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Surreptitious Evanescence (Working Title)


Abstract shadow


(Just a placeholder for now whilst I work on making this first post look good and add more content.)​

Current Main Character Listings

Evelyn Weiss ________
Nathan "Nate" Rietveld __________
Celine Yukimura ________

Griffith "Griff" Rocha________

Irena Volkov ____________
Raphael Novak __________
Catalina DeMois
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No wallet. Late.Two nagging women waiting. A grand formula for a migraine. With a limp to each step, the man maintained a grimace for the prior events left Ace nursing old wounds to his ego and cranium. Having been ousted from the taxi airfare the landing was not so pleasant suffering from lack of funds, more importantly his wallet.

Entering the office building his aura radiating utter annoyance once greeted with a mousy looking counterpart. Each nail clicking against the desk with impatience seemed more heightened like nails on a chalkboard.

"What excuse is it now? A mugging?" A droll tone behind her voice. A guess no less. "Bad case of the runs?" She'd inch up the librarian-like glasses and adjust them to her face. "You're looking a little rough."

"Tossed from above this time..." It wasn't all a lie.

"Hmph." She'd dismiss.

Bothered, Ace decided to take the stairs to another floor, each leg of dread heavier than the other. At a mini office, silhouettes from two people were seen moseying around. The two names that claimed these parts: Fia Trolly and Connie Johnson.

Ace had an inner debate on if this will be helpful or an utter bust. With little information gained over these two weeks, no absolutes and nothing to swap, perhaps he could delay for another day. After all, those two hadn't seen him yet.

Ace wouldn't call them private investigators, but advocates for keeping the peace and balance when dealing with the case and outbreak of the Hexes. They merely worked tiredlessly to have each person registered and on file to help allievate the tensions among the populace. To him, it sounded boring. This whole "Shitpot" is what he liked to call it. However, a check-in was better then nothing.

Ace opened the office door just as the light cut out, standing there inching each hand into his pant pockets and just as he did the lights snapped back on.

"Here I thought you'd be a no show." Fia highlighted her thought aloud, a pile of files held in arms and proceeded filing them back in their correct places.

"Life's minor inconveniences." Ace uttered.
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A train composed a lullaby. Its wheels carried the cargo on by and it was that time of hour the long haul was in session. On time and with minutes to kill, this made a perfect window to gain details more or less.

Evelyn wandered to a post dimly lit, emcompassed by a park where a bench robbed most of the light. Next door a tree that was an elusive base for secret exchanges in the most unusual way.

A careful observation ensued to ensure no company was near by. She'd lean her back against the dry bark; brittle and sparse. Taking in the cityscape accentuated by hills and towering buildings still hearing the hum of the train as it continued on its way.

Walk of leisure or something more?

With her back adjusted against the bark itself, she was steady and ready to do this. Gazing at her hand opened directly in front of her face, she'd open and close it a few times before cutting right to the chase. Eyeing the premise a final time and would quiet her mind settling her palm in a slack motion against the tree itself. Closing her eyes to hide the eerie shine which always followed when in action.

Backward in time she'd go.

A fast tetherball pinged the bark abruptly before bouncing elsewhere. The "insight" focused solely on the tree and what its POV was. Voices of children sounded disgruntled but unreadable due to their distance from the tree. The shock and random startle creased on Evelyn's face, a frequent side effect when one doesn't know what to expect, no years of experience can curve the surprises that arise. Carrying on through the tree's perspective, a small hand carassed the bark as the boy used it to elevate himself while retrieving the tetherball.

"We could get in trouble stealing this!" A high pitch of total chasetisement from one of the thieves themselves. The kid went on to say, "Don't you think we--" the conversation met its end after the boy released his hand off the tree. It left the memory in the past and no closure to know if the little hellions had a change of heart. Clearly, not what Evelyn was looking for.

The leaves seemed to rustle, as a climbing creature sporting a tweaky tail leapt into secure branches out of nowhere. The being skittered all over foraging for the winter no doubt. Its balance in tact and robbing a few chestnuts while storing them away in its yap. It finally wandered down the base and leapt from the tree entirely.

Evelyn was still at square one.


Maybe her contact wouldn't have anything of value and chose to skip out until further notice. Patience was all part of the process and it sure proved time consuming. Evelyn was at the mercy of her ability and there was no sure fire way on how to make it function properly. Hell, it wasn't like it came with a manual.

But finally...

A slap of a palm hit the trunk with an epically calculated grin appearing. It was the lady of the hour. The outline of dusk with sunset framing the scene, which meant it was a couple hours prior from the now and she took the light-hearted approach.

"Bonjour! Ev."

A twitch tweaked on Evelyn's face, focusing with her eyes closed but kept silent only mouthing, "nice."

Not like the former would notice though.
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With an irritable sigh, Nathan loosened the tie about his neck further; as time passed it seemed oddly constrictive coupled with an atmosphere already laced with tension. Barely concealing a irritable grimace whilst his comrade strode past him for the umpteenth time, Nathan redirected his gaze with a slight hiss as Griffith's pacing made each passing moment all the more disconcerting. The meek flicker from the overhead striplight served no real purpose as the discoloured windows and rusted holes in the corrugated metal ceiling provided considerably more light. With another feeble buzz the electric light provided several more flashes before dulling once again, to which Griffith made another pass with his incessant pacing.

"You keep that up and they'll be no floor to stand on before anyone shows up..." Finishing with a slight smirk, Nathan spared his impatient comrade a small crooked smile before exhaling heavily and leaning himself against the nearby wall, similarly rusted and weathered as the ceiling above. This however did not sit well with his present company as the far more thickly set fellow came to an immediate stop and shot Nathan with a distasteful glare.

"Make wisecracks all you like, there's a lot riding on this and you know it..." Trailing off with a resentful hiss, Griffith turned and resumed his pacing; however repetitive to the average bystander, it was invaluable in allowing him to think and calm his nerves. Without so much of a glance Griffith could hear the audible groan of impatience as a result, to which his blood inched ever closer to a boil.

"Yeah, I know, I know; you're just as invested in this as I am. It's just your pacing like that is really starting to piss me off..." Pausing with a short glance toward his comrade, the corner of Nathan's lips curved upward slightly upon the sight of his comrade halting once more, the tension to his posture indicating he'd struck gold. With a restrained snarl, Griffith hunched his shoulders, muttering something under his breath whilst he grappled for control over his temper; the current situation was looking bleak and typically Nathan was not being particularly co-operative.

"I couldn't give a shit about what bothers you." Responding curtly with a venomous glance toward his comrade, Griffith resumed his pacing with increased fervour, to which Nathan merely shrugged, another vague smirk escaping his lips.

" Wouldn't want it any other way..." Shifting his attention toward the shuttered gate on the adjacent wall, Nathan sighted Griffith's glare in his peripheral vision, yet paid it no heed. Joking aside, this wait was fast becoming a real concern. The shadiness of their current employer was apparent from the start and several red flags up to this point was weighing heavily on them both. It wasn't much consolation either that Griffith had a poor track record for reliable work contacts."... I told you we'd be better off taking that job in Burma, that would've-..." Falling silent at an eerie creak that echoed across the abandoned warehouse floor, Nathan squinted into the gloom as the nearby shadows began to shift. Griffith stilled his pacing and turned to face the direction of the approaching figure as the same weathered hinges emitted another low creak before the metal door on the far wall slammed shut once again, resulting in a disquieting bang.

With the meek blinking from the overhead striplight near-useless, instead the new arrival was largely illuminated by the shafts of moonlight filtering in from the roof windows; it made their approach all the more disquieting as they retained their anonymity whilst continuing to approach.

"Good evening gentlemen, nice and punctual, I see."

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“Surprise! Curtis is monitoring a scene and couldn't get here on time. He said it was pressing and I know better not to ask. So I'm here to relay the message instead. I hope you don't mind.”

Evelyn couldn't shake the tension that things were at a bit of a standstill. The unit was frantically dividing itself with their pursuit for answers. Lerae's involvement a good indicator. That woman was always upbeat even amidst the circumstances.

“Harway is having a meeting in the brewery at midnight. They're all going to be there. Curtis should be too. Also…” there was a sheepish smile denting each cheek with a dimple. “Pierce made an “appearance.”” Lerae used her bunny fingers loosely but withheld any more words that she may or may not know more. Vague yet captivating at the same time.

If that isn't coaxing. What is?

That man hadn't come around a couple years. First the letter. Now this? Pierce must have accounted for her denial to read it and made sure Evelyn got the memo regardless. Did it even matter anymore?

A night that held her memories askew. Bits and pieces coherent, but fragmented inconsistencies and mind blocks hindered her retention of that night. It plagued her more than anything else. What would she say to them having no absolutes?

Abruptly, Lerae's hand removed from the tree and the exchange faded with it. The night silent as crickets would sound adding to the eeriness. The train no longer drowned them out. Evelyn had been content to stay away willing to accept what wasn't concluded. Besides it wasn't her job. Only the unit themselves.

Entering the industrial junction. Machine operations could be seen scouring the sky. Security patrolling through the misty darkness, their fog lights bringing forth clarity as hovercrafts carrying lunk metal would deliver their shipments. Evelyn weaved in between back alleyways and less travelled side roads. Finally hitting the middle of this whole compound where the brewery resided.

Evelyn would enter quickly before she chose to change her mind. Walking into the den where canteens and large brewers were in the process of fermenting beer. Finally outside the boiler room, she knew they'd be in there. Peering inside with an awkward tilt to get sight of the situation while being discrete.

Harway was seen sitting left of the table seeing over all who encompassed about, silently listening to all the banter eyeing his watch a little discouraged. Then there was Curtis whispering to Jones about whatever. Jones face made it abundantly clear he didn't agree with his comrade. Pierce was nowhere to be found. Not surprising at all. Perhaps she was duped.

Inside she'd step.

The room stood still. Whispers intensified. A hiss of one's distain. At least, that’s what she thought it sounded like. Glancing over she'd see Curtis stand acknowledging her presence with a grin to boot. Jones on the other hand had his arm draped over a chair, leg crossed while his foot swung like a pendulum back and forth trying to refrain himself.


“Wasn't sure if I should come or not…”

Jones would jolt up only to be ushered back down to a sit as Curtis forced him to remain seated. Not without a wrestling match which just looked all out ridiculous. The sooner this was over the better. Evelyn would direct her question to Harway. The man who would know the most.

“Can I talk to you?”

As she side-eyed toward Curtis who remained behind Jones at this point. He'd do an ixnay ixnay with his thumb to mimick a cut motion. Likely referring to his wife's involvement. Evelyn could only smile.

The old timer took a stand from his chair and walked without word. This only tugged at Evelyn's heart strings more. She hadn't exactly kept in touch. Her lack of participation in the investigation from this whole ordeal really had to have him question her reasons as to why. She was much afraid of the why. She couldn't remember why…well, not in its entirety anyway.

Once inside the side office of the boiler room, Harway maintained his regal demeanor until taking up a brown paper bag out from his hardware desk's drawer. Lightly he tossed it on top of the desk. Harway would take it one step further and pull out a plastic baggy from the bag itself, slapped with the word evidence over it. What was inside still remained obscure.

“The first time lieutenant Pierce gets in touch knowingly breaks code personally leaving evidence for you to find. Evidence that has nothing to do with Fennes' murder."

"How do you know it's from him?"

"Call it a hunch. Don't worry haven't delved into its contents, but what does this all entail?”

Evelyn was stunned. So much so she had to take a few moments to digest the whole situation. Pierce made an appearance alright, but only to leave her a delivery and everyone else high and dry. She wasn't surprised.

Evelyn walked over to the water tanks; one filled with a darker liquid with bubbles drifting up and the other plain water. She chose the healthier option and filled two styrofoam cups hearing something clink every so often. She'd turn around to walk back to his desk where Harway was tinkering with a 3 ball valve setting the cup of water over to his end as Harway patiently waited for her answer.

"Damn thing." Harway directed to the part in hand keeping hold of it with a rag. His eyes would glance at the beverage and erupted into a spontaneous laughter. Eying the cup then back to Evelyn a couple of times for emphasis.

“Thanks, but no can do.”

Horrified, Evelyn shook her head when it dawned on her the mistake she made. The man was allergic to water. A fact she had known a long while. The pressure from the whole interaction a direct result of her mind gone scatterbrain.

“Wasn't even thinking.” Evelyn would sigh before responding to what Harway originally asked.

“I haven't spoken to the man in two years. How am I supposed to know about any of this?” The evidence Pierce left behind couldn't be the result of a guilty conscious could it? No… Evelyn took a seat in a cushioned chair, content enough with the answer she gave. She could neither confirm nor deny until looking at the evidence herself.

“Is that what you're going with?”

“Pierce changed stations, didn't he? Plus he's clear in Granite now. I’d say the proof is that simple. If you're so edgy with this development why'd you let him skip out that night?"

“His alibi was sound. Everything checked out. He even provided you one as well.” Harway leaned each elbow on the desk, folding his hands together to turn the heat up. “Because your account of that night is far more hazy. Am I right?” He wasn't withholding any blows, that was for sure. Strategically posing the last of his words more as a statement than an actual question. Evelyn maintained her silence staring off at the wall taking in a few photos. This color rather mundane.

One man knelt.

A nod of confirmation.

One bullet from a gun's chamber.

A pool of blood.

“Earth to Evelyn." In walked Jones.

Evelyn came around from a doozy recollection but wouldn't acknowledge Jones at all. Not that she didn't care, but what was there to say? One couldn't come clean until knowing the details revolving around that whole night and she was a long way from that, so she'd keep what she knew a secret for now.

“Wait outside until we're through.” Harway would attempt to regain control of the situation clearly aware of Jones' erratic behavior. This just made the situation worse for Jones wasn't having any of it.

“Someone needs to ask the HARD questions because pissing around isn't going to get us anywhere.” He'd begin stalking over in anger. “Which one pulled the trigger?! To know a rat infestation was among us, handing us over like fragile bait! Fennes didn't deserve that!"

He'd only be met with a distainful curl of Evelyn's brow. A look of protest, but would keep her silence which only escalated the situation more. Jones' nostril flared as Evelyn opted to take a swig of her water daintily. Of course, that would be the last thing to make the dam break. Evelyn could care less.

With Jones blood boiling, he'd lung at Evelyn reaching inches from her seat. Evelyn now at the edge of her seat, ready to move and deflect the assault heading her way. The attack just seconds away had been intercepted by Harway who chose to intervene. This brought Jones to a halt since he was being blocked from her path. Jones lost in a fit of rage took up the nearest styrofoam cup and tossed the entire liquid into Harway's face.

Evelyn's fury reached a fever pitch and grasped Jones by his shirt's collar tugging so sharply it tightened around his neck which caused a hacking choke to sputter from his mouth. Before Jones could retaliate any more, Curtis entered the scene and wrestled him backward. Before anymore trouble could ensue, Curtis escorted the hothead from the scene!

Harway sat this time in the chair Evelyn was prior, it evident the burn already erupted from the water settling upon his face. Evelyn thought fast and took up the rag he had been using earlier. Folding it over once to find the clean side. She dabbed it all over his face silently. Wondering how it came to this…it all seemed too surreal.

“That went well."

What a mess.

Harway watched as she dabbed at the water. Welts and hellish red began to blemish the chap's face and he pointed to the nearest cabinet. “There’s some medication in there, it'll ease the effects.” Harway grumbled. After getting the water sopped up completely, she'd retrieve a couple pills and filled a cup with cola and returned to where he was still seating handing over each.

“I thought in order to be apart of this unit, one needed self-control.” Evelyn quipped.

“Don't blame him. Fennes was a member of all of us.” Harway dismissed.

“What am I to you?” Evelyn would rest her backside against the edge of his desk, only her side profile facing him now.

"Everybody's a suspect until its solved.” Harway exhaled a breath of exasperation and nudged the bag of evidence her way and gave her shoulder a pat.

“Take it.

The veteran stood and left the room. Looking at the bag, she'd decide to dig into it later. Right now the heaviness of this whole mini reunion was taking its toll. She knew this would only stir more questions especially from Harway, but she couldn't help but feel he had an agenda. It seemed too easy. It was only a matter of when the gamut would sound off its objection to the whole thing.
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A voice as sickly sweet as it was thick with ill-intent permeated the gloom, instantly elevating a perilous situation to something altogether more ominous. Now gritting his teeth with such fervour that it drew a glance from his comrade, Griffith visibly muted any further vocalisation to his impatience in that instant, albeit with mixed success.

"...Well someone has to be..." Muttering under his breath, Nathan retained his casual lean against the wall, ignoring the glare from Griffith in the process as the approaching figure retained their pace. Each movement the shadowy form made had an unusual flow and rhythm more in-keeping with a steady glide than simple footsteps; this was only accentuated further by the tempo of careful pacing and faint swishes of material.

"Sassy...sassy; my goodness, if I weren't a patient man, I'd go so far as to say you were insolent." Continuing in an equally syrupy voice, yet now it seemed laced with a hint of toxicity, the figure finally came into clearer view beneath the weak lighting overhead. Smartly dressed in a business suit, if with the odd colour scheme of power blue accented with a vivid fuchsia, the leanly-build vaguely latino man continued his approach, dark eyes gleaming with ill-intent. Uncertain as to whether he should be amused or genuinely confused at what he beheld, Nathan hovered between the two options whilst retaining his position, his eyes now drawn to the flowing feather boa adorning the man's shoulders.

Oh you have got to be kidding.

Unphased or perhaps unaware of his current target's bemusement, the flamboyant man came to an abrupt halt uncomfortably close to where Nathan stood, eying him up and down with a probing gaze.

"...You aren't insolent now...are you?"Upping the ante with a noticeably lowered and darker tone, the strange fellow had an odd gleam in his eyes in that instant, to which Nathan immediately gained a sense this man was not quite as much the fruitcake as he looked. Maybe.

"That depends..."Responding with an equally dark tone edged with a light smirk Nathan held his ground. The tension in that instant was palpable and held for some seconds more, neither willing to back down or give an inch.

"Mr Baca, we have your merchandise." Curt and to the point, Griffith put forth a timely interjection, although the severe expression on his face indicated it was more in favour of aiding the proceedings than assisting Nathan. It did however appear to have the desired effect.

Seeming to deflate somewhat at the interruption, the eerily malevolent air about Baca lifted to some degree, yet only his eyes shifted sideward, the remainder of his form quite motionless save for a slight tilt of his head in Griffith's direction. Prompt noted, Griffith turned and plodded toward one of the dark shapes in the gloom, reaching upward and grasping the uneven canvas surface before hauling it downward with grunt. Following the low hiss of the coarse fabric sliding aside, the plain metal of the container was revealed, allowing a second shove from Griffith to partially unseal a side panel and reveal innumerable small objects within.

"Fifty thousand, as requested." Resuming in a smooth deadpan tone, Griffith could still feel his anger yet still simmering, but for the time being it was under control once more; this was preferable as unlike Nathan, Griffith was quite aware of the instabilities of their current client.

Emitting a sound Nathan could only describe as weirdly melodic, Baca's expression went from twisted back to amused; although neither held much appeal, especially at such close proximity.
" Bueno ...Muy bueno !" Punctuating his approval with a light slap to Nathan's arm and a broad grin, Nathan could only manage a weak smile to poorly mask his displeasure; it appeared unnoticed however as Baca's attentions shifted to his comrade. Turning on his heel and strutting toward Griffith with the same bizarre grace he exhibited earlier, Baca's eyes flicked between the container and the large man with hawk-like interest. Not wasting an instant, Baca promptly joined Griffith at the container and immediately reached past him to seize one of the small objects from within the steel container. "Hmmm, EX-355F industrial grade, yes?" Eying the small object in his hand, with an unreadable expression, Baca gradually turned the metal chip whilst Griffith shot Nathan a triumphant smirk. Unsurprisingly Nathan merely rolled his eyes in response, although neither gesture seemed to reach Baca.

"Of course, under normal circumstances they won't be available for another six months but we have our ways, Mr Baca." Underhanded or not, Griffith took an odd sense of pride in the art of smuggling, especially when it involved the procurement of otherwise unavailable goods.

"Emmanuel, please. Mr Baca is just so...formal." Sparing Griffith a short glance and the vague flash of a smile, Baca tossed his feather boa over his shoulder once more, as if to punctuate his comment; or it could have been a disarming tactic, it was difficult to tell but it certainly had the latter effect.

"Well alright. Either way, there are plenty more where that came from." Griffith overcame his hesitation quite evenly and continued with his sales pitch, although the pervading sense something was amiss continued to linger. Keenly keeping watch from his position by the wall, Nathan folded his arms and narrowed his gaze as Baca replaced the chip back into the container.

"Yes, that is...unfortunate." Casually pausing, Baca managed a slight shrug of dismissal, resulting in Griffith immediately tensing up. "So unfortunate."

"What is?"

"Well you see, I wanted EX-356F military grade hardware, much more efficient." Elegantly flowing from one word to the next, Baca's tone remained light and airy, although something far more ominous was laced beneath his words.

"And highly illegal." Bluntly interjecting with a mixture of annoyance and impatience, Nathan could already sense this was not going in a pleasant direction. Yet his comment merely drew a mischievous grin from Baca.

"That isn't what you ordered from us," Gruffly reiterating the facts, Griffith folded his arms and staunchly held his position, the earlier positive spin to his words evaporating in an instant.

"That, is what initiative is for. But don't worry, I won't hold it against you. You can just leave these here and we can forget all about it." Calmly continuing with an increasingly sugary charm to his words, Baca merely continued to smile with a vague gesture toward the container.

"Not without being paid." Quickly responding in a short and warning tone, Nathan left his post at the wall and began to approach the container, Griffith also began to pace closer to Baca, the look on his face genuinely frightening to behold.

"High value orders have to be paid in full, no exceptions." Griffith glared at Baca, now joined by Nathan alongside whom looked equally unimpressed. Baca however appeared quite calm, if anything he looked almost amused by the state of affairs, casually reaching sideward and hitting the side of the metal container loudly in three solid strikes.

The reaction was almost instantaneous, the sound of feet and general movement in all directions shattered the silence as the numerous fire doors scattered about the main workfloor of the warehouse flew open. Innumerable suited men all began to file in without hesitation and judging by their level of brawn, they weren't there for negotiations.

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Exiting the brewery Evelyn saw Curtis waiting outside with a tiny tin in hand. It contained his beloved candy. Pulling the tab back with thumb as his eyes caught wind of her fleeing position.

“Sen Sen?” It was spoken in a rush hoping to halt Evelyn's hasty leave.

“Never fell for it then. Don't plan on changing that now.”

“Take one for the team.” A smug smirk.

“Leave myself at the mercy of a candy which looks like mouse feces.” Evelyn was repulsed at the thought.

“Imagine black licorice with a kick.” Curtis even made a popping noise with his mouth.

“For arguments sake.”

Evelyn would take a single “mouse pellet” into mouth. Each feature morphed to disgust, to sour, to an I told you so.

“Everything I ever thought it would be and less.” A cough and deep inhale would follow, hopefully to rid her of the foul palate she was now experiencing.

“It's not THAT bad.” Curtis rebuffed.

Good way to break the ice…

Awkward silence.

Awkward standing.

Awkward sight exchanges.

“What is it?” Evelyn broke the yoke.

“There's one common denominator in all this. Lieutenant kept it brief.” His hand did a swift gesture point to the very pocket her hand had been hiding.

Well, that caught her attention.

“So, he was here.” She'd do a downward point as she spoke.

“We met up at a rallying point right outside the county.”

“…and all the rest knew?”


That sinking gut feeling slightly regulated itself. Another silence filled a duration. This was way out of the ball park of what she was expecting.

“You put the bag in Harway's desk.”

Not sure what to make of this epiphany.

“I did my part.” Curtis put both hands up in defense.

“Also wanted to apologize on Jones behalf. It's a stressful time, but we're all like this.” His hand formed into a tight fist.

“Nice try. I appreciate the sentiment.”

“Pierce would beg to differ.”

Evelyn's pupils gazing to the east from his words.

Walk into the cusp of uncertainty.

Wine glass in hand.

Faces that were on every roster.

Face of an imposter.

Gun in the hand of a perpetrator.

Evelyn's pupils gazing to the south now mulling things over.

Pierce's shoulders held confident structures.

A single elbow nudged her own.

Forward and back.

Both looked at the fray.

Pitch black.

“Tell Lerae hi and thank you.” She chose to deflect.

“Look, I know your ideals are getting in the way, but why not register and bring that skill of yours to the table.” In Curtis' tone could be told a story of a crossed line.

“Don't pin a sadistic guilt trip on me.” Outrage wouldn't begin to cover it.

“Yeah.” A bark back. Nonetheless, neutral acceptance of what was. With nothing left to say. Curtis noticed Evelyn walk backward slowly before turning fully to high tail it out of there in solid strides. He returned inside the building.

Evelyn found herself combing through the streets of the industrial district like a bat out of hell. Not really in a hurry to get back to the café. Melancholy, she thought about the dents in her café walls, a talent show that was an utter bust and apparently nano-whatcha call its that posed a hazard to the general public. In which, she'd personally speak her mind to Raphael Novak.

Swell day. In fact, it kept lingering on. So horrible, overtired couldn't penetrate through her spite. Evelyn's hand constantly toiled with the bag in a roundabout fashion throughout her walk.

She saw a bloke standing end side of an alley and took note of the few papers he was acquainting himself with. Going with the view to keep going and avoid it all together.

It was short lived.

“Halt!” A snappy greeting with his head snapping her direction. “State your business.”

“Really?” It was flat indeed.

The attire the man wore a black tank and cargo pants. By weather standards he was a short cry from hypothermia. It was cold out! Odd bald patches plagued his scalp, and the hair that remained was like time ticking through the hourglass with little time to remain. Each eye of the lad widened, as what was once a regular sized arm would openly sprout into a heaping piece of muscle dynamite.

Evelyn stopped out of morbid curiosity, inwardly debating with herself just how bizarre the night had turned. This display was her first encounter with such a thing.

I'm not that sheltered…

Patchy seemed to meet her questioning stare with a smile indicating…? Unsure …? Evelyn couldn't settle for a word to describe the shock factor and it showed apparently.

“A black market wonder…you don't find that in pharmacies.” A hum of approval left Patchy's chapped lips and seemed to be suffering a delusion, all the while twirling his brute arm; up, round and down fashion.

“Or someone who failed to meet Mr. Yuk growing up, perfect. There of all places?”

“Just look at these results.”

“What of your other arm?” A battle of wits never hurt anyone.

“Still waiting.” The man sounded so sure of himself.

“Okay. Then, what's with this?” She'd motion a hand above her head.

“A thing called aloepaka…” His speech in that sentence was like pulling teeth having to admit with a lack of confidence in its proceeding.

“Alopecia.” That was settled. She put her bet on side effects. Evelyn pinched her lips together so fast, she didn't know whether to laugh or express an ounce of remorse.

“I think all of this is brought to you by that market. Same applies to what's called butt injections.”

Patchy gnashed his teeth, clearly passed the joking banter.

“Too much?” Evelyn maintained her sheepish expression.

The bloke's breath became unsteady, sweat beading upon his skin, she was surprised his bodily extract didn't freeze over.

“I got a witness and can't let it slide.” Patchy began to dash forward and would miss with the first swipe. It was clear the girl was quick on her toes. With another lung Evelyn would kipe the papers he once had in hand.

“Is this a bust or something?”

“It's not what it looks like. You're the one attacking me.

Just call a spade a spade.”


“Paranoia is a very unattractive quality to have.”

Now, he'd swing “brute” and “tiny” aimlessly. Each jab he'd suffer repercussions. Paper cuts covered each arm in droves. Clearly, Patchy was now a battered man. Red, irritated lines, coupled with a few bloody tear jerkers.

“I really have somewhere else I got to be.”
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