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Realistic or Modern Swiftwood High School


New Member
Use these forms! (will change once Lilah give me a new one)

(Give 1 pic for characters please)



[imagefloat=right]INSERT IMAGE HERE[/imagefloat][font=Raleway]Name -

Age -

Species -

Gender -

Sexuality -

Magic -

Crush -



Biography -

Occupation -

Extras -

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All Humans: If you are a magic user your potential will be decided by a 6-sided dice roll. I will help calculate your results once you give me your roll result and character.

edit: for reference: magic potential = (18-character age)*dice roll

The higher the number, the better. (you have to spend these points to learn skills)
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Human (will change soon)

Name> Julius

Magic user?> Yes

Age> 15

Gender> Male

description (no strange colors)> Average chinese teen with black hair. He has pale skin and is relatively skinny. Weird tattoos are seen on his right hand. Nobody knows what secret he holds.... He is a secretive and awkward person, and also relatively inwards.

Love Interest or Partner> impress him. (Probably as a love interest, not a mate)

Job> student

History> Unknown. Nobody knew where he is from.

Anything else?>

Dice roll:Dice rolled by Goodle0716 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum

Magic potential: (18-15)*6 =3*6 =18 (v.strong)
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Name - Stanley Turner

Age - Seventeen

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Heteromantic

Magic - No

Crush - PM Me

The hell you want from me!?

Biography - Stanley Turner was born to a working couple who never had much time to spend with their son. So while growing up, he often found himself fending for himself, this is one of the main reasons for his aloof attitude and independence. He went to school, and found books to be something worthy of being around.

Due to his constant studying, Stan is very erudite and intelligent. He has the best grades, despite his laziness and seemingly uncaring behavior. He is also a computer wiz one could say.

His relationship with his parents isn't the best, and they are currently on a business trip.

Occupation - Student

Extras - He is left handed

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Name - Aster Nightshade

Age - 16

Species - Lycanth

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Magic - None

Crush - Undecided

People should see me for
who I am, not what I am.

Biography - Aster is offspring of a long line of Lycanths. No one knows who first came in contact with Lycanthus V, but it ran through her family tree for centuries. Aster's close family consisted of her father and six brothers (her mother passed during childbirth), however, on the night of a full moon, three of her siblings were shot and killed by hunters. Living with so many boys definitely helped toughen Aster up. After her brother's deaths, she began to develop a temper, and is often quite sarcastic and angry. She attends Swiftwood High as a normal teenage girl, but often due to her temper and her easily stressed personality, her secret is easily revealed.

Occupation - Student

Extras - I'll add to this if I think of anything.



Name - Theodore Lucas Crawley

Age - 16

Species - Lycanth

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Bisexual

Magic - N/A

Crush - Undecided

I guess I don't speak it's because it's nothing they want to hear, you know?

Biography - During Theo's gestation, his mother, a nurse, came into contact with Lycanthus V, and he is most definitely a Lycanth himself. However, much of the same mood swings that can trigger switches between human and wolf do not seem to affect Theo as strongly as they often do for others of his kind. This is likely due to his mellow, nonreactive nature. He tends to be rather level-headed, and if not completely neutral he tends towards optimism rather than the opposite. Even in the strongest moments of emotion, Theo finds himself bottling emotions up so they don't get in the way of anything. A long history of anxiety and abandonment issues also follow the Werewolf everywhere he goes; he seems to be rather fearful of any sort of negative reaction towards him. For being so stoic on the outside, he's actually rather sensitive on the inside - he just elects to not let his emotions control him.

Occupation - Student

Extras - Will add as needed.

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Age - 14

Species - Human

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Asexual

Magic - None

Crush - None


Cori is a mischievous and emotionally challenged individual who seeks satisfaction in the tormenting and harassment of others. She is a self-diagnosed psychopath who follows a day by day lifestyle of misconduct. She considers bullying to be an art form and takes great passion in establishing its principals. Fascinated by linguistics and psychology, Cori perfects her own delusional beliefs by implementing pseudo-scientific explanations for the behaviors of other people while grouping them all by basic stereotypes. She does not have any reasonable goals or ambitions in life. Due to her extreme nature many counselors and child psychologists believed her to have some sort of mental disorder while certain therapists even considered that her behavior was caused by a surplus of Lead poisoning during her development years.

Occupation: Student

Extras: Cori's most distinguishing feature is her value system. Her values are placed in a strange series of codes and rules she created known as her “Coloring Book”. While she does enjoy mocking and judging other people, she never compromises her strict rules which layout what is acceptable and what is absolutely restricted. The book does not necessarily follow up on standard morals, as it is viewed by her as a way to produce quality "artwork". Despite this, many of these rules do occasionally lean towards a moral standing and some of them even demand ridiculous compensation or dedication towards those she is supposed to torment.

They said it was something in my brain, or maybe just something about my brain.

Name - Boskar Saldsea

Age - 24

Species - Human

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Hetrosexual

Magic - None

Crush - None

Who cares other people say when you have a nightstick and a badge?

Biography - He was born in London, England and travelled to Swiftwood University to achive a qualification.

His father and younger sister were killed along with 12 other civillians at the Springfield Institute of Computing after

a crazed gunman broke into the building. He does not like to feel he is threatening students but he is firm when needed.

His mother lives in Arizona and he lives in a small apartment by himself on the outskirts of Swiftwood. He is very peaceful

and cares about nature and manners when in public.

Occupation - Security Officer



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image_zpsfeb2b6b6.jpg.a89555c3ef5c86151da4098ed8f8867d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103826" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image_zpsfeb2b6b6.jpg.a89555c3ef5c86151da4098ed8f8867d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Name -Ripley Ashcroft

Age -Looks 17 is actually about 500

Species -Vampire

Gender -Female

Sexuality -Bisexual

Magic -No

Crush -PM me

Listen, I hate stupid people, and your stupid.

Biography -Ripley was born in the 15th century to a inslaved mother and father. She was sold at the age of 13 to a man by the name of Terrence Ashcroft.

Ripley idolized Terrence because of his refined style of living and his kindness. He was her surrogate, the one who turned her, he taught her everything he

knew. Their relationship turned into that of a father and daughter, and when he was killed by a rogue vampire she ran to America, taking with her his name

and his ring.

Occupation -Student

Extras -The ring she wears is a craving filler. It keeps her from hurting humans.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7972b809_images(3).jpg.b8415b06504d1a0fae0bec8a18c17225.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103828" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7972b809_images(3).jpg.b8415b06504d1a0fae0bec8a18c17225.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name-Jace Adam Xanthe

Age - 17

Species - Lycanth

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Bisexual

Magic - N/A

Crush - Open?

Fight Fire With Fire

Biography - Jace grew up in a big city with lots of people and lots of stuff to do, His mother was an accountant and his father a mechanic, But they died in a car accident when he was 13, His grandmother who lives in the small town took him in until she passed away, So now he lives alone

Occupation - Student/Part time as a bartender

Extras -n/a

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Name - Professor Benjamin Hill

Age - Nine Centuries

Species - Vampire

Gender - Male

Sexuality - Heterosexual

Magic - None

Crush - Perhaps no one for the moment

Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.
Professor Benjamin Hill

Biography - Born during the medieval period, England, to the son of a knight Ben was destined to fight for king and country, being trained to act in his birthright. From squire to knight he clambered, pledging his allegiance to the Crown. Although when the first crusade was ordered, twas Benjamin whom had been sent upon this holy mission. A mission he would die on. Yet though bleeding upon the grounds of a foreign place, a friend whom he had kept close, felt this wasn't right. So low and behold, the transformation was struck, Benjamin forever cursed to wander with a thirst for blood. Only dwarfed by that for knowledge. His history remained long, with many adventures endured, education from days bygone. Yet till last he came to a town, resting his weary bones; although he decided perhaps this was a little too dramatic a thought since the whole ‘Everlasting youth’. In any case, becoming a teacher to those young, did he decide to share his collective knowledge.

Occupation - Professor of the English Language. Teacher of multiple classes

Extras - When out in the day, the professor carries with him an umbrella at all times; making it easier to maneuver during daylight hours.
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Name - Cana Nixon

Age - 17

Species - Nymph

Gender - Female

Sexuality - Pansexual

Magic - Nature magic

Crush - PM me

Peace will always prevail
Cara Nixon

Biography - Cara was abandoned at birth, and taken in by a forest nymph. As she grew, it was found that she also had her powers, and the two were at peace for much of their lives, never fighting with eachother. However, when Cana turned 15, her mother died, leaving her to fend for herself. She decided to join the school eventually, as she realised she couldn't live in the woods forever.

Occupation - She works at a flower shop

Extras- She has a pet border collie, called Neve, that she found abandoned in the woods when she was 16


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