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Fantasy Supers~(Always Accepting)

Faith laid the small girl down in the arms of a officer. Her power would wear off soon enough on the girl, but for now she was safe. Faith looked over to the situation at hand. "He sucks up powers... Does that mean he can control people?"

"Hey!" Faith sterted calling and waving her hands at the heros.

"He might be able to control minds!" She has no clue he wasn't able to.
Kane watched everything and scoffed, "What a bunch of infants." He turned and was gone before anyone could notice. Kane stopped after he was on the other side of the city. He lived in the suburban area of the city. Kane panted softly, the run taking a toll on him. He walked into his house and locked the door behind himself. Kane sighed heavily as he rested on his couch. "That was fun." He laughed to himself.
"...what?" Edge Man asked. Chalking it up as aphasia, he turned around only to see the man, kindly revealing himself as the villain, disappear. Edge Man had lost the fight. Still, he had people to take care of.

Edge Man looked to the closest victim. The first was a woman seeming to have fallen fifteen feet- in the books, it wasn't enough to be considered a significant mechanism of injury. Still, he checked her for blood. His gloves, unedged, made for enough body substance isolation as he quickly checked for significant bleeding. She seemed to be breathing okay. Edge Man felt the woman's back for step-offs. Thankfully, there were none. He could position in a seated position, leaning forward to catch her breath.
Sky had been about to answer, but never got the chance before Kane, or spongebob in her books, disappeared. She gritted her teeth, swinging her bow over her shoulder once again. There was still work to be done, even if the battle was lost. She had lost sight of the other hero but soon found him again helping a woman. Skye hurried over towards him. "I don't know much about medical things, but I can help as much as possible. Just tell me what to do." She called to him, helping someone limp away from the carnage.
Faith had already decided she was going to help. This didn't mean anything about her choice but she had to admit it felt good to be of use. She found her way next to the heros looking over at them.

"I ... I have powers I'd like to help." She gave a nod and a soft smile. "You can call me Faith."
Attention... Females... Edge Man was not sure what to do. Edwin wasn't quite sure either. In a panic, he lost his composure, fleeing to the next casualty to avoid any awkwardness.

"Just help explain what happened when the police show up" Edge Man replied, still trying to sound composed.

Maxillofacial trauma- Edwin had learned about that a week ago. Though unconfident, he would put his knowledge to the test. The man in question was conscious and breathing with great difficulty.

Edge Man reached to his pockets for his bendy straws. If the casualty were unconscious, Edge Man could easily just stick the straw down the man's nose. "Just bite through the pain" Edge Man directed. He edged the index finger and carefully cut over the man's throat. With another slice, Edge Man cut the cricothyroid membrane cleanly, blood sputtering out of the fresh cut. The man screamed in pain.

"Hold still" Edge Man told, as he grabbed a straw and stuck it down the man's throat hole. He assisted with two breaths, blowing into the straw to provide positive airway pressure.
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Kane took off his boots first, groaning as he stretched. He sighed and watched the news on TV of the incident downtown that he caused. Kane thought about the heroes he had faced against. They all seemed young and just barely out of a very bad training program. The girl with the bow would be an issue if he wasn't careful. He thought of what he might do next. It would have to be big of course, something to get their attention again. As Kane pondered his next plan he noticed that the heroes were still helping out at the demolished building.

(Kane fled the scene dude, you gotta read the posts thoroughly. He's not there anymore.)
Hood nodded and turned towards the new person, Faith. "Hood." She smiled briefly, "And any help is more than welcome right now." She added before turning around, and heading towards the chief Policemen who was currently barking orders at people.

"Keep the gathering crowd under control! Help the injured, and make sure everyone is out of the building!" The man order, as men in uniform rushed around, doing as ordered. "I want to know what happened here as soon as possible."

"I think I can help with that." Hood stepped towards him after everyone had cleared out. "I was here when it happened."

"Well, out with it Hero. An explanation is greatly appriecated." He rose an eyebrow expectantly.

"I can tell you what I know though I don't know all the details." She started, "A villain that mentioned the name Kane had set off an explosion. Another Hero, who is currently helping the injured, and I attempted to stop him but he managed to get away before we could Sir." She explained shortly, summarizing what had happened, as her mind pondered over the villain, and possible ways to deal with his powers.
"Good." Faith tapped on the hero's shoulder. "He seemed to soak up powers, he tried to take my mind control powers." She looked at the hero her eyes lighting up. "If he had that would you really be standing here. I guess what I'm saying is maybe he couldn't take my power." She shrugged looking down. "That might be of use to you."
Edge Man nodded as he approached the two females again. "I'm Edge Man" he introduced himself, scratching an E into the concrete with his toes using his power.

"Probably not the best way to break the ice, but I think it'd be beneficial that we worked together, what with a common enemy now."
"I was just trying to be helpful sir!" Faith said looking over. "But yes i'd like it very much if we can help each other." She stuck out her hand.

"I'm fsith of your wondering and I can control minds."
Edge Man nodded his head. "If you ever need me, just follow this symbol." He pointed to the scratch he left. "Next time there's crime, expect me to be of help."

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