Switchblade | To The End


had a Nostalgia Trip

The skeleton is self-explanatory and pretty easy to do-- it's just that there are more entries. It's the same basic stuff; don't get discouraged!

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name:



Date of Birth: (Exclude the year.)


Current residence:


-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]




Eye color:

Hair color:


Skin shade/color:

Typical Apparel:




-M E N T A L I T Y-






Personality: (Only if you really want to.)

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members:

Background: (Only if you really want to or have to. I don't want to exactly ruin dramatic irony because you guys know about each player. But don't go too far with it.)

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: (A name your character came up with. Optional.)

Desire: (Selfish or selfless? What was the desire?)

Switchblade Type: (Blunt, Sharp, or Projectile? What does it do, and what are its limits?)

Switchblade Weapon: (General shape of the switchblade. Pictures are fine as well as descriptions.) 
-Moved back!~-
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Nickname: Viper

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Not Available.

Alias/Nickname(s): Viper

Age: 20

Date of Birth: December 25

Gender: Male

Current residence: Unknown

Job/Occupation: Unemployed

-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]

Weight: 158 pounds

Height: 6 feet tall, five inches.

Build: Viper is tall and lanky, though he's muscled.

Eye color: Unknown.

Hair color: Unknown

Handedness: ambidextrous

Skin shade/color: Light tan.

Typical Apparel:

Where the red is, it should be this shade of green, if not a darker shade depending on the lighting.


The green is the same shade as before.

Accessories: A black watch upon his wrist which is broken and outdated.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: None.

Description: (I don't know what this means!)

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Unknown.

Friends: None

Likes: Snakes. Black, green. To confuse people. The dark. Night time.

Dislikes: People.

Hobbies: Sewing. Oddly he makes his own clothes. Including his shoes.

Personality: Viper is a dark man,(ykwim) who's very manipulative. He's not known for anything, but he knows how to change the meanings of his words without those he talks to knowing.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: None alive, asides from his pet King Cobra, Jafar.

Background: Nothing is known about Viper. He just appeared. If it's for the good or for the bad, that is yet to be found out.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Serpentine

Desire: Selfish. Desires to teach the world that nothing is as it seems.

Switchblade Type: Bladed. The ability is that he can basically disappear, but not from sight, from mind. He'll make you forget he ever existed. You'd know of him, but not of him specifically. If he wanted you to forget he lived, so be it. Unremarkabilitiy, in other words. However, this can be countered if one if bullheaded, or stubborn. They would have to be greedy to the point to where they are unwilling to part with anything they deem their own, such as their memories, or a favorite toy.

Switchblade Weapon:
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Full Name: Sasha Louise

Alias/Nickname(s): The devil behind the angels mask

Age: 31

Date of Birth: February 28th

Gender: Female

Current residence: She lives in a shack with her grandparents in the poor residential area.

Job/Occupation: She has no job due to her mental disabilities, but she does help her grandfather mend to his crops.

-A P P E A R A N C E-

Weight: 138 lbs.

Height: Without her shoes she is 5'6 and with her shoes she is 5'7

Build: She has a extremely slim build, long legs and a skinny upper body. She favours out-running opponents.

Eye colour: She has a hazel like shade of eyes surrounded by a white sclera

Hair colour: A very light shade of black, in the gleaming sunlight it is a dark grey looking colour.

Handedness: Is primarily a left handed person but her right hand can be used and is almost as sufficient.

Skin shade/colour: She is a Caucasian woman although is very tanned, the skin that is visible is red. Mostly from sun burns and rashes.

Typical Apparel: Wears a clean, smooth white mask. On each cheek a light pink that blends with the white is painted. The mask has three holes, two circular ones for her eyes, the other which is a small banana shape is for her mouth. On her body she wears a dark green shirt that is only visible in the middle as she also wears a black cloak over the shirt that reaches just above her heels. For leg wear she wears shorts that reach only about a quarter of a meter. On the shorts she wears a dark leather belt with a bronze buckle holding it together. As for foot wear she wears long boots that reach just beneath her knees. Her boots are black but are quite beaten up and dust can be seen coming from the sole of her feet and infect the entire boot. Her hair is puffy and is easily visible, it is the only other part you can see of her head other than her mask and the glimmer of her eyes.

Accessories: On her left hand she wears her grandmother's ring, a cheap bronze ring with a plastic emerald extruding out of the centre it is worn on her pointer finger.

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Is almost completely insane. Tends to switch personalities and hallucinates. When she is pushed to a certain level she can become a pure psychopath and murder anyone at will, (extreme sadness or anger).

Friends: Her Victorian Doll Olivia.

Likes: Candy, cute animals, flowers, blood (depending on her mood), farming, her grandfather, vegetables, food in general, baths.

Dislikes: Mean people, people getting hurt (when she is in a good mood), getting hurt herself, her own blood, sour things, spiders.

Hobbies: farming, playing board/card games, perfecting dolls aesthetics.

Personality: In any of her moods she tends to keep a side of playfulness to her, even when tearing apart a opponent she can still find joy.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Ones she knows and remembers of, her grandparents.

Background: Her parents left her when she was young and she was adopted by her grandparents.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Hell Exiler

Desire: She just wants to make the world a safer place for her and Olivia.

Switchblade Type: A sturdy throwing axe has a decently sharp steel blade. It can be thrown and can retrieve to it's user hands. When thrown it is 2 times weaker but is deadly accurate, takes a little energy when thrown.

Switchblade Weapon:


(For the sake of distinction I will now be switching over to an axe. Makes more sense now that I think on it. :3)
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-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Kira L. Karma

Alias/Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 25

Date of Birth: April 19th

Gender: Female

Current residence: Apartment complex

Job/Occupation: Librarian

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 145 lbs.

Height: 5' 09"

Typical Apparel: Any mix of formal and casual clothing she will usually wear. It can range from suits, a set of a blouse, jacket, and miniskirt, or to the outfit she has on in her picture. She does not really care too much for what she does wear, though.

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: For the most part, sane. Only rarely will her sanity burst, through fits of frustration or confusion.

Friends: N/A

Likes: See 'hobbies'.

Dislikes: Smog or mist.

Hobbies: Reading, writing. She likes to run for exercise, but she isn't particularly good at it.

Personality: A cold person at heart, and prideful. Kira believes she knows more than anyone else, flaunting that knowledge, but in a managed manner.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Kisa Karma - Kira's mother, practically her only parent. Deceased, for 'unknown' reasoning.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-



Switchblade Name: Myself

Desire: ...Depends on your outlook. She wished to avenge her mother and follow her footsteps.

Switchblade Type: Sharp; A claymore. It is able to morph Kira into a different form, which gives her hightened senses and maneuvers. This form quickly drains her energy, and she will revert back when she is exhausted.

@Fall @SteevieX1 First off, I sneaked a little something into the rules. Reading them may be grueling but it will most definitely make your skeleton look better, and I'd make sure you read, understand, and agree to the rules. c:

... Not that I don't trust you.

Steevie, there's no such thing as a "just VIP" roleplay! You are free to join. I'll just need to evaluate your characters and accept them depending on what I think of them.
Post reserved for mine characters.

Works in Progression.

Elsa Felicia Jones

Alias/Nickname(s): Red Lightning

Age: 25

Date of Birth: July 27th

Gender: Female

Current residence: Mansion

Job/Occupation: Legal Racer

-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]

Weight: 130 pounds.

Height: 5' 10"

Handedness: Ambidextrous



-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Elsa is a borderline alcoholic. Otherwise, mentally she's fine.

Friends: Some of the other racers that are good. Sean Banner's an old family friend.

Likes: Whiskey, cigars, motorcycles, danger, thrills, adventure, tattoos, good looking people.

Dislikes: Slow moving vehicles, people who are too scared to take a risk, people who are too close minded.

Hobbies: Riding her motorcycle, working on her car, drinking whiskey.

Personality: Elsa had always been a wild child, always taking risks(ykwim). She loves to have fun, but at the same time she'll seem very stressed. She tends to do her best to try and handle most bad situations, very rarely will she break down.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Only child, both parents dead.

Background: Elsa was an only child to a famous married couple, or, at least her father was. Andrew Jones was, if not the best racer out there, he was for sure one of the best. Some of the first things that Elsa remembers are helping out, or trying to help out with her father's Dodge Charger that he used in his races. When Elsa was thirteen, her father was in a fatal five car crash. Her father was one of the causalities. Two years later, her mother fell very ill and died from the sickness. Completely on her own, and being surrounded by paparazzi and media, she took a strange turn. Instead of doing something else, she decided to follow in her father's footsteps. However, she simply started out as a mechanic in the crew for a car, until the driver was very sick during a race. She saw her time to shine, and took the driver's place, getting second place in the race. She quickly became much like her father after that, one of the best racers to be in the league, and most famous.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name:

Desire: Selfish, to be able to react and move faster than anyone else could.

Switchblade Type: Blunt. The switchblade allows for time to seemingly slow for Elsa, to others it would just seem that she has really good reflexes and reaction time. it essentially would turn someone with a slow reaction time to someone with the reaction time and reflexes of a martial artist. However, she'd use it more when she's racing or driving. And it can only do what she wants it to if she's wearing it on her left wrist.

Switchblade Weapon: This is not a weapon, per-se, as it is a watch. A normal, everyday watch that she wears upon her wrist, the thing would look broken to others, but it looks really nice, as it's gold.

Sean Banner

Age: 45

Date of Birth: March 5th

Gender: Male

Current residence: Hotel

Job/Occupation: Hotel Manager

-A P P E A R A N C E-

Weight: 178 pounds

Height: 6' 5"

Handedness: Right

Typical Apparel: Red flannel shirt and jeans.



-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: He's sane.

Friends: His employees, and some of the regular costumers. Elsa, as her family was a regular at the hotel.

Likes: Helping people out, respectful people.

Dislikes: Disrespectful brats. Baseball.

Hobbies: Playing baseball.

Personality: Sean's a nice, kind hearted fellow. The rest will be fleshed out in he RP.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: His wife, Tracy, and son Eric. Eric is a pro-baseball player who sends money every month.

Background: (Will be fleshed out in RP)

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Homer

Desire: Selfless, the desire was to help out his friends and keep them calm and collected.

Switchblade Type: Blunt. Homer allows Sean to let himself, and or his friends be able to take more hits, or heal them from wounds they receive. This only allows them to take so many more hits, depending on what the hit is, and the healing only goes so far, it can't stop someone from dying from a fatal wound, but it could prolong their life.

Switchblade Weapon:

@Paranoia I hope they are up to your standards.
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Ciara Vodriguez

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Ciara Vodriguez

Alias/Nickname(s): Griffin, Knife

Age: 20

Date of Birth: (Exclude the year.) January 3rd.

Gender: Female.

Current residence: Apartment.


-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]

Weight: 120 lbs.

Height: 5'08", taller with her boots

Build: Muscular arms and legs, firm hands and callused feet.

Eye color: Icy blue.

Hair color: Brown.

Handedness: Right.

Skin shade/color: Light tan.

Typical Apparel: Leather jacket, jeans, combat boots, belt with her knives and weapons on it.

Accessories: Rings, necklaces. An amulet her mother gave her.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: A line across her cheek diagonally caused by her father.

Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/bw1.jpg.dcaef77a0e4325f3c539a5d112de01b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/bw1.jpg.dcaef77a0e4325f3c539a5d112de01b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: She's quite calm, mental when remembers her past.

Friends: None so far.

Likes: Black, Dark, Snakes, Spiders, Fire, Food.

Dislikes: Girly things, makeup, pink, clouds, rainbows, (ykwim).

Hobbies: She likes digging and drugs/beer/alcohol.

Personality: (Only if you really want to.)

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Her mom, brother, and cousin.

Background: (Only if you really want to or have to. I don't want to exactly ruin dramatic irony because you guys know about each player. But don't go too far with it.)

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: (A name your character came up with. Optional.) Black Murder

Desire: (Selfish or selfless? What was the desire?) Selfless. She got it to protect the family she had left.

Switchblade Type: (Blunt, Sharp, or Projectile? What does it do, and what are its limits?) Sharp. It can teleport her to a space that is not far away if she wants to confuse her enemy. It can not teleport her far, if it did, it would shut down and be too weak. This weapon is only able to teleport her every 20 seconds.

Switchblade Weapon: (General shape of the switchblade. Pictures are fine as well as descriptions.) The switchblade she uses is basically like a sword. Pointed at the tip and more round at the bottom. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images-23.jpeg.a3ca0f9603f4a182f84ff920d5d88143.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images-23.jpeg.a3ca0f9603f4a182f84ff920d5d88143.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Anita Young:

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Anita Young

Alias/Nickname(s): Cerebrum

Age: 24

Date of Birth: 9/21

Gender: Female

Current residence: A small apartment in the 4th district by herself

Job/Occupation: Owner of a black market

-A P P E A R A N C E-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed336f1d_toughredhead.jpg.68e5589a169d628255af771e24fd5c1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13988" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed336f1d_toughredhead.jpg.68e5589a169d628255af771e24fd5c1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed339a59_computergeek.png.53bb06d0ca5f1f2e71ad8f3cc4fe84de.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bed339a59_computergeek.png.53bb06d0ca5f1f2e71ad8f3cc4fe84de.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weight: 145

Height: 5'9

Handedness: Left

Typical Apparel: In public, combat boots, high socks, black leather skirt (as in image). Wears pink tank top that stops at the midriff with leather jacket, and her hair is up in two ponytails to make big, egotistic, tough guys think she's "cute". When she's at home, she normally wears a big hoodie with black leggings.

Accessories: She's constantly wearing her Bluetooth and has sort of electronic.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: She has a belly button piercing, a small lightning bolt tattoo right behind her ear, and a snowflake on her thigh next to her public hairs.

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: a genius, but has a pretty unstable sanity when around violence (she likes to do... horrible things to her victims)

Friends: Chase, her employee, the closest thing to a friend she has, who helps make sure she at least acts sane during business meetings.

Likes: Torturing people that cannot understand her exceptional genius, having control, technology

Dislikes: People below the average intelligence, when people don't take her seriously, and for some reason, a very strong disliking towards pineapples.

Hobbies: Hacking into government files, using her poster of a good-looking celebrity as target practice for her throwing knives (she had once hacked into his computer camera without his knowing and, while he was changing, messaged him that she, "approved of his genitals." apparently he didn't like that), and plotting various strangers' deaths.

Personality: Very blunt and quirky.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: None of any importance.

Background: When she was orphaned at 7, a man took her in who worked with government technologies. She fell in love with all electronics, and can hack into anything. After his unfortunate death, young Anita hit a dark patch and fell into the financial grade of the fourth district. One day, Anita hacked into the government files on her guardian's old laptop at the request of a man willing to pay quite a lot. She got quite popular for this after the man posted the information to the media, and started a black market, concerning most illegal things. Now known as, "Cerebrum," she was the girl everyone came to for information. Even though the business made her very rich, the money couldn't go into her bank account, so she still had to live in the poor district, now owning a warehouse in which she does her business.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Hansel and Gretel

Desire: To protect herself and her business.

Switchblade Type: Her switchblade is actually a pair of throwing knives, both of which are able to appear back in the sheath after remaining in the target for exactly 1 and 3/4 seconds.

Switchblade Weapon: Both knives are very sharp. The blades are about the size of a pencil.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/weapon.png.0deae7f62fc1e02d2f0cdcb15e6eb391.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13990" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/weapon.png.0deae7f62fc1e02d2f0cdcb15e6eb391.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Valen Hale

Alias/Nickname(s): None

Age: 24

Date of Birth: 6/2

Gender: Male

Current residence: Apartment room

Job/Occupation: Former Hitman


Weight: 75 Kg.

Height: 210 Cm.

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Sane, but has a weak mentality that will easily go insane under stress.

Friends: None

Likes: Fine food, decor, fine art, and reading.

Dislikes: Violence, hate, murder.

Hobbies: Valen likes to collect coins and to read books. He also likes to listen to classical music.

Personality: Valen is a polite man who observes gentleman like qualities. He has a smooth, mellow voice with striking eyes and fine countenance. Overall, one would believe Valen to be the paragon of what a good man is. However, Valen is weak. His psyche can be shattered and it is under constant strain from Hemonthysis.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: All dead, so none.


Valen was born to a rather wealthy family who got their money through illegal means in association with organized crime. Valen's family was murdered when syndicate members attacked when they did not receive enough money from Valen's family. Valen was the sole survivor of this attack. This attack and its emotional stress upon Valen awoke his ability to summon Hemonthysis. Valen detests Hemonthysis as he considers the being a debasing figure that revels in death and destruction. Valen grew up by himself, unable to do anything that would make his name known due to him being a constant target from organized crime. Valen fell into depression, and turned to Hemonthysis for comfort. Hemonthysis shaped Valen into a deranged individual by manipulating his need for money. Through Hemonthysis, Valen got a job, something that Hemonthysis excelled at. A rival syndicate acquired Valen and used him as a hitman. They did not know of Hemonthysis, and simply thought that Valen had performed murders on desired target. Hemonthysis was efficient and ruthless, and in one year the entire syndicate that murdered Valen's family was dead. Valen has received enough money to live in his small apartment room in relative peace, having broken off connections with the syndicate he was allied with. Valen regained mental composure, though, and has refrained from using Hemonthysis as he does not ever want to fall into such a morally degrading pit he was in.

Switchblade Name: Sacrifice

Desire: Selfish

Switchblade Type: Sharp

Ability: Sacrificial Pact

Prerequisites for use of Ability - Valen must first stab himself and draw blood. He must the use the blood and draw a legible pentagram. Once this is done, Valen must lay his switchblade down on the pentagram. After around eight seconds, he will summon Hemonthysis. If the pentagram is erased or tampered with in some way, this process is completely negated and Valen must draw another pentagram. If the blade is kicked away or moved, this process is completely negated and Valen must draw another pentagram.




After the pentagram is drawn and the knife placed on the pentagram, the pentagram will start to glow and grow much larger. It will encompass a circular area with a six meter diameter. The knife will turn into blood and sink into the ground. The bloodstain left by the knife will then rapidly morph into Hemonthysis. Hemonthysis is a bit taller than the average male but cannot stand. He moves hunched and on four legs. Hemonthysis is very agile and is capable of quick bursts of speed and acrobatic maneuvers. Hemonthysis is physically stronger than he appears and his long, bony arms are capable of knocking down humans with medium effort. Hemonthysis can also crawl up walls and stick onto them. Hemonthysis has a large range of vision, around 270 degree vision. Hemonthysis will exist until the blood on the sac on his back exists. Blood sustains Hemonthysis, and he will continually drain the blood on his sac until it runs out. Once the blood runs out, Hemonthysis will curl up and transform into a pool of blood which will reform back into Sacrifice. Hemonthysis can shoot out a tube like portrusion with a pointed tip from his fore head. This tube is made of strong material so as to pierce skin. Once the tube enters an organism, the pointed tip will open up and small hook like protrusions will latch onto tissue surrounding the tip. Hemonthysis will rapidly suck out the blood of creatures through this manner. All blood absorbed is transferred to the pouch on his back. Hemonthysis can use the blood on his pouch in a variety of manners, such as spitting the blood out in a scalding spray or coughing up a spray of blood to blind things temporarily.

Severe weakness: The pouch on Hemonthysis's back is made out of soft and malleable tissue so sharp objects that can puncture it will cause blood to flow out and drain Hemonthysis's existence time. If a slash was aimed correctly, one could cause Hemonthysis to near instantly to leave Valen helpless.

Note: Hemonthysis becomes massively empowered in dark areas. His muscle strength is increased to a high extent, increasing speed, striking strength, and general physical capabilities. In the darkness, Hemonthysis can practically rip a human being from limb to limb with extreme ferocity. Hemonthysis's hearing and sight are also increased, his night vision is actually more potent that his normal vision. Additionally, Hemonthysis can slightly change his color to a very dark grey so as to hide in darkness. The blood pouch will turn pitch black with the color change. Hemonthysis can sense the fear of living beings in a ten meter radius, which feels like a faint sense of someone being in the approximate direction of where they are. This sense becomes much stronger in the darkness. Because of these buffs to Hemonthysis in the darkness, one should be extremely cautious in dark or enclosed areas. Hemonthysis emits an aura in the dark that causes any human being in the area to have their fight or flight reaction activated. Although this may seem like a bad thing, fight or flight causes people to also emit fear for Hemonthysis to sense. Sensing fear will cause Hemonthysis to enter an excited state where he moves faster and is more ferocious.

Hemonthysis will rapidly regenerate wounds and even lost limbs, although this will drain the blood pouch. Hemonthysis's nueral functions are unaffected by physical trauma, he can move even if his head is smashed off. Additionally, Hemonthysis himself does not bleed. Attacking the blood pouch is much more efficient than trying to kill Hemonthysis as he will simply regenerate. Hemonthysis feels no pain and can communicate to Valen through telepathy. Hemonthysis has his own will but usually listens to Valen. If Hemonthysis's blood supply is not drained by external sources, he can stay around for around ten minutes. Valen can donate his blood if needed to sustain Hemonthysis. Hemonthysis has incredible night vision and senses. He can hear the faintest sounds and detect faint movements. The muscles that Hemonthysis is composed of are also unique. Tendons and sinews that comprise Hemonthysis's muscle fibers are worm like creatures that coil around each other and stiffen to look like muscles. Hemonthysis can will these worms into activity, causing thin worm like creatures to protrude from Hemonthysis's skin. These worms are coated in a chemical that causes areas slathered by this chemical to feel incredibly good and then numb. If this chemical affects a wound, clotting will be halted and blood flow will be increased instead.

Hemonthysis can talk through small holes on his face. His voice is deep and rattles slightly, causing an eerie sensation to anyone who hears his unnatural voice. Hemonthysis is cold, violent, and sadistic, having the personality completely opposite of Valen, or perhaps a personality that is a true representation of what Valen is. Hemonthysis is generally quite aggresive against Valen, always putting him down, taunting him, and sometimes physically assaulting him.

Hemonthysis can talk to Valen even when it is bound in switchblade form, although Valen must have the switchblade in his hand unsheathed. He will constantly try and cause Valen to become a ruthless, insane, and violent monstrosity through any means possible. Additionally, Hemonthysis will try and place Valen in situations where he will be forced to summon Hemonthysis.

Hemonthysis is likely an entity created from the supernatural aspects of the switchblade which was heavily influenced by the dark hatred within Valen and his deep desire for a companion right after the death of Valen's family.

Switchblade Weapon:


An ornate dagger with a bone handle. It is sheathed in a leather pouch and is almost always by Valen's side, with hatred and vengeance being a stronger influence which corrupted the desire for a companion into the twisted being that is Hemonthysis.
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-Kevin Luthas-

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Kevin Luthas

Alias/Nickname(s): The Blunt

Age: 41

Date of Birth: 2nd, Febuary

Gender: Male

Current residence: appartment in 10th district

Job/Occupation: less than legal car salesman

-A P P E A R A N C E-

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-2_20-15-6.jpeg.28039ca7af370fdc347065a071399bc3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14024" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-2_20-15-6.jpeg.28039ca7af370fdc347065a071399bc3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weight: 178

Height: 6'3''

Handedness: Right handed

Typical Apparel: will usually have a jean jacket on, jeans, and any old shirt under it all.

Accessories: He wears his silver class ring with a bright blue gem in it.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: N/A

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Really sane, something has to go really wrong for him to go insane

Friends: unless you would consider his business partners friends, then he has a few.

Likes: watching comedies, a good thrill of a chase, being on a boat.

Dislikes: Getting caught, being told he can't do something, young people thinking they are more superior

Hobbies: builds models, old airplanes, boats, etc.

Personality: It is hard to pin down who he really is. Although some people call him blunt, and he wanted that as his nickname, he is mentally sharp. People that have been around him have never seen him lose control of his emotions or the situation. He may seem brutish at times, but it just hides what is really going on inside his head. He could be seen as greedy at the worst of times, and opportunistic at the best.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Had a twin, but otherwise doesnt have a known family

Background: He got into the job of stealing cars when things in his life got rough. He lost his things and family in a few bad choices, and resorted to stealing to pay off others and live another day.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Crude Truth

Desire: Do something to make it so everything he wants is his

Switchblade Type: Blunt. It makes everything he does get amplified, mostly focusing on strength. Using 'Crude Truth', He could knock out a cement wall with little effort. It doesn't work all the time, but when it is active, he slowly gets more and more tired until he either passes out or stops using the strength. The strength doesn't mean he can just hit a building and half it fall down, it isn't strong enough to knock down a cement wall a foot thick, but a few hits will get through it.

Switchblade Weapon: It is about 5 feet long.




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@Paranoia I'm somewhat busy right now, but I'm really interested in this RP.

You don't mind if I make a character later, like on Tuesday/Wednesday?
Testen Frenal

Alias/Nickname(s): Tuft

Age: 22

Date of Birth: (Exclude the year.) 8/14

Gender: Male

Current residence: A rundown apartment

Job/Occupation: In and out of jobs, can't seem to hold down one for that long.

-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]

Weight: 150 lbs

Height: 6'1

Build: Average build, slightly on the bigger side however just a little bit.

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blonde

Handedness: Right

Skin shade/color: Tan,

Typical Apparel: often wearing Tripp style pants, wearing a sweatshirt but the right sleeve is torn off just above the elbow.

Accessories: Has a chain wrist band on both arms, however only seen on the right arm due to torn sleeve.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: Has two complete tattoo sleeves, both very unique designs.

Description: Pretty average looking guy, though appears on the 'darker' side when it comes to his apparel.

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Sane, although enjoys making others think he's insane.

Friends: Struggles making friends, but is really close to any he makes

Likes: Music, daydreaming, and drawing.

Dislikes: People who waste time when not needed, most people in general, putting in more effort than actually required.

Hobbies: Played guitar, playing basketball, and partying.

Personality: Very upfront. Doesn't really mind being put on the spot, and has extremely fast reaction times in many senses. Can sometimes come off as arrogant, but is general nice to everybody.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: His brother is the only family he know

Background: Has lived with his brother for his whole life, who is a few years older than him. He's never been able to hold down a job, and with his brother growing ill and unable to work, life's been quite tough.

-S W I T C H B L A D E I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Timid

Desire: Selfless, Desired nothing but to be able to repay all that his brother had given him now that his brother is ill

Switchblade Type: Sharp, a hand and a half sword with a wooden handle and a small chain attached to that handle. The sword has 2 main powers that it can use. The first being it can create an exact replica of itself (with no chain). The second is when the chain is wrapped around either the hand or wrist, it allows the user to move with an extreme speed and the weapon(s) become much lighter. This extreme speed is utilized in quick dashes over short areas and the ability to use his weapons at a much faster rate. However this is not a teleport of any sort, and he still must cross the land (he could not go over buildings with this unless he could do it at normal speed) This is a double edged sword, however, and with extended use it starts injuring the wielder of the weapon. The cloned weapon cannot be used to activate the extreme speed, as it has no chain.

Switchblade Weapon: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/IMG_4855.jpg.4f0ec9195382ace3895e29ad95aef409.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/IMG_4855.jpg.4f0ec9195382ace3895e29ad95aef409.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jack Thies

Alias/Nickname(s): Judge


Date of Birth: January 1st

Gender: Male

Current residence: Apartment 8th district

Job/Occupation: Detective

-A P P E A R A N C E-

Weight: 175

Height: 6'0''

Handedness: Right handed

Typical Apparel: Usually wears a casual suit

Accessories: He has twenty-four .44 caliber rounds in slots on his belt.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: N/A

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Fairly sane though he has an obsession with justice and on one or two occasions taken it into his own hands.

Friends: None

Likes: His career, guns, and fast cars

Dislikes: Criminals, jerks, and annoying noises (ykwim).

Hobbies: He's so absorbed by his work that he doesn't have any hobbies.

Personality: (Only if you really want to.)

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: DECESED

Background: (Only if you really want to or have to. I don't want to exactly ruin dramatic irony because you guys know about each player. But don't go too far with it.)

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Iustitia

Desire: Jack simply wants to catch the bad guys and lock them up.

Switchblade Type: Projectile-While Iustitia can fire a normal .44 caliber round it is also capable of firing pure energy which it siphons from Jack. The larger amount of energy it consumes the larger the projectile it fires (thus far Jack has only been able to fire a blast of energy roughly three feet in radius and he passed out afterwards and was in a hospital for two days). While the weapon is formidable it's blasts of energy can only kill those it deems guilty (intent to injure Jack or others is included as well as previous crimes) if the energy passes through an innocent the person will absorb the energy.

Switchblade Weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-2_21-23-43.jpeg.3f169e251b717443efff5472c7dc3b0a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/upload_2014-3-2_21-23-43.jpeg.3f169e251b717443efff5472c7dc3b0a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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- General Information -

Full Name: Daniel Maxwell

Alias/Nickname(s): Dan

Age: 31 years old

Date of Birth: (Exclude the year.) May 16

Gender: Male

Current residence: Small apartment in District 10

Job/Occupation: Prosecution Lawyer

- Appearance -


Weight: 67kg

Height: 187cm, 6'1 1/2"

Build: Slim Toned

Eye color: Dark Brown

Hair color: Black

Handedness: Right

Skin shade/color: White

Typical Apparel: Dan usually wears a dark waistcoat accompanied with a black tie. He wears a collared white shirt underneath which is often kept untidy as he prefers to have his sleeves rolled up and top button undone. He wears dark-colored smart pants with polished shoes. At times, he may have a suit jacket on. He is rarely seen in casual clothing; though if he is, he will usually go for t-shirts and jeans or whatever he can find out of his wardrobe which contains mountains of clothes.

Accessories: Dan wears a watch on his left arm and keeps his cell phone in his inside chest pocket.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: Dan has a scar on his right arm due to a childhood accident which required him to have surgery to fix. He has no tattoos and despises the thought of having piercings.

- Mentality -

Sanity: Dan is pretty sane, although his rage can be terrifying. His anger is easily triggered by small things.

Friends: Dan doesn't have many friends. He only has a few co-worker friends at the office he works at.

Likes: Justice, hot women, money

Dislikes: Criminals, scary movies, stupid people

Hobbies: Dan enjoys playing pool and singing. He also enjoys going for a drink with friends.

Personality: He can be extremely cold to the people who disrespect him. He is a flirt around hot women and friendly to those who treat him nicely.

- History -

Family members: Both parents are deceased. Dan has a younger brother, Alex, who he hasn't kept in contact with ever since he moved away.

- Switchblade Information -

Switchblade Name: Condemnation

Desire: To take the law into his own hands and kill every single criminal he can.

Switchblade Type: Blunt. It is a nunchuck-like object which has the ability of extreme density, making it impossible to cut through or shatter. This makes it good for defense against sharp and other blunt objects. Despite its extreme density, it is surprisingly light and can be swung around very quickly. Objects that are hit suffer massive blunt trauma while leaving not a scratch on Condemnation; it is possible to destroy even the toughest of materials with it. People who take direct hits from Condemnation suffer major damage, leaving heavy bruises and internal bleeding. Although it is able to block sharp and blunt objects, defense against projectiles is its main weakness. It cannot defend effectively against multiple bullets due to its rather thin body therefore leaving Dan exposed.

Switchblade Weapon:

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Leif Geirson

Alias/Nickname(s): Leaf

Age: 17

Date of Birth: July 11

Gender: Male

Current residence: N/A

Job/Occupation: Thief/Hacker

-A P P E A R A N C E-

Weight: 140 lbs.

Height: 5' 10"

Build: Lithe, a little gangly

Eye color: Grey

Hair color: Black

Handedness: Right

Skin shade/color:

Typical Apparel: Leif usually wears a navy t-shirt under black hoodie; a grey wind-breaker over the hoodie; black skinny jeans and black boots.

Accessories: Broken pocket watch; silver woven ring

Scars/tattoos/piercings: Silver septum ring; dragon tattoo on left shoulder; scars up his left forearm


-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Stable, but he has frequent nightmares

Friends: Rand/'Bro' (Rand's helped him out in the past by paying debts and letting Leif stay at his place.)

Likes: Apples, Music

Dislikes: The dark, Pears, Drug-dealers

Hobbies: Hacking into bank accounts, Stealing pies from windows

Personality: Leif is quiet and distrustful, but surprisingly deceptive. Underneath all that skepticism, though, Leif is secretly optimistic.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: N/A

Background: Orphaned in early childhood

-S W I T C H B L A D E I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Asgeir (meaning "Spear of the Gods")

Desire: Selfish.

Switchblade Type: Sharp. The blade can cut through light itself, but become completely useless in total darkness. When cutting into flesh, the blade burns the tissue as well slicing it.

Switchblade Weapon:
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-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name: Notoske Moryoni


Age: 22

Date of Birth: December 19

Gender: Male

Current residence: A fair sized penthouse of an apartment on a busy street [District 7]

Job/Occupation: Butcher at a local grocery store

-A P P E A R A N C E-

Eye color: A dark brown that looks completely black most of the time.

Hair color: White-blonde

Handedness: Right

Skin shade/color: Pale

Typical Apparel: Monochrome colours, and usually plain attire. Such as black pants with a couple of large pockets, a large sweater, and a tight black jacket that he leaves unzipped. Along with that, he likes to wear scarves sometimes to feel safer, as he is in a way, afraid of himself. (He cuts throats when he kills.)

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Notoske appears as your regular, normal guy. Although, he does a good job of keeping his odd thoughts out of conversation. He thinks about murder a lot, considering his occupation. Notoske enjoys what he does. Sometimes he likes to imagine the meat he's slicing up as a rude customer.

Friends: None. He was never good at making friends, and he didn't really want to anyways. He likes being alone. Which is why he gets rid of his enemies quick, and with no hesitation.

Likes: Reading, working, sleeping. Occasionally he will play a video game that has to do with killing things.

Dislikes: Interacting with others, anything to do with comedy, music.

Hobbies: Reading, and studying about old myths.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Notoske has only been in foster homes for as long as he can remember, along with the Orphanage. He has no idea who his parents are, or if he has any siblings for that matter.

Background: He was often living in the Orphanage because of the many families that no longer wanted him to stay with them anymore. He was often found as violent, and rude. But, when he was at the Orphanage he was a well-behaved, and polite child. He seemed to have wanted to be adopted, only to be able to hurt the family he sees. Then when he would be returned, he would act as if nothing happened. No one really understands how emotionless he can be.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Desire: Selfish

Switchblade Type: Sharp, but also could be projectile. They are used to usually slit throats, or stab the target. The scissor part is for torture (cutting off fingers, or small body parts.)

Switchblade Weapon:

Full Name: Garthet Nat

Alias/Nickname(s): Garret

Age: 22

Date of Birth: 12/30

Gender: male

Current residence:Free-loader district 7

Job/Occupation: Aspiring artist

-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]

Weight: 196 pounds

Height: 6-2"

Build:Slim-slopped shoulders

Eye color:
green, a touch of primal red

Hair color: washed white


Skin shade/color:White/ healthy tan, rather on pale side

Typical Apparel:Graphic-less t-shirts, always being worn with a dark shaded jacket. This is usually accompanied with jeans, never wearing shorts. He often wears hats, but never ball caps. And he wears just traditional sneakers.

Accessories: A lone necklace that has no decoration at the end.

Scars/tattoos/piercings:Random tribal bands that cover from the top of his left shoulder down to the wrist.


(Ill try and find a photo later :)

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Sane, at least to his standards.


Likes:Soft music, a good smoke, and looking up at the stars

Dislikes: The wide open, bright sunshine, and the ones who call themselfs ruler

Hobbies: Playing the guitar, daydreaming

Personality: Had to rush this so no D:

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Handle Bar

Desire: Quite an odd combination of selfish and selfless. His intentions are because of his misfortune but he wants to do it to better everyone.

Switchblade Type: Blunt staff. It is able to deliver force far greater then could be expected, but is very difficult to impossible to deflect and protect the user with it.

Switchblade Weapon: http://shopbushido.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/o/bo_staff_dragon_engraved_wax_wood.jpg
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Alexander Robert Burgess

-G E N E R A L. I N F O-

Full Name:
Alexander Robert Burgess

Alias/Nickname(s): Alex

Age: Twenty-eight

Date of Birth: December 12th

Gender: Male

Current residence: A maisonette, although he’s not home that often.

Job/Occupation: Commercial Airline Co-Pilot

-A P P E A R A N C E-


170 lbs


Build: On the thinner side, but pretty lean

Eye color:

Hair color: Dark brown

Handedness: Left-handed

Typical Apparel: He’s always well groomed in appearance. His clothes are casual, yet dressy.

Accessories: Nothing really

Scars/tattoos/piercings: None

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Very sane. Or at least that’s what he likes to believe.

Friends: Alex is the sort of person to have a lot of friends, but no relationships.

Likes: Flying, champagne, eating, sleeping.

Dislikes: Most people, any mess that isn’t his own, being asked questions

Hobbies: He has a lot of hobbies, but doesn’t enjoy many of them.

Personality: Alex’s personality is hard to describe. Everything is a contradiction; it is like two sides of the same coin. Compulsive yet apathetic. Charming yet spiteful. There’s far more to him, than he’d like to show.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members:
Sebastian; his father, Jennifer; his mother, and Nathaniel; his younger brother. But then he also lived with his grandparents; Ella and Theodore, and lastly his uncle; Benjamin.

Background: Alex had…A confusing childhood, an isolated childhood, let’s just say for now.

-S W I T C H B L A D E. I N F O-

Switchblade Name:

Desire: It’s hard to say, because currently he has no desire to use his Switchblade…yet.

Switchblade Weapon: Sharp; the switchblade takes form of a gold ring, ending in two spikes.

Same shape as picture except one spike is red, the other is green.


Switchblade Type:

Alex has two options. He has the ability to “cancel”, or the ability to self-destruct.

If he cuts himself with the red spike, he has the ability to blow up in an energy blast, and then reconstruct himself. It’s pretty much like a miniature bomb going off (ten meter radius), and in close proximity to people, it can be very effective at hurting/killing. However, there are severe drawbacks. Firstly, it takes a long time for Alex to physically “fade” back into life. After his destruction, he comes back as a shadowy figure, until he becomes more and more solid. This process can take up anywhere between 12-72 hours, and it leaves him very physically depleted.

This chaotically destructive ability is also a contrast to Alex’s personality, in which he believes that destruction should be orderly (“that makes no sense!” Yeah, try telling him that.)So he’s only ever used the red spike once, and that was an accident. Luckily no one was around.

He mostly uses the threat of exploding himself as a weapon, and not the weapon itself.

Green: If Alex chooses to cut himself with the green spike, he has the ability to “cancel” other peoples’ switchblade powers on him. For example, if someone’s switchblade allowed them to make copies of themselves, Alex will be able to see who the original is. If someone attempted to attack him with their switchblade, a sort of invisible barrier around Alex would stop them.

Unfortunately, this does not protect him from regular weapons. It also has no effect if the result of the person’s switchblade is self-modifying. For instance, if the blade made the person grow ten times in size, or if the blade increased their strength, Alex would not be able to “cancel” that.

Alex is able to maintain the canceller for seven minutes. Seven minutes every hour. Which is sort of useless in a way. Say someone’s switchblade allowed them to erase people’s memories, Alex wouldn’t even remember why he wants to cut himself again, after the first seven minutes is up.
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|Kazuko Mitsuko|

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name:
Kazuko Mitsuko

Alias/Nickname(s): The Black Reaper

Age: 26

Date of Birth: May 21

Gender: Male

Current residence: Appartment complex.

Job/Occupation: Serving staff member.

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 170 pounds.

Hair Color: Black, please ignore the color in the image.

Eye Color: Red, please ignore the color in the image.

Height: Five feet and eleven inches tall.

Handedness: Right handed.

Typical Apparel: What you see in the image is something you would find him wearing, the scarf on the other hand would be off whenever it isn't cold. He typically wears much more elegant clothing, something like buttoned down shirts with black pants or jeans. Not because he finds himself to be of high elegancy than most, but because he just likes that form of clothing. In reality, none of that really matters.

Accessories: A gothic-styled rosary that his sister gives him at the start of the role play.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: He has a black inked dragon tatoo on his right hand. The dragon's rear end however (where the tail would be,) circles around his entire arm.

-M E N T A L I T Y-


Friends: Co-workers and a few customers that oftentimes come by the restaurant he works in.

Likes: Meditating, star gazing, going for long walks, reading.

Dislikes: Being interrupted when he is meditating.

Personality: Kazuko is a very serious, kind, preservative, and humble man. He can also be very cold, depending on the situation/person. Although he is a kind person; and aside from acting differently depending on the person or situation, some people take him as a cold man at first glance. And just because he is a serious man does not mean that he doesn't enjoy his time with others, as much as he would like to be alone.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members:
His sister, Akemi Mitsuko, who is seventeen. Both parents are deceased.

Background: All there is to know about Kazuko Mitsuko is that he has been taking care of his young sister ever since their parents' died. Whether they both died on the same day or not remains unclear. At least, to his sister.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name:

Desire: Selfless; he desires to make Akemi's dream of a peaceful world become a reality. He would also like to bring judgement upon all those who deserve to be punished for the good of the world. He is not afraid of fulfilling this dream, even if he has to bathe in the blood of the disgraceful.

Switchblade Type: Sharp scythe, the snath/staff and blade are retractable, which allows him to place it inside cases and carry it around without arousing suspicion. Once the battle starts, the scythe will retract back to it's original state. (Ex. When retracted, the snath is halved, and the blade of the scythe moves it's tip towards the snath. Once Kazuko holds it during a fight, the snath retracts upwards, and the blade slides up to the side and stiffens, allowing the retracted form to not break it's original position. No matter what.)

The scythe comes with two powers: Magnetism manipulation, and Darkness manipulation. Magnetism manipulation only works on metallic structures like lamp poles or vehicles, not gigantic structures like buildings or spaceships. This power is used to control and manipulate magnetism in all its forms, both natural (planetary, solar, lunar, stellar, magnetosphere, magnetic materials/ferromagnetism, etc.), organic (generated by the electric currents of living beings) or artificial (everything creating/using electricity). He can affect any matter that is magnetic (iron, nickel, cobalt and their alloys, some rare earth metals, naturally-occurring minerals such as lodestone) manipulating and controlling them as they will and indirectly use them to his advantage. In order to dumb this power down so that he won't be overpowered, he can't manipulate materials that are great in size (examples stated before.) He can also use this power to disassemble and reassemble complicated machinery. Considering the nature of this power and how complicated of a skill it is to overcome, he will have to use up a tremendous amount of strength in order to manipulate magnetism. So Kazuko must use this wisely.

Darkness manipulation on the other hand does not need a gigantic source of strength to use. That does not mean it isn't restricted, though. With this power, he can manipulate darkness/dark matter in all it's form. The most obvious source of darkness is shadows, which can only be manipulated from up to four feet away of the shadow's origin. (Which isn't that large of a range, but it can be changed if that is too much.) Also, Kazuko cannot manipulate the shadows of his enemies. Keeping watch of your distance from anything that is giving off shadows other than your own is most likely the best thing you can do to not be harmed by his manipulated shadows. Both powers can be activated by Kazuko's command. Of course, he must use both wisely considering the amount of restraint given.

Jiki s?sa is the command he can use to activate Magnetism manipulation. Kurayami s?sa is the command he can use to activate Darkness manipulation.


Once Kazuko holds the switchblade before a battle begins, this mask will automatically appear on his face. It is not just a form of apparel to conceal his identity, but it also boosts his switchblade powers slightly. If broken, it cannot reappear again during the fight, thus rendering the slight boost down to useless. This boost is also triggered by his command, but he doesn't use it unless he really has to.

Switchblade Weapon:

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I feel like I should give more insight towards Alex's personality, and how it could possibly justify his switchblade. Originally, I never intended for him to actually use his self-destruction ability, because it's simply not a thing he would do. It's just there because he uses it as a threat. The idea of destruction in such a form is actually both frightening and almost painful for him. He has a compulsive need for everything to be structured.

Furthermore, Alex is not an active fighter; he requires a defensive approach. Any attacking power he has, he immediately throws away, because it makes him sick. Nothing ever good happens when Alex is in a position of power, and he knows it from his past. I guess if he becomes too untouchable or powerful, you can always just tell me, and I'll kill him off. He's not a character that was intended to live anyway.

Anyhow, I love this RP idea, so I won't mind changing stuff around if the reasons I gave aren't that solid.

I know that some of the stuff on the switchblade was a bit of a stretch. :P
Skyler Raymens

-G E N E R A L I N F O-

Full Name: Skyler Raymens

Alias/Nickname(s): Sky or Skid

Age: 26

Date of Birth: October 17th

Gender: Male

Current residence: Homeless Shelter

Job/Occupation: Street Performer

-A P P E A R A N C E-

Weight: 160 pounds

Height: 5' 10"

Build: Fit

Eye color: One Blue, One Green

Hair color: Brown

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Skin shade/color: Caucasian

Typical Apparel: Skyler normally wears a faded black t-shirt and faded jeans. He also wears a pair of worn out black Etnees. These are the only clothes he has left.

Accessories: He has a ying-yang necklace and a pair of light black, square-framed glasses. He also wears a pair of brown gloves that let him wield his Switchblade without cutting his hands.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: A tattoo of a orange ring of flames is located on his left shoulder blade.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/391d3edc5a65eaa5d3ad11b8cc8fb17c1301697068_full-1.jpg.7cb509d21f93c677a9cbd959e96cb646.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14178" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/391d3edc5a65eaa5d3ad11b8cc8fb17c1301697068_full-1.jpg.7cb509d21f93c677a9cbd959e96cb646.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Sane

Friends: Old Mike from the shelter

Likes: Money, Women, Friends, His hobbies

Dislikes: Being alone and abandoned

Hobbies: Magic, Women, Archery, Partying, Card Games, Fighting

Personality: Skyler is normally a laid back guy. He is usually relaxing by a pool or hanging out with his friends at a party. But as of late, he has been getting stress a lot more due to lack of finances. He is very charismatic and a real charmer. He is also very persuasive and can misdirect people in many ways.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Robert Raymens (Father), Sarah Raymens (Mother), Lucas Raymens (Younger Brother)

Background: Young, healthy, smart, and next in line to take over for his father's corporation; Skyler Raymens had it all. He had the rich life that most people strive for. Skyler was living the dream, but as his father thought that he needed to learn a lesson and cut him off from everything. Skyler is now living in the local homeless shelter in town making money in the best way he can: Magic.

-S W I T C H B L A D E I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Dynamo

Desire: Selfish and Selfless: He wants to get back the life style he had, but only by working his way back. If he wins, he will also help people who have been dealing with the life he currently is living by providing opportunities to get them back on their feet.

Switchblade Type: Projectile.

The deck has 54 cards has a thin metal blade around the edges.

Four cards have their own specialties:

The Ace of Spade: When activated (by scanning them with the wristbands), produces a one handed blade for close combat (see below)

The Two of Hearts: When activated (by scanning them with the wristbands) and passed over certain wounds, it heals the wound it passes over.

and the Two Jokers: When activated (by scanning them with the wristbands), they are used a small ranged bombs (one time use each).

What does it do: The cards are thrown to cut and slash opponents. These attached to the wristbands through a wireless cable (this means that as the cards can levitate and travel through the air according to Skyler's command. He can manipulate their travel path and even pull them back with a snap of his wrist- in short, he can puppeteer them wirelessly).

Limits: The cards (except the Ace of Spades) are useless in close combat. The cards also can travel up to a max of 30 yds before getting out of range of the wristbands (this doesn't mean he can't throw them further). Also, if Skyler runs out of the cards, he has to take the time to go pick them up and scan them before they are attached to the "cable".

Switchblade Weapon: A Deck of Bladed Cards and Wristbands

All cards<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/0dc995888fd6f031323ecbfb9942.jpg.ac53f547f2a67b818d4945b9c7e5a299.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14179" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/0dc995888fd6f031323ecbfb9942.jpg.ac53f547f2a67b818d4945b9c7e5a299.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ace of Spades (Imagine this as more of a two foot dagger and you have it<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/boar-sword.jpg.cb49601997dd6633c03990a0cd713549.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14176" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/boar-sword.jpg.cb49601997dd6633c03990a0cd713549.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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~Joesph Smith~

-G E N E R A L I N F O-

Full Name: Joesph Smith

Alias/Nickname(s): None

Age: 32

Date of Birth: June 16th

Gender: Male

Current residence: In a cheap apartment alone

Job/Occupation: Anchorman

-A P P E A R A N C E-

[Regular-Optional, Black-Required, Italicized-Required if no image specified]

Height: 5' 10"

Build: Average

Eye color: Green

Hair color: Brown

Handedness: Right-handed

Skin shade/color: Caucasian

Typical Apparel: He wears blue jeans, a blue shirt with a black hoodie.

Accessories: Has a watch on his left hand with the time piece on the inside of his wrist.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: None


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/anime-hoodie-male.jpg.9f3632563f5cfb90ab60e1ddd6365fbd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/anime-hoodie-male.jpg.9f3632563f5cfb90ab60e1ddd6365fbd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Sane

Friends: None

Likes: Outdoors, Music

Dislikes: People that don't care about anything or anyone, he hates it when people take things for granted

Hobbies: He was a boy scout so anything to do with outdoors, Music, Guitar

Personality: He is a very kind and giving person. He is very selfless and tends to believe in people, even if they have done wrong. He will always give people a chance. He can be very serious when he has to be.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members: Johnson Smith (Father), Clara Smith (Mother)

Background: Living in a very cheap apartment, Joesph Smith is barely making a living. Going from paycheck to paycheck, he struggles financially in his life. Growing up, Joesph's parents always fought causing him to be more loving towards his wife, who eventually left him. Joesph is all alone. He was picked on as a kid so got a small job and paid for fighting classes of "Jeet kun do". He is very fluent in the art.

-S W I T C H B L A D E I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Greaves

Desire: Finding his true purpose.

Switchblade Type: Blunt

What does it do: It's a pair of leather gloves with spikes on the end around the bottom by the wrists. When Joeseph cuts anywhere on his arm, on will, the fabric moves in to the cuts while covering his whole body (including the clothes) and becomes a full body suit. It increases his strength, speed, and mental process. If the suit is slashed through, it'll rip open and cut Joeseph, after it will repair itself. Greaves also has a mind of it's own, but it is willing to work along side Joeseph. Greaves will talk to him and tell him if there is anyone sneaking up behind him and let him know how much longer he has left and how long he has exceeded the recomended limit.

What are its limits: It lasts only 7 minutes and then starts to become tiring on his body. Once he turns it off, he gets has a migraine and his body becomes tired until it eventually recovers (it's depending on how long he leaves it on after the recomended limit. 1 minute past the Rec. limit = 5 minutes of recovery.).

Switchblade Weapon:

around the wrists there is spikes around it so Joeseph can cut his arms with them and activate the ability.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/m47koy4oppZkB5gVkl1uTog.jpg.1f0ef0705a6dcee6549aecd790cbf5bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/m47koy4oppZkB5gVkl1uTog.jpg.1f0ef0705a6dcee6549aecd790cbf5bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

it looks like this but solid black

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/4545784062371-1.jpg.a266baca94e504a9159bba2c34554a83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/4545784062371-1.jpg.a266baca94e504a9159bba2c34554a83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

It has this pattern on it but the blue is a metalic silver but the rest is black.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beda638e7_speedskatingsuit.gif.1fdca95b390535cd01541c5310c948cb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8beda638e7_speedskatingsuit.gif.1fdca95b390535cd01541c5310c948cb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(this suit is not metal)



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Brooke Milo Safka

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Alias/Nickname(s): Milo

Age: 16

Date of Birth: August 14th

Gender: Female

Current residence: A Townhouse

Job/Occupation: Errand-girl

-A P P E A R A N C E-


Weight: 140lbs

Height: 5'3"

Build: Athletic, Petite

Handedness: Ambidextrous

Typical Apparel: Prefers boots over any kind of footwear, enjoys a stocking with skirt combo- and is somewhat formal but in a more casual way.

-M E N T A L I T Y-

Sanity: Sane... for now

Friends: Her two elder brothers

Likes: Animals, Water, "Hobbies"

Dislikes: Bugs, slimy things

Hobbies: Swimming, Horsing around with her siblings, playing with the dog, sports

Personality: Typically childish; Milo is positive in a naive way, she is easy to trust but stubborn to forget. Although she has all but grown out of them now, she has been known to throw temper tantrums and is easy to cry. Has somewhat of a potty mouth.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members:

Lukas Safka (Father, Alive)

Ollie Sefka (Eldest brother, Alive, 27)

Percy Sefka (Middle Brother, Alive, 22)


It's a wonder how a girl so young got sucked up into the war, and all Milo will tell you is she's looking for her brothers.

-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name: Yo-yo

Desire: Selfish- She wants her brothers back

Switchblade Type: Blunt, the yo-yo itself is nothing but a colorful toy that she sometimes plays with. When it morphs into a meteor hammer, it takes on “Electric” properties, charged with the element to a point lightning can jump within a 2 meter radius (that is, if the ground isn’t closer)

Switchblade Weapon:



- Each ball is made with a electrical conductor and is actually about the size of a cantelope
Can i reserve a spot? ^w^ 

-G E N E R A L . I N F O-

Full Name:

Jyuo Makisuko


Maki or Jy



Date of Birth:

May 24th



Current residence:

A modern large house in the surburb


Game and Programs Maker

-A P P E A R A N C E-


154 Pounds or 70 Kilograms


5"11' or 180 Centimeters


Agile, Average-sized

Eye color:


Hair color:




Skin shade/color:


Typical Apparel:

Black sleeves-less tee with a black leather jacket and black jeans.


An earpiece which can project a small screen for him to use like a small computer on his right side of the head.





-M E N T A L I T Y-




Some in colleges and colleagues.


Using High-tech equipment and exploring them.

Tweaking equipments.

Makes new things.


Innocents being hurted.


Tweaking his HMD and make new programs for it.

Shooting targets with his pistols.


Jyuo is very friendly around friends and others. He always tries to help them in every way but beware once you are reconized by him as an enemy.

-H I S T O R Y-

Family members:

Parents and one 13 year-old brother



-S W I T C H B L A D E . I N F O-

Switchblade Name:



Defend and help others.

Switchblade Type:

Dual Semi-Automatic Pistols with attached blades.

Flaws: Need a steady hand to fire and the blades are the only thing to defend him in close quarter combat.

Switchblade Weapon:


After transforming:

The blades and the guns will be charged with electricity and sometimes they will pulse, making an electricity current visible around it. This makes the person got hit with it will be electrocuted, making it not necessary to shoot or stab them in the heart or the head to finish them off.
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