
The Redskull

Just a small note that those with Superpowers are referred to as Catalyst's. Oh and yes you may have two characters.


These are a group of people of varying ages , Backgrounds & Powers who are currently on the run from the Government for a variety of reasons. Ranging from them having Powers to being merely related to those who do or maybe you simply helped one of them. Whatever reason your an outcast now.


Unlike the group of Runaways these were the ones who didn't manage to run away in time and were eventually captured...They were given two options. Death or help hunt their own in false promises of freedom. Some of them now relish in this some don't , It all depends on the Individual. However their are also some humans in this group who voluntarily join so they can hunt down the Catalyst's.


Now these guys are the real deal and something the Runaways don't even dream of fighting. They are pretty much a Militarized version of the Hunters if you exclude Catalyst's and have access too all sorts of Technology that give them the edge in battle. What makes them even worse to face is that they seem to have a Catalyst in Custody who seems capable of tracking Other Catalyst's. Thankfully they are limited in number and only seen in a more serious situation or if the Group of Runaways cause a Disturbance in a city.

Character Name

  • Realistic PleaseName :
    Nicknames :
    Gender :
    Age : { 13+ }
    Sexuality :
    Faction :

    Appearance Description :

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Just a Small note, But if anyone is having difficulties with the CS Coding Just write in the information and Pm Me. I'll put the information into Coding format for ya!
Would a custom-coded CS be acceptable if it includes all information?
Of Course , As long as it includes all the information above it is acceptable.

As long as something is coded I'm A-Ok with it.

Dysis Alika

  • Nicknames










    Appearance Description

    Having a lean yet muscular build, Dysis also has pale blue eyes and a prosthetic right hand.

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    Full Name: Talise Rosemary Beauchêne (Taa-LIYZ // BOO-shen)

    Nicknames: Tal, Rose

    Gender: Female

    Age: Twenty-One

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Faction: Runaways

    Appearance Description: Talise stands at 5’8" tall with flowing, brown hair and unpredictable eyes. Though her eyes are hazel, they often seem darker from a distance or in poor lighting. The dark brown curls that adorn her head often fall down to the middle of her back in silky waves or are simply tied up in a braid or bun. Her face resembles an oval, and the brunette has high cheekbones and a prominent nose. She is of average built and slightly athletic, given her love for running. In addition, Talise has dark, arched eyebrows that stand out against her olive-toned skin. Her pink lips are very full, usually open and moving rapidly to justify her opinion or discredit someone else's.

    Distinguishing Features: Her birthmark is on her left hipbone. Talise has a jagged scar on her right shoulder due to a childhood injury. She has no piercings, though she does have a few tattoos. Images of the tattoos on her forearm and spine have been attached as spoilers below:



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Joseph Kaziro

no slide


Ability & Skills

"The Vanishing Act"

Jo can make discrete items vanish with a touch. He has no control over (and often no idea) what happens to them, or where they go. His experiments with sticky notes have caused them to disappear, reappear behind the couch, change color, or be replaced with a box of pens (also available at Staples, for the exact same price). Though he might be able to apply this power to animate beings, the thought terrifies him.

The Vanishing Act doesn't always work. Occasionally an object will not move or change at all, usually when it's more important and/or more likely to be missed. When it does work, it often leaves him and the people around him with some slight dissonance. They might experience it as recurring deja or jamais vu, general confusion, or just a nagging feeling that something’s not quite right. It usually goes away after a few hours, a few days tops. Jo doesn’t use his power too frequently, because repeat exposure gives him existential uncertainty.

As his power is limited to “discrete items”, Jo cannot vanish unquantified substances. For example, he could vanish a glass, but not the water inside. This frustrates him to no end and seems incredibly arbitrary to him. It is. He came up with the rule after failing to “vanish” a beach-full of sand. (He actually
did subtly alter its mineral content, but nobody noticed.) This limit might be all in his head, but it’s not going away anytime soon (or ever).

Skills Focus: capable of intense concentration on any subject for days

Language: fluent Swahili, Arabic, English, Luganda; conversational Mandarin, French

Math: can complete relatively complex computations in his head


The term “rule-bound” comes to mind with surprising ease when thinking of Jo. It misses the mark though. Jo doesn’t just abide by the rules--he clings to them, like a child to his teddy bear. Yet within those parameters, he thrives. Nobody knows the rules better than Jo, and it gives him an edge wherever rules matter most. He takes full advantage of this in his nonstop mission to show up the people around him. There’s no end-goal here. It doesn’t matter if he’s playing at poker or life, Jo just wants to win. Yet he shies away from responsibility, and hates deciding what people should do. That may change as he grows older, but for now Jo is happiest socially with someone else taking the lead and making the rules. In the end, he’s a player first and foremost, not a gamemaster.


Joseph’s parents only ever wanted the best for him. They’d grown up during an economic downturn, and even as Uganda’s fortunes turned for the better, they spent their resources and energy preparing their son for the intense competition they remembered. For the most part, Jo seemed content to be shuffled from tutor to tutor, advancing at a prodigious rate. Yet he got on poorly with his cousins and other kids his age, something skipping grades at school did not alleviate.

At seventeen, Jo began his undergraduate studies far from his parents’ domain. All at once he found himself in charge of his own time and energy with no idea what to do with it. Choosing his own classes--let alone his own major--proved overwhelming, and his first semester was a misery. To complicate matters, it was at this time that he noticed his strange powers.

It started small. One day in the middle of an exam, he got tired of the gum he was chewing. Then it was gone. He hadn't swallowed it--had he? He couldn't be sure. Two weeks later, he got the test back with a big fat B-. As he stared at the accusatory page, it vanished. The next day, the professor handed it to him again, apologizing that she must have misplaced it. At first Jo thought his memory was going. Then he
hoped his memory was going.


If anything, his second semester got worse. That’s when the Hunters found him. Exposed to the world, Jo saw his meager support network collapsing around him. His family and clan disowned him before you could blink, and the Ugandan government seemed to have forgotten his citizenship. Feeling more alone than ever, Jo chose life as a Hunter over death as a Catalyst.

Hunting has been tough on Jo. The physical demand alone almost killed him, but the emotional drain was worse. His first brushes with death left him shaken, and he vomited the first time someone pointed a gun at him. Socially inept, he made few friends to fall back on, and whatever sense of camaraderie you're supposed to feel in such organizations was lost on Jo. Planning the hunt became the highlight of his miserable life: then he could research, draw up graphs, run algorithms to his heart's content. Best of all, nobody asked him to use his powers.

Jo's powers terrified him. At night he'd dream that he'd embraced his mother and father, only to have them disappear. During the day he took to wrapping his hands in cloth, paper, tinfoil--anything and everything that might stop his powers. The trainers were less than impressed and not overly sympathetic to his plight. Though they could never get him to vanish an animate thing (they tried), they did force him to test his powers on all kinds of objects. In time, he grew accustomed to the unpredictable nature of his ability, though it still makes him nervous.

Five years later, Jo has practically become a senior Hunter (though never a leader), and has earned a reputation as an anal, overly-competitive company man. He takes care of new Catalyst recruits in his own awkward way, but treats more experienced Hunters as rivals. Down-time is the worst. That’s when he misses his parents, his home, his old life . . . So he does his best to keep busy. He trains, he reads, he plans. If he can just keep busy then he doesn’t have time to think about the past, or what happens to the people he works so hard to find.

Misc Information

Jo is Muganda from the Kibe Clan--or was. At this point he's not sure whether anyone from his clan would acknowledge their bond, and he doesn't want to find out.

Though his parents enrolled him in countless music programs, Jo is tone-deaf and lacks rhythm. He can still read and write music though.

Growing up, Jo's family had cats and he's got a real soft spot for them. He'd love to get one, but he'd be away too much with his job. Worse, he's afraid he might accidentally vanish it.

Jo has a fear of mechanical clocks, especially the ticking sound they make. It makes him anxious to the point where he can't think and has trouble breathing normally.

Hobbies Gaming: cards, board, video--he doesn't care, he plays it all

Cooking: though it started with Ugandan food, Jo now has a more general interest in the art

Reading: mostly non-fiction and technical stuff

Languages: it's more than just a skill, it's a collection

Name : Joseph Kaziro

Nicknames : Jo, Kaz

Gender : Male

Age : 23

Sexuality : Bi

Faction : Hunter

Appearance Description : Clean-shaven, well-scrubbed, and ironed to perfection, Jo’s perpetually-mussed hair is the only hint that he ever steps foot in reality. He tries to keep it short, but even then can never keep his hands off it, resulting in head of fluffy, black cowlicks. If you can see past the soapy smell and chaotic curls, you might notice his eyebrows are never quite level with each other, adding an asymmetrical, slightly worried cast to his otherwise cheerful features. Jo’s tendency to slouch obscures his above-average height, but nothing could distract from his lanky, bony build.

Character Completion
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? Theo Johnson ?

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    Name : Theo Adrian Johnson

    Nicknames : T.J

    Gender : Male

    Age : 23

    Sexuality : Homosexual

    Faction : Runaways

    Appearance Description : Theo has a fairly decent albeit warn out appearance given his life on the Run. He possesses a lean muscular build whilst standing at a formidable height of 6'1Ft. Golden brown hair sits atop his head in a mass of wondrous curls , with a fairly prominent stubble around his chin. His most notable feature however are his gorgeous teal blue eyes that could hypnotize anyone that looks into them, exuding an aura of calm & clarity. His complexion is very lightly tanned with a rough feel to it, the occasional freckle here and there.

Character Completion
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"I mean, I know you're in the middle of trying to capture me and everything, but it would be greatly appreciated if you could use a breath mint. I'm dying more from your breath, then from your attacks dude."

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    Name : Shayvon Collins

    Nicknames : Shay, Shay-Shay

    Gender : Male

    Age : 24

    Sexuality : Bisexual. He doesn't have a type. If he Likes you, He likes you.

    Faction : Runaway

    Appearance Description : Standing a good 5'11 he's quite tall and hard to miss. He has dashing light gray eyes that can sometimes be mistaken for baby blue in certain lights. His hazel brown hair is very curly and sometimes quite uncontrollable. It takes a whole lot of time, effort, as well as, hair gel to control his curls most of the time. He usually strays away from facial hair but recently has taken to growing a very light stubble on his upper lip. He's constantly being mistaken for being younger then he actually is and hoped that it would give him a more older look. He's not very muscular despite his history of athletics, he's more slender and thin to his utter dismay. His most complimented feature would have to be his sunken cheekbones that make him quite attractive.

    Character Completion

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Jasper Winton

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    Name : Jasper Winton

    Nicknames : Jas

    Gender : Male

    Age : 18

    Sexuality : Pansexual

    Faction : Runaway

    Appearance Description : Jasper is quite tall standing at 5'11" with curly brown hair and and green eyes. Before starting his life as a runaway Jasper was a fairly serious track star and still tries to maintain a toned body. He has a pale complexion and high cheekbones.

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Is that a glowing light in the distance, or a curious fixation?

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    Name : Coraline Matilda

    Nicknames : Cora

    Gender : Female

    Age : 22 years old

    Sexuality : Pansexual

    Faction : Runaways

    Appearance Description :

    A woman of petite stature, Cora has long, defined legs and a slender body. Her skin is often described as 'ghostly' pale, and her eyes are an eerie light gray with specks of yellow around the pupil. To match with Cora's pale skin, she has abnormally light blonde hair that seems to be almost white. It reaches down below her shoulders in soft, silky waves. Out of her entire appearance, Cora's most unique feature is her teeth. A gap separates her two front teeth, and in an odd way, the look suits her.

Character Completion
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¥ Aerowen Hayzë ¥

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    Aerowen Monroe Hayzë


    Aero, Pyro









    Appearance Description

    Aerowen is a rather striking girl. Standing at 5'7, her love of gymnastics and the amount of fights she's gotten into have kept her body in a muscled, lean shape that is more powerful than it looks. Her skin a gentle olive tone from her roots in both Italy and the USA. It's very smooth but decorated with a small amount of scars in various sizes and shapes. Long, inky hair tangles on waves around her high cheekboned face and only helps increase the intense look. Her brows are thick and well arched, going over a pair or heavily lashed brown eyes that get lighter with emotion. Aero ususally wears a rather ominous smirk on her cherry lips but the occasional genuine smile transforms her fierce apperance into a still quite intense but happy version.



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Quinn Hart

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    Name: Quinn Hart

    Nicknames: Enhance

    Gender: Female

    Age: 39 (Essentialy stopped aging at 19)

    Sexuality: Homosexual

    Faction: Runaways

    Appearance Description:

    Quinn is possibly one of the least intimidating figures one could see. She's short at about 5'3 and rather petite with only the lean muscle definition from her various types of martial training and everyday practice making her look anything more. Her complexion is a soft peachy tone with a light smattering of freckles distributed evenly across her cheek and sprinkled across the bridge of her small nose. The light pink of her lips is a soft highlight, still looking vibrant due to the soft color of her skin. While her hair is naturally ebony it currently starkly contrasts that and is a lovely shade of ivory cut in a lightly layered style that sits only slightly past her shoulders when down. Her eyes are a pale, enchanting green, much like her lips, they highlight her face as one of the few sources of color, like emeralds beneath the white sand of her hair.

Character Completion -- Minor Edits In Progress
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✼ Female · 24 · Hunter ✼

  • Name

    Lillian Louise Gainsborough











Character Completion
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Willow Montgomery

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    Name: Willow Autumn Montgomery

    Nicknames: Will (she doesn't like it)

    Gender: Female

    Age: 22

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Faction: Hunters

    Appearance Description : Willow stands five feet and six inches tall, with long legs, and a slender physique. She is physically fit, and a fast runner. Her thick brown hair falls just short of her hips, and is almost always worn down or in a braid. She has many bold features, such as her strongly defined jawline, and nose. Her brows are thin, and she has soft, pale pink lips. Her teeth are a pretty white, and nearly perfect. Her dull blue eyes appear grey most of the time, and she has high cheek bones, as well as a defined chin.

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Dante Meyric

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    Name: Dante Meyric

    Nicknames: Danny

    Gender: Male

    Age: 21

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Faction: Hunter

    Appearance Description: Dante stands at around 6'3", an towering height that's both a blessing and a curse. While he can see over crowds and reach the cookie jar on the highest shelf, doorframes are the end of him. It's almost guaranteed that he'll walk into one at least once a day. Add a luxuriant mane of dark, honey coloured hair and ice blue eyes on top, and you have a basic description of Dante.

    He has pale skin, broad shoulders and a well muscled body, light stubble dashed across his jaw. He's an undeniably intimidating figure, a fact that never fails to amuse him.

    He has never been one to fuss over his looks, but likes to keep up his appearance nonetheless.

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Jeremy Van den Berg

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    Name: Jeremy Van den Berg

    Nicknames: Cupid, Birdy, Chicken and variations of them

    Gender: Male

    Age: 21

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Faction: Runaways

    Appearance Description:

    Jeremy has dark brown eyes that either give people death glares or bedroom eyes. As in I really want to go bed right now, not as in I want to sleep with you. And because of his almost permanent pokerface, anger or boredom are the only two emotions he shows. Standing at 5'6, Jeremy is definitely not the tallest guy in the room. Something that bothered him before he discovered his ability.

Character Completion
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    Name : Jake MacEnchroe

    Nicknames : Jake

    Gender : Male

    Age : 20

    Sexuality : Homosexual

    Faction : Hunter

    Appearance Description : In all aspects of looks, Jake can be considered quite frightening or sometimes even scary when people describe him. He has traits that often correlate with his fiery temper and even more so with his powers and abilities. He is the embodiment of an Irish ginger; with orange hair crowning his head and green emerald eyes that contrast against them. He is fairly tall for his age and occasionally looms over others standing over 6' and sometimes even taller with his combat boots on. He has a light skin complexion that he unfortunately detests due to the many sunburns he receives after using his powers. And Like most of the hunters, he has a lean muscular build from the copious amount of training he was given ever since he was abducted by the hunters he now serves. His skin is peculiarly soft with blemishes of freckles that dot only his body while ignoring his face altogether.

    He's not really fashionably conscience when it comes to his outfits. He can usually be seen in attires that mainly represent his faction while rarely sporting anything else. It usually pertains combat boots, leather vests and pants that give off a looming aura that many find uncomfortable. Rarely, however, is he seen in anything casual but if he does, he often times prefers the rustic look and even the professional one to.


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    Name : Skylar Grey

    Nicknames : None

    Gender : Female

    Age : 25

    Sexuality : Bisexual

    Faction : Runaways

    Appearance Description : Skylar stands at 5'3" with a muscular and lean build. Her eyes are steel grey and deep set, she has thick eye brows and when she doesn't have make-up on (which she usually doesn't), her features are actually pretty masculine.

WAIT SOMETHING WENT VERY VERY WRONG WITH MY CODE. I'm really bad at code, @Sternritter could you help me out? I have no idea what I'm doing.

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