Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay [Inactive]



Sword Art Online - A 1x1 Role Play. - Will it be their paradise, or their curse?
Setting: 1st Floor - Aincrad

Right after the announcement of Kayaba Akihiko.

- - -

This couldn't be happening.

A sharp grunt was all Criscellia could manage before stumbling backwards. She needed to get out of here, now, because she knew this was all impossible. As much as she wanted to think or get herself out of here, the shrieks and screams of disbelief were making way through her hearing...

And she couldn't take it anymore.

"No," was all she muttered before stepping backwards and walking and sprinting away from the chaos of players as confused as she. She wasn't the type to just stand there. She was one to do something about this. She needed peace, at the very least.

If this was true...

She was a beta tester. She knew nearly everything about this game. She was an excellent and well-known gamer. But for now, she got away from the swarms and onto the now-empty streets of who knows where would lead to.

(There. Post thy literate replies now~)

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"S***." Gordon, or Peter Lavasque, muttered to himself as he looked at his hands, now slowly transforming to his real-life appearance. The entire center was filled with shining lights that signified the slow transformations of every player. His ears were ringing by the sounds of morphing players. And he thought that the missing log-out button was the last of his worries. He literally didn't know what was going on. Was the trapping true? Was he really going to spend so much time in his life just to complete this game and to escape from it?

No, that wasn't the important the question. It was: was he going to survive at all?

Kaito dropped his mirror as he saw his own reflection and punched the barrier behind him.

"KAYABA! GET DOWN HERE YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF JUNK! You think this is FUNNY? Quit it!!" he screamed at the large red figure at the sky. Kaito repeatedly tried to break the invisible wall. "Let us go!"

| Kaito dropped down and started crying, trying to look for a way to escape. |

Kaito tried to talk but no voice came out of him, as if he got muted.

All Luca was thinking in his mind is....fear. And entrapment. He didn't know what to do. From the day of the game announcement. He's been so excited. He gathered and saved all the money he got from his female boss. For months he dreamt of being in the amazing world of the game. Now he knew...There is no escape..there is only death and terror. Right after Kayaba Akihiko's speech. His stomach churned and he swallowed back. Not thinking clearly and spacing out momentarilly... All he said was...

''It's going to be okay... You did not endure years of pain and training for nothing... win..and survive.... survive...and live... LIVE. AND RISE TO THE TOP...''

''I will do this for the sake of everyone I love! and everyone...who loves me for who I am...''

He held back his shocked sensation of fear and hardened his fist. With his angry eyes furiously looking at where kayaba appeared. He looked around and saw people. Thinking of the same thing... terror...death....and living hell...

Even though being a beta tester...He did not expect this....He swallowed back and had a spark of confidence. That he will use his information as a beta tester..
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"Wot?" Kuze asked as he slowly removes his headphones. "What? What did that cloaked guy said?"

He looked at everyone. They were all in shock and despair. He clearly had no clue on what was going on.

"Excuse me, wha-" He tried to ask a player but it ran away.

And then suddenly, a huge stampede occurred. Everyone was screaming, like they were in pain. Kuze got driven by the crowd as they all exit the square.

"Wha-? What the hell?!" Kuze said to himself.

A few minutes later, he finds himself alone in the square. He has no one to talk to and no one to turn into.

"Tch, if no one wants to tell me what's going on or nobody wants to be my ally then I'll be a lone wolf." He said. "Guess I'll be a solo player... Again."
As what happened to the other players, Christia, or in-game name: Sachan, became a stuck player on the game. But she was pretty late when she logged in. The players already know what happened and who they are. As she realized that she won't be able to logged out again, she just sigh and say "Can't be helped..." with a calm reaction.

She thinks positively and said
"At least I could get a clue to my long lost relative since all the players are here." to herself. She continues to travel to her favorite in-game spot/place which is: hidden waterfalls near the caves
The mighty Lu-nyaa updated Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay with a new update entry:

Posting Order !

So; here's our posting order!
1. Me
| Criscellia

2. Ricchan
| Gordon

3. Mono
| Kaito

4. Luca
| Luca (lel

5. W®ath
| Kuze

6. Azu
| Sachan

Don't you dare post if the one before you hasn't yet!

Read the rest of this update entry...

* * *


Criscellia ran for a few more miles before pausing in her tracks. "I believe...," she panted slightly and looked around. She must have been the only one who reached this far. It was a result of her over panicking. "I've gone too far..." She looked behind her, and then in front of her. She wasn't going too far, she figured. She was just being led to a village northwest of where she was earlier along with that ruckus of players -- The Starting City.

I have to go there, she decided, continuing her jogs with the same pace her heart was beating to. She knew that Horunka was another village. It also meant that she would and was getting further into the game. She wasn't so sure if that was a good thing, but she at least had to know. "I have to," she stated matter-of-factly before making way towards northwest.

Gordon's breathes came in short pants as he hurried with the others. He made his way out of the central area and, soon enough, found himself in the vast fields; where he came from earlier before he was mysteriously teleported. His sword—a regular one that wasn't strong, but not weak either—was grasped tightly in his right hand. Somehow, it gave him the feeling that he was protected—but now that he was trapped and there was no means of escaping until they finish the game, he couldn't help but feel vulnerable.

He stopped for a while. He thought that it would be best if he found himself a guild. After all, working in groups will give him a bigger chance of survival. From afar, he could see a couple of Frenzy Boars—weak monsters that give off EXP and Col (in-game money). He had full HP, so death by them is nearly impossible. With a start, he marched towards them and slew them, obtaining 72 EXP and 90 Col. After that, he figured that he needed a place to stay—the nearest town area, maybe.

"Horunka." he muttered to himself. That was the nearest town. If he really wanted to survive, he'll have to make sure that he knows a reliable place. With a start, he sprinted through the meadows and into the town of Horunka.
As soon as the barrier's effect and the mute Kayaba gave to him wore off, Kaito ran towards the fields and looked any creatures nearby.. alone.

Packs of blood wolves and dire wolves appeared and chased him off, ready to kill him
. "Must.. be strong.. Must.. FIGHT". Kaito reached for his starter-pack sword and ran toward the wolves, killing them one by one. As soon as he finished them off, he received an award weapon. "Bloodthirster" he said as he read the title. Seeing that he had 10 HP left, he knew that he had to leave, but more of them surrounded him. The wolves approached him and he did a spin attack, killing them all, which healed him for some reason. Kaito drank a health potion restoring 68% of his health and walked towards the nearest town, a town called Horunka, and purchased more resources for him to keep.
Luca wasn't a type of person who would start screaming and panicking right at moment's notice when he encounters danger. Being a loyal butler to his female boss and always being followed by girls and stalkers (in fact : ANY gender of people) He thought of these silly stuff at a serious time. But he wasn't dumb. He knew he needed to do something. He knew he can't just stand there and internally panic in fear. Without hesitation Luca ran. shoving over some players he passed through. He tried to find the nearest dark corner in the alley he could find. and he took out his map. clicking the map. He tried to find the nearest village with neutral creeps in it. Since he's a beta tester he knew some of them. He fropped a tear into the ground. He held his sword at his hand. seeing his angry eyes cry with tears. ''Kayaba Akihiko....You wait. I WILL KILL YOU!''
"Oh look, a player." Kuze said as he tried to approach her. "Hey you."

She stared back to Kuze.

"Yes you. Do you have any idea what's going on? Who was that hoode-"

Just right after Kuze was about to finish his sentence, the girl ran away crying.

"Dang it, am I that of a creep?!"

Kuze put his headphones back again and then went to the market place. There, he bought 3 health potions using his remaining col. He went outside the town and started to slay wolves using his basic sword. It was the month of Cypress, so it is not a surprise to Kuze that wolves started to spawn in the area. He was a beta tester, after all.

Few minutes later, he felt exhausted and about to fall down. His right arm hurted a lot, like little tiny parasites was eating his muscles.

"Ahhh...hah..." He panted. "I need to rest for a while! I need to log out!" He opened the menu when....

There was no log out button....

"NO LOG OUT??!!!? IS THIS A GLITCH?!" He shouted. He stood up and slayed the remaining wolves surrounding him. There were 2 of them. Other one was in front of him and the second one was behind him. the one in front of him dahsed into him, but Kuze pierced its throat, and it shattered into pieces. Next thing he knew, he felt an excruciating bite at his back. "Ahhh!" He screamed in pain. He quickly swinged his sword through the wolf behind him. The wolf got knocked back, and Kuze, jumped right into it and pierced his sword into the wolf. Kuze dropped down the grassfield, tired and exhausted. He looked at his healthbar and its on the orange area. He was all out of potions. He needs to find a town immediately. Luckily, there was a town near to the fields called Horunka. He managed to drag himself and struggled to go to the next town, with his back still in pain and also his right arm...


"Something you don't see everyday"

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As Sachan reaches the hidden waterfalls, she rested there and meditate quietly, alone.

After an hour, without any interruptions from anything, she decided to go to the tallest platform and check what was going on. She found a guy slashing off the wolves with swiftness. She enjoyed watching him. After a while, the guy got tired and exhausted and fell on the grass field. She wants to help him for a minute but when she saw the guy is still moving and trying hard to get to the town to recover his health, she stayed and enjoying watching him trying his best to reach the town. When she discovered that there are more mobs behind him, she decided to come down secretly and kill those mobs with speed and silence. No one noticed her killing those mobs, neither the guy which already healed himself.

Sachan thought for a second that he could be the one she's looking for. From the feeling of it, he's not. But no one knows, so she decided to stalk him in the shadows for a while observing his actions.

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Criscellia ran to one of the gates that she knew would lead to Horunka, one way or another. She would have stopped midway from the fields she just sprinted to, if there were no beasts that were hastily chasing her. It was so close, and she wanted to exclaim that, but she was already nearly out of breath. Long blonde hair flowed across her face and behind her, but she didn't have the time to mind it. Once she reached those gates, the sight of a new village welcomed her, before she faced the threat behind her once more.

It's been several kills, she thought, panting. Her nut-brown eyes stared at the remaining two dire wolves and their health bars above them, not so far away. One with half-health, another with a full one, those were the two she failed to kill earlier. She stepped backward, grip hardening on the two daggers she was holding onto. She knew she had to kill those, or other players would have to. If they managed to reach this place, which was hard enough already, Criscellia didn't want these two monsters to be waiting on them.

Come..., with a small grin, she challenged mentally and charged back at the two monsters who seemed to get the clue. "Come at me!"
Gordon didn't realize that it was still a long way to go—but he was calmer this time. His eyes felt dry, and his muscles were tired. The developers really nailed the realistic body engine this time, Gordon thought to himself. The gate of Horunka was near, and his excitement poured across his face, forming a wide smile. A safe spot at last—a spot where he can at least rest for the day.

But before entering the gate, he stopped—he heard the ruffles of feet coursing through the grass, hurrying towards the gate. Who was it? The figure was still far from him, but he wanted to feel more safe. He clutched his sword and readied himself with his battle stance. Murderers existed in the game, and if he was killed—and implying what Kayaba said about the machine killing you when you die is true—it would be the end of his life. That would be the biggest disgrace for him: to die just because of a simple game.

The figure neared the gate, and suddenly, it stopped—what was it trying to do? Gordon took a deep breath and inched a couple of steps closer. The figure was a girl; she had long blonde hair that was sprawled all around her head, covering most of her face and the back of her head. She had fair white skin that stood out from the environment. She looked tired. The girl turned around and readied her weapon, and Gordon finally saw what she was running from: two raging Dire Wolves snarling viciously as they made their way towards her. Their red glowing eyes towered over Gordon's bravery. They were low-level monsters, but they indeed looked scary.

Can she handle them? Gordon thought to himself. He was ready to join her and help her in slashing the Dire Wolves, but a strong pang of hesitation hit him. Of course she can handle those—she was the one who lured them, anyway, so that's none of my business, Gordon smirked. Without any further delaying tactics, he sneaked past the girl and entered one of the first floor's reliable towns, Horunka.
Kaito was hallucinating, his health was 68% but he was tired, he was about to faint when suddenly he saw another player on the fields, a girl with long blonde hair. She readied her weapon as she said something that he couldn't hear. Kaito saw another wave of blood and dire wolves ready to attack her. "She couldn't handle it herself.. But I'm tired" he thought.

"Oh what the hell". Kaito, with his will to help the girl, gripped his Bloodthirster and dashed towards behind her and helped her. Killing a few wolves, it restored a part of his HP, but he still didn't know the reason for his regeneration.
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Luca's journey continued and ventured into the forest. He kept on slaying neutral monsters again and again. He did not stop. At first he had some trouble with farming for money. With his low level. This did not feel like the experience he had on the beta test. Instead of entertainment and adventure. He experienced fear and terror. Walking on the fields. trying to find more neutral beasts to kill. He spotted something odd in the west part of his vision. seeing a shadow fighting in the darkness. seeing his health made him be careful of his movements. The as he slowly walked towards it. He saw the thing or the person was standing in between the row of trees. He thought that it's a small boy. fighting with other mobs. Luca didnt really think or decide on teaming up with others but he noticed a definite relationship. He came close and heard a voice. Not just a voice. A word of warning. He didn't realized that he's a SHE, a girl with a brown hair with a weapon that looked like a halberd yelled at him. Luca knew she wasnt trying to threaten him. ''Elder Lizard! 3 OF THEM! BEHIND YOU!'' Luca drew his sword and quickly slashed the 1st monster he saw. Then in a flash the brown headed person began attack the beasts. Luca knew she was a high level person. But the way her attack patterns was unleashed. Luca knew she was a beta tester. ''...I'll go for the boss, you take the others."
Kuze dragged himself to the gates of Horunka, still tired and exhausted. Night is coming near (in game time) And he feels like he could still make it.

He could still hear the cries of the wolves. He sensed that they were all coming for him so he better hussle.

A few minutes later, he finally reached the square of Horunka. A few people are outside and the are was well lit. Kuze was eager to find the nearest inn around...


He sensed something, Like someone is...watching him.


He looked back and saw nothing. "Who's there?" He said. But no one answered. He looked around very closely, but still saw no one.

So he continued to look for the nearest inn until he finally saw it. He entered the inn and gave the exact amount of cols for one night stay. He earned the col from slaying the mobs he encountered earlier. He went to his room and crashed right into the bed provided. He figured out he would sleep early today, for a good rest.

As he lied down the bed, he brought up his menu and looked at the log out button. He desperately tapped it but it wont work. "What's with this?!" Kuze said feeling annoyed.

He was feeling sleepy, his eyes were feeling heavy as he glances his health bar filling up again...

"Oh of course.. RPG logi....c.... *snore*" And then he fell asleep.


"Real men do their fatality move like this."

—Sir Godzilla

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As what Sachan observed, the guy is still a lone player, with no team mates yet. That fact makes it more suspicious. And as the guy reached the inn, she lets the guy go inside first and get a room so she can at least talk to him.

Before going to his room, she checks the counter and look for the room and the name of that person. And she found out that person's name is Kuze. Then headed towards his room.

Sachan, as she's ready for any surprise attacks while wielding the halberd, opens the door where Kuze is staying. Hoping that he won't attack her, she found out that Kuze is currently sleeping. She let herself in and draws closer to Kuze. She looks at him and observes him for a while. She even have to lean over him just to see closer, his eyes, hair, and face.

After her observation, she noticed that he looks too carefree. As if he didn't knew about being stucked into the game and staking your life on a game. So she left a note of warning and clue:

"A cat has nine lives, a gamer has a hundrend. How come we currently have one?"

Before she left, she leaves the note on the desk and kisses Kuze. "Goodluck" Sachan wishes for him as this is a dangerous life in a game.

"As I thought... He's not what I'm looking for..." Sachan whispered as she went out to earn more money. She leveled her Halberd up and her skills also by using the money she got from meditating and fighting the extra wolves. She then went towards the forest alone and tries to beat the boss for herself.

She encountered many mobs on the way and earned more money. Her HP reached to its half and now earned more than a 300 col. As she's nearing the boss, she encountered an unknown guy. "Tch, a nuisance. He's better be good."

[[ refer to Luca's part of the story ]]
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L u n a updated Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay with a new update entry:

New Posting Order/ Note

Since we've gotten two new roleplayers in this roleplay, we have a new posting order!
1. Me
| Criscellia

2. Ricchan
| Gordon

3. Mono
| Kaito

4. Luca
| Luca (lel

5. W®ath
| Kuze

6. Azu
| Sachan

7. A n j i
| Shizune

8. NobodyisHere
| Sora

Since Azu (Uke-hime-sama
:D ) has posted, Neko-ji and Bri-chan can post now, in order.

Then I will post, and the order will go on, just as it should.

(Don't you dare...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Shizune's eyes were filled with horror as she sees other players commit suicide and others going insane.

" I can't handle this anymore" As she runs somewhere where the people's cry were no longer to be heard and decided to go in battles.

After the long day of battling, She wore her cloak and went to find a place to stay in.

"What a beautiful, windy night!" Shizune sighed while walking into the glowing town. Thoughts kept running through her mind as she continues to wander the town until she bumped into a person and fell down.

"I'm sorry, Are you okay?" She nods and when she looked up, she saw a familiar face.

"Hakuo?" Shizune said in shock.

"Hey, Shizune. I didn't expect to run into you." He chuckles and gave Shizune a hug and had their conversations while walking in different stalls. Laughing and talking all night.

After that, Hakuo led her to a nearby inn.

"It's cheap and you can be comfortable here." He smiled.

"Easy for you to say Beta Tester. Since you know entirely this place" She shrugs.

"I'm a beater" He whispers

"What?" Shizune asked.

"Nothing" He laughed as he got their keys to their room and gave the other key to Shizune.

"Ne ne, Shizune. Let's partner up. I-if it's okay" He looks away as he asked her this and Shizune replied "Of course."

She added Hakuo and that was official. They became teammates.

As she went inside her room, she removed her cloak and layed down. She tried to sleep but visions of people dying are stopping her. She couldn't forget how people kill themselves. She sighed and sat down for a moment.

"I guess Ill be staying here for awhile Onee chan. I don't know when I can meet you again... Take care of yourself once in a while"
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-After Akihiko's Announcement-

Many players are in panic of not being able to log-out in the game. Other went rage and some tried to do suicide.

Sora was shocked to seeing people die in this game, this cruel game...

Sora tries to look the tab where the log-out button was assigned. Out of nowhere, something catched Sora's eyes.

Crowds of people are gathering in one place. In curiosity, Sora went to take a look.

"We should gather up as parties right now!! We can survive by doing that!!"

As what Sora observed from the player that was pretending to be a beta tester, he looks like a beginner uncapable of leading a group nor leading a simple party in this dangerous game of life and death.

All that matters to Sora for now is that he survives and he will do anything to survive.

The crowd mutters in agreement. Some of the players agreed to party up with the beginner.

"Tch, dumb people following orders of some nobody."

The players sets out to the forest to level up...

Sora decided to go with them in curiosity.

In the meantime the players were doing good fighting the Wolves but, suddenly a horde of Direwolves suddenly appeared from nowhere.

They were now surrounded...

A player tries to attack but, he failed and he got deleted. The horde of Direwolves attack the whole party and killing the others.

Sora got shocked for seeing people one by one to die in front of his eyes.

"W-what should we do?! Do you have any ideas?!"

A player asked the fake beta tester. "I-I don't know!!" After the fake spoke the player whom he is conversing to, he got attacked and was deleted.

The Direwolves attention was now to the fake. As soon that they are about to attack, Sora followed an attack, and it was successful deleting the Direwolf that was about to attack the fake.

"You should not pretend that you're a beta tester, they'll put their false hopes on you and you'll end up being killed."

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One of those dire wolves were killed in a shot. It was either she was strong enough, or it had already been drained half of his health. Either way, Criscellia still had to do one thing along with the killing -- one thing she was to do before killing the last one. Come at me!, she thought again, and immediately paused in place, letting the other dire wolf with full health attack her, and attack her, and attack her. Her clear, wide, nut eyes watched as her health bar lowered.

Green... Orange... Red.

Red. Her health was red. It was an immediate way to enhance Battle Healing, one of the skills she had been trying to level up ever since. At the same time, it was also an immediate way to real death, not only in this game. But also in real life. Admittedly, she wasn't supposed to feel even a bit of fear. But since the announcement and the disappearance of the log out button, she just couldn't help it. Criscellia's grip on the dagger on her left hand tightened, and gave a slash, getting the enemy's health to about 60%.

But of course, she couldn't forget her health. She could just attack again. However, before she did so, a flash appeared at the side of her sights. Another player had defeated the dire wolf. "Good," her body calmed a little, sighing. It was quite surprising for her to see a player towards Horunka so early. Then again, she knew that underestimating one wouldn't do her any good. Dismissing that thought, she placed one of her daggers in the satchel at her side, and gazed at the male whose name was Kaito, as mentioned by his player tag.

"Thanks for that," she said casually, as calmly as she can. The red health bar on top of her was almost too embarrassing and vulnerable to anyone who might have seen it. So immediately. she took a potion from her equipment and took a sip, letting her health be restored. She debated on just leaving after that, but decided otherwise. An introduction would be proper, especially since this player was honestly quite helpful. "Criscellia," she muttered, bringing up a hand for the fellow player to shake.
“Yeah, thanks.” Gordon said as an NPC man handed a «Potion» to him after he paid the required amount of Col. He also bought a couple of «Antidote Potions» as well since he knew he’ll need it, if not now, in the future. Then, he went to the nearest inn and paid enough Col so he can stay for the night. After doing so, he went up to the second floor and passed through the corridor, where he saw a young man who left his door open.

“Stupid of you.” he muttered silently as he closed the door. “You can get slaughtered for that, you know.”

But he knew the boy was already in deep sleep, so not wanting to waste any more time, he headed straight to his own room and jumped on the bed, where he gripped the sheets and felt its soft cloth-like texture. It wasn’t his first time being in the town of Horunka, but it has been a long time ever since he stayed in its inn. The comfortable feeling he got while lying on the bed reminded him of his own room—but he knew he should try his best to forget about that for now. Doing so won’t benefit him anything, aside from fear, that is.

He stared at the ceiling which was dimly-illuminated by the street lights from outside. He was seriously hoping that his mother or father won’t think about unplugging his machine or else he’s instantly dead; but Kayaba told all of them that he has already alerted everyone in the outside world, so he reckoned that worrying about that will be utterly pointless. What he was supposed to be worrying about now is joining a guild. He knew he had to, but he
really disliked working in big teams. One of his most hated things is being blamed for a wrongdoing he didn’t commit, and so far, that only happens whenever he’s in a team.

“Doesn’t matter; I’ll need to join one in order to survive longer, anyway.” he muttered to himself, stretching his hand above him as if he was trying to reach for the ceiling. Sleeping would restore his health fully, but he didn’t need to be healed; his health was still at green level. Maybe he could stay for a little longer, thinking about things that have been haunting his mind ever since Kayaba announced that they were trapped.

Plus, he knew that his goal
wasn’t to survive longer; it was to survive the game to escape it, and he was willing to do everything just for that.
"Kaito" he said as he shook her hand. But he noticed continous waves of dire wolves, as if they're not going to run out. He let go and gripped his blade. "Stay back and run away, wait for me at the entrance". "This is bad.. My health's running low and I ran out of potions" he said to himself. "Welp, Leeroy Jenkins" Kaito charged and did a spin attack. He didn't care if his health was running low, just so he could protect another player, he stayed and killed the wolves. "This is never going to end isn't it?" he asked himself. Seeing he only had 34 health left, he was worried that one more hit, he will die, but he didn't stop.
L u n a updated Sword Art Online: A Private Roleplay with a new update entry:

A New Update!

Firstly, all of you must know that Luca's out of the roleplay, for countless reasons I do not care to enumerate.
Secondly, since he will not be posting, here is the new posting order:

1. Me
| Criscellia

2. Ricchan
| Gordon

3. Mono
| Kaito

4. W®ath
| Kuze

5. Azu
| Sachan

6. A n j i
| Shizune

7. NobodyisHere
| Sora

Since I, Ricchan and Mono have posted, it's Wath-chan's turn to do so. c:

Happy roleplaying!

Read the rest of this update entry...

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