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Fandom superstore rp (p)


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Jonah and Kaitlyn
"Some days you get the giraffe, some days you get the wig."

onah had woken up earlier than he had planned on this morning, due to accidentally setting his alarm an hour earlier than he intended it to go off. He knew himself better than to try to fall back asleep, so he used the extra time to shower, stop for coffee and breakfast, and browse the internet. However, he couldn't help the yawn that escaped his mouth as he pulled into the parking lot of the store he worked at, and the second one that followed as he got out and made his way inside. He didn't always work the morning shift, as a matter of fact he normally worked evenings and closing. However due to Amy and Glenn begging for someone to pick up overtime, Jonah decided it couldn't hurt to make an extra buck. It wasn't like he had something better to do. He didn't get paid for sleeping.

Jonah let out a sigh as he made his way in through the employee entrance, and took a sip of his coffee as he passed the lawn furniture and the grocery aisles to get to the break room. Before he knew it, he was standing behind Sandra in line to punch in before he could get to his locker.

"Hey Jonah. You're here early."

The man often described as a 'Disney princess' offered a tired smile and nodded. "Yeah, well, they were short a person this morning so I figured I'd come in. Something about new employees joining us today, and needing training." he explained. Sandra put her card back in the organizer next to the punch in machine, and stood with Jonah as he clocked in. Once he was done, they made their way inside together, continuing their conversation as they each went to their respective lockers to put their things away. For Jonah, this was just his lunch pail, and since he didn't have anything cold today, he didn't need to stop at the fridge. He put the bag in his locker and turned to Sandra as she spoke.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that! Do you think we'll get anyone cool?" She asked. Jonah watched as she shoved her purse in her locker. In typical Sandra fashion, her purse fell out and emptied itself entirely in the process. Sandra let out a sigh, and both bent down to help put her things back in it.

"I doubt it. Nobody 'cool' works at a store like this. Well, not 'cool cool', I mean, of course you can be a good person and cool and whatever and work any job, but..."

Thankfully, Sandra paid no mind to his comment, and focused on shoving everything back inside her bag. With a quick 'thank you', both stood back up, put on their vests, and went their own ways. Sandra made her way to a table in the back, meanwhile Jonah made his way to one of the front tables. Not seeing Amy or Garrett, he sat at an empty one and took another sip of his coffee, now lukewarm at best. He didn't have the highest hopes for today. If anything, he set his expectations low. It was law of the land that if it was anyone's first day on the job, that the store was going to be busy and something crazy would happen. It was part of the reason he decided to come in; it was hell when you were short-staffed, especially in a situation like that. Not to mention, there were two new people and they needed trained.


Kaitlyn was less than happy to have to work in a store again. She hated retail with a passion, the same way that everyone hated working in the food industry (herself included). She worked two jobs to put herself through school to become a nurse, and after sticking with that profession for years, here she was again, working in an industry that didn't respect its employees. It was her job that she left healthcare, and she knew what she was getting herself into when she decided to leave, but it didn't make the process any easier. There wasn't anything wrong with working where you needed to work. There were tons of people in her life that worked in places she wouldn't dream of being at. But she felt as aimless and lost as she did when she was fresh out of high school. It wasn't something she missed. And this was going to be her first job not as a nurse in...what, 7 or 8 years? She was more than qualified, as many people had assured her during her interview, but was she still anxious? Of course.

It did help a little bit that her close friend, Dina, worked here and was head of security. The two were childhood friends that went way back. Dina was the one who helped her through her classes and was the first to congratulate her on her success. The two were an odd pair, but it worked. Dina was a little off the rails and Kaitlyn pulled her back down to reality. When she was feeling anxious, Dina was the outspoken one who would say or do whatever needed done. And when Kaitlyn left her hospital, Dina got her the job here.

The dirty blonde pulled into a parking lot and watched as a short male walked towards the building. Thankfully, she was able to scurry out of her car in time to get inside behind him before the doors locked, but that is where her luck stopped. She found herself inside the store, with no idea where anyone or anything would be. Where was Dina? She had promised her friend that she would be here to show her where things are. It was very unlike her to not be waiting at the front doors. A small part of Kaitlyn was thankful that Dina wasn't being overly dramatic about the two of them working together. She had expected way worse. As long as there wasn't something crazy happening in the breakroom, she would be fine. Right?

That didn't matter if she couldn't even find it. Well, some break rooms were on the side of the building if they weren't towards the back. Kaitlyn began wandering slowly, peeking around aisles and various parts of the store in an attempt to figure out where she was supposed to be. She had interviewed here just a few weeks ago, but so much had happened since then that she couldn't recall where anything was. She really was relying on Dina to show her around.

Jonah in the breakroom, Kaitlyn trying to find the breakroom

Jonah and Kaitlyn are both alone

feeling: jonah is tired, kaitlyn is anxious

Jonah is no thoughts just vibes, Kaitlyn is wondering where Dina is

tae ri ,, tan ❜ ─ 𝘡𝘩𝘦 survivor ─ ❛
tags: wtf is english ; location: cloud9 - breakroom
interactions: cheyenne, mateo ; notes: 탄 νƒœλ¦¬

”and this is where we found the leg!” cheyenne happily announces to the extremely confused korean in front of her. she had taken it upon herself to invite taeri to spend time with mateo, who begrudgingly agreed after the short woman had insulted justine for attempting to appear like an alcoholic. β€œleg?” she voices, looking at the two incredulously. mateo just replies with a shrug before chey drags taeri to clock in so they won’t be late for the morning meeting - which is typically interesting with glenn heading it.

β€œthat’s sandra,” cheyenne says, nodding her head towards the hawaiian woman. β€œshe’s… sad.”

β€œdon’t talk to the white one if you don’t want to hear about his activism or have him say you look pregnant and then spout a quote from our founding fathers,”
mateo says, walking over to his locker as if he hadn’t just insulted his co-worker.

β€œthis is taeri, she’s from north korea like a k-pop idol or something,” cheyenne introduces excitedly, nudging taeri’s arm. β€œdo the thing!” she excitedly says, her bright and perky personality not taking a break for the mornings.

taeri seems anything but bright and perky. in fact, she looks quite severe, with features that just scream resting-bitch face β€œannyeonghaseyo,” she greets, whilst cheyenne seems brightly fascinated with the language that she’d spoken. just don’t tell her that taeri had initially told her to fuck off the first time she asked her to speak korean. β€œi can speak english, cheyenne,” she mutters awkwardly, her strong korean accent shining through her voice.

coded by archangel_

garrett ,, mcneill ❜ ─ 𝘡𝘩𝘦 comic ─ ❛
tags: why tf do early mornings exist ; location: cloud9, begrudgingly
interactions: himself ; notes: info here

although there aren’t many, one of the main perks of being in a wheelchair is the simple fact that you don’t have to typically wait for anything. want to skip the line of people to clock in because you really don’t care enough to wait? just concoct a sob story about how your legs don’t work and skip the queue. the temptation was severe to not come to work and just call in sick when amy informed him of the new starters, yet here he is - wheeling through the closed store to make his way to the back room for their morning meeting with glennema.

soon enough, he spots a red-headed woman seemingly walking through the aisles. he presumes she must be the new hire that isn’t a friend of dina’s, since she looks fairly normal. he’s expecting to be introduced to someone who is unhealthily obsessed with birds or eats hamsters in their spare time. he’s about to speak, when dina spots the new girl. β€œkaitlyn!” she announces, bounding over to the stranger (who he presumes is β€˜kaitlyn’. a few moments pass by garrett, him frozen in shock. however someone who seems so… not insane could ever put up with dina, he will never know. this woman is practically whacko. after gathering his sense of mind, he quickly takes himself off to the back area to clock in. now is one of those times where he really can’t be bothered to wait to clock in, as he mentally thanks the lord that they’d already wiped down the whiteboard which details every bit of the bet that the co-workers had begun. the new girl probably won’t like the fact that he’d placed 20 bucks on her eating toenails.

he’s not entirely sure why they had all begun a new bet, considering that the last one ended in them all trying to get christmas temps to quit… ones that were in rehab and couldn’t get a job anywhere else.

the breakroom is the same as usual, workers awkwardly chatting amongst themselves before the beginning of their shifts. he can see a new face stood at the lockers, but doesn’t really care to introduce himself. instead, he goes to get some coffee to hopefully keep him awake for the beginning of his shift in this hellhole. he’s certain that the man that will be trying to return an old nokia brick phone will be back in today, so he will need some form of caffeine to survive.

coded by archangel_
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Jonah and Kaitlyn
"Some days you get the giraffe, some days you get the wig."

onah turned in his chair to look at the trio as they spoke. He raised an eyebrow in question to Taeri as she spoke. "I'm going to ignore the fact that you just said that," he said to Mateo, and stuck a hand out for Taeri to shake. "I'm Jonah. And Cheyenne, saying she's a KPOP idol is a little insulting. We can do better than that." he gently scolded, taking another sip of his coffee. By now, the cup was almost empty.

"Oh God, here we go." Marcus muttered under his breath. Dina, who had been talking to one of the new girls at the locker, jumped in and immediately started going off on the poor boy for bringing religion into the work place.

"Uh, what did he mean by that?" Jonah demanded. "Did he really think that I was going to say more than that? As if all I do is go on tangents?" Wait, he was next to Mateo. The young man held up a finger to the other man and exclaimed, "Don't! - don't answer that."

Letting out a sigh, he turned and gave a smile to Taeri, momentarily studying her features. She was pretty, despite the 'shoot me now' expression on her face. Of course, it was honestly the only appropriate look to have in the breakroom of a store that you were forced to work at. Especially this early, with these coworkers. "Is today your first day?" he asked. By the sounds of it, she had heard a little too many weird things for this early of a Saturday morning, so maybe she would benefit from some small talk. It wasn't really something Jonah himself enjoyed, but he liked to be seen as a good person and so would take the opportunity to hit two birds with one stone.

Using his foot, Jonah slightly pushed out the chair next to him, as an offering for Taeri to sit at if she wanted. He knew that she most likely would sit with Mateo and Cheyenne, but just incase she wanted someone her age or someone...a little more normal than Mateo. Not that he wasn't normal, but he was a bit of a queen. Which she most likely picked up on by now. If she had half the braincells of a toddler, she probably picked up that nearly everyone here was strange. And she probably figured it out before today even, as if Dina or Glenn did her interview, those were some of the weirdest people working here. Jonah himself remembered how odd his first few months had been working here, and how nice it had been for Amy to sort of guide him and keep him grounded against the other crazy people.

Amy.. where was she? Of course, he wasn't looking forward to what was probably going to be awkward tension between the two of them, as they had a steamy kiss during the tornado that was the cause of their store being revamped. They hadn't really spoken much since then, but admittedly he didn't really like the distance that was forced by almost dying and being out of a job for a while. Oh wait, hadn't he accidentally called her sexy? Maybe the distance was for the better.


Kaitlyn felt all the stress leave her chest and shoulders when she heard a familiar voice call out her name. Turning to Dina with a smile on her face, she exclaimed, "Oh, thank gosh! A familiar face. I missed you!" While she had a strong urge to hug her friend, she knew better than to try it at work. Dina took her job way too seriously, and Kaitlyn didn't want to put her friend in one of her weird moods before the day had even started.

"Wow, I know we just saw each other last week, but it's still a rush seeing you here. Did you get in okay?" the larger woman asked, beckoning her friend to follow her. Together, they made their way to the back of the store. Kaitlyn caught a glimpse of a man in a wheelchair getting into a room that she assumed was the break room. According to Dina's (very thorough) explanation of how the days went, every morning started with a staff meeting.

She was looking forward to meeting the people that worked here. Of course, Dina thought everyone else was weird, but Kaitlyn had enough awareness to know that anything Dina described could be a toss up. When she herself described Dina to her friends or coworkers, she often got crazy looks, so either these people really were nutjobs, or Dina was just being herself again. Which Kaitlyn loved. Dina was something of a sister to her.

"Oh yeah, it was alright. I'm used to morning traffic thankfully, otherwise it would've been a nightmare."

"Great! I was a little worried about you getting lost, but I guess you've been back long enough to remember how to get around." The two paused outside of the breakroom, long enough for Dina to hand Kaitlyn a punch in card. Ignoring Dina's over the top detailed explanation on how to clock in, she went ahead and signed her name at the top and punched it in, leaving Dina momentarily stunned. Instead of her going off on her friend for not listening, she simply shrugged after seeing that Kaitlyn did indeed clock in correctly, and together they walked in.

"So, Amy and Glenn gave me the go ahead to pick your locker for you, so I got you the best one! It's this one, right next to mine, and look!" Dina opened the locker, and a surprised look crossed Kaitlyn's face. While Dina thankfully hadn't gone overboard with a welcome party (which apparently was shot down by Amy, whoever that was), she did go ahead and take the liberty of stuffing her new locker to the brim with all of her favorite snacks, a welcome card with a gift card to the store inside it, and the thing that meant the most to Kaitlyn, two photos of herself and Dina hung up in the door of her locker. One of them as little kids, and one from a few years ago in Dina's apartment, of course with her birds and Kaitlyn's dog, a corgi.

Well, this by itself was completely fine, and honestly pretty sweet for Dina to do. A bright smile crossed Kaitlyn's face, and before she could thank her, Dina waved her hands. "Okay, I don't really have time to hang out, because I'm in this meeting today and I have a lot to do, but I'll catch you when I can! Just sit anywhere." With that, Dina was off to who knows where.

Kaitlyn turned back to her locker, and noticed a mug inside of it. Pulling it out, she noticed that it was a Skyrim cup. She let out a small chuckle. Dina wasn't one for video games, so there was no doubt that she had either done her own research or had grabbed the first video game cup she could find. Glancing over at the counter, she noticed that the guy from earlier was in line for coffee. She shut the door to her locker and stood behind him.

The longer she stood in place waiting her turn for some hot caffeine, the more she felt that she should know who he was. Dina had been seeing a guy in a wheelchair for a while. Kaitlyn couldn't remember if they were dating or just having sex, but either way she had talked about him. She knew it was wrong to just assume that the only guy in a wheelchair was him, but he actually fit her description of what he looked like. Wait, is this the guy that Dina had just dumped? Crap, what was his name? Gary? Glenn? No, that was the guy that interviewed her. Shoot, she needed to remember it...

"Excuse me, are you Garrett?" She asked once the name finally came to mind. "I'm Kaitlyn, one of Dina's friends. She's mentioned you before, which means that you're either crazier than her or you're completely normal. Either way, I trust you enough to ask if I can have some of this coffee?"

Both are in the break room

Jonah is talking to Mateo, Cheyenne, and Taeri, while Kaitlyn is talking to Dina

feeling: Jonah is tired, Kaitlyn is anxious

No thoughts, just vibes

tae ri ,, tan ❜ ─ 𝘡𝘩𝘦 survivor ─ ❛
tags: wtf is english ; location: cloud9 - breakroom
interactions: jonah, chey ; nothing: feels the same, nothing feels quite like you.

the look of pure disgust for life on taeri's face soon shifts as jonah smiles at her, returning the smile. her younger brother has always said that her smile is the complete opposite of her, somehow warm and gentle which differs greatly to her tough exerior. "yeah, first day today," she says quietly, before realising that strangers are not yet used to how she acts as much as her brother and son are. she manages to awkwardly adjust her volume by the end of the sentence, taking the seat next to jonah. he offered, so it would probably rude for her to not. "so you're the type of guy who's really into activism, yeah? mateo took a lot of time telling me who i should avoid. he even wrote out a list"

this aforementioned list soon gets taken out of the pocket of taeri's denim jacket. as she unfolds it and takes a look at the list, there's only two people on the "speak to" section, being cheyenne and mateo. "huh... well, it's safe to say that it'd be more surprising if you were on the okay side, really..." she laughs, before shoving the screwed-up sheet of paper back into her pocket. truthfully, she's been through way too much for an early morning to bother her, but there's something about the atmsphere of this place which makes taeri feel excited to go home already. she needs the money, as her younger brother is in his first year of law school and her son is only a toddler. she has to keep them afloat somehow.

it'd be pointless of her to deny that the "twitter user incarnate" as mateo had so kindly put it is attractive, but she's not the sort of person to flirt or express her thoughts openly. it's been drilled into her from a young age that you only say what people want to hear, which still hasn't gone away just yet. she's even yet to get a smartphone, as she's never considered the internet not being so heavily censored as she's used to. cheyenne soon breaks her thoughts as she calls out, "hey, taeri! do you know any kpop idols?" across the tables in the break room. perhaps she would be more insulted if she hadn't realised cheyenne holds nothing but good intentions (at least better intentions that marcus, who had asked if north korea has NSFW materials - which she did not answer). it was obvious to see when chey had asked her which part of korea was the father of the other. instead, she laughs lightly. "yeah, 'course i do."

as cheyenne freaks out, she turns her attention back to jonah. "kinda jealous, the other newbie got all sorts of gifts in her locker, i just got a dead rat in mine," she says with a slight smile on her face, an attempt at a joke - despite the fact that there really was a rat in her locker.

garrett ,, mcneill ❜ ─ 𝘡𝘩𝘦 comic ─ ❛
tags: why tf do early mornings exist ; location: cloud9, begrudgingly
interactions: kaitlyn ; sushi: is 50% off. now ask yourself, why would we do that?

ahh, the disgustingly bitter taste of the warm liquid hits garrett's tastebuds just right. coffee must have been god's gift to retail workers, but he would never say that aloud. he knows better than to mention god anywhere that dina might be able to potentially overhear. if he wants to keep his eardrums, it's best to just avoid the topic altogether. he's snapped out of his thoughts by the sudden appearance of the woman that he'd previously seen with dina. well, no better time to see what form of dina 2.0 they're getting in the store than right now.

β€œi wouldn’t trust the coffee, pretty sure the water they put in it is whatever they pour out of the mop buckets,” garrett says, taking a sip out of the boring, cloud 9 mug that had been left on the side. he’d probably have tried to find another one if he could reach, but it’s whatever. he spots the pattern on the mug that she’s holding, a pretty funny skyrim reference. this is… strange. dina’s friend actually seems cool. β€œthat’s why dina was asking me about skyrim,” he comments, nodding his head towards her to try and suggest that he’s talking about her mug without saying it.

perhaps today might not be so bad after all, if there’s another person here who actually has taste. as much as jonah tries to understand the ins and outs of video games, it typically ends in a feminist rant about how the female characters in most of his games are wearing extremely revealing armour, that really wouldn’t protect them at all in these circumstances. he’s suggested to jonah that he should come into work wearing a cosplay of sivir from league of legends as protest, but he hasn’t quite taken the bait just yet. honestly, he might be close to getting him to that point, it’s a waiting game by now.

β€œso, what’s your thing?” he asks, looking up at the woman stood next to him. truthfully, she’s extremely pretty. if he’s learned anything, it’s that he really should check people aren’t raging transphobes before flirting with them - as much as that woman at the rally seemed pretty. β€œi mean, you’re friends with dina. i thought you’d be obsessed with birds or something. you have to have some quirk to be able to deal with dina.”

coded by archangel_

Jonah and Kaitlyn
"Some days you get the giraffe, some days you get the wig."

onah glimpsed down at the list and smiled. Of course Cheyenne and Mateo would only put themselves down on their list. They really thought they were above everyone for being 'young hipsters'. And the way Cheyenne was acting, they expected Taeri to just go along with them because of racial reasons. "Um, I wouldn't go as far as to say activist, but if you mean I'm more open minded than almost everyone here, and not any of the 'phobes', then yeah, I guess you could say that."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dina and Marcus both make faces and roll their eyes at what he had said. Though it bothered him, he made it a point to not engage with them again. He didn't want to get into another long debate in front of the new girls, and prove Mateo and Cheyenne right. Jonah knew what his reputation was at the store, and while he could argue that it was (mostly) a good one to have, he knew how it made people view him upon first meeting him. He wanted his actions and words to speak louder than his reputation.

At the mentioning of the new girl, Jonah glanced up and saw that the girl was already talking to Garrett, which was surprising. Wasn't that supposed to be Dina's friend? She looked....painfully normal. Or maybe Dina had looked the same way when he first met her? He wasn't sure. Now that Jonah knew who and how Dina was, it was hard to see her as anyone or anything else. At all. She had a lot of character.

"Oh, yeah, one of her friends works here, I think that's why. Trust me, it's actually a better sign if you don't get gifts. Some of the men here are creepy." he joked, although the last sentence really was more of a warning than anything. He remembered how some of the men here treated Sandra. An uncomfortable shiver went down his spine just at the thought of Myrtle and that other man.


Kaitlyn's face turned into one of amusement and she let out a chuckle at the understanding that Dina had indeed asked around about video games. "Ah, that makes sense. I know it's timeless, but Dina hadn't even heard of Taylor Swift until I dragged her to the 1989 tour." It was well known that Dina had a rather peculiar knowledge for anything, so long as it wasn't mainstream. Hell, Dina didn't even know what Lego Batman was...and as it turned out, she didn't know what Legos or Batman were. She was a smart woman, but in the most terrifying and unexpected ways possible.

"My thing?" she asked, puzzled, taking a turn at pouring the sad, possible mop watered coffee into her mug. "Um, well I don't really have an obsession with birds, or any animal for that matter, although I do have a dog that once in a while I spoil by letting him pick out toys at PetSmart," Kaitlyn teased, turning from the counter to face Garrett again. "and my car does have a radio in it, if that counts for anything." She paused to pour creamer in her coffee, and then continued to speak as she stirred it all together. "Honestly, I know how Dina is, but I've known her for a long time. We just meet each other where we can and it has gone fine so far."

This was true, for the record. They were an odd pair, but Kaitlyn and Dina complimented each other well if you got practical with it. Sure, they had rituals that might look strange, but a lot of them made Dina act 'normal'. That hadn't been the intention behind Kaitlyn and Dina meeting each other in the middle, but it was a nice outcome that Kaitlyn had accidentally found. Of course, Dina wasn't self aware enough to realize this, but Kaitlyn herself was excited at the possibility of shocking people. Little did she know that Dina was the most crazy at work.

Kaitlyn took a sip of her coffee and made a disgusted face, that she quickly turned into a puzzled face. She didn't want to be rude, and forced herself to take another sip. This had to be the worst coffee she'd ever drank. "Oh, wow, did they let someone pee in the mop water too?" she joked. She really should've trusted Garrett. The coffee was tolerable, but she definitely was regretting not having enough time to unpack her coffee and brew her own at home.

Both are in the break room

Jonah is talking to Mateo, Cheyenne, and Taeri, while Kaitlyn is talking to Dina

feeling: Jonah is tired, Kaitlyn is anxious

No thoughts, just vibes

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