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Supernaturally Bound

Castiel was silent as he watched the Winchesters walking around the room of the small motel that they had rented for the week. According to what he was hearing, there was a nest of vampires somewhere in the area that needed to be taken care of. Apparently they had been murdering locals and leaving their drained bodies on the side of the highway that ran right through town. He let out a quiet sigh as he watched Sam sit down in front of the window with his laptop. Dean had asked him to come and aid them in the hunt. He didn't understand why they wanted him here though. It was a small case. Couldn't the Winchesters handle it by themselves? He looked down at his hands and shuffled to the side of the room where he could observe while being out of the way. It wasn't like he had other things to do right now. Heaven was practically silent and nothing was happening. The angel found that a bit unnerving himself but didn't question it. Perhaps things would be quiet for awhile, allowing for them all to have a break. But that wasn't likely. When were things ever peaceful? He couldn't remember. All throughout his memory, there was nothing but war and bloodshed. Even the demons had been silent. Something was about to happen. Whatever it was, hopefully they would be prepared for it.
Atropa had driven to town just as the Winchesters had asked. She'd gotten a call early that morning, asking her to help them on a Vampire hunt.

It had been weird, since it was just a normal hunt, but she'd accepted.

She hadn't seen them for a long time, and so she figured there was no harm in going on one hunt with some old friends.

Finally pulling up to the hotel they said they'd been staying at, she checked her texts to make sure she'd found the right room.

Knocking on the door, she pulled her leather jacket tighter around her.
"Would you get that, Cas?" Dean asked as he sat down on the bed with a machete in hand along with a sharpening stone. He knew it was Atropa since he had glanced out of the window when he heard her pull in.

Castiel nodded and went over to the door. He opened it and tilted his head as he gazed at her. "Hello," He said slowly as he watched her, "You must be Atropa. We've been waiting for you." He watched her for awhile longer before stepping out of the doorway to let her in. He saw her soul so he knew it was the real her. Her soul was stunningly beautiful. Much more innocent than most of the humans he had seen. "Dean isn't entirely sure that this is a vampire nest. This is why you were called."
Atropa smiled as the door was opened by someone she hadn't met yet.

He stood there for a moment before letting her in, and she felt her cheeks blazing with embarrassment.

"Oh, I see." She answered, stepping inside and taking a seat on one of the beds.

"And who are you? I don't think we've met." She said, to the man who'd opened the door.
"This is Castiel," Dean said before the angel could respond. "He's just here as back up." He stood up and nudged Castiel despite his displeasure. "I think there's something other than vampires here..."

Castiel looked oddly at Dean when he was pushed to the side. He wanted to interact with this new human but the elder Winchester was simply shoving him away like an old toy.
Atropa smiled when he was introduced, but noticed that Dean pushed him aside.

"Dean, I know you have a crush on me, but I've never met Castiel. I'd like to talk to him."
Before Dean could reply, Castiel put himself back in front of Dean. "I can fill her in on what's happening, Dean," He said as he glanced back, "I do recall you saying that you needed to sharpen your weapons."

Dean went silent but returned to the bed to continue sharpening his machete.
Atropa smiled softly and sighed.

"Sorry. Not trying to cause any tension between you guys."

She just felt bad for the Angel. He seemed so nice, but Dean had been pushing him out of the way.
"Dean simply wishes to complete this job," Castiel replied smoothly as he looked over at Sam. "There is an open chair if you wish to sit down, Atropa." He looked back at her, his sapphire blue eyes glittering with a strange emotion. "This appeared to be a simple vampire nest but new evidence has arisen and Dean believes that it may be a jinn. That's why you were asked to come. It is believed that it is a very powerful create."
Atropa nodded and sat in the chair, crossing her legs and sitting back, listening.

"Oh, I see. Jinn are really quite tricky, so I guess the more of us, the better."

She smiled at Castiel, examining him for a moment. He was quite cute, despite it only being his vessel.

Angels worked differently.
Castiel nodded slightly and looked over at Dean as he stood up. "We know where this thing is located now. Are you ready or do you need to rest before we go?" He asked as he stared at Atropa with blank eyes. He wanted to get this over with. The longer the thing was alive, the more people were killed. Then he could get Castiel away from Atropa. He felt oddly jealous with their contact.
Atropa noticed that Dean seemed to want to keep Castiel away from her, but she wasn't sure why.

"I'm good to go." She answered, standing.

She felt weird, as if she'd caused some kind of conflict between the two men, but she didn't know what.

She'd only just arrived, after all.
"Cas? Wanna bring us there?" Sam asked as he got up, tucking a gun into the waistband of his pants. "We're all set to go." He noticed the tension between his brother and the angel so he was eager to separate them.

Castiel nodded at Sam and with the soft flutter of wings, brought them to what appeared to be a Texas style ranch house in the middle of a field that was surrounded with large draft horses. He turned to gaze at the house, noticing that most of the lights were off except in one room where soft music could be heard playing.

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