Superteen high

Name: Alexander Jones

Age: 16

Grade: Sophmore

Gender: Male

Powers:mind reading, telecaneesis


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be10050d5_ScreenShot2013-08-25at12.40.01AM.png.8b83658676eecff0fbafb0cd8997999b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be10050d5_ScreenShot2013-08-25at12.40.01AM.png.8b83658676eecff0fbafb0cd8997999b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


History: Alex was adopted as Allan and was renamed Alexander or Alex.

Hobbies: Singing/screamo, walking around, listening to music

Personality: Alex has a weird combination of hyper and laid back, he kind of just goes with the flow.



Roommate: none yet

Extras: kind of shy at first



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    Screen Shot 2013-08-25 at 12.40.01 AM.png
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Grade: freshman

Gender: m

Powers:to control all liquids if it is in a liquid state he can control it. he only uses it on people when he needs to. power 2 : super strength and speed

Looks:blood red hair. he is 6'7" tall. wares a bleak mask on his lift side to cover his scar snow white skin .wares ascarsnow white skin.wares a black trench coat and black pants shoes ar black with red bottoms .


(optional)Weapon: is a wooden sword that cant brake or be destroyed.


History.has no parents but he works for a guy that acts like his parent. he was shipping off a box to a man but got into trouble so he had to use wut was in the box it was a needl that a Dr use on people but it has a blue liquid in side that glows like a star.

Hobbies. Rock collecting

Personality. kind of shy to new people. but wen he attack he become the new person


(optional)Crush:no crush

Roommate.don't care who it is

Name: Kore Nalik

Age: 17

Grade: 11th

Gender: Male


His blood is pitch black, allowing him to take less damage from attacks. Also the blood can minifest into a creature called -Ara

Looks: Boy/anime_dark_gothic_boy_-_0031.jpg



He always was out-casted, by many people, until he came to an unknown substance. It was inside a glass tube, and on the vile, it read.

-Ara. The young and curious boy picked it up, and the container shivered with excitement, it became blistering hot, and screaming with joy. With fear, Kore dropped it immediately, not thinking about gravity. The glass bottle fell to the ground with a shatter. And the ooze manifested into, something. It followed the boy home, and would watch what ever he did. Weeks past and the boy became friends with the voiceless blob. And he would sleep with it every night. One evening, -Ara went missing. And the boy cried and cried for days on end, but he slowly learned that -Ara, was with him the whole time. Inside of his body, flowing through his veins with joy, he had found, a host.

Hobbies: Drawing, and singing. But since he is very shy, he does not sing in front of people.

Personality: very quiet, and mysterious. He seems very rude, and dysfunctional, but he is very sweet and cares to everyone with kindness.

(optional)Relationship: None

(optional)Crush: October (dats right x3, I chose chu! )

Roommate: None

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