
There are The Onew who hunt Supernatural Beings and There are the Beings. Who run and Perfer to stay unnoticed. As everyone, hopefully, knows. Sam & Dean Winchester are the Main Characters in The hit Series Supernatural. Decide which Character you will Play.

Charcter Sheets:

Supernatural Being-















Why you Became A Hunter:


My Info to Come Soon!
Name: Sam Winchester


Appearance:View attachment 11393

Personality: He is the brains of the Winchester duo. He is quite serious and doesn't usually joke around. He tries to help Dean make the right choices and looks out for him as much as Dean does for him.

Weapons: various firearms and melee weapons

Why you became a hunter: Mother was killed by a demon when he was 6 months old and his girlfriend was killed by the same demon.
((yeah really close)

Name: Bridgit Legends

Age: 15

Species: Witch

Powers: She was fairly young when she discovered her powers. Which were many qualities. Bridgit first noticed her powers at a young age. She could control Arua, that could cause serious pain, or blind the enemy/target. She could also create potions for many, summon demons, and Even Dissapear occasionally.

History: Bridgit was abandon by her mother at ae seven. Since then, se had been on the run. Hiding from hunters, society, and most important, learning her powers.

Appearence: Bridgit has shoulder length, Aubrey hair. That forms natural curls on the tips. She has light skin, hazel freckles on her rosy pink cheeks and apple doll nose, and baby blue eyes. Bridgit is fairly tall. Not the tallest Fifteen year old. But tall. Bridgit has a sweet smile, with white, strait teeth.

Personality: Bridgit is on the shy side. She does not like to talk to anybody, mortal or not. In fear that they are hunters after her. All she thinks a hunter is an Evil person, who only wants to kill her and her kind. If she was confronted by a hunter she would either hit them with arua, a potion, or flee on the other direction.

(( Now we can wait for someone to play Dean. Unless you would like to do Both roles. If not, We wil wait.))
((I don't think I could play both. I'm not much of a Dean roleplayer. Plus it would be cool to have someone play my 'brother' I guess. I could even call them a jerk! haha.))
Name: Dean Winchester

Age: 4 Years Older Than Sam

Appearence:View attachment 11637

(The one is Center)

Personality: Dean is a True, Self Confident Jerk. But he is really protective of his younger brother Sam. He is always Looking for a way to Mess with his brother, and LOVES Pie

Wepons: Fire-Arms, Knives, Spells.

Why you became a Hunter: Mother was killed by One.

((Great I'll post first.))

Bridgit ran through an old abandon building. Panting she glanced back. Two hunters, both Female. Were after her. Bullets wizzed by. One Grazin her cheek. She winced, then struggled forward. " Stop Witch!" One screamed, firing an accurate shot. The bullet penetrated Bridgits shoulder, she bit her botton lip to avoid cryin out.

From behind, She could hear them approaching. A wall loomed infront of her, Two gas tanks were piled ontop of each other. She turned, the hunters approached. " Where are you going to run to now?" The Smaller one, with Blonde hair muttered. The elder one raised her gun, "Goodbye." She slyly, smiled. "No Stop!" Bridgit screamed, ducking as the bullet flewpast her. She heard the clanking of metal. "Oh no!" She breathed. Bridgit ran out, just in time to see the buildng, go up in flames. The two hunters screamed and shouted. Whether they had gotten out or not, se was free. Bridgit headed into the woods. Dissapearing under th Moons light.
Dean sat in the Drivers Seat of his 1967 Chevy Impala. One hand on the Wheel the other on the leather seat. He firm placed his foot to the petal. Today, in His Brown Jcket and white T. He watched the road. For miles there had been nothing but Desert. He turned up the Radio that Played a Familiar song, Highway to Hell. Slowly he tapped his fingers on the wheel.

Dean glanced to the Passenger seat, to where his Four year younger brother, Sam, sat with a laptop in his lap. Dean watched as he silently watched Sam type int the keyboard. "Anything New?" He asked watching the Sun over the Horison.
Sam scrolled through online news articles. "Hold on a second." There were many articles about people coming to report to the police that strange things had been happening to them. Some swore they heard something in their houses, and things randomly appearing in their homes. One person had claimed that there were circles drawn on every mirror in the house, and no matter what height you were, your face would be in the middle. "There are a few articles here. Since we are pretty close by it wouldn't hurt to check it out. It sounds like it could be some sort of witchcraft. Possibly demons. No one had died yet, but we may as well stop in." Sam looked up exactly what city this had been happening in.
Dean nodded, "Couldn't hurt." He replied, pressing the pedal. "Witchcraft and Demons. Two of my Favorite things." He grinned."Maybe after we could stop for Food. Just a Thought." Dean glanced to the Clock, 11:54am. Perfect time fo investigation. He eased his foot, slowing a car to a stop at a Red light. He looked at Sam, "What's the First Adress?"
Light peered through a window, into one abandon house. Bridgit laid on the couch, she slowly woke. The house was located far into the woods. Yellow Pines circle intensily. After The Expierence last night, she didnt hesitate. She casted a protective spell, around the barrior. All night had been quiet, maybe even a little too Quiet.

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