Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay [Inactive]

Kuze finally woke up from his deep sleep.


He stretched his back, his legs, his arms, ready for the new day that as come. For some reason, he touched his forehead because he feels like he left something last night. "Meh, nevermind." He said.

He noticed that his door to his room is open as well. He must have clumsily left it open since he was tired.

"Oopsie." He said.

He went outside the inn. The sun has just risen, and its probably morning. The radiance of the sun blinded Kuze as he exits the Inn. he walked around the square, seeing players of different kinds of gender, armors and weapons scattering around. As he looks at them, he remembers the time he can't log out. So he wondered for himself, as he stands behind a wall...

[[image coming soon]]

"I wonder if these players can't log out as well. I heard there will be a meeting soon." He said to himself.

Since he can't do this, can't do that, and can't do anything, since it was early, he went out of Horunka to spar and warm up his muscles.

he encountered a wild boar. He brandishes his sword and pounced at it. He let out a mighty roar and then upward slashed the boar. More boars spawned soon after. That was the kind of warm up he was expecting...


"Real men grind in da' club like dis'."

-Sir Godzilla

[[continuing from the forest part]]

"...I'll go for the boss, you take the others." Sachan instructed Luca. But Luca realized that if he fights all the mobs alone, he'll die with the mobs sooner or later. So he unintentionally grabbed Sachan's hand before she left. With the force of a boy, no doubt that he'll easily pull Sachan so easily. But since he's hesitant to make Sachan stay, Luca pulled Sachan with much force. Sachan tripped while Luca got unbalanced. Resulting to a misunderstood position (Sachan laying down under Luca while Luca's right hand placed on Sachan's chest)

". . . flat" Luca muttered spacing out. Popped veins with a " ( TAT) " expression shown on Sachan's face.

"Release me this instant... hentai-san" says Sachan with an obvious killing aura.

Luca, while spacing out, didn't heard what she told him to do. (probably feeling of you-know-what)

"Hentai-san, hentai-san. I'm giving you 3 seconds to get off of-" as soon as Sachan finishes her warning, a dire wolf interrupted her and hitting Luca with its sharp claws away from her, making him suffer from full health to 1/4 of his health. Sachan immediately get up and jumped tree to tree until she reaches a branch high enough for her to watch him fight the mobs. ". . .baka hentai. . . This is what you get for making your pleasure your first prioity. . ." she makes herself comfortable watching him for a while and forgets the boss.

Luca came back to his senses, suffering from the wound he got from the hit he got while he was spacing out, he weilds his weapon tightly and charges out to the horde of mobs. Sachan realized that she came to the forest for a reason: to gain more money and items. So she decided to come back down. She entered the battle with a speedy slash from a neck of a wolf with her sharp halberd. "I realized I came for a reason" she tells Luca. "I... I see..." he replied back.

The two are fighting side by side. But most of the times, Sachan steals Luca's target by killing it instantly with such accuracy in aiming the lower head first then to the top. It was such a brutal manner of killing, as what he thought. He probably shivered in regret after knowing that he might get killed awhile ago from the position he made.

From the sharpest axe and the pointy spear, Sachan aimed the weakspots of the mobs. Usually, she aims at the head. From her structure, she uses her shortness as an advanyage by advancing to the enemy with speed and attack from the bottom to the top, an uppercut using the spear, attack by stabbing the head vertically. Sometimes she also aim to the chest where the heart is located.

After killing almost all of the mobs, Sachan turned around to check how was Luca is doing. She noticed that his health is already at its peak with a precentage of 3%. She reaches for her last healing potion and goes towards him. But she got tripped and threw the healing potion to the different direction. One of the mobs near Luca, an evil goblin who already has a damage, got splashed by that said potion, making the goblin's health back to full health. "...oops... I tripped... Teehee" she says while laughing internally. Luca got annoyed and goes toward to Sachan to lend a hand. While not noticing the goblin behind him, the goblin throws a rock towards him. With an immediate reflex, he dodges it. But with unfortunate luck, he stepped Sachan's halberd, which is sharp. He got injured by it, resulting to 0% health.

Witnessing Luca's death, Sachan stays calm as always and gets up, wielding her weapon up, and starts slashing mobs.

After getting a huge amount of col she got from mobs, she decided to sleep to the same inn she was before. Leaving the forest, she notices that the part where she was staying was only for higher levels. That's why she handled difficulty back then.
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" Shizune? Shizune ? Wake up Shizune " Shizune was awaken by a familiar voice. She hesitated atfirst but then "Shizune!" And by that scream, she immediately got up . . . But she wasn't in her room. She woke up in a burning house. She stood up from her bed and looked in the window.. "Everything.. is burning" Her thought was disturbed by a scream. She went to where the scream was and she found her younger self crying and covered in blood. The girl pointed in her direction and she woke up in tears.

"Shizune?.. Are you okay?" Hakuo asked worriedly beside her. "Y-yes. I'm fine.. Hakuo" "But you're in.." He stopped for a moment and wiped her tears. "Let's get ready Shi chan. We need to train." Shizune gave Hakuo a smile and immediately got ready. After a few moments, the two went out of the inn. 'What was that.. nightmare all about..?' were all in Shizune's thoughts until they were distracted by a ruckus around the town.


"Sounds trouble." Hakuo looked at Shizune , she nodded and at her signal, they ran towards the ruckus. When they reached the place where the ruckus was in, they saw dead bodies and men fighting. Shizune got her sword and was ready to attack but Hakuo stopped her. "Why?!" She was puzzled. "We need to know the situation.." He said calmly. "But we know the situation! They are under attack Hakuo!" "Shizune. Listen to me. We are out numbered." Shizune fell silent for a moment knowing that they would be killed if they made a wrong move.


Shizune couldn't handle the cries of help, she took out her sword and dashed towards the crowd.

"STOOOP!! " She started attacking the men. She didn't realized she was going to be attacked from behind, when she turned around, she saw a swordsman attacking towards her.

She couldn't move. . . "Shizune look out!" Hakou jumped and slashed the swordsman. They continued to battle the men who were attacking them and eventually they won.

"Good Work Hakuo!" Shizune smiled and suddenly Hakuo collapsed. "Hey Hakuo! Wake up Hakuo!!"

(Cliffhanger sorry)
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Sora readies his sword upon the attacking of the Direwolf.

"HAH!" Sora attacks the Direwolf but, unfortunately, the Direwolf easily evaded the attack giving an possibility for him to be attacked.

The Direwolf readies its attack. In a blink of an eye, Sora's senses reacted quickly and evaded the attack. Unknown to him he got a very thin scratch in his side which depleted his HP.

Sora looks at his HP bar. "Tch, I gotta be careful next time." Sora dashes forward the Direwolf, as he dashes forward, he readies for a sword skill.

"HORIZONTAL!!!" A series of left and right slashes were executed thus, defeating the Direwolf.

Sora looks at the fake beta tester in disgust. "Are you okay." Sora asked with a bit of irritation in him. "Y-yes, I'm sorry if I did that, I just wanted party members that's all." Sora got more irritated. "Sorry doesn't cut it, here's a teleport stone. Let's get you back at the inn." Sora gives the fake beta tester his other teleport stone.


"I should be leaving now. And oh, what's your name?" Sora says to the fake beta tester. "Brand, that's my name." Sora brought up his menu and sent a friend request to Brand. "Don't ever get again in trouble. Someday we'll meet again, but make sure you're strong enough. I don't want any trouble again." Brand nods and accepted the friend request while Sora went out of the inn and he saw a something that caught his interest. Sora saw a girl and boy fighting together some mysterious players. "Hm?" Sora looks closer at the scene. Suddenly, something crossed Sora's mind while watching them fight. "Wait, something's wrong here..... *gasp*" Sora notices something peculiar in the scene. " The battleground is a town which is a safezone thus, PK'ing is not allowed here. If you wish to fight, you must send a Pvp request..."

When watching the battle he did not saw any timer nor battle counts while they're fighting. "Something's really peculiar here." Sora watched further and saw the two in a hard situation but after a while, they won. Questions came into his mind when he saw that the crystal above their heads did not become red. The fact that those player were rather suspicious too.

The girl said; "Hey Hakuo! Wake up Hakuo!!"

"Something's really wrong with those men.."

"I need to find the truth behind this..."

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L u n a updated Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay with a new update entry:

My Message To You

I'd like to apologize for not being able to post for such a loooong time. If only the site wasn't well the past few hours to days to weeks, I would have definitely posted sooner.
Due to a few events and situations, before I post, I just want to ask you all -- Are you still willing to post and continue the roleplay? If so, then we'll continue as usual. But if someone chooses not to, then we'll get to a few measures.

[You could just have your character roleplay die...
Read the rest of this update entry...
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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