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Fantasy SuperWing Heroes

Invisible monster

Blah blah, can't think of decent title, penguins
Superwing Heroes is set in an extremely unrealistic distant future where giant flying pirate ships are the main form of transport, and the sky is adorned with fortresses and floating towns. On one, heavily refitted and rebuilt exploration ship, the Superwing, a small crew of highly insane people go on crazy, whimsical, childish adventures in the sky. Inspired by the song "Superwing Heroes" by Waterflame. And also my inner ten year old.

I'm thinking of being the captain, and have a specific character in mind for him, but I'm open to other ideas, or other people taking that role. Some specific positions would have to be filled, like mechanic, gunsman. etc.

*Edit. Okay, this is confusing me, so I'm putting roles here.

Captain: Me

Gunsman: Tearleach the Fade

Mechanic: Pawz

Navigator: Shadowwolf49

Chef: KyanoTzoker

Computer person: Ravian


Sails Manager: Lunar Eclipse

Miscellaneous: Beowulf
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The two that I put down are the two that would probably be applicable no matter what, but if there were computer systems, someone could manage those, if the ship could be flown via those computers, then a pilot would be needed, if it needs people to adjust the sails and things like that to fly, then a lot of people would be needed. It just depends on how many people are interested. :)
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This sounds extremely interesting! I would love to join!
OH I AM TOTALLY DOWNFORTHIS. Don't mind what I get, might think on it while I wait, but I am totally open for suggestions.

*Edit: Unnecessary excitement is because pirates are cool. So is flying. Apologies where apologies due.
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These are all the potential roles I could think up.

It depends on how many people end up being involved. The gunsman position is (I think) open, but available positions could change, and more could be added if more people were interested. Potentially, there could be:

A lot of gunsmen, depending on how many people are interested in that role

Lots of people managing the sails and ropes (it's a pirate ship after all)

Maybe the ship could have computer systems? Someone could man those?

The captain could end up being more of a leader figure than a pilot, in which case someone could do that

Some people might not have a specific role, and do lots of things that wouldn't need someone to devote themselves to.

There's probably more roles people could fill, these are all the potential ones I could think of right now.


Shadowolf49 said:
This sounds like fun, can I be the navigator?
Sure! :)
Well managing computer systems sounds better than being a gunsmen actually. :-)...

Anything is actually okay for me except being the leader cause that's a no, no for me.
Ravian said:
Well managing computer systems sounds better than being a gunsmen actually. :-)...
Anything is actually okay for me except being the leader cause that's a no, no for me.
Okay, you can do that. I was planning on being the captain any way as I have a specific character in mind for him.


KyanoTzoker said:
Haha, what about a chef who isn't fully qualified?
That sounds awesome.
Also, with big ships, captains are generally leader figures and then there's the navigator and/or pilot actually controlling it. For super big ships, there is a man for each role of navigator and pilot.

I wouldn't mind an incompetent musician or chef, though.

Or, a character working any station, but is a ridiculous alcoholic. I'm just sitting here imagining a persistently intoxicated, nonetheless incompetent even when sober chef, serving up live snails and packets of pasta.
KyanoTzoker said:
Also, with big ships, captains are generally leader figures and then there's the navigator and/or pilot actually controlling it. For super big ships, there is a man for each role of navigator and pilot.
I wouldn't mind an incompetent musician or chef, though.

Or, a character working any station, but is a ridiculous alcoholic. I'm just sitting here imagining a persistently intoxicated, nonetheless incompetent even when sober chef, serving up live snails and packets of pasta.
Haha, that sounds awesome.
I want it. So far I think I'll stick with a primary and necessary position, but either way, my character is going to be a hardcore drunk.


[QUOTE="Lunar Eclipse]This sounds like a lot of fun! Can I join?

Sure! What position do you want?
I want to join, but don't know what to be. Usually in things like these, I'm the chef. But that has already been taken.
You could be someone who just does varying things on the ship that wouldn't require someone to devote themselves to. If you did that, then your character might have a skillset that was useful in some other way, but not related to the ship, like swordsmanship, excellent social skill, deception, exceptional strength, etc.


[QUOTE="Lunar Eclipse]I'll be one of the managers of the sails.


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