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Fandom Supernatural


Drinker of coffees
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Ask to join here, not on the Character Sign-ups page. The more the merrier!
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Hey I do not think I will be able to be one of the main cast characters. I feel I wouldn't be able to portray the real character well and I am not on enough for be able to post all the time. I feel I'd slow the roleplay down.
Should I post hunt details on one of the tabs? Also I never notice until now, but you Avatar is wearing Kido's hoodie.
@Mariam @Runakei

Please ask to join here instead. I've taken the liberty of adding you both already, but I still need to know what other group Runakei wants to be in.
There's three groups: The main cast, the extras, and the monster group. You can't just be in the main cast, as there's so few of us. You have to pick a second group to be in, at least until we get more people.
Well, monster's die. as well as extra's and even if they don't they normally don't return unless they get in trouble again... So I figured why not? So whenever you ABSOLUTELY need an extra character or monster. Let me know... Also I finished my character page.
Well, we're going to be going from one hunt to the next, per say, so we're going to need a lot of extras and monsters.

Theoretically, if an when this gets popular, we're going to have three discussions going on behind the scenes: one for the extras group, one for the monster group, and one for both team leaders to talk with each other. My goal is to get to a point where none of the main cast has to be in a group besides the main cast. It'll be like having a large group GM instead of just one person.
@SecretRock @Mariam @Runakei

Also, until we have enough people to remove the main cast from the other groups, we can just talk about what the monster is and what's needed extras-wise here. I trust you three won't mettagame in the mean time, yes?

Also, should we have the main cast already know each other, or should they meet up on this hunt?
I think it would make sense for some of the main cast to know each other, but so far some of them seem like they would have no business with each other previously.

AS for the monsters, I have a suggestion. Like the extra and monster categories can discuss the monster and what happened, but the main cast could have to work it out like the characters would. If it's too hard or obscure for a few days (at most, don't want to slow the RP down.) of research to find, then they can straight up tell them.
SecretRock said:
I think it would make sense for some of the main cast to know each other, but so far some of them seem like they would have no business with each other previously.
AS for the monsters, I have a suggestion. Like the extra and monster categories can discuss the monster and what happened, but the main cast could have to work it out like the characters would. If it's too hard or obscure for a few days (at most, don't want to slow the RP down.) of research to find, then they can straight up tell them.
It was my plan for the main cast role players to be left in the dark about what was going on, but that's not going to be an option until we have more people to take over the extras and monsters. For now, we're going to just talk about the case as a group and do our best not to mettagame.

Unless, of course, two of us want to give up our spots as main cast, but I personally know I'd rather not. Though I might have to, given that I'd probably have to regulate what monsters we come up with and set up plot votes and all that...

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