Superteen High

Shadow was happy that Ghost didn't say thing else and continued to finish her drawing. When she got bored of drawing she was kinda of curious about what the rest of the school looked like. She put away the notebook and put her hair up in a ponytail. Shadow then headed out of the building to wander the school.

"Oh but it still cool," Iris said. Iris was moved his hair out of his face and headed out of the dorm to go for a walk. He hoped he would run into some one new. He loved to talk and meet new people.
Ian lay back on his bed and sighed to himself. He was here to learn to use his powers properly. But why? Who sent him here? He groaned to himself "best not to think about this stuff now" he muttered to himself.
Kylie skateboarded down the halls weaving between people until she got to the cafeteria and she bursted through the doors. She came to a fast stop and kicked up her skateboard catching it. She went and sat alone at a table looking around at all the new faces.

Skylar was walking casually through the halls and into the cafeteria he noticed there was a guy with a robot sitting where he usually sat. HE went over and sat by him. "Hi, Im Skylar"
October walks in lat looking around at the other girls her face is hidden by her jacket. "wow its bigg. "

she walks to her room seeing no one.
October forgot her bag running into Ian fallin backwards on her butt."OWE!!!!" She looks up at him with a slight blush on her face." Im sooo Sorry!"
(Taking a few liberties here. I figure if we are on a floating island, this place has got to have some pretty amazing tech.)

While meals were homemade, the process for ordering them was pretty high tech, James headed on over to the “vending machines” and started looking over the menu. He was a little taken aback at the fact that the menu seemed endless, like searching a Wikipedia. And to get started he had to select a language. A slow grin spread across his face as he realized he had just encountered something new he could explore. He wondered just what the limits were of this “vending machine.”

He stepped back and looked side to side. He was half tempted to walk around to find the army of chefs poise to get to work on HIS order. “Okay then.” Today’s meal is brought to you by the letter A. Then after thinking for awhile and not coming up any meat dish that started with the letter a, he did a search. The listing Asian Fire Meat practically jumped out at him. With a grin he poked. Vegetable? That was easy. Asparagus, with cheese sauce. Then for a starch he considered Au Gratin potatoes and thought better of it when Armenian Rice Pilaf presented itself.

After specifying temperatures and condiments he worked his way down to beverages and grinned sheepishly. A…. He brightened … Apple Juice. While it wasn’t the most inspired meal he could have thought of, it was a little fun. He planned to see just how specific he could order his breakfast tomorrow.
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Too much web spinning always made Jennifer’s wrists hurt. Getting moved hadn’t been too bad, but they still ached a little. It had also worked up an appetite. Somewhere she had read that some species of spiders ate their own webbing to replenish the metabolism. She wasn’t one of those.

She had torn yet another shirt. Considering her own skills at sewing were lacking – and she hadn’t thought to pack anything resembling needles or thread, that meant she was down by another shirt. And the new uniforms simply weren’t going to work for her. whoever had thought up the uniform idea had been shortsighted to say the least.

Last winter had been harsh. She had destroyed her favorite coat by forgetting to remove it before changing. Three arms just wouldn’t fit in the sleeves. Every shirt she now owned was a tank top, sleeveless and tied off at her waist. Many were torn on the sides. No matter how fine her choices of clothing, she was a walking fashion disaster.

Meeting a whole lot of people made her a little uneasy. She was having trouble getting her eyes to go back to human. She guessed it was probably all the excitement of first day jitters. She steeled herself for the possibility of running into people and headed out as hunger was becoming stronger than fear.

The cafeteria was not at all what she expected. She had expected to see something resembling a normal school, perhaps more upper crust. But then she discovered the vending machines. Only they were like none she had ever seen. Well almost. She had seen something similar at some truck stops. Those were hard enough to order food on.

”Tomato soup and creamed spinach. How hard can that be? Maybe they are both considered sides?” she thought. She’d have settled chicken noodle of it was soft enough. She wasn’t vegetarian; but it was hard to get the chicken minced fine and cooked soft enough to puree in a blender. One thing she HAD thought to pack was a blender.

Jennifer continued to stare at the screen blankly as she tried to navigate the menu.
She would hold her head in pain. "Yea i'm okay sorry this was my fault." Her hair falls infront of her eyes grabbing the males hand standing up. "I'm October and i was running to get my last bag turns out i have no roommate which dont bother me i like being alone but ummm sorry." She would stand running back to her room embarrassed.
Shadow stomach started to growl and she decided she would go get something to eat. She walked into cafeteria to see not only just vending machines but no people serving her food. She was curious and decided to head over to one. "Hmmm," She thought. She didn't know what she wanted so she finally decided on Chicken sandwich, potatoes and corn.

Iris continued to walk around the school when he finally got tired he went and sat down on a bench. Iris thought it was a nice day out and was just going to relax and enjoy the weather.
The musty room filled with stale air slowly breathed, and it winced at the sight of sunlight. The bright happiness swirled around the room. Yet the darkness still cowered under the bed. But then a strange voice came from underneath. It was a high-eerie pitched yawn. The blood inside the boy's body boiled now, it felt good. As the voice manifested into the experiment gone wrong, it started to expand, casting once again, darkness around the room. The creature growled, and pounced on the innocent boy.

* * *

Kore walked out of his dorm room, all ready for the next year, he wondered what the children this year would be like. Well. He didn't really. He would never talk to any of them, just be his awkward self and stay in his room and hang out with -Ara. Speaking of -Ara, it rested on the boy's shoulder comfortably, only with his white mask, which covered his real face, and petite amounts of goop which webbed in between the mask and the boy itself.

" See. . . any. . . girls you like?" -Ara said in a high pitched voice. Kore planted his face into his hand, massaging his eyebrows with discomfort.

" You have asked this, every year -Ara." Kore mumbled in between his fingers.
Poseidon got out of the moving truck . "goody school" he send to him self. the voice behind him send "git to work my son of mine this stuff is not going to move it self" . Poseidon started to git the boxes out of the truck wall saying "yes when I'm away you can get a girlfriend boss "Poseidon send. "hay look I now that I am not your rill dad so wut room # are you " he send . "floor 1 room 23 " Poseidon send. "we got this go and make some friends " he send. k.

after waking around the school I found the food hall look around and saw no chef but of bending machine I wit to one that hand no person on it .cool looking machine but how to work it so I took a gast and send bowl of ramen noodles it work . now where to sit that win I saw a big robot and I went to sit buy it I saw two people I sat down them and send "...........hhh.......hh.......ii.....ii...i....." in a soft voice wer it wus very faint. thin started eating
-Ara looked around at all the people, and he grew to the size of a human and lied on the couch, the bigger he was, the deeper his voice was, he had around a normal voice not, " AH, this is the spot!" He didn't realize he could be freaking out new people at this point, to be honest, Kore didn't think he cared anymore. Nobody would be friends with him anyway.
Raven walked up to the walk way leading to the front entrance of the school. A slight smile ran across her face as she walked towards the door, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. "What a lovely school" She said as she opened the doors and stepped inside. After being escorted to her room, the Brit set her bags down on her bed.
"What are you doing!?" Kore whispered harshly to -Ara. I don't think a giant black blob with a white blank mask was comforting. -Ara just sat there and enjoyed not having to be with Kore, he was with him enough. The boy was too awkward, he never would talk to people, he would only sit in his room, and draw. And since they shared the same body, he couldn't go far. -Ara didn't like Kore, but he didn't mind that Kore was a good fighter. That's why he chose kore, the only reason.
October walks around to see everyone and at all the guys sitting in the library alone thinking about what will happen this year."hmmm,I wonder what happens a here?"

Iris headed decided to get off the bench and go see what the library was like. He loved to read and wanted to know what kinda books they had. Once he got there the library was just wow. There were people who were flying to get to the higher shelves you couldn't reach. Iris looked at everything in awe.

Shadow was getting sleepy but knew she shouldn't sleep yet sense she still had a big day a head of her. So after she finish her meal she headed out of the cafeteria to figure out what is going to go on from now.
Looks at the male walk In, her eyes go back to her book about our powers to learn more. She humms while reading tapping my foot.

Poseidon got don eating he went to room to see how they did when he entered the room he set down his computer and got on rpnation to check on the role playing that he was playing . he looked around the room he saw that everything was in place all the boxes what impact except for one it was a small red box. the tags send open Wayne graduate from everyone. Poseidon through it under the bed. he took out his wooden sword and start practicing . waiting to see who is his roommate is.
Kore sighed and forcefully absorbed -Ara into his body. He started to walk back into the hallway, to go back to his comforting room. He slowly walked through the halls, thinking of all the people who lived like they knew nothing, how could they not realize, they they are special individuals, we are children. We are children with powers beyond belief, and they play around like its a game. He snapped back into reality and noticed he had went down the wrong wing, and into the Library. He slowly opened the main door, not to make a noise, and walked through the security gate. And looked around, not many people where here. He walked through the isles reading the labels: How to discover your true Potential, Why you have super powers, how you got super powers, Genes, science-fiction, and other. He looked around and found a good place to sit, and pulled out his pocket drawing book, he was always prepared to draw.
Poseidon got tired of waiting for his roommate so thinking to go off in the library. when he got there he saw it is very big he looked around for some help . he saw their wus a person on a notebook so he went up to him and said hi in a soft voice. he not used to the people yet . can you h-help me find a g-good book to read .Poseidon detected that there was something else in kid something that was moving could this be his power lies dormant Intel he's ready to fight. Poseidon put his wooden sword on the shoulder of the kid to see what happens .
Kore didn't look up once, not to be rude, but because he was so focused into drawing. " Now, now. I won't hurt you. Even if I wanted to I couldn't. That must mean you're new here?" At the last phrase he looked up with a smile. He closed his drawing book and got up with a welcoming hand out. He continued on, " Here we can't fight, thats why we have a gym. For giant men who have mommy' issues and don't know how to deal with them." He laughed. He looked at the boy wondering what a wooden sword could do, this bounced in his head like crazy. ' Could it catch fire? Could it morph into a dragon?' He though, and he laughed a bit, you never knew what powers kids have. " So. . . what books are you looking for?"

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