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Multiple Settings Superpowered Asylum


Y O O N , Y E O N G - S U
Interacting with: Ambiloquous Ambiloquous Taigakitt Taigakitt
Location: ???, He's still so confused

Yeong-Su regarded the elemental with a tired look. So it really was just some sort of messenger for someone else? And it appeared as if whoever was summoning random people really didn't care about what happened to them— the main priority was defeating the Demon Lord and they would just keep summoning until it finally happened. He had a lot to say about that. Like how it would be better to summon people and then actually direct them to the right path by collecting them all in one place that wasn't immediately under the influence of the Demon Lord. Or perhaps even attempt to train them about the weaknesses and such of said Demon Lord.

But no, right now it appeared as if they were just thrown to the wolves. Even Min-Su was skeptical about the entire thing; though she was skeptical about most things anyway. There must be an easier way out. If they could hash things out with the other summons, maybe they could collectively figure out a way to return to their respective worlds without having to go through all of these loops just to get there. He was willing to play along but the chances of getting home were getting slimmer and slimmer with this creature and that didn't align with what he wanted.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere until we can gather the others and—" As luck, or misfortunate if you will, would have it, it appeared that their fellow summons had the brighter idea of facing the Demon Lord right here and now instead of regrouping and getting their bearings. "What the fuck are they thinking?" He muttered, placing a hand over his face and taking in a deep and steadying breath. Min-Su might not have been trigger-happy and caused them to immediately go into combat but other people certainly had other plans!

Distracted thoroughly by the escalating conflict, Yeong-Su ignored Nadine's departure as the screams inside the house grew louder and the straw roof began to crack due to the increasing size and transformation of the Demon Lord. The reality shifter wasn't too keen on fighting but it would appear that their provocation would lead to some unexpected casualties.

There was a moment when Yeong-Su thought he should just let it be lest he put himself in the attention of the Demon Lord as well. By all means, he shouldn't spare the extra effort— but then again...

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Yeong-Su sighed. "Be back." Yeong-Su muttered to his sister as he moved to the side to view the building the Demon Lord was close to crushing. He took a deep breath and teleported straight into the building. There were only a few seconds for him to collect everyone inside the house and get them out. "Hey! Come over here!" He urged them before rushing over to grab as many of the people as possible and teleport them out at the same time to a further location that was not within the direct line of sight of the Demon Lord.

zee-oh (1).png
Zee's eyes went wid, shocked by the inhuman transformation that the threatening man has just undergone through. From what was, for the most part, a regular man standing in front of the group, a new figured revealed itself, a massive abomination which instill fear upon all those near it. It was the first time in Zee's life, where he truly felt like his role in the food chain inverted on its feet, the first time that every fiber of his body screamed at him to accept his role as a helpless prey, and to run for his dear life.
But in place he remained, fighting off the shiver and cold sweat growing behind his nape. That more human and empathetic part of himself proved to be too empathetic and stubborn to give in to his animalistic survival instincts. Zee-Oh had made a decision to stop the threat in front of him, and by the looks of it, other figures were standing up to the task as well. Perhaps their chances were not as slim as originally expected. He had, after all, being told about the power of cooperation in the past.

A grand hand made its way down towards Zee, a powerful swipe aimed at his green frame. It did not take a genius to tell that being hit by the incoming attack was far from ideal. This, the lizard waited for the right moment, jumping high up in the air right before the evil grasp reached him. Landing atop the collossal, otherwordly wrist, Zee raised his arms, hands wide and open. From their sockets emerged Zee's sharp, crooked claws, a set of ten tools that usually remained kept strictly as a helping aid for climbing some of the less friendly surfaces that the lizard used to traverse through, he had forgotten just how long had it been since they were properly used as weapons against another living being.

With aggressive swipes of his own, Zee slashed at the shadowy mass that one could call the Demon Lord's flesh.
Aethelweard looked up higher and higher as the Demon Lord grew. It only spurred him on to approach faster, hoping to bring the attention away from the innocents. One building was already too much. His concern was for the arm more than the approaching foot, as he could tell the Demon Lord was aiming to grab Zee, the squishier between them. There was nothing Aethel could do about that though, as there was no way he’d dodge the now large foot that kicked him into the sky.

His hood fell from his head, revealing all of it was the same armoured shell. The force of the kick dislodged the cloak altogether, which flew with him to the ground several metres away. A harsh muddy impact awaited him, and he bounced a few more times before coming to a halt. He didn’t wait a moment before getting up, a slurry of mud and rain dripping out of the joints in his armour. It seems he had fallen into a puddle. He still had the Demon Lord in his sight, but realised he would have to take a more agile approach to counter his size and strength. He looked for his weapons, which had been strewn in the same direction. It would seem that everything was unscathed, apart from being drenched and dirtied on landing. Taking care to keep his footing, but still hurrying, he went to retrieve his sword and shield.

Then he approached the Demon Lord again.

The cats had made their way near to Zee by the time Aethel was punted away. With his new height, Aethel had given instructions for them to keep their distance, knowing they were far more vulnerable now. They growled and hissed at the threat without fear, but ultimately obeyed. They then followed his next instructions, running back to the village. They had their sights on any stray villagers, aiming to herd them like sheep far from the Demon Lord’s sights. He wasn’t sure where they could go but trusted his cats to find a safe spot. It seemed another was gathering villagers as well, and the cats seemed to have enough intelligence to recognize that, concentrating their efforts to aid Yeong-Su.

I am coming back. Stay safe.

Only the lizard-boy would hear his unspoken words as Aethel neared the Demon again, this time ready to take on whatever he threw his way despite not being as acrobatic.
Ryeri stood tall, unaffected by the beating rain, and walked past the pair. It surprised her when they did not follow down the alley, instead huddling in place. It was a strange place to decide to plant roots, but perhaps the sprout was younger than she thought. Human might be a young mother tree, but she would take care of Sair-ra. And Ryeri didn’t need someone to introduce her.

She stepped out of the passageway, into the center of the town. The storm was huge, almost the size of her Mother Tree. It flailed like a hurt animal, its mindless movements causing some metal thing to fly away from it, landing in the mud. Ryeri surveyed the mess and could see that it had destroyed one of the structures. Stupid animals always did that. Unable to see where their feet are. She was less than impressed. Still, for all that he seemed to be made of smoke, he was four-limbed, and standing like a dryad. Was he an early ancestor? One that had yet to evolve intelligence? That was so fascinating! A new species to learn about! She knew all the animals in her forest and this was unlike anything she’d seen.

Regardless, Ryeri knew her job. She had to lead the creature away from these structures to the open fields beyond. These cubic frames might be strange, but there was no need for the Demon Lord to destroy them. Others seemed to be doing something similar. Or Ryeri guessed they were. It seemed quite ineffective, to be honest.

Perhaps she could speak with it. Animals did not carry language the same way dryads did, but they understood concepts. And this one had spoken. She ran toward the storm, as someone who knew no fear. Once she was near a tree began to grow in front of her. She grabbed onto its branches just as they rose above her height, and climbed as the tree shot upward. “Storm” though it was unlike any she'd ever seen. She called to it, “Demon Lord,” using its given name, “Do you hear me?

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    Interacting With/Mentions:
    Fenrir (@Coyote Hart), ??? ( Taigakitt Taigakitt )

    ~ ??? ~
    ~ A Time??? ~

    The transformation took time and worse she lost track of the other demon lord. But that meant that she was around to see the bursting of the straw hut in the distance and the giant thing that had emerged from it. She broke out of her pegasus form knowing that she would need all her magic for fleeing if it came to that.

    “Fenny we’ve got a huge problem!!!”

    She looked around back and forth as she began to notice magic stirring around the land they found themselves in. She heard the chaos of the screams of the humans nearby. It didn’t concern her! It shouldn’t but if the ones that were doing something fell then she would have an issue because her and Fenrir would be next.


    She felt tears welling up as she feared for their lives. Fenrir and her had only been on an adventure out so how had it come to this? She’d never once heard of such a creature. She brought her hands up to dry her tears.


Min-Su Yoon
Min-Su Yoon
Nadine, Demon Lord
Yeong-Su [ AI10100 AI10100 ], Zee-Oh [ Roda the Red Roda the Red ], Aethelweard [ WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten ], Ryeri [ Lost Echo Lost Echo ]
Running around a village somewhere
Of course the tiny evil minion-looking thing had a boss. Distracted by the Demon Lord vs summons standoff happening around the corner, her brother let the elemental slip away as it skittered away like an overgrown cockroach. But Min-Su had no such qualms, too focused on what might be their only way home. With a handspeed that would have catapulted her onto the PVP rankings in another timeline, she dropped her rifle and yanked out a tracker-bomb with her left hand, grabbing for Nadine with her right only long enough to try and stick the tiny metal dot on its back. Letting the creature slide out of her hands as if she hadn’t managed to catch it time, she frowned and whisper-yelled to further push the point,
“Hey! We’re not done with you!”

The adhesive on the back of the tracker was strong enough to withstand acid rain and the odd sandstorm, so it should stay long enough for the two to find Nadine again. Theoretically. She shoved the worry that she should’ve just grabbed the lizard and tied it up to the back of her mind.

Finished with her business, she finally noticed the Demon Lord was getting a growth spurt. Before the roof of their old perch could collapse fully, her brother teleported himself inside before she could even start on her “Oh shi—”. Exclamation stuck in her throat, her hands started moving faster than her mind, yanking out laser drones that zipped away towards the four-story demon. If they neared, they were programmed to target the largest thing in the area while flying in entirely randomized patterns.

“Aw, fuck. ‘Course we’re fighting the final boss,”
she groaned, as if exasperation, finally replacing her rifle with the “bazooka” that had gone in and out of storage multiple times now. The smile growing on her face contradicted her tone though, making it clear as day that she was happy to shoot something. Adrenaline started pumping through her veins as she aimed at the demon’s foot, waiting for the moment her brother left the building. Before she could, Lizard Boy jumped onto a swinging arm and poor Metal Hunk was thrown brutally away from the site of battle. She winced. Star-crossed lovers indeed. … Or not? Metal Hunk had immediately gotten back up, ready to join the fray again.

Then a tree blocked her vision. Her face scrunched up and she started jogging around it. What insane robot fucker had done that? Some plant humanoid was trying to speak to the Demon Lord, clinging to the topmost branches, and she had no clue what they were trying to do. Join the dark side? Convince the dark side? Ask if they had organic cookies?

Well, whatever it was, she wasn’t letting it stop her from taking her first shot. Aiming towards the ankle as she ran, she adjusted using the previous drone left at the crushed house and shot a blue missile towards it. The projectile was obfuscated by a distortion effect that was reminiscent of what happened at the edge of a flame, made to circumvent electronic detection but would hopefully work on demon eyes just as well. The explosion wasn’t too large, since the shrapnel was meant to conduct electricity, so it shouldn’t be particularly dangerous for Lizard Boy.
GM Post #6
Tags: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic @Coyote Hart Roda the Red Roda the Red WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten Ambiloquous Ambiloquous AI10100 AI10100 gxxberkit gxxberkit Lost Echo Lost Echo

The attempted grab of the lizard didn’t fare. Of course, it would make sense. The thing likely was agile as hell, compared to the massive frame the Demon Lord took up.

Circe said:

The Demon Lord’s attention was drawn over to Circe. Her appearance had him stop for a moment and he assumed she was yelling about the one that ran away.

He swept his free hand over to Circe and gently picked her up into his palm after she exclaimed about not wanting to be a hero.

He spoke, though the jagged maw did not move with his words, “Young one, we don’t use that ‘hero’ term. That’s for the evil Light. Don’t worry about this batch. Sit back, watch and learn. Maybe one day you can be a Knight like Auntie Blythe.

The Lord moved his open palm up to his shoulder and dropped Circe off up there to do whatever Circe would want to do.

Right after speaking to Circe, he felt sharpness enter his arm. He looked over.

Oh, the little lizard had claws. The troublesome thing had his attention over the hunk of metal still crawling around on the ground.

A grumble sounded from the Demon Lord’s chest as he prepared a thumb and index finger.

Ryeri said:
Demon Lord,… Do you hear me?

Ryeri didn’t need to speak to catch the Demon Lord’s attention as the enormous tree in the center of the village was enough to do that.

Absent-mindedly, the Lord released his index finger towards Zee-Oh, intending to flick him off like a pesky insect, no longer paying mind to the beast.

Speak,” the Demon Lord allowed.

If she wasn’t attacking, he wasn’t going to waste his energy on her. That’s to say if she was even a summon.

The next thing the Demon Lord knew was… his foot was missing after exploding.

His frame shuddered from the explosion and he roared in frustration as he swung his gaze to find the being that did it.

Off in the distance, in the same direction the fake Demon King ran, a pink light shot up into the sky, visible despite the shadowed darkness and stormy skies.

  • Yugen said:
    If you can only be safe here, why don’t you just leave?

    The demonic hag tapped a long, jagged nail against the knot of the cane she held in one hand before her hands were taken into Yugen’s.

    Yugen said:
    You don’t have to stay here if you don’t feel safe. You could pack up and run away! There are lots of better places, aren’t there? Run away with me! To a place that accepts you for who you are!

    She watched like an owl as Yugen continued, talking about bringing her “stick” and going west.

    She smiled, though the sharpness didn’t make the smile a soft, happy-looking one.

    Sweet Night, I’m a demon. The rest of the world already accepts me. My Lord tasked me to be here, in this light-ridden town so we may eventually reunite the world into the blanket of dark. I am one of his Knights! I can’t just run.

    Nadine sure picked a weird one to summon this time. Considering how she handled her thorny vines earlier, the demonic hag was being careful. It was always fun when they could get a summon to join them against Nadine.

    The creaky old demon hag walked her way to her door, stick in hand, “I am going to do my Lord’s bidding. I think it’d go smoother if you’d join me, then I’ll join you West at dawn.

    And out the demon slipped from the door into the rainy, dead trees.
Ryeri watched as the storm carefully picked up one of the beings from the crowd. A small child, who did not stand out from any of the others to her. She was winged, perhaps that was why it cradled her close before setting her safely upon its shoulder.

Once it had settled the child, his attention turned to her and she spoke, the tree beneath her blooming. “You have come into these creatures’ nests. They may be but ants to you, but even ants can bite.” As if her words were a prediction, an explosion happened--like when lightning hit a pine--and suddenly the embodiment of the storm was missing a foot! Ryeri wasn’t sure how necessary feet were to storms, but by its roar, perhaps more than she’d imagined. “Come with me to these woods.” For at this height, she could see the injured trees that she yearned to heal, “Let us leave this nest.

Y O O N , Y E O N G - S U
Interacting with:
Location: Village

Yeong-Su was simply glad that the villagers didn't need any coaxing. Desperation can truly help in certain situations. As soon as they were within reach and attached to each other, they were out. Just in the nick of time too and he breathed a sigh of relief and moved back. However, a woman had charged forward and wrapped her arms around him.

"You're welcome." He said and paused. He wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to do in this situation. Yeong-Su patted her back before gently pushing her away to separate her from himself.

The cats from the armored man were also bringing stray villagers towards the safer place. He studied them for a moment. They seemed to be waited for something in bated breath and Yeong-Su could tell for what— even in his own world, his own reality, any help required some sort of compensation. For someone to aid another through the goodness of their heart was rare.

"Okay, well, you'll be safe for now. I think. Um. Do what you will with that."

He turned to the Demon Lord who was being accosted. Something exploded and took away his foot. That had to be Min-Su. Unless those other people know some sort of fire or explosion magic. He really didn't know. However, someone else from the trees had risen up to speak to the Demon Lord? Interesting.

He moved to a more advantageous position to look over what was happening to try and hear this discussion but didn't make a move to attack. Yeong-Su kept an eye on Min-Su just in case she needed an emergency exit.

Interaction: Witch Lady Taigakitt Taigakitt , and then no one in particular
Time + Place: You can't have space without time, but Yugen still doesn't have a watch. Nor a map.


Yugen’s offer was brushed off. She glanced around the hag’s face as the woman explained her status as a demon knight under a lord. The witch’s hands slipped out of the astral being’s, but Yugen did not move. They stood there, staring at the wall.

Yugen was pretty sure demons were supposed to be bad. Right?

The weight of the door pulled itself closed.


She crossed her arms, lazily drifting around the small hut.

It was pretty gross and boring here. But Yugen didn’t necessarily want to help the hag. Its eyes flickered to the door, accompanied by a hum.

Yugen didn’t have a really good grasp on the situation to figure out if she really wanted to hinder the hag, either.

Maybe Yugen could just watch?

She smiled.

It exited the home, going back just the way it came from. Yugen weaved through trees up until it got to the side of the bridge they had started on.

That’s where she could see it.

The dark, monstrous form of… whatever that is, towering over everything and— was it missing a foot, or were the buildings just in the way?

She could also see a few of the creatures surrounding it: some green things, and some thing with wings.

…At the very least, this was more interesting than the witch’s home.

Yugen stood still, watching what they could from where they were standing with awe. And confusion.

What is that? And that, and that, and that? They didn’t look like anything Yugen had interacted with before. She could barely tell one of the green things apart from the tree it sat on.

Maybe Yugen needed a better look?

Its feet planted on the ground. The gravel, grass, and debris punctured the soles of her feet, getting pulled in and thrown into the vast space that made up Yugen’s body. Slowly, she grew in size, pulling in more miscellaneous items from the ground until she was about half as tall as the Demon Lord.

When it was satisfied with its height, Yugen and the ground parted once more.

From up here, it was much easier to see everything. She smiled at the now-small people beyond her.

She looked on, watching the interactions from her new point of view.

Despite his best efforts, his claws digging deep in the midnight flesh he traversed, the creature was not bleeding. Why wasn't it bleeding? All creatures bled, his friends did, the animals did, he did, even his enemies, few and far between, bled as well. Regardless, he continued to slash, hoping to stop the imposing juggernaut, his talons siking into the surface, as the pouring rain made falling an easy result of a misstep.

A looming shadow was cast above the lizard, his olive eyes focusing on the massive fist that slowly approached him, the index finger struggling to unfurl as the thumb locked it in place. Droplets decelerated, falling with the speed of an autumn leaf, time had begun to move exponentially slower as Zee's survival instinct kicked in. He raised his arms forward, bracing for the inevitable strike. Water fell quickly anew, the massive finger flicking forward, striking the lizard in full.

Strangely enough, the Zee-Oh was nowhere to be seen in the distance, despite taking the brunt of the gigantic flick. The giant could feel something hitting the back of his hand, upon inspection, Zee layed atop it, his back having impacted violently against the surface. Before the attack, Zee's tail had managed to wrap itself around the finger, acting as an emergency anchor for the lizard. Instead of launching him away, the centripetal force moved him orthogonally atop the fist of darkness.

Zee's eyes went wide as he gasped, turning his head behind himto see his tail still latched to the hand...and also to his own waist, he sighed in relief. Getting back on his feet, the reptile wasted no time on going to the offensive once again, shrugging off the pain rippling through his body from both blows. From this convenient platform, Zee squatted, bending his knees as far down as possible, muscles tensing before leaping forward.

He spun mid-air repeatedly, focusing on generating as much torque on his waist as he could. Once reaching the monster's face, Zee's massive tail whipped forward, striking with enough force that it could bring down a concrete wall.
GM Post #7
Tags: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic Roda the Red Roda the Red WhiskeyMarten WhiskeyMarten gxxberkit gxxberkit Lost Echo Lost Echo
simj26 simj26 The Regal Rper The Regal Rper

  • IMG_7512.jpeg
    Ryeri said:
    Come with me to these woods… Let us leave this nest.

    The Demon Lord barely shot a glance at the Dryad as he scanned the buildings for whatever caused the explosion to his missing foot.

    How could one speak when fury coursed through their veins!?

    The peace-keeping tree will need to wait for a response. He wasn’t about to telepathically talk to someone now obviously not within his ranks. Not that he could regardless. The telepathy only worked with his Knights.

    The spot where his foot once existed was obliterated, but if anyone inspected carefully, there were no casualties.

    The lack of a foot didn’t currently seem to mess with the Demon Lord’s balance.

    While the Demon Lord ignored the tree, the childish demon on his shoulder did not.

    Circe came to recognize that she was not in danger of the large shadowed demon. If she was to be stuck in this world, she might as well be with those who would look out for her.

    She waved at the Dryad, “Think you can replace his foot and bring my friend up here?

    In the dead, twisted trees beyond the bridge of the village, the Demon Lord spotted Yugen, who was not-so-suitably growing.

    Blythe, status? rang his thoughts that no one else could hear.

    The pink light in the distance faded just as the demon lord’s face was cracked with a tail stronger than it appeared.

    The tail sliced through shadowy flesh, making a jagged maw extra jagged as it extended his mouth.

    For fucks sake—

    He went to grab at the lizard again.

    The demon lord did not move from where he stood, the other buildings still perfectly intact, rain dripping down straw rooftops, puddling where the ground lay lowest.

    People were no longer in the vicinity— hidden or having run away from the village itself.

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    Their Aspirations || Rally's CS File


    She was soaked to the bone and the first thing she heard was someone beckoning her to kill.

    Perhaps her name had spread too far.

    Her head hurt as her memory was clouded. The last thing she remembered was the sound of heinous laughter as Static stood above them all. Yet she saw no recognizable heroes here. In fact, it seemed almost as though they beckoned her to become their hero.

    What a laughable request.

    Then again she’d never heard of someone so insane to call themselves a demon lord. But perhaps that was more a title put upon them. She forced herself to stand despite the weakness she felt.

    This small town was nothing like the metropolis she was used to. There was a pink eyesore in front of her. Oh? That was interesting. She put a hand out beckoning it closer, reeling it in with her telekinetic power until she could practically smell it.

    “Ooo aren’t you just the squishiest thing around. You want heroes? You should know better than to call down such a plague if you’re already suffering.”

    Foolish days that had long since past flashed before her eyes as the sounds of screaming brought her back to her powerless childhood.

    Where were her people? She looked around to find a familiar face, hoping to see her patchwork gang, and instead saw an old echo of history.


    The Regal Rper The Regal Rper (Desmond?) Taigakitt Taigakitt (Axolotyl)


Dominic | Unknown

He blinked.

It rained.

A thousand droplets hit the ground, sounding like the thudding of steps on solid floor, yet even as the haze of light vanished, he couldn't help but feel instantly, something wasn't right.

He looked around, not really listening to the voice, a unrecognizable voice, below. Confusion was the first to push through them immediately after was paranoia.

Nothing looked right where he stood. He was aware, because he always was, that there were: one, two, three-- three individuals around him, nearby.

Had he been teleported? Was it a trap again? The message had been from her-- her of all people to reach out to him, after all this time he hadn't believed. Hadn't expected it.

So the possibility it had all been a lie, a trick--Paranoia blossomed with irritation, the two feelings sent an electric sensation through muscles and every aspect of his body that burned, like heat building up on during a workout from lactic acid suffusing muscles, that heat tingled- like static made the curls in his hair length, like the sugar rush kicking in, he felt a kick as the energy he pulled from Anger and Doubt stored itself in his cells and improved their actions- that's when he tuned in. Finally listened to:

"...demon lord threatens the peace of our world. There’s only a couple villages left that aren’t under the threat of demonkind. I summoned you here. Go kill him~”

Complete nonsense-- his eyes honed in on the creature, watched it get pulled without actually paying any attention to the person doing it. He was distracted, focusing on the auras around, figuring out just where he was, where any of them were. Trying to understand if he really had been ambushed or if this was actually happening and if it was happening then the next step was figuring out what was happening, because it was clear whatever was happening was in fact, abnormal--


He finally looked at the one who had spoken first. Finally saw her-- and he stared.

She looked different, the same but different. His expression was unreadable to her, it was shocked, stunned, it mirrored 'Dessy' perfectly. Like the person standing before her was a mirror copy, chiselled out of reality itself and placed before her in the moment.

'Dessy' didn't respond. He was staring at her. His eyes shifting from her to the creature, the talking magical creature as he had mentally slotted it.

And then, he did something surprising.

He closed his eyes, opened them, and when he did a spiderweb of red lines emerged across the skin of his eyelids, stretched up to his forehead, his hands clenched into balled fists, a network of burning orange lines forming around the skin as his hair, short curls, lengthend and undulated in the downpour around them.

Every droplet that touched him, elicited a hiss.

"Rally," his voice had an echo, one she was familiar with. It always did that when he gave in, used his true power, it was cold, hollow, and vicious, but this one held a chill to it almost unrecognizable. "Give me that thing. It must be one of Tamer's Familiars. She'll find me. I have to kill it before she brings Twelve."

And he reached forward with a body that hissed steam and heat from every droplet touching him, eyes burning bright red, hair a black shifting mass that floated around him.

"Give it to me before Tamer locks in on our location!"

Mentions: n/a

Interactions: BriiAngelic BriiAngelic simj26 simj26 Taigakitt Taigakitt
Sozaemon Kuuhakusozaemon.pngOne moment, a moment of feeling another stab at his heart as he felled yet another worthless foe, and the next, he was standing in a field, the day both dark and bright, twin beasts in the distance facing each other. An overwhelming sense of danger flooded his senses, and he readied his sword, clasping onto it with both hands, stance at the ready. Fresh blood still dripped from the edge of his sword, having only recently taken its fill from ronin-turned-bandits. They did not satisfy.

He observed his surroundings. Two humanoids, one creature. Given its words, the creature was the one who brought him and the other two to this place. He did not recognise the magic used. It felt like an onmyoji’s teleportation spell, but it was far more advanced. More than just space, it was a tear in reality and time. Fascinating. Very fascinating. A ‘summoning’, it said. As far as he knew, ‘summons’ usually had a ‘classification’ in mind for getting the right target to appear. The air itself felt different, smelled different. He was no longer in his own world. He had heard of such tales before, but he dared not imagine that he was about to be a part of it. He glanced at the other two with him, who were now beginning to converse with each other.

He was the odd one out here. “Hm.” He sheathed his sword, and turned towards the creature. “You make it sound as if it were an easy task. I suppose this is what they mean by ‘easier said than done’.” His heart burned as he turned his gaze upwards towards the beasts. He had never slain a being as fell and great as this one. He wondered if he could. So many years spent on practice, and no practical application. Surely, his blade would dull before he could gouge even a single part of it.

But all demons and monsters have their weaknesses. There must be a point where he could strike at. The head? The brain? Perhaps its heart? He will have to get a closer look.

He cast a look towards the other two. One had horns, the other looked as if he had crawled out of the fires of hell itself. Both demons, taking the form of humans. From his experience handling their kin, he couldn’t trust them. They were free to follow if they wanted to, but for now, he would have a go at it himself.

“I’m sorry if I’m interrupting, but it seems as if you two have previous responsibilities to handle. I shall take my leave first. Feel free to join me when you are done with your affairs.” He bowed slightly, and, hand on his scabbard, he started towards the beasts. By ‘demon’, he supposed the creature was referring to the one clad in darkness, but he had seen ones adorned in the light of the sun as well. Best to keep that in mind for the time being. He would be happy to take the other one down as well, if he were so inclined.

While his face retained its faint smile and heartless gaze, his heart cried out in happiness and joy. Finally and hopefully, a death worth dying. A fight worth fighting. Blood worth spilling. He hoped this world gave him the battles he so craved.
Ryeri let the storm’s fury wash over her, as meaningless as its rain to her. She allowed her attention to be drawn to the child when she spoke. “Your friend?” She asked, cocking her head. She looked down, at the creatures below--like ants to her at this height--and chose one who had been standing near the girl. At least they weren’t swarming like true ants woulds. A vine fell down from her hand, coiling around the boy’s waist and pulling him upward. As he rose, she looked back at the winged child. “I can grow roots for anyone, but I do not think the Storm would be pleased to be tied down.

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