Switchblade | To The End

Shannon Louise Grey

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Age: 24

Date of Birth: March 31st

Gender: Female

Current residence: Apartment in the 3rd district

Job/Occupation: Elementary school teacher

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 120

Height: 5'7"

Hair color: Black

Handedness: Right handed

Typical Apparel: (With black pants or blues jeans usually. And sometimes she will wear a black blazer as well.)


Accessories: This pocket watch with the Holy Trinity engraved into it - a celtic marking to represent her family and their ancestry.




-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: She is completely sane, however she tends to ramble on to herself when she's done something ridiculously stupid. She also loves to read and may or may not blurt out a quote here and there from some of her favorite reads, when she feels the moment is right.

Friends: None

Likes: Books, art (she's always found sculptures to be particularly interesting), children, teaching, and memorabilia.

Dislikes: Particularly rude people, social events, being around people too often.

Hobbies: Reading, of course, takes up a lot of her time. She also loves movies, and finds them to be great time killers.

Personality: N/A

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Morgan - he's a small child that wonders around and lives with her. However, it's not known to anyone else wether he is her brother, nephew, son, or just an orphan she found. The rest of her family - her mother and father - have passed away.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Desire: Selfless. She wants to help people as best as she can - save them from the world around them.

Switchblade Type: Blunt. Shannon is better at fleeing than she is at fighting. That's why, when she's presented with violence, she backs down. However, she doesn't let her attacker get away with anything. She will track them down and find them later. She slips poison into their drink and it instantly kills them. If she can't get it into them through a drink, then she will creep up on them and inject it through a needle which, again, it kills them instantly once injected.

Switchblade Weapon: Shannon carries the liquid poison around in a small glass container with a cork in the top. It is attached to a chain which she wears around her neck at all times.


-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Unknown

Age: Around 12

Date of Birth: July 18th

Gender: Male

Current residence: Apartment in the 3rd district (with Shannon)

Job/Occupation: He used to deliver papers, but advanced technology made paperboys a thing of the past. So, now he just picks pockets for a little bit of extra money.

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 90

Height: 5'3"

Hair color:
His hair looks almost black and has a small white streak in the front. It is unknown why it is there.

Handedness: Left handed

Typical Apparel: (Without the hat and design on the sweater in the first picture, and the second one most of the time but , of course, he's older than the boy in the picture)



Accessories: This watch that is slightly too big for him. It seems as though it belong to an older man, but it's unknown how it came into Morgan's possession.


Scars/tattoos/piercings: None

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Morgan is sane, well, at least most people assume he is. However, he is a selective mute. He speaks to no one, only Shannon. Although, he seems to care about her - as is obvious when viewing how he acts around her. But, he doesn't even speak to her in public.

Friends: None

Likes: Pick pocketing, mind-bending games (chess, cards, etc. - anything that causes you to think, and think hard, about your next move), and violence strangely.

Dislikes: The law officials, games that are too easy or have no point to them, and bigger people who think they're better because they're stronger.

Hobbies: Pick pocketing (he does it just for the fun of it sometimes when he's really bored), playing games (mostly chess which he will play by himself a lot), and it seems Shannon has passed her love for reading onto her young friend as well.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Shannon possibly, but no one really knows.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Desire: Selfish perhaps. All he wants to do is survive and thrive. Which, judging from his love of violence, he will do at the cost of others' wellbeing.

Switchblade Type: Sharp. All he has is a tiny pocket knife that he carries with him at all times, but he does use it. Since he pick pockets, he gathers more and more knifes as well which he will throw at attackers.

Switchblade Weapon:
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Zommat Scrype

Full Name: Zommat Scrype

Alias/Nickname(s): Contact

Age: 33

Date of Birth: 8/20

Gender: Male

Current residence:

Job/Occupation: Assassin, hitman, killer for hire

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 74 KG

Height: 6'2

Build: Lean body type, but physically conditioned and well muscled.

Eye color: Purple

Hair color: Black

Handedness: Right

Skin shade/color: Slightly tanned

Typical Apparel: Anything casual when in casual situations such as jeans and shirt. Picture shows work attire.

Accessories: His shades, a highly customized pistol, a dagger, and his combat suit.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: None

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Sane

Friends: None, does not like to get close with people.

Likes: Glasses, shades, animals, deep thinking.

Dislikes: Wealthy and lazy people, breakers of law, organized crime.

Hobbies: Living with three dogs and a cat, honing skill with the knife and pistol.

Personality: (Only if you really want to.)

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: None

Background: (Only if you really want to or have to. I don't want to exactly ruin dramatic irony because you guys know about each player. But don't go too far with it.)

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Deconstruction

Desire: Selfless

Switchblade Type: A pair of shades.



Switchblade Weapon Abilities

Zommat can, at will, activate his switchblade. When activated, the lenses of the shades will begin to glow an incredibly bright purple. The switchblade grants Zommat the ability to zoom in on objects in the distance. Additionally, the switchblade allows Zommat to fire two beams from the lenses.

Biomass Deconstruction Beam - The lenses begin to crackle with a purple energy and glow even brighter. Zommat then fires two beams of purple energy. If organic material is touched by these beams, rapid disintegration occurs. Zommat can widen or condense his beams into lasers. Widening the beam will cause the strength of the beam to rapidly lose power. Condensing the beam will not increase the strength of the beam but will give the beam a better cutting edge. This beam cannot break down non-organic matter and will be blocked by all inorganic matter.

This beam is on a charge system, Zommat can fire five instances of the beam for three seconds each. A cooldown period is present between each charge of the beam fired, lasting around three seconds. Zommat requires ten seconds to recharge a single charge of the beam. The number of charges is visually indicated by a bar of glowing purple on the left side of the shades. This bar is segmented into five sections and depleting a charge causes one segment to turn pitch black.

The beam itself is incredibly fast and has some stopping power but not enough to displace a block of concrete or slab of metal. The stopping power is applied to inorganic objects but disintegration is not.

The beams maximum length is twenty meters and will abruptly stop once the beam reaches maximum length. Additionally, using this beam causes Zommat to move his head very slowly, allowing one to move away from the beam if it misses. Additionally, the beam requires intense focus to use, giving Zommat a sort of tunnel vision when he is using it. Zommat can cancel the full three second channel of his beam when he wants.

Hunter Vision - The switchblade also gives Zommat something he calls Hunter Vision. This causes him to see everything in a shade of purple with organic objects highlighted. Humans are most brightly highlighted. This vision also homogenizes shade tones when needed, allowing Zommat to reliably see at night or in darkness.

Forcefully removing these shades will cause Zommat to lose all abilities related to them. The shades will however slowly levitate towards Zommat when he wills it to, although forcefully detaining the shades will easily counter its movement. The shades also regenerate damage.
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General Info

Full Name: Callen Markart

Alias/Nickname(s): Cal

Age: 29

Date of Birth: November 13

Gender: male

Current residence: big apartment in district 8

Job/Occupation: Professor of astrology


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Ginger.jpg.d48fc34c0faea681242e587a87c6a840.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14373" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Ginger.jpg.d48fc34c0faea681242e587a87c6a840.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weight: 150 lbs.

Height: 5'11"

Build: thin

Eye color: blue

Hair color: red

Handedness: left

Skin shade/color: pale white

Typical Apparel: Grey suit

Accessories: Grey fedora

Scars/tattoos/piercings: a scorpion tatoo on his right arm


Sanity: quirky, talks to himself, secretive

Friends: fellow coworkers (acquaintances), tends to be alone

Likes: watching the stars, reading

Dislikes: being in crowds, people calling him "crazy"

Hobbies:Reading, star gazing, mentoring

Personality: arrogant but ambitious, wants to further his life.


Family members: came from a good family, only child. Both parents dead.

Switchblade Info

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Spear.jpg.6e94e3b0072bacc54d82b34efdae8aee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Spear.jpg.6e94e3b0072bacc54d82b34efdae8aee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The tip should be black

Switchblade Name: Scorpio

Desire: fairly selfish. Wants a life full of riches and comfort

Switchblade Type: Sharp

Switchblade Weapon: long spear, jet black jewel at the top for the pointed part.

Abilities: the gem is poisonous. The poison is a paralytic poison that freezes the nerves of the victim. Special ability: "venom shock" fires out a strong paralytic poison that can harm the human mind severely if the victim is exposed to it for too long. Can be countered by someone too fast to be hit by a slow moving spear. Also "venom shock" can only be performed if the user is standing completely still.



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-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: James Wilson

Alias/Nickname(s): Mage

Age: 26

Date of Birth: 21st March

Gender: Male

Current residence: District 9

Job/Occupation: Mage for hire - he can do all sorts of magic for people, at the right price

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 73 Kg

Height: six feet

Handedness: ambidextrous

Accessories: His hat, of course

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: mostly sane, but his humour can be a little sick, and he does kill rather easily

Friends: friends tend to get... annoyed when you keep conning them

Likes: money, gambling

Dislikes: people who are hard to con

Hobbies: gambling, although he uses his switchblade to cheat

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Mother, lives somewhere he doesn't know in district eight, and his father, who lives in district nine

Background: His mother kicked him and his father out, and his father was a con artist and gambling cheat, so he taught him the tricks of the trade. He still sees his father occasionally, although never his mother.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Ether scribe

Desire: selfish, getting money and making a decent amount of it like his dad managed to do

Switchblade Type: Sharp. He can use it to quickly draw runes on walls, ceilings and objects. Each rune does something different, such as a fire ball, healing, or even freezing a person in place. However, the only way they can be activated is by someone else touching them or coming into their range, which is usually up to a metre in radius, or as small as a centimetre, like the ones he uses for cheating in gambling, changing the face of a card and such.

Switchblade Weapon:


Other: no questions to ask, really
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Full Name: Sei Tachibana


Date of Birth: June 26

Gender: Male

Current residence: Apartment Complex

Job/Occupation: <None>

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Height: 6'3

Build: Quite Build

Handedness: Right Handed

Accessories: Eye Patch on Right eye


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Sei.jpg.8d3c046275c7df2a8edf2bb3e5c663a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Sei.jpg.8d3c046275c7df2a8edf2bb3e5c663a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Goes Crazy while fight sometimes

Friends:Not Many

Likes: Sweets and his Sword

Dislikes: Many things

Hobbies: Reading,Music,Swordplay

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Deceased

Background: While young Sei's family was burtally murderd and was forced to watch them die one by one. He was then tortured and lost an eye during the process as a reminder from the killer. Years later Sei tried to join the police force to find the killer but was not accepted due to nearly killing one of the trainers.

-S W I T C H B L A D E -

Switchblade Name: Arc

Desire: Revenge

Switchblade Type: Arc is a Sharp blade able to cut anything. Arc is able to transform changing the shape of the blade and giving the holder armor. Arc transformation can only stay on for about 15 minutes.

Switchblade Weapon:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee1c2454_ArcBlade.png.852e5aa79b0d307b770789a524a5c901.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee1c2454_ArcBlade.png.852e5aa79b0d307b770789a524a5c901.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Arc Transformation:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee2017c7_ArcArmor.jpg.4cddcf2af1c32c838d671baf43f10ea1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee2017c7_ArcArmor.jpg.4cddcf2af1c32c838d671baf43f10ea1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I hope this is okay if not i'll redo it



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:~Bale Alminster~:


Full name: Bale Alminster

Alias/Nicknames: CoinTosser

Age: 36

Date of Birth: January 31

Gender: Male

Current residence: Homeless

Job/Occupation: Street entertainer


Weight: 183 pounds

Height: 7'8"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCAEDXPDG.jpg.c138494f5f9fbdbe208ea0cfe4efa498.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCAEDXPDG.jpg.c138494f5f9fbdbe208ea0cfe4efa498.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Typical Apparel: White face paint, a jester's mask, random assortments of clothing usually modeling a jester's outfit.


Sanity: Insane, has no care whatsoever for the well-being of others, is quite delusional and will act at random in certain situations.

Friends: A bunch of puppets.

Likes: Anything Fun and entertaining.

Dislikes: The stone cold crush of boredom, schedules, strict living.

Hobbies: Doing street shows with his puppets.

Personality: Obsessed with his own amusement. Is deluded into thinking that his entertainment is the entire purpose for everything's existence. His short period of depression only set the starting point for a completely anarchistic mind. Enjoys living on the streets over being suppressed by the wills of the everyday Joes in the world. Is also able to mimic the voices of people he's met before, it's sort of a memory thing.


Family Members: He remembers having a sister at one point.

History: Dropped out of college after being unable to deal with the stress of his day to day life. Eventually fell into a pit of depression after realizing that his childlike vision of a bright and happy world was nothing more than a fleeting dream. Discovered his switchblade after a failed suicide attempt. Donned the name CoinTosser, because he liked it, thought it fit his new perspective on life. Uses his switchblade to perform wonderful shows with handcrafted puppets he made out of unused materials taken from both construction sites and garbage dumps. Though he makes quite a bit of money due to the professional appeal of his shows, he opts for the homeless life.


Switchblade Name: The Handle

Desire: Selfish, wishes to become immortal so he can enjoy eternal entertainment.


Switchblade type: Sharp, the blade itself can be separated into two smaller versions of it, though this only gives the user more maneuverability and reach with the weapon. Besides being able to cut through most forms of wood and metal the blades itself doesn't have other qualities. The real power comes from the handle. It appears to be wrapped in leather, which is partially true. The bottom of the handle along with the leather can be removed. In actuality, the handle's covering is made of a dozen leather rings that the user can wear. Once worn, the rings give the user control over structures the user has crafted with the blade. Think of it as a sort of remote, and like any remote it has a range on it. Structures controlled by the rings can only go about a distance of two city blocks away from them before losing connection. Other than control over the structure's movements the User can speak through the structure as well. [You can understand how the puppet shows got so many good reviews thanks to this switchblade] The structures must also be between the sizes of an infant to a full grown adult male. Anything larger or smaller than that cannot be connected to by the rings. The rings can only control up to fifteen of these structures depending on their sizes.

Switchblade weapon: The Blade can be used as either a singular or double weapon. The rings are very form fitting.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCAQMWGYH.jpg.f08da579614c7c73fa0302d797aecb51.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14434" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCAQMWGYH.jpg.f08da579614c7c73fa0302d797aecb51.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCA218W3N.jpg.da470218b7b1f02c06ea0e85fa3769a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14435" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCA218W3N.jpg.da470218b7b1f02c06ea0e85fa3769a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The structures that CoinTosser makes are obviously his puppets, they come in a great variety. The rings control the basic body, leaving them with much more varied accessories.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee20ff72_dfvfvvfv.png.e37a052453deab6336bcd35a14bec68e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee20ff72_dfvfvvfv.png.e37a052453deab6336bcd35a14bec68e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCA2NYYB9.jpg.77b08b4fe6f37319998338682167f3ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14437" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCA2NYYB9.jpg.77b08b4fe6f37319998338682167f3ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCAEMN510.jpg.53652907e4d8cacbc3132e291e6c8794.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14438" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCAEMN510.jpg.53652907e4d8cacbc3132e291e6c8794.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCA7G2H5V.jpg.1861a3d42d1e4d4c48ad3eb873b0b3b5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14439" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/imagesCA7G2H5V.jpg.1861a3d42d1e4d4c48ad3eb873b0b3b5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Iezo Halievel

Full Name: Iezo Halminster

Alias/Nickname(s): Onslaught

Age: 26

Date of Birth: October 13

Gender: Male

Current residence: Dark Alleys

Job/Occupation: Mercenary for hire

-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]


Typical Apparel: Tuxedo

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Very sane

Friends: No friends, just underground contacts

Likes: Destruction, collateral damage

Dislikes: peace

Hobbies: Sharpening his switchblade

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: None

Background: Left alone in the streets he had to fend for himself, his first kill was obtained when he was 10 years old. His ruthlessness and savagery quickly led to him earning respect and most of all fear.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: War

Desire: A second chance

Switchblade Type: Sharp. War increases his speed and immunity dramatically. It allows him to recover based on the damage he deals, manipulate shadows, cause fear and summon spectral riders to do his bidding.

Switchblade Weapon:
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-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Vayne Grey

Alias/Nickname(s): The Fog Marksman


Date of Birth: November 20

Gender: Male

Current residence: Apartment

Job/Occupation: Hunter

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 148 pounds

Height: 6'1

Eye color: Black

Hair color: White

Handedness: Right Handed

Typical Apparel:Anything Formal With Boots But His Main Apparel is at the picture

Accessories: neklace made from his younger brother

Scars/tattoos/piercings: one golden earring

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity:He is Completely Sane


Likes: Success,Anything from his younger brother,Guns

Dislikes: Failure,anyone who hurts his younger brother

Hobbies: Hunting,also likes to collect Guns

Personality: Kind,over-protective,Serious (when hunting)

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members:His younger brother (Deceased)

Background:He is Trying to get money from hunting to buy foods for his younger brother due to poverty but his ounger brother died in the shot from another hunter he killed the hunter from anger trying to think what have he done and he is trying to be calm, forgetting the past

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Grey Wyvern


Switchblade Type: Projectile

Switchblade Weapon:

(It Also Shoot Smokes)


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