Surviving the worst (Actual RP)

Frank's turned around,

"Why should there be a leader? Because, in times of trouble, people need someone to look to for answers, someone with experience, like me. I am no dictator, I love democracy, but all groups need a level head at the lead." His face looked serious. "Now are you coming, or am I supposed to take all the stuff for myself and just go home, leader or no, if you don't work with me, I see no reason to help you." He didn't care if he was a leader, if he had incompatible companions, he might as well have none at all. He began to walk towards the supermarket again, luckily he'd brought a pack, he had plenty of food, medicine and ammo, but you could never have enough. He chambered a round in his rifle. He stopped for a moment. "And remember that there is a difference between a leader and a boss. A leader leads, a boss orders." He started walking once more.
Tavalynn turned to Liz in shock. "Woah..." she bit her lip, regretting asking. "S-Sorry Frank.." Her voice was softer than usual. Tavalynn walked beside Liv and Angie, lost in thought. She reached her arm over and held Liv's, reassuring herself that she was safe.
"She was just asking a simple question, I'm coming along and hopefully we survive. Who knows, one of us might know how to do something that someone else doesn't," Angelina grunted with a roll of her eyes, she could careless about any of this but she just wanted them to know that she wasn't going to just sit around and be told what to do.

"Let's just get this over with," Angie sighed as she handed Momo a hunting knife just in case; she still had room in her bag so she didn't need to worry about that part. Hopefully nothing bad happens during this or that would be a pain in the butt.
Tavalynn turned her head to look at Angie. "How long have you had him, Momo I mean.." She chuckled lightly at the small monkey. "He's so cute, and very well trained." Tavalynn smiled in a friendly way and waved at him. She honestly hated how almost everyone they meet, thinks less of her. As if she couldn't defend herself.
(lol sorry my internets been down for like a week and i was away for 2 weeks before that, i'll figure out a way to just jump in xD )
Liv pondered about that. " I agree with Frank, I think there should be a leader, but we shouldn't fight over it. Who wants to be it? I wouldn't mind.. " She says then looks to Tava. Then she catches the walkie- talkie that Frank tossed her. She bit her lip to hide the fact that she was mad. She started to walk towards the direction, in which the super market was. She watched the lifeless zombie's not even paying any mind to them, once in awhile they would stick there head up and the group would be very quiet . They continued to walk until they got to the supermarket, Liv killed the surrounding zombies, at the entrance. Liv walked inside, then eyed Frank, giving him the " Okay" signal with her eyes. Liv stepped inside with Tava, and Angie. " Guys, okay now were going to have get some medicine, food, maybe even some clothes, maybe. Plus, if you find anything else you want just take it! Plus, be very quiet..." She says with a slight smile on her face, she watched as Tava went over in other direction, but she was keeping close, just in case. Pushing her blondish/white hair out of her sweaty face. Maybe she could take a shower later, she really needed it, everybody really needed it. Liv took the walkie-talkie out of her back pocket and pressed the talk button " Frank? "She whispered " Is there anything happing?? Also, is there anything you would me to pick up for you?" she asked him. She eyes a backpack and, she quickly grabs the backpack and filled it with fruit, she didn't really have time to put it in a bag, so she didn't. She also grabs a bunch of water bottles and stuffs them into her backpack along with, some chips and a lot of them. She really really loved some chips. She grabbed a bunch of sodas. Maybe they could have a party, celebrating them surviving the apocalypse. She picked up the walkie-talkie again and pressed talk " Hey, Frank I wondering wanna have a party? Vodka.. Yes! Maybe wine. " She say then smiled at the though of getting totally wasted, like really wasted. She laughed and put two, three bottles of vodka into her backpack. They were going to have fun tonight.
Frank took position on a rooftop about forty meters from the supermarket. He looked around, checking to see if there was anything useful, there wasn't. Finally he found a couple of wooden boxes and a piece of thick cardboard. He lined up the boxes and set the cardboard on top, he laid down on top and set up his rifle so he had a vantage point on the front of the market. He watched, and, noting two zombies headed in the direction of the store, dropped them. He was looking at Liv when his radio crackled to life, it was Liv on the side. He grabbed the walkie-talkie from his pack and spoke into it.

"Everything's fine out here, no dangers to report." Frank thought if there was anything he wanted. "There is only one thing I require, and that is scotch, the good stuff too, nothing under twenty-five years. I don't need any of the young swill. And you can keep those bottles of kiddie drink for yourself, as long as you don't do anything to endanger the team that is." Frank chuckled, he knew she wanted to get plastered. "And grab some of those big gallon water bottles if you find any, set them aside and I'll carry 'em myself though, you guys aren't exactly pack horses." He checked his watch, they were taking too long, they'd have to work on efficiency. He checked for zombies again, still nothing. He sipped from his canteen. Frank thought about what to do with his new guests, perhaps he'd make a special dinner tonight. He smiled at the prospect of adding a few more bottles to his already considerable stock of whiskeys. He just hoped he wouldn't be baby-sitting a bunch of hung over women in the morning, he was not prepared to put up with that. Frank went back to watching Liv, "Rather fetching that one." He muttered.
"I've had him since I was 19 years old, I'm 22 right now," Angie grinned and continued "I actually didn't have to do really do anything to teach him since he understood what I was saying so he learned quickly," Momo squealed in a lowly as he patted Angelina's side as the two of them walked into the store. Angelina stayed quiet as she noticed some food, a day or two over the due date but that didn't mean it wasn't edible. Opening her pack she silently placed the food into her bag before opening up a Nutterbutter bar and eating it while she continued to look around.

Momo jumped off of Angelina and ran to go find something useful, the gun in Angie's hand was held tightly as she looked around cautiously.

"Yummy," Angie muttered to herself as she found a bottle of Whiskey, she was definitely going to get wasted tonight and there was no doubt about that. Looking around Angelina saw a cloth on the floor and used that to wrap it around two bottles of the whiskey before placing it into her bag; she'd rather not have to worry about whether or not the whiskey bottles broke. Even if they did break, the cloth around it would make it easier to dump any broken glass out.

Momo scurried back over to Angelina with a few bananas, a grin formed on Angelina's face as he placed them into the bag and closed it, it was full now and forcing more food into the bag wasn't going to help. A few moments later she stayed a bit near the entrance with her gun ready just in case, Angie was done getting food so she just stood on guard while waiting for Liv and Tava to finish up.
Tavalynn looked around, eyeing the food closely. She honestly was just looking for snacks,nothing too overwhelming for her small stomach. She picked out some sodas and chips, knowing that Liz loved them. Tavalynn eventually filled up her bag with all sorts of sweet things, chocolate, health bars and water. "Liz..need help?" She noticed her friend struggling, trying to carry the gallons of water. Tavalynn walked over and carried two out, she was very strong for a girl her age. She casually walked next to Angie and smiled brightly. "Are you done?"
Liv looked at her friend while she stuffed some Scotch into her bag, Frank's request. " Sure, Thanks Tava, maybe grab some candy? We could just sit and eat candy, that would be just awesome. " She smiles and hands Tava some candy so she can put it into her back pack, hers was beyond full. She zips up the zipper and grabs one more jug and some medicine, like Tylenol, etc. She walks out of the supermarket pressing the talk button on her walkie-talkie " Frank, all done!" She whisper/yells into the walkie-talkie. She walks out of the supermarket with all her goodies. " Hey, Angie, what did you get? if you don't mind me asking." She asks her as she walks over to her. She looks over to where Frank was perched. She looked around her surrounding's, taking notes of the landmarks, in case they ever needed to come back, for any reason at all, so the could come back. Liv taps her foot waiting for Frank to come off her hiding place.

So, short.. :/ ))
"Yea, no more room in the bag," Angelina grinned at Tava as Momo hurried to climb up Angelina until he reached her neck where he sat comfortably with a nice view.

"I got a bunch of different things but I also got two bottles of Whiskey, my favorite," Angie couldn't help but clap happily at the thought of being able to get her lips onto the bottle. Leaving the store Angie stood beside Liv as she waited for Frank. She wasn't going to say anything about the whole leader thing but she knew for sure that it wasn't going to be easy for her to just follow someone else's instructions. Angelina knew how to survive on her own and she's been doing perfectly fine since this whole thing began. Having found these 3 people would help greatly which is why she's sticking around, plus she'd rather not go crazy because she'll only have a monkey to talk to. She'd rather just have the voting thing, it would make things easier and way less drama.

Momo looked over at Angie's face before putting a lollipop in her face, Angelina couldn't help but smile at the small gesture that was just soooo cute.

"Thanks Mo," Angelina smiled at Momo before unwrapping the lollipop and placing it into her mouth, she enjoyed lollipops since it usually always gave her mouth something to do instead of saying something smart mouthed or rude.
Frank descended from his perch and crossed the parking lot to the supermarket. He smiled at the group and slung his rifle over his shoulder. He packed as many of the gallon water bottles as he could in his pack, then carried the rest, eight in total. He poointdd his head in the direction of his house,

"Let's get moving before someone or something notices us." He raised his arm, still holding the water, and pointed towards the house. "It's about seven-hundred meters that way, not to far." He started moving in the direction of an alleyway, it was always safer to take a back route.
"Why are you carrying all of the water?" Tavalynn noticed, following behind Liv closely. She didn't really like the plan of being a group all that much, it would mean looking out for each other, which would not be simple. "Psst...Liv...can I talk to you later?" Tavalynn nudged her friend gently, a rare serious frown played on here face.
Liv looks at her friend, Tava " Hrm, Sure. What about though?" she asks her. Looking down at her feet as she walked behind Frank. She was carrying to large jugs of water, they were defiantly going to need it. She smiles, she's happy that she has a few more people added to their group. As they walked a few zombies came out at them. She quickly grabbed her sword, dropping the waters on the asphalt, With a quick CHING of her sword she had stabbed on zombie in the head. She tried not to act scared, she didn't want to discourage the others. She backed away from one zombie coming at her. CHING another one was dead. She smiled in her head that they were safe. " Thank god.." She murmurs and looks around for anymore. She thought that the blood from her and Tava was wearing off, she sighed and kept going, and she picked up the two water jugs she a first had in her hand. After awhile Liv started to get really tired. she stopped walking, then she heard the CHING of another sword, that wasn't a part of their group. " What the hell?" She says and looks around, she saw a girl, wait was that her sister!? " Tami? "She yells and runs over to her.
Frank turned to see Liv fight off a few zombies. She managed to beat them, but her hands lacked practice, that would change in time. He was about to start walking away when he heard her yell out. 'The hell?' he thought. He turned around quickly.

"Keep it down!" He yelled quietly. The he saw who she was yelling to, another girl. He did not know who she was, but seeing as Liv had taken to her so quickly, he doubted she was a threat. But caution still made it's way to him. He set down the water, and drew his pistol, still keeping it near his hip, so as not to draw undue attention. He watched the two closely. 'Another mouth to feed, probably.' crossed his mind.
(my laptop was screwed up for a while hence why i haven't started yet xD ) Oliver sits on a rooftop of a small building looking down at the people below
Tambry eyed her sister "I told you not to call me that ever.." And a he pulled her curly hair, behind her ears. Bry pulled her bottle of water out and toke a long sip "How did you survive?, those things are crazy.. And why didn't you come looking for me?" She asked,while

eyeing the people behind her sister. "Who are all these people?" She asked and Frowned.

Bry pulled her Brown hair into a loose ponytail and smiled "I'm just happy to see you." She states and smiles. Bry noticed A girl, and a guy. -I hope their nice..- she says in her mind, while looking out for the Walkers, as she calls them. "How are you supposed to carry all the water by yourself?, why don't you Hot wire a car or van?" She suggests and held her machete closed to her side, and looked down at her shoes "I could really use a shower.. Right about now." She laughed and looked up at her sister.

Frank raised and eyebrow at Tambry, he thought it was obvious.

"Hot wire a car or van? Hell I've got the keys to my truck in my pants. I don't drive around because it attracts them shouldn't you know that? Perhaps the better question is how did you survive, thinking like that." Frank cracked a slight smile at the reunion though. He began to curl the water bottles. "Besides, these aren't that heavy." They were quite hefty in reality. He pointed his head towards his house. "You should come with us, hot showers are available miss Tami, free of charge too." He said with a smile as he began towards the house again.

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