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5,000 years ago a group of ailing but powerful atlantean bureaucrats searched relentlessly for the answer to acquire eternal life, this eccentric group calling themselves the illuminati used their vast influence and resources to gather numerous occultists and fringe pseudo scientists of atlantis to help them finally solve the secret equation for immortality. But after countless failures suddenly a gleamer of hope appeared from a seemingly unknown young atlantean scientist named Alucard , this atlantean scientist used the art of alchemy and biology to bring back to life a dead slave cadaver, claiming to the council that the secret of immortality dwelled within the very blood of this undead vessel, Alucard observed the undead cadaver for scientific research purposes and learned it only could sustain itself off the blood of the living. Alucard immediately warned the impatient atlantean bureaucrats that further testing and research must be done to refine the blood serum properly, but the bureaucrats patiences dwindled and they sent their soldiers to raid the laboratory and bring them Alucards notes and the blood serum, ultimately a accidental fire was set inside the laboratory when the undead cadaver broke free of its bonds and rampaged thru the laboratory to attack the atlantean soldiers for their blood. Alucard barely escaped the fire with his life but now he was infected by the undead cadaver's bite, For the curse brought on by the blood serum had turned alucard into a immortal vampire like creature that now needed to feed upon the blood of the living to sustain himself, alucard immediately took control over the council and transformed them all into superhumanly powerful vampiric creatures like himself. But alucard told them of their few weakness, sunlight, fire and decapitation are the only three methods of destorying these foul creatures forever, and surviving the bite of these monsters will transform the subject into a cursed one as well. But now in our modern times the Cursed illuminati has ruled from the shadows of the night to establish their underworld empire once again.

Cursed ones vampire abilities

Cursed ones have the strength of 100 men and a unholy healing factor that can regenerate nearly any injury within minutes, and immortality. This creatures can move at superhuman speeds that makes them appear as a blur to the human eye, and all of their five senses are superhuman in nature. Cursed ones have a special ability which they call glamour, when making eye contact with a weaker will victim it allows them to control their mind. Cursed ones can learn any skill or memory from drinking the blood of their victim. Cursed ones have blood red eyes that glow bright red when they are hungry or angry, and retractable fangs in their mouths to drain blood with. Cursed ones must feed once aday upon the blood of a living creature to sustain themselves, if they do not feed they will grow weaker and weaker until death overtakes them.

warlocks and witches abilities

The descendents of the childern of the fallen demons and angels, they have the forbidden knowledge of alchemy and the dark mystical arts of magical rituals to control the very elements. This mystical power allows them to alter the laws of reality around them, but their greatest weakness is their human bodies and human lifespans. Their power is past on through their bloodlines.

Werebeasts abilities

The Curse was originally created by some ancient shaman or witch, these individuals who survive a attack by a werebeast will also become a werebeast as well. Their are a few different types of werebeasts, werewolf, weretiger,wererat,weresnake. All of these monsters have different degrees of superhuman strength and speed, and can all heal from any wound thats not inflicted by silver weapons.The phases of the full moon causes them to lose control over their curse and their inner beast takes over, but any other time they can control their curse with some effort. Each class of werebeats also have their own varies abilities that mirrors their animal forms.
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This is very interesting I am interested but would like some more detail on the plot PM?

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