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Fantasy Supers~(Always Accepting)

Lavana Thurman walked along the street casually, like any normal person. But of course, that was just a disguise she had pulled off for the last two years or so.

As the girl walked, she paid attention to people she passed, signs, buildings, anything that could possibly be useful at all. She wanted to pull off a robbery tonight, so finding the ideal place for such would be a good start. If there wasn't so many good-guys and heros in this city her job would be so much easier.

She sighed, running a hand through her hair. It was hot out. Barely any clouds in the sky and it was probably about 70 degrees or so.
Kane was sitting at a bus stop, simply waiting in front of the building he targeted. Kane was going to crush the spirits of the people before stomping out anyone who might oppose him. He had to wait mere minutes now before it began. Kane had spent quite a long time planning and preparing. Kane knew that someone would come along to "save the day" as heroes usually did. He had not a worry in the world at this point in time. After all that has been said and done, there was no chance he was going to go down just yet. He had only been getting warmed up and now he going to really get started, with minutes to spare.
Edwin's day began with a meal and a commute to his community college, where he had studied for the past two years. He was dressed casually with his suit just beneath his civilian clothing, reading for when he had to throw off his shirt and play hero.

Before then, however, he had three hours of lectures to get through. There, in class, he sat bored waiting for a good reason to leave.
Boredom came out in a low grunt from Skylar as she leaned against a brick wall in the shade. Her backpack hung off one shoulder as she yawned. Few cars passed by on the street, making the other side easy to see. People walked up and down, enjoying the hot weather, some going in and out of buildings, and a lone person sat at the bus stop, looking content. Something about this guy snagged in her mind though. She couldn't tell what, just something about him stuck out. Sky stood up fully and swung her bag off her shoulder and opened it partially. Call it paranoid but from experience she knows, better safe then sorry, even if this wasn't a time for a hero. Better be prepared to change quickly if something did happen. Just something gave her an uneasy feeling. The blue-haired girl shook her head and swung her bag back on her shoulder. She really hoped that nothing would ruin this nice day.
It was fifteen minutes before Alexandra's break finishes. For now, she was sitting at one of the comfy chairs in the diner, facing the window observing the people. Pulling out her best friend, her sketch pad and a pencil, she started drawing curves and lines. In the cacophony of it all, she started writing potential names, people who might be willing to strike a deal with her. Looking around, she knows that there are some heroes, a couple of villains milling about near her. She just needs to weed one desperate soul.

Remembering that she was supposed to be Xavie at the moment, she shook her head and tried for a blank smile; immediately opening a new page and started drawing surrealistic clouds and clocks.
"So many damn people... why can't I be alone?" Faith thought to herself as she walked along the side of the street. She saw happy people going into shops to spend their hard eared money on material things. Faith used to be like them, and to be honest she would give her left arm to go right back to being that way, but nothing could make her normal anymore. She wasn't a hero nor a villain, she was just lost and couldn't find her way back to normal. As for her direction and location. she was heading towards the nearby park to sit and just embrace nature. One of the few things she actually did enjoy. She brushed her red hair out of her eyes and waited to cross the street.
Kane cracked a smile before simply stating quietly to himself, "Zero..." And at that very moment the top floor of the building behind him blew up. Charges had been set through out the entire building and they were all going off in a sequence. The top floors then the bottom floors, all in a genius order. The explosions were big and loud enough to kill the people inside and get plenty of attention but not big enough for Kane to get hit at his distance. He stood calmly as the building went down, which in turn killed even more people as it fell. Kane made his way around the corner while the chaos ensued the city for the loss of it's buildings. "This is going to get good." He chuckled to himself softly.
Faith had already crossed the street and was deep into the park when she heard the explosion. "What the hell was that?" she questioned turning around scanning the skyline looking for something to be off. Her eyes fell on the building as it came crashing down. "Oh god..." she started to panic. "Who the hell did this? Should I do anything at all... they need a hero." Faith looked down at her hands as they opened and closed. She wasn't a hero, she was a kid who didn't know what to do, but she couldn't just let people die... could she? Faith put on a brave face and started to run back towards the building.
Edwin was leaned over at his desk, head on his hand ready to fall asleep when his phone buzzed along with that of half the class. He reached into his pocket to see that he had an alert of a building exploding down town. "Finally" he thought to himself.

Quietly, Edwin slipped out of class. Once he got out the door, he jolted to the nearest bathroom and changed, putting up his bags in the locked stall so that no one would suspect him.

Edge Lord, in full costume, dashed to the scene of the crime, phone in hand to tell him the directing. Using his super powers, he turned the bottom of his heels into a blade, allowing him to glide along the street as if on ice skates. When he approached, Edge Lord scanned the scene, looking for anyone in trouble- and anyone suspicious.
Kane had noticed that some people were actually going towards the scene. They weren't dressed like medics or officers or firefighters. He noticed a man who was scanning the scene. Kane knew he was bound to be seen so he might as well approach the "special" one. He saw how the man was moving and he figured he was one of the "good" guys. Kane calmly made his way over to Edwin, but he kept a great deal of distance so that Edwin would be able to see that Kane was obviously the one who caused the mess.

@Death Star
Xavie jumped when she heard the building in front of her explode, dropping her pencil and pad. Looking up, she cursed as she saw people running away, people who were, sadly, not quick enough. Another explosion happened and the lower part of the building quickly started looking like mushed cake. Quickly gathering her things, she stood up and shouted at the top of her lungs to the people inside to get the hell out and run. Run as far as they can. She's not a hero, per se, but she damn well knows when snuffing out the innocent lives of people are getting out of hand. For goodness sake, there were children!

She squished her way out of the growing rampaging and terrified crowd and ran towards the burning building, heaving. She knows that there were heroes here. Heroes to save the ones inside the building. She's not the Bloody Spinner when there's daylight. Maybe she can be Xavie all the while helping the people. After all, she has a soft spot for children. She can do crowd control. She just hopes she won't get stampeded on.
Faith got to the ground zero of the rubble and started looking. She put her hands Over her head."holy shit... this is bad." She looked around and spotted a small child.

"Stop moving!" She called to the little girl as she got closer. "You're bleeding from the head cutie." She smiled as she put her hands on the small girls shoulders and forced her to sit.

"I'm scared... Mommy?" The girl looked around shock and panic sinking in. "MOMMY!" She started to scream. Tor gently brushed her hair out of her eyes and they sterted to glow.

"Shhhh just watch my pretty eyes."
Kane turned and smirked, "Wow, more heroes." He spoke out loud. Kane watched everything happen and felt rather good about himself. He gave the blade man a wink before turning and bolting towards Faith, appearing behind her. "I'm not even sorry." He chuckled as a dark aura began to seep from him. The black aura made the redhead's ability stunt itself as it touched her. "A psychic power....? I can stop this but not absorb it...." He blinked in minor surprise. Kane was seen as immortal and unbeatable in the past, but that didn't make it true, it's just that no one was smart enough to come up with a decent plan to stop him. He took into consideration the fact that he might finally have to step up his game just in case.
"Yep called it." Sky muttered through gritted teeth. She wasted no time before dashing out of sight and changing in less than a minute.

Hood immediately jumped into action, helping people out of the way. Her hood was pulled low over her face, and her black metal mask covered most of her face. "Are you alright?" She asked the person she was currently helping. They nodded, and quickly scurried off in the opposite direction. Her eyes scanned the crowd until landing on the man. Her eyes darted between the man then the other guy, who was clearly a hero. Edge Man if she remembered. But then she watched as the man turned to a red head girl who had stepped up and had been helping. Her hand went to her bow which was over her shoulder, and grabbed an arrow. Though Hood didn't fully understand what was happening, she had to at least try to do something. "Hey!" She screamed, pointing her drawn bow at the man, before letting it fly.
Kane heard someone shout at him. He turned and saw the arrow fly towards him. Kane lifted up his hand faster than the arrow flew, the black aura coming out of it and absorbing the arrow. Kane took a moment to do so but when he finished he looked five years younger. He had to take his attention off of Faith, which allowed her to continue with her doings without interruption. Kane moved even faster than before, using a bit of the energy he had obtained and wound up in front of Sky. "Want to see what I can do with the energy once I have it?" He asked her before slamming his leg down and releasing it. The ground beneath Sky cracked and rose up suddenly. Upon using up the energy he took from the arrow, his age went back to it's regular look.


(Oh crap xD Kane has just pissed off the heroes)
Sky didn't even have time to process what was about to happen when he wound up in front of her. "Actually I would be f-" She was cut short with the shaking of the ground. She yelped in surprise and quickly tried to jump out of the way. She ended up hitting the ground with her shoulder hard. "Oh. I get it. You're like a sponge then." She called, shoving herself up. "Well since I'm not aware of your name, I'll just call you spongebob for now. You're alright with that right?" She reached for another arrow, but changed her mind, remembering it wouldn't help much. How on earth was she supposed to attack this guy?? She frowned biting her lip, and looking down at the ground beneath her. She growled looking back up, different attack plans running through her head.

@The Master
"A Kane like myself has been called much worse, little one." He smirked at her. "I know what gets under your skin though. And I know you'll be a little more upset than I would ever get at such a puny insult" He picked up a rather big piece of debris. "Lets see just how much faster I am than your arrows, yeah?" He turned and threw the chunk of cement at a woman who was running off in a direction away from the chaos. The power he put into the throw made it move almost too fast for even him to see it. Kane had aimed to have the chunk go straight through the woman's body and evidently kill her in the process.

Suddenly, the villain made himself known. Edge Man took a moment, gathering his thoughts and staring into space before finally realizing what had happened. By the time he had regained composure, the villain had already been making small talk with another hero on scene.

Without hesitation, Edge Man grabbed a dry, fallen tree branch, thinking it would be enough of a weapon to use. With his hands, he had sharpened along the length of the branch. As long as his suit was sharpened as well, he had no problem holding it.

While Kane was distracted, Edge Man swiftly sled to the back of the villain to give a quick chop above his head.
Kane caught sight of Edge Man as he threw the cement chunk. His hearing the blades scrape against the ground also helped tip him off well enough. He moved back and away from Edge Man, stopping right beside Sky. So far, within the span of thirty seconds, Kane had gone behind Faith, caught an arrow, knocked back Sky, threw a cement chunk at a civilian woman, and dodged Edge Man's attack to appear right beside Sky. He was sure he had left a lasting impression on them all.
"No!" Sky screamed pulling the bowsting of her bow back, an arrow of glowing blue light formed in her bow. . "Get down!" She screamed at the woman, before letting the arrow fly. The glowing arrow of light sped forward, faster than a normal arrow, and made impact with the cement. The chunk of cement shattered like glass, and chunks of rock and cement showered the woman, only resulting in small but not fatal injuries. She didn't have a breath of relief before he was suddenly right next to her. She spun her bow in her hand quickly before swinging it with an arch towards Kane who was right beside her now.
Kane ducked down and lunged forward towards the woman. Within the blink of an eye he had her throat in his grip. "You move fast! Your arrows at least." He smirked. Kane threw the woman into the burning fires of the collapsed building. He stared at Sky, "You heroes are more about action than I am. How ironic." He laughed. Kane looked around at the heroes and burning carnage. The authorities began showing up at this point.
Faith went limp with fear when he flower was stopped. "What the hell." She growled turning but he was gone, fighting with heros. She looked back at the girl and gave a soft grin.

"Pretty..." The girl said slightly wobbling. Faith picked her up. The young girl was already under her spell. "Just stay awake cutie I'll get you to saftey." She said as she took of running.
"Hey girl" Edge Man called out. "This dude's just trying to get into our heads." He explained. Edge Man de-edged his stick and threw it to the ground. Naturally, he had to formulate a plan. The villain was monologuing. Naturally, he must have been the village- or at least a minion of the master mind that had to be detained to prevent further harm. Edge Man thought up a plan.

"Hey. How good are your arrows?" Edge Man asked.

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