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"I'm going to have to cover mine with makeup, no one in my pack would believe I got into a fight with a vampire on my own and survive," Sirena murmured, her eyes following Andre. She felt the release of emotions that were hidden inside of her after she had bitten him, and it was a relief to her in a way. "What are we going to do now? I don't think you'd want to go out in the day."
"I don't know, maybe we can have some breakfast. I'm feeling hungary from last night." Andre gets up and putson a t-shirt and some shorts before heading out to the kitchen. "I may not have some things you like, but I can figure it out and put something together."
Sirena's eyebrows rose in a perplexed manner, not expecting for there to be food in Andre's home. "You eat regular food?" She asked him and got out from the bed, throwing on her blouse and knickers before following him into the kitchen. "What do you have?" She murmured and peeked into his refrigerator, seeing different foods inside. "I didn't know vampires could actually eat anything besides blood."
"No I don't eat this food, before I met you, I would go on dates with humans and I would make dinner for them. Then you know what usually happened to them after. They left with a big smile on their face and a full stomach." Andre took a seat and turned on the news.
Sirena couldn't help but feel just a bit jealous when he mentioned that he would go after human women to satisfy his thirst. She was quiet while she searched for things, taking out some meat and putting it in the pan, the sound of sizzling and popping oil in the background. She covered it and then went to the living room, sitting down besides Andre.

"I know I might sound like a jealous girlfriend, but did you ever form a serious relationship with them?" Sirena asked, hoping that she wouldn't sound like an obsessive girlfriend.
"No I didn't, they usually forgot about me after that night but I would stay away from where I found them just encase. We have some things to talk about though, since you know that I have to feed at least every two days or I get very sick. How should we do it, do you want me to continue feeding off other people or you already know from last night."

Andre had a look of worry on his face but sttod firm to hear her opinion.
She bit on her lip, unsure of what to decide. She didn't want to be gnawed on every two days, but she didn't like the idea of Andre searching for other women to bring home, treat her like his girlfriend for a couple of hours and then bite her neck. Sirena huffed, resting her head on his shoulder and rubbed her face in frustration.

"I -- I guess I can let you feed off of me. After all, I'm not too busy and you like the way I taste anyways," She said and glanced up at him, a small smile playing at her pink lips.
"That's so nice of you honey, I promise to not feed on anybody else while we're making important descions right now. I love you" Andre looks over to her and gives her a nice smile. "You do have the blood of a goddess, I dunno if that is considered a compliment before"

Andre kisses her fingers before holding her closer to him.
Sirena blushes as he says those three words she hadn't expected to hear come out of a vampire's mouth. "I -- I love you too, Andre," She said quietly, suddenly feeling very bashful. "And that's a very different compliment," She chuckled and rested her head on his chest, nestling herself. Just as she was beginning to relax, Sirena's phone began to ring.

She took it from the coffee table, seeing the name Trina, who happened to be a member of her pack. She slid the green button, answering her. "What is it Trina?" She asked, slightly annoyed that her lovely moment with Andre had been cut short. "Sirena! God, where have you been? Your parents are worried as hell. They thought you got kidnapped and murdered by some bloodsucker after they found out you went to their side of the city," Trina said angrily, Sirena already imagining the blonde's angry face.

Sirena sighed and glanced over at Andre, giving him an apologetic look for the rude nickname she had called his kind. "I'm fine, Trina. I hung out with a friend too late and I got tired, I didn't bother to go back home. Just let them know I'll be fine and that I'll probably return by tonight, okay?" She said as she rubbed her temple, rolling her eyes as she heard the huff come from Trina. "Fine. See you later," The phone then went dead, and Sirena put it away.

Sitting down by Andre again, Sirena sighed. "I'm going to have to go back home tonight, I don't need my parents to send out a search party and find me with you."
"alright honey, just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt for a problem I may have caused. I'll go get your food for you while you just sit here." Andre headed to get the food while a loud bang emitted from the door. He went over to the door to see it was his older brother, he let him and gave him a hug.

"Sirena, this is my older brother, he's a vampire but he doesn't have a hate for werewolfs like the rest do. He married a human and has been living a normal life in the apartment next door."
Sirena jumped up and ran into the bedroom, slipping on her jeans and brushed her hair, and then went back into the living room. She stayed near the couch, listening as Andre introduced her to his brother. She smiled politely, shaking his hand for a few seconds and then stepped back, getting a bit closer to Andre. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Sirena."
His brother left after talking for a few minutes. Alex shut the door and saw it was getting late out. "You mightwant to heqd home now before they start to get worried and they attack me." He helped her get ready and kissed her for a few minutes while giving her a smile."
Sirena nodded and kissed him lightly, sighing as she pulled away. It was going to be difficult for her to explain to her family as to why she didn't return home last night and why she smelt of vampire. "I'm going to take a shower and eat before I leave," She said and then turned on her heel, going to the bathroom.

(Sorry for the bad replies, I have writer's block and I'm studying right now.)
Alex went to sit down and catch back up on the news and see what is going on. He didn't know what he was going to do if any others see her leaving his apartment, they know she was a werewolf. "I'll see you later, just be safe. If you ever need to come some where safe, you know where to come."
She smiled at Andre, nodding. "I know where to go," Sirena said and then walked into the bathroom, taking a quick shower, dried herself off and dressed up. She then went to the kitchen, eating her breakfast within a couple of minutes.

"I'll see you soon," Sirena murmured and gave him a feather light kiss.
Andre watched Sirena leave then about twenty minutes later he left himself. He placed the at over him and put a hat on to proteft him from the sun. He reached a small bar with the lingering smell of smoke and a dim light thatwas only brright enough to see the outlines of people and parts of their face. Within minutes of entering he came back out with his arms clutched around his stomach and blood runnong down his mouth and drying on his chest.

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