Survive the story (Sign ups)

Ember Bare

The Bear
(Thing that came out of no where and it sounded fun it me xD )

You are trapped in a strange world with many others from all times and spaces,you were just minding your own business but then you just appeared here out of no where.You have been chosen as a reader,as is everyone else with you for a reason.You continue to find yourself in many books you have or haven't read that you must finish to get out and on to the next one until they are all complete.To complete one you must survive your role and play along tile the story is done,if you fail you will be a 'Non-Surviver' and be stuck in the book playing that part for the rest of your life.

Be careful.get a part you don't know and it's your downfall.Each will have a helper once arrived for help.

Let the stories begin~

Character sheet:


Nickname(If have one):



From(Time/Place/species):(keep what they are to simply things,Vampires,angels,etc.)



Knowledge(Of books/stories):



Helper Sheet:(Optional,you make it or I can ^^)




Knowledge(Of books/stories):100%



~All of the helpers will know Blu since they are pretty much working for him.~

My Characters:

Name:The story teller

Nickname(If have one): Blu




Bio(Optional):The maker of this 'game' he always hides in with the contestants to interact with them and see who is worthy of continuing.

Personality:Very quiet of course and constantly has his nose in his book.Will come straight out and say what he's thinking even if it's rude.

Knowledge(Of books/stories):100%



Name: Warren Collen

Nickname(If have one):Saint




Bio(Optional): Lived with his grandpa in a bookstore for most of his life since both his parents died in a car crash when he was four years old,but he always thinks to himself that at least he got that much time with them.He always reads since it's the only thing to do around other than draw and all he's done since he lived here,This is also a reason why he has no friends.

Personality:Kind and very mature for his age,he hasn't ever talked to others much so he's not used to it and never knows what to say.

Knowledge(Of books/stories):95%


I think this would be a really cool RP, but I am a little curious.. Is it like a game? Can more than one character get stuck in a story? Like my and your character suck in the same book together? And how exactly do you 'complete the book', by reading it or acting it out? But other than my questions, I'm really interested! :P it sounds like fun, I'd be happy to do it
first question,Somewhat,it's like one of those twisted games crazy people make up just to see how others will react.second and third, All will be stuck in the same book in a group playing different parts of the story like if it was Red riding hood,depend on the characters personality they will get a character like one is the wolf one is red riding hood and so forth.And forth,They complete the book by acting it out until the end like again,little red riding hood, the book will be completed after she makes it to the house,finds the wolf,so on and so on until it gets to the end of the story where ether red riding hood has lived and the wolf is taken care of or the other way around(depend on the version of the story.)
I'd love to do it!! That sounds fun! I can't fill out a character sheet right I have to go, but I'll post soon! Sorry, I'll be back

Aria Ryder

Nickname(If have one):



Modern Era/Earth/Human

Aria loves animals and reading. She grew up in a small town of which the library and all its books became her friend. She wants be be a library or book store owner when she grows up. Reading is her favorite thing to do, especially reading the classics.

Quiet and inverted. Aria likes to keep to herself in the face of danger. However, in a life or death situation, she will do whatever it takes to save herself. Aria is determined when she needs to be.

Knowledge(Of books/stories):





Each character gets a helper, right? This is Aria's helper. ((the bold is not behaving right, sorry xD ))

Velvet Skye

Nickname(If have one):


Gender: Female


Velvet is sort of Aria's idea of the perfect librarian, the kind of librarian Aria would want to be if she was one. Velvet has traveled the world and knows of stories told in other countries and other cultures, other worlds even. She knows it all. She's been alive for many centuries and is aging slowly but surely.

Open, loving, kind. Velvet would never turn anyone down no matter what. She is an open book and loves to read. She's ready for anything. Friends with Blu? that's why she's helping with the game.

Knowledge(Of books/stories):




^^^^ how's that??
Looks great!Yes they all get helpers,the helpers won't participate in the stories as characters but will be with who there helping so if they get stumped the helper is there xD
Alright, finally got to a computer! I edited my character sheet and added the pictures of my characters too! I think I'm ready to start the actual RP xP Finally haha
Name: Sigfried "Clyde" Evans

Nickname: Clyde

Age: 16

Gender: male

From:(time/place/species) now/ Otherworlds/ semi-demon

Bio:(optional) Sigfried was born to the Otherworld king himself and a human mother, along with an older half brother. He grew up surrounded by royalty and regal, learning high class and structure. Yet he was always in his brother's shadow. Years went by, and his brother continued to surpass him in everything. His brother was everything he wanted to be. Everything Sigfried did his brother would do better. Soon, he was shunned for his 'uselessness' and being a -semi. His father even began to dispise him, pretending simply he wasn't there. The life Sigfried once knew had begun falling apart. He started to reject everything given to him, even throwing away the name his parents gave him,adopting 'Clyde' as his new name. Yet that wasn't enough. He had begun secretly harming himself purposely, releasing all the rejection and regret he had been given, into bloody wounds that scatter his body. Sigfried changed from a polite regal boy into a sadistic, mentally-unstable being that is partly insane and thinks bitter of life. Sigfried now accepts death, constantly hurting himself, but fails miserably due to the fact that he is half demon. Clyde then shut himself from the world, becoming a bitter yandere that cannot even escape his own misery.

Personality: sadistic and a 'cutter', yandere (espresses emtions with pain) a stone hearted soul who can never find his peace of mind

Knowledge:(of books/stories) 85%

Extra: he has a soft spot for kitties ( xD )


(MOAR CLYDE!!! srry fer spam, just love him to pieces *w*)
This looks awesome ^^ Heres my chara:

Name: Annasette Mitsean

Age: 16

Gender: Female

From(Time/Place/species): 2004/???/Human

Bio: She never thought she would be called out into such a strange event. She was living a quite a normal life and is the average teen for her time.

Personality: Outgoing, Eager to try new things

Knowledge(Of books/stories): 88%


View attachment 8907

Annasette's Helper:

Name: Anlin Leniel

Gender: Female

From(Time/Place/species): ???/???/Angel

Personality: Vary friendly but clumbsy

Knowledge(Of books/stories):100%


View attachment 8908
Name: Blake Standridge

Nickname(If have one): Tal

Age: 19

Gender: Male

From(Time/Place/species): Modern Human

Bio(Optional): Blake's past is a mystery that he keeps to himself, even from his closest friends. He in well trained with both a sword and bow.

Personality: Kind, Hot headed, easily angered, sarcastic.

Knowledge(Of books/stories): History 30% and modern Fanstasy 70%

Extra: His bow:

Appearance: View attachment 8923

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