• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ᯓ★ 𝑺𝑾𝑨𝑵𝑩𝑹𝑶𝑶𝑲𝑬 ⏤ CS



asa mitaka's legal attorney
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

sweet like bubble gum !



A slice-of-life roleplay loosely based on the games Stardew Valley and Coral Island, set in a quaint coastal town called Swanbrooke where everyone seems to know each other. Are you content with your life here, or do you crave something bigger?




All character sheets must include:

Full name
Nicknames (if any)
Date of birth

At least a paragraph describing their appearance, including any body mods they may have or unique features.

Vices: 3+ and descriptions
Virtues: 3+ and descriptions
Overall description of personality, ideally at least two paragraphs.

History, at least three paragraphs




The vast majority of the characters in the roleplay do not have any specific requirements. Although I ask that they are all 17+, use realistic faceclaims, and have realistic jobs in relation to the setting. Aside from this, I encourage you to go ham! Make as many characters as you can handle, but also I beg you to not make like 50 characters. These characters are not application-based, but I do reserve the right to reject any character that would be considered inappropriate for the setting of the roleplay. I will be making a doc to note down all the characters and their occupations, so make sure to check it often to ensure that some more specific occupations don't clash!


There will be some more specific and bigger roles that will be posted in the doc that will be application-based, and more than one person will be able to apply for these roles. When I decide which application feels like a better fit for the role, you will receive a PM to say your character has been accepted, and the character will be added to the doc! The main application-based roles will be the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, the Sherriff, the Deputy Sherriff, the Corporate Reps (of which there will be three), the Hospital Director, the Fire Chief, the Head Librarian, the Head Curator, and the principals of the four local schools. Aside from these, you're more than welcome to let your imagination run wild and give your characters any occupation you want (within reason). There will be more application-based roles posted on the doc, and these roles will be underlined and in bold, though some may be a bit more minor compared to the main ones I've listed here, and will more than likely be owners of some shops and restaurants I've come up with to start us off. Of course, these will not be the only businesses available, and I encourage you to create your own! These will just be to start :3




This is a semi-lit roleplay! I'm not expecting novels to be written, especially with the lax character limit. However, I would expect around 300+ words to be written per character. Activity-wise, I'm not too fussed, however, it would be great if you could post once a week at the very least. If you plan to be gone for an extended period of time, please let me know! And if you feel that you no longer want to be part of the roleplay, also please let me know, there are absolutely no hard feelings! Life happens, and that's completely okay


Discord will be mandatory for OOC chatter and for messing around, it will also be a place where the characters can message each other and even have group chats in specially reserved channels if you so wish! The most important thing is to be kind and respectful to one another. I do not tolerate leaving people out blatantly, and I will be keeping a keen eye out for this. Everyone must be LGBTQ+ friendly, and harassment of any kind will result in an immediate ban from the roleplay. If you have any concerns, please do not be afraid to PM me directly!


Character-wise, like I said before, please only use realistic faceclaims! All characters are to be 17+, if you have any characters under the age of 18 please for the love of god do not write anything explicit for them. Use your common sense pretty please. Aside from this, there are minimal requirements when it comes to characters, just be sensible and realistic! I also encourage you to reach out to other users to form more established relationships, such as marriage and siblings and whatnot, just state in your character sheet what sort of relationships your character is open to. Please also be diverse with your characters! I enjoy the idea of Swanbrooke having a large population of immigrant residents, so make characters of all sorts of races and cultures! Any questions just hit me up :3

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • éireann finnegan

    # eng. lit professor

    # olivia cooke

    ♡coded by uxie♡


  • Yuze Tian

    # the older brother

    # owner of a surf shop

    # ding yuxi

    ♡coded by uxie♡


  • seojun "mylo" choi

    # college student

    # photographer

    # lee minho

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Cassie Ryn

    • req.


      * n.name(s)
      Cass, Cee
      * d.o.b.
      Feb 15th
      * p.o.b.
      San Francisco, California
      * age
      26 years old
      * occupation
      Owner of a beachside diner called, The Sweetheart Diner





      * height
      * weight

      * build
      slim average build
      * hair colour
      * eye colour

      Cassie Ryn is a striking woman with a captivating presence that makes her hard to miss. She has long, dark brown hair that goes down her back in loose waves. She occasionally styles it straight for a neater look. She has a set of green eyes with specks of hazel in them, framed by naturally thick lashes. Cassie has defined facial features like high cheekbones and a strong jawline. Her naturally full lips soften her look, adding a touch of love to her confident appearance. Cassie is around 5'7" and has a slim yet average build that reflects her healthy lifestyle. She carries herself with confidence yet has a loving caring presence. There's an aura about her that draws people in.





    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • elizabeth castel
    high school student
    november 28th

    light brown
    body type
    body modifications
    ears pierced
    kristine froseth
    Break my heart and start a fire, you got me overnight
    Idealistic and principled, Elizabeth isn’t content to coast through life she wants to stand up and make a difference. For her, success doesn’t come from money or status but from seeking fulfillment, helping others, and being a force for good in the world.

    While she has lofty goals and ambitions, Elizabeth shouldn’t be mistaken for the idle dreamer. She cares about her integrity and is rarely satisfied until she has done what she knows to be right. Conscientious to the core, she moves through life with a clear sense of her values and aims never to lose sight of what truly matters.

    Elizabeth may be Introverted, but she values deep, authentic relationships with others. Few things bring as much joy as truly knowing another person and being known in return. Elizabeth enjoys meaningful conversations far more than small talk, and she tends to communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive.

    Thoughtful and compassionate, Elizabeth pours a great deal of energy and care into her relationships. This doesn’t mean that she always feels appreciated in return. Elizabeth tends to act with great thought and care, and it can frustrate her when other people don’t recognize he good intentions. As a result, even constructive criticism may feel incredibly personal or hurtful to her.

    conflict averse
    oil painting
    being alone
    black coffee
    Born from a father who runaway after knowing he was bringing a child into the world; and a mother who wasn’t ready to be a mother nor did she want to be one and left when she was just 5 years old on the first day of school after she dropped her telling her I love you for the first time, which she later realized it was a lie. Elizabeth was raised by her grandparents, giving her all the love and care a child would need, and she was happy with it. In her eyes, she had the best grandparents in the world. They went to her music festivals even if she was terrible at the piano; main reason, years later, she decided the flute was for her. And didn’t scold her that badly when she did a piece of art on the walls of the house when she was a child and instead they signed her up to art classes.

    But despite that, she had a loving family and lived just like the other kids. Elizabeth wasn’t dumb. She could understand clearly that she didn’t have a father or a mother that loved her or even care to know if she was healthy or not. But she kept her thoughts to herself, maybe because she was scared that she said she missed her mom or wanted to meet her father. Her grandparents would get upset and wouldn’t love her anymore.

    But when the summer when she was fifteen came, Elizabeth received a call from her mother telling her she wanted to spend time with her as she was sick with stage four colon cancer. At first Elizabeth was reluctant to fulfill her mother’s desires as she clearly didn’t remember she had a daughter for the past 10 years. But did she have the heart to say no and leave her alone? The answer was no, so the next thing Elizabeth knew was her being in a place traveling to the other side of the country to live with her mother.

    Staying there until she turned 17 when her mother passed away, sadness came with it but also indifference, sure she was sad it was her mother after all, but all the time she spent with her there was never a time she called her mom nor did she ever felt like a real mother either. Perhaps she just wanted to fulfill the last wish of the person who bring her to life.

    But now, being back in Swanbrooke, Elizabeth really wonders if she can ever go back to how she was?
    love language
    words of affirmation
    fun facts
    works on Builders’ Barn a hardware store owned by her grandparents, do not ask her about any recommendations about tools she just knows the basics to be able to make a sell.
    Gracie Abrams - Close To You

    coded by Stardust Galaxy
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Full name: Ronan Dugal
Age: 34
Date of birth: 9th of January 1990
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: European
Occupation: Inventor, Roboticist, Programmer

Ronan is a male of average height, roughly 180 cm in height, who was probably in shape about a year ago but has since stopped working out and isn’t following any diet whatsoever. He has short, dark brown hair and has grown a short beard. Once every few months he’ll remember that shaving is a thing. Both tend to look pretty messy and unkempt throughout the day. He has blue-grey eyes and light skin and most often wears comfortable, loose clothing at home. For his weekly trips into town, Ronan prefers to wear fitted suit pants, a short sleeved shirt and a vest. His general color picks for all outfits are darker or flat colors like brown, grey, beige or black with the occasional red or blue mixed in there.
(Shown here: Ronan at the height of his fame, roughly two years before moving to Swanbrooke.)

FC: Dan Stevens

Due to his first hand witnessing of the greed of human beings and the things they would do to get what they want, Ronan has developed a cynical view on the world, believing humans in general to be driven purely by self interest. This has led to him having bad or negative first impressions of anyone approaching him, thinking them to be plots or schemes to get something from him, for whatever reason. The reason why most of his current relationships all started as transactional also lies here. (Also perceived as: Distant, Alone)

New idea is better idea: New ideas are great. New ideas means new pursuits, new things to learn, to try, to do, to make. It also means yesterday’s new idea is now boring and goes in the bin or a box or is all together deconstructed. Several boxes worth of old, boring ideas are stashed away around Ronan’s workshop, most of which are only a few hours or days of work away from being finished. (Also perceived as: Wasteful, Capricious)

Direct: It’s not that Ronan is just tactless all around, saying crude and hurtful things just for the fun of it. He is perfectly capable of empathizing with someone or informing them privately that their wardrobe is crooked. It’s more that Ronan will answer you directly and logically when you ask about something or share things with him. You dream of being a pilot? Sorry, not going to happen as you are too short and are both near and far sighted, time for a new dream. If something is logically or realistically never going to happen, he’ll straight up tell you, without worrying about your feelings on the matter. (Also perceived as: Tactless, Uncaring)

As long as you don’t break his routine too suddenly and too largely, Ronan will always set time aside to come and help you out. As long as you call a week in advance, at least, and allow him to move things around in his schedule to make space to do so. Sometimes his help is all you’ll need to do the thing you need done. Most of the time, he’ll just be another body doing things that need doing. His skillset is very specific and he lacks a lot outside of it but he’ll come and lift the heavy thing or shine a light on the plumbing that needs fixing or hand you screws and screwdrivers as you need them. (Also perceived as: Kind, Compassion)

Diligent: When your goal in life is to improve life on a grand scale for everyone and you know how to do it, it becomes a duty for some, while for others it becomes a burden. When the duty just so happens to be the thing you love doing while being extremely good at it, you just luck out. Ronan has given himself a purpose and is very diligent towards it, often to the detriment of parts of his own life. Spending days or weeks on end cooped up in his workshop is a normal occurrence for him. This almost always bleeds into other activities as well. Board game night? He’ll plan for space, snacks, seating arrangements and just in case things go on too long, sleeping arrangements as well, even when the whole thing is being hosted at someone else’s house. (Also perceived as: Self-Discipline, Hard working)

Creativity: Being a creator from early life made Ronan someone who looks for solutions in uncommon or weird places, approaching things from odd angles or even providing solutions for things nobody thought to be a problem. Thinking up solutions, acceptable mediations between parties or inventing the next big thing all seem to come easily to Ronan. Moving from one idea to the next, no matter how different from each other they are, happens multiple times a day in Ronan’s head. (Also perceived as: Genius, Outside the box)

Ronan is a man of simple things and routines. Specific days of the week are for specific tasks, specific hours of the day or for specific things, every morning the alarm goes off at the same time, lunch at the same hour every day, bedtime at the same time every night. He’s a creature of habit and routine and will stick to that to the best of his abilities. This allows him to focus more on the things that matter to him.

Ronan likes the things he likes and hates the things he hates. Preferring no change at all, he doesn’t look for a big adventure outside or some great imaginary, movie-plot like life story. A simple life with well known things and all the time in the world to do what he likes and loves. Changing the world one idea at the time (sometimes), fix the things he can fix, build the things he can build. Enjoy a nice dessert in between and breathe in healthy sea air. It’ll all come crashing down anyway, but not yet.

Likes: Tinkering, Robots, Computers, Routine, Peace and quiet, Learning, Working on projects, Desserts, Pets(Mammals), Escapism
Dislikes: Loud Noise, Children, Babies, Greed, Lying, Self-Negativity, Confrontation, Breaking routine, Eggs, Spicy food,
Hobbies: Walking, Gaming, Tabletop Gaming, Reading, Movies, Music

(Estranged or Low Contact) (Step/Half) Sister: Ronan left for Europe to study and thrive, leaving his sister behind to fend for herself. (Step or half to account for different last names): Open

Housekeeper: Friendly person who visits every weekday, makes lunch, has lunch with Ronan and cleans up the house. (I noticed a lot of student characters above so this could also be a student job/mentor-mentee relationship with lunch changed for dinner to account for school hours): Open

Modernizing farmer: A farmer who is looking to modernize using AI and robotics to improve their farm and farming with the help of Ronan: Open

History: at least three paragraphs (WIP)
Worked as a roboticist
Propelled into fame because of an invention
went through a nasty bidding war, seeing firsthand the greed of companies
disillusioned and cynical
Retreated from the public eye in Swanbrooke
Put most of his money into a house and a workshop just outside of town
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Faith Faolan
Full Name : Faith Christina Lupa Faolan
Nicknames : None at present (I plan to add to this section as the RP progresses should Faith acquire any nicknames from other characters).
Age : 26
Date of Birth : 20th of December
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Pansexual
Ethnicity : White, of European Descent
Occupation : Deputy Mayor (Applicant)
Hair : Long, Blonde
Eyes : Blue
Build : Average
Height : 5'8" / 173cm
Weight : 58 kg / 128 Pounds (9 Stone 2 Pounds)
Body Mods : None at present
Face Claim : Trinitea Hoard
Before Birth : Faith's family originally hailed from Europe, her great-grandfather was Irish and her great-grandmother was Welsh. But they both decided to move to America to start their new life together where they eventually settled in a small town named Swanbrooke. They had enough money to buy a small house on the outskirts of the town which has stayed in the family ever since. The next few generations of the Faolan family grew up calling Swanbrooke their home and, though many of them moved away once they reached adulthood, there has always been at least one member of the family occupying the house ever since.

Childhood : Faith grew up in her family's home in Swanbrooke with her mother, father and twin brother. Money was usually very tight for the family, who sometimes went short durations without power or running water due to a lack of funds and sometimes food wasn't even a certainty. The house almost always had one or two maintenance issues, a leaky roof, or a broken window, but Faith's parents always managed to keep spirits high, usually turning the less-than-ideal circumstances into games for Faith and her brother to keep them entertained and protect them from the reality of their circumstances. Both of Faith's parents spent a lot of time outside of the house working multiple jobs so Faith and her brother were often looked after by other members of the community, as they grew older, they were often left without supervision which resulted in Faith learning to be independent from a relatively early age.

Be it down to pride, fear or just not wanting to be a burden, Faith's parents tried their best not to let on to the wider community how dire their situation was at times. Despite this, the community always seemed to be there to help when the family needed it the most easing the family's hardships by a significant amount. This also meant that Faith grew close to many members of the community, seeing them almost as extensions of her family thanks to how frequently they were around.

Despite the difficult circumstances in which she was raised, Faith looks back on her childhood fondly and, with the understanding that maturity provides, can appreciate how much her parents shielded her from the truth of their living conditions. She doesn't remember ever feeling scared that they may go without food, or worrying why the lights didn't work, she just remembers the scary stories that she was told by candlelight and 'camping' in the living room in front of the roaring fireplace. Every so often when their financial situation was better than expected, Faith's parents made sure to treat themselves and the kids to something nice. On special occasions, Faith's dad would dig out a bottle of whiskey, which he and her mother would have a glass of each and, usually, Faith and her brother would be given some apple juice in spare whiskey glasses so that they felt like part of the tradition.

Teen Years : As Faith moved into her teens she started to cotton on to how much her parents struggled to keep food on the table and, as soon as she was old enough, she got herself a part-time job that she worked on the weekends in an attempt to help her parents. While they were initially hesitant to accept her money, they eventually allowed her to contribute to the household as long as she kept the bulk of her earnings for herself. She agreed but would do her best to discreetly contribute more than the agreed amount if she felt that her parents were struggling more than they were letting on.

Faith performed well in school and generally thrived as a teenager. She was very sociable and confident without crossing the line into being arrogant and she managed to make and keep friends fairly easily. Each year in school her grades were close to, if not the top in her class in most subjects and she really committed herself to her studies and put in a great amount of effort at her job, even though it was just a small, part-time position.

As she neared the end of her time in school Faith suffered the loss of her father very suddenly when, while at work, he suffered a fatal heart attack. Faith's mother had gone to the school to pick her and her brother up early and tell them the news. Her mother's face on that day was a sight that Faith would never forget. Upon hearing the news Faith was blindsided, at first, she couldn't comprehend what she was being told, but soon it sunk in and she broke down into tears. That evening, Faith's mother dug out the half-empty bottle of Whiskey from the cupboard and the three of them sat around the fireplace sharing stories, crying, laughing, and crying some more. Despite both of them being a few years underage, their mother allowed both Faith and her brother to have a single small glass of Whiskey in their father's honour. Despite how much it burned to drink, the moment was very special to Faith.

At the end of that year, Faith's grades weren't quite up to her usual standard, she still passed quite convincingly, but whereas in previous years she was often close to if not top of her class, this year she was fairly average in comparison to her classmates.

Early Adulthood : Faith applied to a university after finishing school and was accepted. So, she packed and moved away from Swanbrooke. Faith applied herself to her studies almost entirely, rarely, if ever joining her peers when they went out to party or drink through the night. Though, once she was of legal age to drink, she did have a glass of whiskey once a year in honour of her father, the taste of which she enjoyed far more now she was an adult. Faith got herself another job to keep her finances topped up on top of her student loan and spent the vast majority of her time working, either on her degree or at her job. As a result, Faith didn't make many friends at university, she was friendly with most of her classmates and peers but didn't commit the time to forming any deeper bonds with any of them. Barely anything of significance happened during Faith's time at university and she eventually graduated with a degree in engineering.

Having finished her degree but not having put much, if any thought into what she wanted to do with it, Faith moved back home to live with her mother in Swanbrooke. Upon returning home she was taken aback by how much frailer her mother had become during her time away. Faith quickly settled back into life in Swanbrooke, feeling like she was back where she belonged. Faith held off on getting another job, while at university, she'd managed to save a fair amount of her income and so used that to live off and spent most of her time taking care of and providing for her mother.

About 2 years after Faith had moved back to Swanbrooke, the decision was made that it would be safer for her mother should be moved somewhere where she could be monitored by medical professionals as her condition continued to deteriorate. The home that her mother moved to was a few hours' drive away, meaning that Faith could make semi-frequent trips to her and she made a big effort to call her mother at the very least once a week if not more. Since moving away, her mother's condition seems to have, at the very least, stabilised.

Living alone in her family home was very strange to Faith, it was the place she loved most in the world, but missing most of the energy that she associated with it. Without her family, it felt eerily empty. She spent some time testing the water with her brother to see if there was any chance he might want to return to Swanbrooke but decided from what he'd said in their discussions that he seemed content where he was in life, and she didn't want to risk dragging him away from that.

Having been back in Swanbrooke without a job for so long, Faith had exhausted the vast majority of her savings and, as a result, needed to find a job, and not just a part-time job as she'd had before, a proper job. Determined to stay in Swanbrooke, Faith spent a few days putting together a CV and posting it through the door of anyone who was hiring. Most of the jobs she had applied for were fairly standard, there were a few positions at the library, a few jobs waiting on tables or doing customer service. However, Faith also took a chance and applied for a few of the jobs within Swanbrooke's council. She was almost certain that she wouldn't get any of them, but she decided to go out on a limb and give it a go anyway. She really liked the idea of being able to give back in some meaningful way to the community that had essentially raised her.

Personality :
Personality Traits :
- Friendly
: Faith is an exceedingly friendly person to pretty much anyone she meets. She has a near-constant bubbly and welcoming persona towards most people she interacts with.
- Hardworking : Faith has an incredible work ethic, to the point that she can often become obsessive. She will often put in extra hours, even if she would not be paid for doing so, and finds it incredibly difficult to leave a task half-finished. As a result of this, Faith often struggles to commit to activities outside of work.
- Loyal : Faith is loyal to a fault, willing to stand up for those close to her against anyone or anything, even if doing so would make her extremely uncomfortable. However, this can also cloud her judgement, giving her an almost blind bias towards the people close to her which can cause her to misread the situation as a result of her allegiance.
- Intelligent : Faith is very intelligent, not quite to 'genius' standards but still above average. She's an incredibly quick learner, has an aptitude for problems that others may find overwhelming, and has an impressive memory. However, she is extremely prone to overthinking almost everything and sometimes the simplest of concepts go right over her head. In addition, while her memory for most things is impressive, she will often forget little things like taking her phone with her when she leaves the house, making sure the door is locked, or turning off lights in the house.
- Mischievous : As a child, Faith had an aptitude for mischief, she was quite the prankster and, at times, was just incredibly silly, especially when her brother was involved. While she has matured a great deal since then, her mischievous streak never truly faded and, if she's in the right mood, she can still be just as silly and childish as she used to be as a child. She can also struggle to understand why certain shenanigans might cause distress, irritation or frustration to those around her and often only realises once it's already too late.
- Guilt Complex : Faith has an overwhelming sense of guilt, if she has caused any form of pain or discomfort to someone else she will feel extremely guilty about it for a long time, sometimes for unreasonably long. Her guilt can not only sometimes be debilitating, but she can often feel guilty about things even if there isn't really anything to feel guilty about. She always tries her best to make up for any of her wrongdoings and will be profusely, or even annoyingly apologetic.
- Naive : Faith tries to see the best in absolutely everyone and it can often take a lot to convince her that someone else is in the wrong, she can almost always come up with some rationalisation as to why someone did something, and this can sometimes enable her to bring out the best in people but she can also completely misjudge people's intentions in her desperation to find some rational explanation for their actions. She can be very quick to trust new people and often can't even comprehend the idea that not everyone's intentions are pure until something significant forces her to change her perspective.
- Organisation : While Faith can organise her workload fairly well with regards to her work and/or studies, in her personal life it is a completely different story. Over the years she was at university she never managed to fully unpack her stuff and, despite having been back in Swanbrooke for multiple years a large amount of the things she brought back from University are still in boxes just waiting to be unpacked.
- Air-headed : Despite her intelligence, Faith is often a bit of an airhead. When not focused on something in particular she can be very scatterbrained, often forgetting the simplest of things, she can find it hard to focus on more menial tasks and can appear almost completely oblivious to things that should be very obvious.

Likes :
- Collecting Seashells : Faith has quite a few things that she likes to collect, but probably most of all she likes to collect seashells. She can often be found spending her free time on the beach and will rarely leave empty-handed, having come across some shell or another with which she has fallen in love.
- Plants and Nature : Faith loves the outdoors and nature as a whole. She will often plant flowers or trees if given the opportunity and would volunteer her time towards clean up, conservation or rewinding activities in a heartbeat. Her favourite flower is the Daffodil.
- Mochas : Faith really enjoys stopping off at the Conch café, she'll usually pop in on her way to and from work and pick up her favourite hot drink, a mocha with lots of milk and what could probably only be described as an unhealthy amount of sugar. She especially enjoys this ritual on colder days.
- Fireworks : Faith has a love/hate relationship with fireworks. She loves watching them and could spend literal hours just staring up at the sky while fireworks were set off. However, she finds the loud sounds that most fireworks produce to be overwhelming and sometimes even distressing.
- Whiskey - Likely at least partially down to how she associated the drink with her father, Faith has developed a fondness for Whiskey

Dislikes :
- Confrontation
: Faith hates confrontations, of any variety. Even being in the presence of a confrontation that she's not even involved in makes her feel uncomfortable. She will often go above and beyond to try and settle disagreements in a peaceful manner that results in everyone coming away happy, which is far easier said than done.
- Excessive Urbanisation : Most of the time Faith is completely okay with new buildings or services being built or installed. But Faith isn't the biggest fan of the destruction of natural areas to accommodate masses of new buildings, especially if these new builds are motivated primarily by financial gain rather than the good that the new developments could offer.
- Fireworks : Explained in 'Likes'

Other :
- Short Sighted :
Faith is slightly short-sighted. It's not enough to impact her day-to-day life all that severely and so she often chooses not to, or even forgets to wear her glasses. But she usually carries them with her, if she remembers, in case she needs to see detail at any real distance.
- Clumsy : Faith is almost impressively clumsy, she rarely makes it a full day without bumping into, falling over or hitting a limb against some object or other. She is almost always covered in bruises, bumps and small cuts as a result of her poor coordination.
Brother (Open): Faith has a twin brother who she has a close relationship with, sure the two really know how to wind each other up but it is almost always done with affection. - (I have left the character of Faith's brother deliberately vague in case anyone wishes to take him on, I will add more detail if no one would like to claim him).
Mother (Open)
: Faith has a strong relationship with her mother who is currently at a medical facility under constant monitoring due to her coming down with an unknown debilitating condition. - (I have kept the nature of the condition Faith's mother has vague deliberately in case anyone wanted to take her on, leaving it open to how they would like to play her, its vagueness allows for a sudden recovery, or not. In the likely event no one wants to take on the role I will develop details of the character further).
Father (Deceased)
: Faith was close to her father up until the day he died, one of the things that plays on her mind from time to time is how much she would've like to be old enough to have had a drink with him before he passed away.

(I am very up for people playing as characters in this section, just lemme know and we can work something out together. I will also update this section as the RP progresses to reflect friends and family that Faith has in the RP)

coded by incandescent

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