Surviving the worst (Actual RP)


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@Karma200 Angelina Marrow

@Ember Spark spark Jared Holloway

@Ian Drake Oliver Shaddix

@Nirvana Mikayla Taylor+ Aleksander Taylor

@Toxic Infinity Megan Tallis+ Blake Tallis

@lumbyman Frank Jaeger

@Muffin~Tyrant Lydia forge++ Lucas Freeman

@AviophobicMagpie Christopher rees

@SkyFilms Nelson shawn


@Jacobthesparker Jacob sparks

@TheItalianKy Tavalyn Thompson

Liv looked around and waited for her best friend, Tavalyn. They were jumping from the tops of buildings to other buildings hiding from the zombies. She was glad that she still had her best friend right by her side. As they ran, Liv wondered if they would ever find any survivors. She huffed and kept running, as they ran liv saw a few zombies up ahead. " How the hell did they get up here!" She curse/ whispered. Liv came to an abrupt stop. Just as they zombies caught their sent, see as they have no eyes. They can only sense you by your sent. Liv didn't quite understand it, seeing as the apocalypse just started a few, maybe two or three weeks ago. The zombies approaching her dragged her out of her thoughts and back to reality, sighing she stabbed a zombie in it's head, that's the only you can kill it, she learned that the hard way. " Tava!" She yells " Go'n get that one!" She yells, pointing to the zombie behind her. liv ran in the other direction, slicing other zombie's head off.

((Hey guys! Sorry it's kinda short! Just wanted to get it out there! also, please post one paragraph plus, please!))
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Angelina leaned against the wall with her katana held in her hand while she hid from the zombies, a blank look on her face as she waited for her little monkey friend named 'Momo'. Angie liked the monkey from the show Avatar: The Last Air Bender so she named the monkey that. Her long dark hair fell down her shoulders while her blue eyes looked a bit empty yet strong, she had been moving around all day as she had managed to get a bunch of food from a local store by setting a trap. Angie always loved setting traps and tricking the zombies and doesn't mind killing the zombies... of course sometimes she just wonders if she still has her humanity ever since the beginning of this whole zombie thing happened. Luckily for Angelina she had played a lot of zombie games and was quick to adapt to the change but that didn't mean it didn't affect her just like everyone else.

"Momo?" Angelina's voice was low as she heard a small sound across the dark room, Angie raised the katana and was ready to fight a zombie but then a crumb of bread was thrown in front of her so she let a sigh out and put her hand down to her side. Momo had learned to throw a piece of bread in front of Angelina if she wasn't able to see him, it helped him not get his head cut off.

"Did they catch on?" She asked as the cute fluffy monkey that jumped from the floor and landed on her shoulders, it's tail laid around her neck lazily as she waited for the monkey's answer.

Momo tapped Angie on her shoulders, telling her that the zombies were still at the trap, with that Angelina ran from her hiding spot and made her way back toward the abandoned house she stayed in. She had managed to clean the street up and used her neighbor's cars and other heavy things to block the path down the streets; there was no way she wanted a zombie to come into her little 'sanctuary' that she had managed on her own. It was time to go home and retreat for a bit, the food would last for a while so she didn't really need to panic. One question remained in her mind: is there anyone out there?

Tavalynn laughed happily and nodded, she ran to where Liv was and cut the zombies head off with no hesitation. She slid the gun into her hands and pointed it at a few zombies, not missing a single body. She whipped the gun back so it was behind her and started to walk towards Liz. "We should use some of this blood and wipe it on our clothes. So they can't smell us." She bent down to one of them and winced. "How does that sound?" Tavalynn looked up at her friend.

(too short?)
After liv finished slicing a zombie's head off she heard Tava's idea, she nodded her head in agreement. She bent down, putting her hand in the cold blood, wiping it her herself, She smelled horrible, but at least they would be safe from the zombies, for a little bit. " Tava, we should go on a food raid and find a place to sleep for the night. For tomorrow, I have no idea. " She laughed at the last part, wiping the sweat off her forehead. Liv starts to walk hoping the zombie would take effect to their trick, they did. They walked right past the zombies and they didn't even move towards them. She smiled, that was the first she's smiled in weeks. It felt good to smile. liv continued to walk until she jumped the building and ran towards the old supermarket, It was a mess, a car smashed right through the entrance, so they had to climb over every thing just to get inside. Once inside liv found an extra book bag. She filled it with vital items they would need, food, matches, etc. " Tava! Grab whatever you want and lets go!" She yelled to her best friend
"Kay!" Tavalynn smiled and started to dig around, finding some useful things but not much. "There's not a lot here Liv.." She puffed her cheeks out and sighed. "Damn..." Tavalynn kneeled down and pulled out a chocolate bar, not even scratched. "Oh my gosh! Liv look what I found!" She smiled happily and put it in her brown large bag, then walked over to meet Liv. "Let's look for an abandoned hotel, zombies most likely wont be on a high floor."
Liv nodded and headed out the door. She looked around, she saw nothing except a few trees and the building they were just on." Tava, I don't see any hotel.." She sighs and sits down on a curb, in front of an suburban looking house. She looked around, then sighed.. "Hrm..." She mumbles. " Maybe we can rest there?" She exclaims, pointing to an abandoned house. (@Karma200, Hope that's okay! )She starts to walk toward the house. liv opens the door and it opens with a soft click. She turns to Tava and nod her head indicting that it was okay to go inside the house.
Frank sat on the edge of the water tower, watching the city with dull eyes,

"I figured the zombie apocalypse would be more fun, more explosions and hot chicks." He climbed down the ladder into the small compound, an eight foot cinder-block wall, topped with razor wire surrounded a small one-story house and a garage, as well as a large yard. He went inside to his home office and started up again on the radio. "This is Staff Sergeant Frank Jaeger, looking for all survivors, I can offer food and shelter, come to 10592 Fremont Ave. between ten a.m. and six p.m. to meet with me and return to my shelter. All people accepted." Message repeats. He repeated the message every time he wasn't on watch or sleeping. He could see the point from his house so he did not have to leave, or worry about raiders. After a few hours he decided to have some fun. He went to the top of the water tower with his rifle, having a suppressor equipped on it. He searched around, he spotted a couple of blood covered girls scavenging around town, they were only seven hundred meters or so from him. He watched through his scope until the showed up at a house. He lined up the shot. Pow! Frank fired into a group of eight zombies less than twenty feet from them. He took them out in ten shots. Then he just watched the two girls to see how they'd react. This could be interesting.

[Hope that's an okay start]
Angelina froze when she seen two girls enter the house, she had no idea what to expect because the very few times she did come into contact with living humans were the ones who tried to kill her in order to survive.

"Great, intruders," Angie muttered as she carefully as she went to the door of the house, she had one of golden guns in hands while Momo held a small knife just in case.

"Excuse me? Yea, I live here and I was just wondering... friend or foe?!" Angie spoke at the door, careful not to make her voice get to loud for the zombies or anything.

"Ready just in case, Momo?" Angie whispered with a raised eyebrow, Momo made a small squeal sound to let her know that he was ready to attack anyone who intruded. But then again these could be people that Angelina could team up with, having more then just one person and a monkey could always be a good thing.
Liv stepped back, only to be almost shot by an unknown suspect. Fusing out loud liv looked around. On a far water tower, in the distance she could see the faint outline of a.. A man? Could it be? Another survivor! That fact scared, but excited liv. She wanted ti go check it out, but Tabs would nerved let her. Shrugging liv turns towards the house, opening it with a soft click. She walked inside. "Hrmmmm..." she whispers. Liv walked into the living room only to be confronted by a girl and an adorable monkey by her side. "WHOA!" She yells and pulls out her sword, by a habit. Sighing she looks over yo the unknown girl. "Well.. That depends. "She States. With one quick movement she had the girl in a head lock. "I can kill you right now. Or you tell me, Enemy? Or friend. " laughing Liv lets go of the girl. "Sorry.. I just been hearing about secret, gangs, they're just rumurs, though." She puts away her knife, but stands her gaurd
Frank smiled and laughed. He climbed down the tower and headed into the house. He grabbed his pistol and a backpack in addition to his rifle. He snuck out through the front gate, locking it securely behind him. He walked towards the house, taking backstreets and alleyways to avoid attention. He made it to the top of a store less than fifty meters from the house, and set up a position to watch the two girls, though it seemed there was one more person inside the house itself. He sat on the corner of the roof, doing his best to look non-threatening.
Tavaylnn was just smiling to herself. "Awesome a new friend! I'm Tavalynn by the way!" She stuck her hand out and smiled gently, her intentions were to make a lot of allies, that way there would be less deaths. "And this here is Liv! We're friends of course." Tavalynn let a hand slip down her thigh, next to her knife just incase,
Angelina was tense for a moment as Momo growled, Angie let a sigh out as she reminded herself that it wasn't often to run into actually living people.

"I'm Angelina and this is Momo... Momo put the knife down," Angelina sighed with a frown and just like that Momo put the knife into its sheath that was around Angelina's thigh. Once Momo was on her shoulders, Angelina put her hand down but she didn't put her gun down just in case.

"How many people have you seen here," For a moment Angie hesitated as it felt like someone was watching them, when Angelina snapped her fingers Momo suddenly jumped off her shoulders to go search around the area for anyone nearby.
Frank was watching the exchange not far away when something came up to him, it was a rhesus monkey. He smiled at it.

"What are you doin' here little buddy? Tryin' to get in to mischief?" He was about to pet the monkey when it ran off, towards the house. "Hmm. This might be more interesting than I thought." Frank went downstairs and out the front door, looking around, watching out for zombies, there weren't any around. He was gonna do what he always wanted to do. He walked slowly down the center of the street, hand on his holster, cowboy style.

He walked until he was directly in front of the house. He walked up to the fence, leaned on it and tipped his hat. He simply smiled and said,

"How you ladies doin' today?"
Liv watches closely. " hmm.. " She thought, then she looked over to her best friend. She was smiling, which made Liv feel better, Before the zombie apocalypse she was always working, taking care of the children her mother never cared to take a second glance at. Liv sighed and took down her guard. She watches Momo walk away. Liv walked around. She jumped when the guy started to talk. She held up her sword in the direction of the voice. " Um.. Who the heck are you?? " She questioned, then looked at him closely, right up in his face. " Hey! I know you! You're that guy who shot at Tavalyn and I, Are you f*cking out of your mind!!" She yells at him.

Sorry it's short, Someone was bugging me.. Looks over to Lumby
Frank's smile never wavered,

"Well that's a hell of a way to greet the guy who saved your neck. I go and take out some zombies and you act like I was tryin' to kill you. That is not a very nice accusation." He went and poked the tip of the blade. "That's pretty sharp, I'd watch where you wing that thing if I were you, someone might get hurt." He leaned on his rifle for a moment before standing back up. He reached out his hand, "The name's Jaeger, Frank Jaeger, and who might you be miss...?"

((Squints at Kat, Did not))
Angelina hadn't raised her gun because when Momo had came back she knew someone was there, instead she walked farther into the house and placed the big bag of treasured food she'd gotten from the store. Man, she loved hunting for food. Even though its pretty dangerous outside, Angelina liked being challenged on whether or not she could stay alive.

"Want a banana, Mo? Its a bit black though," Angie handed the monkey the banana before grabbing herself a peanut butter granola bar before walking back toward the others with her gun still in her other hand at her side.

[>.< my notifications is empty lol]
Liv rolled her eyes " That's the point, dummy, So I can kill the zombies..." Liv rolled her eyes again, She was so tempted just the smile that smile right off his face. She balls up her fists and stared daggers into him. " My name's liv." She didn't want to tell him her real name because she hated her real name. She looked over to Tava " This is Tavalyn she's my best friend, Mess with her and I Frick'n cut your throat." She smiles. " but, thank you." She says sheepishly.

You did too..
Tavalynn chuckled lightly and reached her hand out, shaking Frank's hand. "Liv isn't as mean as she sounds." She teased and straightened her hands behind her back, in a cute pose. "Any way, are you guys travelers? Or locals?" Tav smiled in a friendly and open way.
Frank ignored the blatant hostility, and just waved at Tavalyn.

"Hello Miss Tavalyn. And a pleasure to meet you Miss Liv." Frank chuckled, "Quite the fitting name, that. All considered that is." He gave the house a once over. "Wanna go back to my place? It's much more secure, much more easily defended. I am not a traveler, in fact I live less than a kilometer over there, and you are free to join me like I said." He gave the girls a winning smile, when he noticed the other woman in the house, he waved at her as well. "And hello to you too miss, is this your establishment?" Frank looked around, noticing a group of about twenty zombies congregating about a block and a half down the street. Still watching the zombies, he said, "Best make your decision quick, before they start heading this way." He hoped they'd join him.

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Liv just rolled her eyes and steps closer to Tava, putting her arm around her. She always felt protective over Tava since she was younger than she was, but she also knew that she could hold her own. Liv tapped her foot. She didn't feel easy with going to his house, but if it was more secure, then I would be a better option. " Sure... " She says uneasy, she keeps her sword out, just in case. " She looked over to Angelina "Do you want to come too?" She asks her. "We should go on a food raid. I saw a super market not far from here, we should go there just in case, for like medicine ETC.

Short... Lumby was buggin her again.))
"Momo, what do you think?" Angelina eyed the monkey that was standing on her shoulders and his hands on her head, his eyes looking at everyone quickly. After a second her jumped up and began to screech a bit and Angie smirked before rolling her eyes.

"We'll come along, I have some food to hold us over with for now but since we all need a good amount of food it would be wise to raid again... let me go get my bag. Angie walked back into the kitchen and picked up the bag, slinging it over her shoulder Momo hurried to sit on top of the bag that lay near her hip.

"Alright, I'm ready," Angie spoke as she put her checked her gun to see how many bullets she had, of course she only had one bullet gone so she wasn't panicking.
Frank looked at them, not the best trained bunch, but, seeing as they were alive, they must no be worthless.

"Well then, if it's all settled, let's move out." Frank looked over at the supermarket, he devised a plan. "Okay, I'll cover the front entrance from the rooftop over there," He pointed to a small mini-mart "While you go and loot. I'll keep the doorway clear and make sure none of them zombies come in after you. I've got a suppressor so I won't attract to much attention myself.. If you need me though," He tossed Liv a walkie-talkie. "just give me a holler and I'll come running. Any questions?" He was already walking off though, he had assumed command, that was just the way it was.

(Sorry it's short, someone *points at Kat* was bugging me))
Angelina raised an eyebrow for a moment as she heard this, she wasn't one to actually want to be told what to do.

"I hope you all know, none of you are leaders; it makes to much drama, I think we should rely on votes," Angie sighed knowing that she did have a violent temper, she knew it would be easier with a group of people. Momo held the banana in his hands as he continued to sit on the bag, his eyes looking everywhere.
"Why should there be a leader?" Tavalynn followed behind Frank and held a stoic face. "Cant we all just a team? I like your point though Angie." She smiled brightly and turned to face her.

(sorry for the poor length.)

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