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<Picture goes here>

Age: (Between 12-18 is preferable)


Power: (If available)

Weapon: (If available)

Brief description of above, if applicable:


Other: (EG, side-notes about character or biological features)


Name: Aeterna Wormwood




Power: Light magic.

Weapon: Sword.

Brief description of above, if applicable:

Light magic:

Aeterna can manipulate light to create darkness or blinding patches of light to escape combat. He can use it to fire beams of light like projectiles, or form them into weapons. He is limited by that he can only use these powers when their is significant light, so no powers at night time/in dark places.


Called Backbiter, it is a 1.5 meter sword of enchanted gold. In contrast to his white clothing, Backbiter is a rich yellow and glows when in sunlight with a heavenly and enchanting glow. The sword is weaker in the presence of darkness..



Aeterna is calculative and calm, working out his foes movements before hand and attacking with swift and precise movements. He can come across as cold and aloof to those he hasn’t bonded with, but once formed said bonds are strong. He is charismatic around friends, and frozen cold around foes…A truly two sided coin. If a bond of trust is broken, he is not willing to replace it and will willingly cast aside the breaker of his trust.

Other: Wings, strong English accent, Bipolar.


Name: Aevania Cutanmae


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Power: Telekinesis, Terrakinesis, Teleportation

Weapon: A sword and multiple daggers


Telekinesis: Control of all objects, solid, liquid or gases. Can move living humans but depends on their weight and will.

Terrakinesis: Can cause earthquakes as well as create objects out of earth.

Teleportation: Can teleport only to places she knows and distance to which she teleports depends on her energy levels. Can teleport others as well.

Sword: Appears like a normal sword. Special powers, if any, are unknown to her. Same goes for her daggers.

Personality: Cold, calculative. Not particularly evil but is rather ruthless. Has a definitive sense of self preservation. Does not make alliances easily but when she does, she is fiercely loyal. On this basis, does not tolerate traitors. Shrewd decision maker.


Appearance: Wings, Horns, Elvish ears, Armor created by the finest in the land.

Accent: Irish accent


Name: Myrlan Desrosier


Age: 18

Gender: female

Power: fire, transformation into a second form.

Weapon: tonfa blades


Fire power: shooting fire from one's mouth, manipulation and creation.

Second form: a form resembling a dragon. Takes a lot of effort to switch, but she has full control of herself in either form.


Bladed Tonfa: an old weapon of hers she uses to combo with her fire power. Heat resistance is its best feature.


Personality: she is hot headed, rash and willing to jump into action without much though. She is not entirely the smartest of the bunch, but she still jokes when around those she likes and is sometimes like a child, easy to tease and goofy. Even around an enemy, she has a habit of fighting with personality. However, it's very easy to trust her.

Extra: horns with webbed skin that act as the skin around her ears and amplify sound well, to her.


Name: Violet Carter

Age: 16

Gender: female

Power: divination

Weapon: Bow and arrows

Brief description of above, if applicable:

Divination- she can see what will happen before it happens, but it is not always clear

Weapon- a black recurve bow that never misses due to her power to see things before they happen

Personality:She is Loyal, Charming Passionate, Resourceful, Cunning, Observant, and Dynamic. However she is also a bit Jealous, Suspicious, Manipulative, and Unyielding. She is ruthless and will do anything to help

Other: She's a source of ever-present optimism and will always stick up for the underdog. She loves music and art, and is a good singer.


Name: Spirit Zilla


Age: 17

Gender: Female

Power: Mediumship, Invisibility, Materialization

Weapon: Twin daggers


Mediumship: She can see and communicate with ghosts and spirits, make them disperse, and with enough concentration, she can make them attack others to defend herself

Invisibility: She can become invisible to everyone and everything for a few minutes at a time. After, she must wait a few hours before she can do it again. She can turn invisible for a few seconds every two minutes

Materialization: She can make small objects (Food, books, clothing, etc.) appear out of thin air

Twin Daggers: Passed down to her by her aunt, they are only used by her when she can't control ghosts

Personality: She chooses not to talk; instead, she just shakes her head to answer yes or no. She doesn't do anything when it comes to more complex questions. She appears strong, but is actually very paranoid. She doesn't trust anyone because of people who have betrayed her. Because of these reasons, she seems cold. She is passive-agressive.

Other: She wears gloves to cover her hands which have claws for nails, and she usually wears long sweaters, coats, shirts, etc. to cover up a long, black tail.




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Name: Aevania Cutanmae


Age: 16

Gender: Female

Power: Telekinesis, Terrakinesis, Teleportation

Weapon: A sword and multiple daggers


Telekinesis: Control of all objects, solid, liquid or gases. Can move living humans but depends on their weight and will.

Terrakinesis: Can cause earthquakes as well as create objects out of earth.

Teleportation: Can teleport only to places she knows and distance to which she teleports depends on her energy levels. Can teleport others as well.

Sword: Appears like a normal sword. Special powers, if any, are unknown to her. Same goes for her daggers.

Personality: Cold, calculative. Not particularly evil but is rather ruthless. Has a definitive sense of self preservation. Does not make alliances easily but when she does, she is fiercely loyal. On this basis, does not tolerate traitors. Shrewd decision maker.


Appearance: Wings, Horns, Elvish ears, Armor created by the finest in the land.

Accent: Irish accent
Name: Myrlan Desrosier


Age: 18

Gender: female

Power: fire, transformation into a second form.

Weapon: tonfa blades


Fire power: shooting fire from one's mouth, manipulation and creation.

Second form: a form resembling a dragon. Takes a lot of effort to switch, but she has full control of herself in either form.


Bladed Tonfa: an old weapon of hers she uses to combo with her fire power. Heat resistance is its best feature.


Personality: she is hot headed, rash and willing to jump into action without much though. She is not entirely the smartest of the bunch, but she still jokes when around those she likes and is sometimes like a child, easy to tease and goofy. Even around an enemy, she has a habit of fighting with personality. However, it's very easy to trust her.

Extra: horns with webbed skin that act as the skin around her ears and amplify sound well, to her.
Name: Violet Carter


Age: 16

Gender: female

Power: divination

Weapon: Bow and arrows

Brief description of above, if applicable:

Divination- she can see what will happen before it happens, but it is not always clear

Weapon- a black recurve bow that never misses due to her power to see things before they happen

Personality:She is Loyal, Charming Passionate, Resourceful, Cunning, Observant, and Dynamic. However she is also a bit Jealous, Suspicious, Manipulative, and Unyielding. She is ruthless and will do anything to help

Other: She's a source of ever-present optimism and will always stick up for the underdog. She loves music and art, and is a good singer.
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Name: Spirit Zilla


Age: 17

Gender: Female

Power: Mediumship, Invisibility, Materialization

Weapon: Twin daggers


Mediumship: She can see and communicate with ghosts and spirits, make them disperse, and with enough concentration, she can make them attack others to defend herself

Invisibility: She can become invisible to everyone and everything for a few minutes at a time. After, she must wait a few hours before she can do it again. She can turn invisible for a few seconds every two minutes

Materialization: She can make small objects (Food, books, clothing, etc.) appear out of thin air

Twin Daggers: Passed down to her by her aunt, they are only used by her when she can't control ghosts

Personality: She chooses not to talk; instead, she just shakes her head to answer yes or no. She doesn't do anything when it comes to more complex questions. She appears strong, but is actually very paranoid. She doesn't trust anyone because of people who have betrayed her. Because of these reasons, she seems cold. She is passive-agressive.

Other: She wears gloves to cover her hands which have claws for nails, and she usually wears long sweaters, coats, shirts, etc. to cover up a long, black tail.
Name: Teryu Kenio



13 (That pic just show how does he looks with his dragon wings but not the age. =P)

Gender: Male


  • Detecting: Without seeing them, Teryu can still sense things and other people, he can even distinguish if they're friends, foes or goal. He can also use that power to dodge bullets and hit from enemies, but when only he want it.


  • The weapon called Hidden Danger. Teryu usually wears this on his arm. When retracted, it looks like a long wristband that covers his both of his arms. He can use it to block of sword attacks. When it opens/pushes out, it thrusts out of it cover, and even if just Teryu just placing his hand near a Fallen/an animal or even a person, the sword will stab though it's/their body like a hot knife cutting butter. But it'll still cut like a normal sharp sword. Also, it have a air gun in it which can fires rocks as fast as a bullet. It needs 5-10 secs to charge up though, the charge time depends on how fast/far does Teryu want for the projectile to go.

Brief description of above, if applicable: (Already done.)


  • Distant: Teryu is not the friendly type. He has been being alone since the Fallen appeared and take over his family and friends. He didn't want to but he must and did killed them. That's why he don't want to bond with anyone because he can just lose them again. Although, he can change if someone shows it to him...
  • Stealthy: Teryu is VERY stealthy. He can sneaks up to a Avlock and kill them without being detected. His powers suits him really well. Also, he is quite quiet, even in conversations.
  • Adaptive: As i said, he can use rocks as his air gun bullets. He can even repair his weapon if there're scraps around.
  • Brave, Enduring, Calculative and Daring: He can deal with 5-10 Avlocks if he needs/wants to.

Other: Dragon Wings, Ears and Tails.
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