Standing at over 164 centimeters tall. With jet black long hair. (Slightly) Fair white skin. And sharp looking eyes (requires red contacts because of astigmatism)

More info (to gain fabulousness)

Luca's attitude is very strange and odd to others. Sometimes he is emotional and serious. And sometimes ( In less that rare occasions) He is friendly and slightly annoying. Becuase of this his some of his friends looks down at him. Growing up in highschool. Luca got bullied alot. Through physical and verbal abuse. Luca's only power is his looks. Though some people may not take his looks for granted. He did get an appearance that some female would say is ''cute''. When some females likes him. He rarely responds due to mood swings. Since then he joined the kinkou order. A secret organization or clan focusing on teaching people the art of the forbidden techniques. Since then Luca has been skilled in combat. Due to his physical apperance in real life. some people may think hes weak. But with his combat skills (and looks) and...pervy attitude. Luca serves as a butler in his extra time. But he got the courage to join the famous MMO game. Sword Art Online.
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Name here is Christia Osterine


[[ Sachan ]]


Don't get surprised if I'm just a 13 y.o.....


Girl... What? It's not like I let a reverse harem happens.


What do you expect? I'm just a 13 year old- Ok, I admit it. I skipped grade levels and currently I'm a teacher.


Ok, don't judge my choice of weapon. It's a halberd (if you wonder what it looks like, it's a long spear with an axe combined)

I didn't choose this because of it suits my structure, it's because I get used to it


Well, she's a silent loli type of character. She grew up in a rich family, so she has quite a personality of a smart and rational girl who thinks low people should just perish. She's short tempered when it comes to comparing structure.


Her appearance: Just like a loli would look like. Brown hair with a side ponytail. Her eyes are like Yuuko's, which is redish brown. Her ign clothes are like what Akatsuki wears in Log Horizon. Except that she wears a red scarf.


Believe it or not, Christia Osterine is adopted by the head of the Osterine Family. Her real family left her because of a certain accident. And by flow of events, the head of the family, which is the father of the Osterine Family, saw Christia as a baby near the accident. Since the rich family is that kind not like the other rich family, they decided to keep her as a family. In spite of being the nicest rich family, there's her older brother, who always denies her in keeping her. H's always mean towards her.

Christia grew up to be a fine and smart girl. She even skipped grades and graduate at the age of 10. And now, she's working as a teacher for high school. Around December, Christmas eve, Christia decided to celebrate christmas on her own and accidentally got through a robbery incident. Suddenly, a teenager saves her. That time, she felt that he/she is a part of her REAL family. And since that time, she started to look for her real family. And through investigation and searches, she found out that that teenager is also playing the game called Sword Art Online or SAO in short.

Will she able to find that person? Is one of the people in her group is the person she's been looking for?

Yuuko Itami is the person who she's looking for


Just all the skills of a rogue or assassin has.

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| Name |

Kaito Daiki

| IGN |


| Age |

16 1/2

| Gender |

Giant potato lizard.

| Sexual Orientation |


| Occupation |

Sophomore student, BSIT

| Personality |

A understanding but mean person, he looks for clients at every city/town nearby, helping them in gathering resources. Nate is a serious and calm person, he never panics because he plans everything out with his mind. He is mature and generous, earning large amounts of money and giving it away in the end.

| History |


| Weapon/s |

Darkness Absorber (Heavy Dark-Chrome Broadsword)

| Skills in-game |


All non-combat skills


All Passive skills


Parry, Battle Healing, Emergency Recovery, Meditation, Leather Equipment, Heavy Metal Equipment, Spiritual Light (hate skill), Fighting Spirit (hate skill)


One-handed Straight Sword, Blade Throwing, Katana, Darkness Blade

*Italic = mastered

*bold = extr
a skill

| Occupation/s in-game |

In game Jack of All Trades


Occasionally, con master

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Asahina Shizune

[in- Game Name]







Shizune is the current student council president, captain of the Kendo club, and an unofficial school idol who garners fans from both genders at Fumizuki Academy.


Wind Fleuret - is described as a thin sword with a dark-green, dome-shaped guard


Shizune is very ladylike, stubborn, polite, cheerful and sometimes can be very curious of things. Her specialty is Sword fighting skills.


Shizune has medium-long white hair with a red ribbon placed on her right side of her head. She has a side ringlet curl on her right shoulder. She wears a black and white armor as seen in the photo.


Before Shizune's seventh birthday, she and her brother was abandoned by their biological parents who had left them with a debt of 80 million yen. Following this her brother, managed to pay off the debt albeit through rather dubious means. After that the two of them went to live with the Asahina family, as Mr. Asahina had been Akira's elementary school teacher and the two had been very close. Shizune is very capable in everything. It seems that whatever she turns her hand to, she will excel at it. For example, she was able to sing a song to near perfection and enamors the crowd in the process during her birthday - although she had never heard the song before. She is an expert with swords and is very skillful in kendo (She is the president of the kendo club). She also depicts her as masterful in fighting, demon slaying, and among many other skills.Despite not being a senior or the most wealthy student, she was elected as president of the student council. She is deeply respected by both her juniors and seniors. In addition to all of that, Shizune is admired by many male and female students. Thus, she is seen and adored as a school idol in Fumizuki Academy. In Japanese culture, the girls are usually the ones who give chocolates to the males during Valentines - but in Shizune's case, it was depicted that she was the one being given chocolates by guys or males during Valentines. She met a boy named Hakuo, he was the first person to defeat Shizune and not long, they became bestfriends. Hakuo introduced a game to her called Sword Art Online and told her that she can use her sword and kendo skills there, then it started that she played the game and started her journey

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I think we'll still be waiting for Bri-chan to post his character. c:

Just a note: Our characters are NOT perfect! They may be good or great in something, but that makes them bad and horrible in something as well! There's nothing interesting and good in characters who seem too fictional to be true. Just stating this for everybody, including myself. c:
Oh what a coincidence. That's the school where Christia teaches. Just tellin'~

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2


Mono Cresthart





Mono always likes to wear light armor for swiftness in combat.




Mono is very skilled in both types of weapons such as one-handed swords, daggers, and greatswords but, his most favored one is his sword named Ouroboros. (See the sword's appearance in the pic.)


Obviously, it's male.


He tends to be alone, intelligent, silent and snobbish type, but in the inside, he's a sincere fellow.

Unknown to the others, he also loves to cook and fish.

Even with his attitude he tries not to lose his calm in every situation

In the real world, he's a pro gamer with his fav genres like, RPGs and 3rd Person Shooters

Sadly, he did not have a part of the beta test of the game due to faulty internet connection


High School Student

~Skills In-Game~


Tactical Planning, Cooking, Fishing, Smithing


Skills dedicated to critical and defense


All buffs


Mono is a simple high-schooler who always tends to be alone, he often gets bullied by others and sometimes get into fights. Everybody nows him as a "loner" and a "nobody". Despite of all the bullying he didn't care about it because as long as he's happy in real life with video games, he did not have to bother with those "suckers" in his life.

His father was deceased because of an accident, his mother is in abroad, working overseas his only companion in life was his older sister.

One day, while playing another online game, he encountered a mysterious player that met his downfall as a pro gamer. After he's defeated by the mysterious player, he got a mysterious mail from the player saying; "Meet me at SAO and there, you will find something important to you..."

During the release of SAO (Sword Art Online), he recieved another message from the player saying; "It's time."

This message set his goal to find that mysterious player who have been bothering him.

And that, he set out to the online realm to find this "player"....

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Just another note: When I asked for the weapon of choice, I didn't mean the exact weapon. Just a kind, is all. After all, it's impossible to have such a strong weapon in your character's hands because we're still at the start of the game -- the first floor, remember? So, you have two choices: Let your character wield the normal (and not as strong) kind of weapon for now, or let them have it already, but it won't be as strong as it should yet. 
New update! -> http://www.rpnation.com/resources/sword-art-online-a-private-roleplay.3585/update?update=4706

Read it.

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