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Fantasy Survival Academy! ~ Characters


That Lovable Killer.

If I like your sheet, it's accepted.








Power (One per character):




Sexual Preference:


Personality (Optional):


Past (Optional):




Anything else?:

Name: Jazmine Wilkins

Age: 22

Power (One per character): Telepathy

Sex: Female

Sexual Preference: Straight

Personality (Optional): Jazmine is a girl who possesses a quieted rage. She lovable when you get to know her and will sacrifice anything for her friends, except that it is hard for her to accept new people into her life. She's silent, uncomfortable around others and finds social interaction difficult. She's quite bright and observant.

Past (Optional): Jazmine had a wonderful life, relatively normal. She had a younger brother, a boyfriend and loving parents. She was on her way to receiving her medical degree when there was a school shooting. Jazmine was shot straight through the head. 

(The kid that snapped was known by many as a great kid, very kind and friendly. She heard him being referred to once as the Kuddly Killer.)

Good/Neutral/Bad: Neutral
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Miss Vello Bevelle


Age: 18


Power: Telekinesis (The power to move things, or stop things from moving in some cases, with her mind, including things bigger than her)


Sex: Female


Sexual Preference: Heterosexual; straight


Personality: Well, she's definitely changed after this experience. She doesn't trust easily, but she knows that keeping people around her will help her survive. So, if she's to find someone to help be on her team, she would see it as more of a business agreement or a partnership than as a friendship. But, if someone were to gain her trust, she'd do anything for them, even risk her own soul. She has a crude sense of humor, is very isolated, very heard-working and determined, and tends to not take things as seriously as she should. Or, at least, that's how she seems. She can also be very observant and she can read people easier than most can.


Past: Vello had always appreciated personal space, but that doesn't mean she wasn't a social butterfly. She actually was quite friendly in school and wasn't afraid to put herself out there. She used to have good grades, participated in clubs, and was unable to decide what to do in the future since she had so many options. She had two older brothers and a younger sister, but on her bus ride back home from school one day with her friends, the car crashed into a  large truck and flipped over multiple times. Vello's injuries were fatal and two of the four friends died in the crash as well.


Good/Neutral/Bad?: Good; she just wants to get out alive, not having to kill until it is absolutely necessary.


Anything else?: Since she died in her school uniform, it's what she always wears. It's actually made of very nice soft materials that are made by a company called Kuddly Killer Inc.. Strange.



Al Deadman



Power (One per character):

Can sense weaknesses, whether that be a weak point or a material.



Sexual Preference:


Personality (Optional):

In spite of his knowledge of general sciences, and exceeding knowledge regarding thanatology, Al is not terribly clever in any other capacity.  He's not socially adept, has never read Shakespeare, and he barely knows what country he lives in.  Still, he's a nice guy, once you get past his awkwardness and extremely specific skillset.  He's quick to forgive and slow to anger, so he doesn't exactly have enemies lining up at his door.  He does see humans, including himself, in a very clinical light.  As if humans were simply tools for science, and not the other way around, but he genuinely believes that the progress of society is the only thing one can classify as good.  He just has a bit of a bad habit of losing the forest for the trees.  Yes, he's aware of the comedy of his last man given his goals and current state of being dead.

Past (Optional):

Al was born to an upper class family with four siblings.  In spite of this, he had a fairly typical childhood, with loving parents and surprisingly close brothers and sisters.  He was happy.  As a youth, he excelled at science class.  It fascinated him.  He enjoyed learning more about the natural world, and, in particular, death and life.  What defined life?  If you resurrected someone, somehow, what would they be considered?  Later in his life, he found that being an actual scientist was quite difficult.  They didn't get paid much, and no one wanted to give him grants for what he really wanted to study.  He had numerous theories about what happened when someone died, but testing that was considered "unethical", and people discounted him because other, far more famous scientists got nowhere fast trying to test any theories they had.  Since being a scientist was so difficult, he got a job at the Kuddly Killer company, but greatly disliked his job there.  His last name got him a fairly cushy position, but he wasn't happy.  Eventually, he decided to make his name by force.  He got home one day, carefully set up a defibrillator to resurrect him immediately after dying, consumed several experimental drugs, and died.  Unfortunately, the defibrillator failed to work, and he died forever.  Or at least, he should have.  Honestly, this whole afterlife situation is like an entirely new playground for him.


That's subjective, isn't it?  But, he's basically good.

Anything else?:

Forgive me for knowing nothing about science.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Appearance: [/SIZE]



[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Name: John[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]


[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Power (One per character): Art [/SIZE]Embodiment[SIZE= 10.5pt]  [/SIZE]http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Art_Embodiment

[SIZE=10.5pt]Race: Asian [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Sex: Male[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Sexual Preference: >.> Unknown [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 10.5pt]Personality (Optional): He is kind [/SIZE]hearten[SIZE= 10.5pt], trustworthy, and dedicated. His an optimist bringing the slightest light form[/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]  [/COLOR][SIZE= 10.5pt]dark situation. He hates it when people are sad so he dose everything he can to make them happy. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Past (Optional): My adventure started one fateful day when I met my older brother. I was just a little thing back then. I had no one and was on my own, I was crying, starving near death. And like an angle he appeared, Michael. He took me under his wing, providing me with shelter and food. Well if you could call that shelter and what little food he could get us wasn't the best. But it didn't need to be all that mattered was that we were together. He was my family....the only person in the whole world I could count on. No matter what happened he was always there for me. But I always worried about him, he would risk his life to get us a little bit of food. I just wished that he would take fewer risks. So I made him start to take me along. I told him we could get double the amount of food and I would stop being a burden. So he taught me how to sneak, pick pocket, and steal in general. I never felt good about it, but we needed it. One day when we were ran out of food and hadn't eaten for days. We went on another job to get food. I was keeping a look out but I was quite distracted, this place we had gotten caught before and I was afraid that Michael would get hurt. I should have been paying more attention because before i knew it I felt a hand on my arm. I yell out to Michael to run, but he just turns around. He doesn't move but demands that I be let go. I beg him to just leave that I would be okay but he refused. The man says "[/SIZE]"Since you are such a good thief why don't you go steal me $500 or your friend won't make it. You have one day." Michael begs the man to let me go, he promises that we would never steal form him again. he simply says. "You should have thought of that before you stole form me." I saw Michael concedes and rushes off to get the money. I didn't know what was going to go on and I was terrified of what might happen. I was locked in a room four hours, not given any food or water. It felt like an eternity. When suddenly I hear the door unlock and open, my heart skips a beat. You have no idea how relieved I was when I saw Michael there. He had picked the lock and was there to rescue me. I was so happy I jumped up and ran to him. The next thing I knew I was on the ground and the man form before was standing between me and Michael. The guy demanded his money and Michael yells about him not having it and that he better let me go. Thing just got more and more heated. I tired to step forward and calm things down. The man just grabs me and puts a knife to my neck saying that no one cares if a couple of street rats go missing. I look at Michael and give him a smile, I tell him to go that everything will be alright. He told me to shut up, that he didn't want to hear my crap. He could see right through me, I was afraid.... I didn't want to die..... I wanted Michael to save me, I wanted to spend more time with Michael. I wanted to grow up with him.  He knew that deep down I didn't want him to run off. So he stood his ground. And that's when everything went could, like all the warmth was flushing out of my body. I look at Michael and mouth that I am sorry. Everything goes black before I awake at a school. After being debriefed a fire has been lit in my spirit. I will make it back to Michael no mater what.

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Good/Neutral/Bad: Good.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Anything else?: >.><.<....Everyone else is being so sly about it but not me ima just come out and say[/SIZE][SIZE=&#13] Kuddly[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Killer. Also my ability to make a story is better then my ability to describe a personality. [/SIZE]
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"If you talk about my past, I'll kill you."



His name is Van (Pronounced Von) Hellsing.



He is Twenty Seven years old.




When using his power, a white fifteen meter robot, equipped with a long black and white blade and a pulse cannon shaped like a black pistol, forms around his body. The black and white armor is Strong.










Sexual Preference:




Van will be nice to you, if you're nice enough to him. That works in vice versa, if you're are an asshole to Van, he'll either be the same or beat the crap outta you for trying to be the asshole. He doesn't care if he loses a fight, unless it's against the monsters, than he has to aim to win.



(I might write up a past on him. Either that or leave it to be found out in the story.)



Anything else:

In his past life, he was skilled with a sword. Not so much with a gun that's ten times bigger than it's original size though.


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Name: Sillian Valentin

Age: 19

Power: Healing (animals, plants and humans but not to the extent of being able to resurrect someone who's already dead, and healing severe injuries is exhausting).

Sex: Male

Sexual Preference: Fully dependent on their personality (probably bi)

Personality (Optional): There isn't really a grey area with him: he either likes you or dislikes you, he's either calm or angry, there is no tolerate or any "getting annoyed" phase. He tries to be nice, but has a tendency to insult people if he gets annoyed. However, he never tries to fight anyone and won't try to anger someone on purpose unless provoked himself. He also hates to talk about his past or family, and prefers to be alone whenever possible.

Past (Optional): (may be revealed at some point)

Good/Neutral/Bad: Somewhere in between good and neutral.

Anything else?:  KuddlyKiller



Raine Grey



Power (One per character):

Therianthropy - ability to shape shift into the animal of her choice



Sexual Preference:


Personality (Optional):

Raine is calm and quiet as she listens more than she cares to speak most of the time. Based on her past, she has slight trust issues, and may seem cold when first met. However, when she gets to know someone and begins to trust them, she is open, kind, and entirely selfless.

Likes: Animals, tattoos, beanies, whiskey, nature, playing guitar and piano, singing, tea

Dislikes: Dishonesty, broccoli, loud noises, coffee, irresponsibility, too much emotion

Vices: quiet and shy when first met, very cautious and sometimes hostile

Virtues: kind, extremely selfless, caring, a true sweetheart deep down

Past (Optional):

Raine grew up under a single father who was a prominent scientist from Germany. However, he lost his reputation by focusing on recombinant DNA technology. He believed that he could create a human-animal hybrid, and did everything in his scientific spectrum of knowledge to do so. Therefore, he adopted a child from the local orphanage, pretending to be a kind and respectable scientist who just wanted a daughter. That child turned out to be Raine. She was held prisoner by Dr. Grey for the remainder of her life. She lived in a tiny cell-like room, only gaining education through an online system she was forced to watch everyday. Her so-called father would experiment on her everyday ruthlessly. He tried to create hybrid through her, grafting in DNA and torturing her non-stop years. Eventually, his lack of proper methodology became Raine's downfall. She got an infection from one of his experiments and died soon after from lack of medical care.


Somewhere between Good and Neutral

Anything else?:

Because Raine can transform into all animals, she chooses not to eat them. She's a vegetarian, not a KuddlyKiller.

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Name: Alanna Hoppman   Age: 23  Power (One per character): Can drain energy/power from lesser life forms such as plants or smalls animals (not humans) and use that to attack people or give her a quick boost of energy, strength and speed. Race: Welsh  Sex: Female   Sexual Preference: Homosexual  Backgroud: Will be revealed later in the story. But she was in a band called Kuddly Killer Personality. Eccentric, seems cynical and strange at first but is also overtly emotional and protects those weaker than her. Hates using her power and people tougher or more confident than her. Aligment:Good
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(I've been using this same amazing character, but it's so good, I can't stop xD)


~Demeter Vasiliev~




Can create and manipulate snow, ice and frost. Can create various monsters out of ice or snow. 



Sexual Preference:


Personality (Optional):

Demeter is a cocky bastard. He's arrogant and prideful, and is extremely stubborn. He isn't the type to humble himself down to others of higher positions, and is rather brash. He's impatient, but surprisingly very clever and smart. He catches up quickly, and is a convincing liar. Despite all this, you'd be surprised that even Demeter has a soft heart. He's tender when handling with injured and sick creatures and people. He shows a completely different side of him when doing this, a side that displays compassion, gentleness and patience.

Past (Optional):




Anything else?:

He died while trying to walk into a blizzard. He was trying to deliver medicine, the company that made them called Kuddly Killer.



Altair Brynsworth




Terri has the ability to create, shape, and manipulate slivers of matter or energy, either by shattering existing objects through this ability, and/or controlling already existing shards.

She can also create them out of nothing, and manipulate them for attack and defense. She can otherwise shape and compress these shards, and manipulate and move them under her will, as a weapon similar to glass, and altering its hardness, density, and sharpness.

These shards usually float around her body and suspend themselves in midair. However, they must be a certain radius of her comfort near her, because there is a range where she loses control over them (if she were to

launch her shards, she cannot recover them near her).  Just imagine a bullet hell game (Touhou, Undertale...)- if you can dodge it, you can well enough hit her too..


By using a landscape of them, it drains her considerably quickly and rapidly the more that are present. She can hold them for quite a while if she isn't vigorously launching them like shrapnel.  




Sexual Preference:


Personality (Optional):

Altair is a rough, roguish female who takes strong pride in dreams and aspirations, believing that you should do what you can do accomplish them. She holds a considerably cynical and distrusting perspective

of the people around her, however, truly believing that the world is dictated by those who can make it, and those who can't.  A lone wolf good at monitoring and concealing her feelings, she serves as an awfully

witty individual as well with a well-serving education. Spending a considerable amount of time alone, her sociability isn't the best, occasionally coming off as rude and ruthless, and suffering frequent

mood swings on how she should act around others, as well as taking a hard time accepting the fact she died. Nonetheless, she died doing something she truly adored, and is easily excited when someone brings up planes, space or the sky.




-Something about parents being like "LOL you can't be a pilot gross."



Anything else?

Terri died constructing a plane to leave her secluded home in the islands. Never having tested the plane, she sought to be able to for so long, willing to put anything at risk for doing so. With metal branded from  Kuddly Killer, the first flight she 

took on her plane was the last. Despite the numerous warning flashes and system failure alarms, she was finally able to make it a considerable height in the sky, before the engine exploded and the plane went down into flames, shrapnel from the broken

window shredding her body before the explosion and flames burned it, her body drowning into the ocean below..

Name: frostbite 

Age: 16

Power (One per character): control ice

Sex: male, with a few feminine facial features.

Sexual Preference: straight as a line

Personality (Optional): introverted, closed in, for lack of a better phrase; cold as ice. Bottles up his emotions but can explode if he feels too much of an emotion

(much like mob from mob psycho 100)

Past (Optional): he live with his parents until he was 16, when they were shot by an uber driver and he was robbed from, he roamed the streets of New York during the harsh winter, and tried to find a job, unfortunately failing because he was introverted, he then curled up in an alleyway and cried, freezing to death.

Good/Neutral/Bad: neutral 

kuddly killer

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